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Living world season 4 questions


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So I have played everything in this game except for season 4. Before I get ready too embark on my adventure had a couple questions.


1. How is the story acting going? I loved season 2 the most by far. Or is the story going down hill do you think?


2. How is it feeling difficulty wise? On par with pof or more around hot levels?


3. How are the maps? Did they do away with timed meta events like hot or can you always join in on maps at any time like silverwastes)? Are any new meta events really going strong?


4. Anything else you waned to share about your opinions on it without any spoilers please?

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1. IMO story is really nice. The cutscenes are getting better and better. You meet really interessting new characters (somes are still, meh) and you go into really nice location only accessible during missions. And episode 4 first mission is so epic !

2. DIfficulty is ... You know GW2...

3. Maps are great and at least 2 time bigger than season3 ones. To much desert for me exept the second one, and a part really nice part of the fourth one <3. There are meta events but only 1 or 2 are really done by people.

4. CUTSCENES BRO ! And the fact that it expends a lot the playable world <3

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In my opinion the story is getting better and better, but not everybody thinks that way. The quality is definitely higher.


Season 4 is probably on the easy side. Many people have complained about the difficulty, but honestly nobody should listen to those types because they just ignore everything the game is throwing at them.


The maps are... okay. I've only played them on release. Istan still holds up pretty well. It's a farm map with a meta every 2 hours. Sandswept Isles is a cool map, but sadly deserted as it offers next to no repeatable content. It has two meta events with extremely underwhelming and unrewarding bosses. Domain of Kourna in my opinion is an absolutely awful map. Event mobs don't give any loot because Anet thought that was a smart idea and the Meta that is on the map is rather bland. It does give a fair amount of chests to loot, but I would never wait for it personally.


Especially the latest map and story are fantastic. I recommend you play through it all.

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I think the story has gotten better. There's been a lot of developments over time, which have been going on since HoT or even Season 2 but they feel like they're all coming to a head now and I'm very curious about where it's going, especially given some of the revelations in the latest episodes. I know not everyone thinks that. Some people think the writing is dull and predictable and others think it's impossible to predict because there's not enough continuity between what happens in one episode and what's in the next one.


The map vary. The first one has a big meta-event a bit like HoT but relatively simple, others are more like PoF or central Tyria maps with lots of events and small chains but nothing that dominates the map. I think people still do the Istan meta every day, but I'm not on any of the maps often enough to know for sure, recently I've been going back to finish stuff I never got around to in HoT and PoF.


IMO if you're interested in the storyline of GW2 you absolutely need to play the living story as well as the expansions, it just won't make sense otherwise. If you don't care about the story then it's harder to say if they're worth having, and I know opinions on that vary a lot.

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It’s all very good. People will complain about anything so you’ll see all manner of “problems”, but in my own opinion it’s a great season! Honestly the only thing I could even say is that the amount of desert may be too much (pretty much my least favorite biome in games), but that’s not quite true, there’s a lot of variety within the desert region

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If you want to enjoy all Halloween has to offer this year, you'll want to have finished Episode 3, first.

> Otherwise, I'm sure it will be back next year.


> Good luck.


I did complete season 3 already but just curious why? Isn't the Halloween event the same as every other year or are they adding something?

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I think they are referring to Season 4, Episode 3. There may be new content involving the Roller Beetle this Halloween.


The Halloween content this year ties in with episode 3's story as well as a throwback to GW1. On top of that, yes there is new roller beetle content


> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > If you want to enjoy all Halloween has to offer this year, you'll want to have finished Episode 3, first.

> > Otherwise, I'm sure it will be back next year.

> >

> > Good luck.


> I did complete season 3 already but just curious why? Isn't the Halloween event the same as every other year or are they adding something?


Yes they are adding stuff, including lore associated with my above comment

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > If you want to enjoy all Halloween has to offer this year, you'll want to have finished Episode 3, first.

> > Otherwise, I'm sure it will be back next year.

> >

> > Good luck.


> I did complete season 3 already but just curious why? Isn't the Halloween event the same as every other year or are they adding something?


Your thread asked about Season 4; the quoted post references Episode 3 from said Season.

Yes, they are adding new content.


Good luck.

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