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All Hail Steve! May he chainsaw your souls into Eternity! Keeping a tradition alive.

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I just want to say I love the Labyrinthine Horror, AKA Steve. His Unofficial Official name :) I can't wait for my bone daddy to return!


The first year of Lab-my guild started calling him Steve off the bat (hah pun) (cause its a very plain name) insisting he was my character Aggies Creepy Ex-boyfriend that stalks her every year. Back in those days he would destroy your face he was very very strong, and he would always pop up at inopportune times and kill me straight off when I was leading in Labyrinth.


I don't claim to be the first to call him that but I do find it funny that everyone gravitated to that name. We were very surprised that year to hear others call him that as well.

There are many stories of how he came to be known as Steve but I find it interesting that the community has inserted that as his permanent name. I would be interested to know where you all first heard the name Steve!


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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> Hey! Leave me out of this! ;) :p B)


> And I first used the name Steve when I was 13 years old, in 1979, and decided that from that day on I would be Steve instead of Stephen. I'm not about to stop now because of some ossified upstart.


Sure you did fake Steve.

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No, he follows into the middle. He follows EVERYWHERE. And yes, his name is Steve. The Deep Sea Dragon is ALSO Steve. There is enough room for both Steves in our world. And I think I heard the name Steve about the skelly first Halloween. Or at least the first Halloween that it was out. LOL Everyone was just calling him Steve so it stuck.

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> @"sostronk.8167" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > Hey! Leave me out of this! ;) :p B)

> >

> > And I first used the name Steve when I was 13 years old, in 1979, and decided that from that day on I would be Steve instead of Stephen. I'm not about to stop now because of some ossified upstart.


> Sure you did fake Steve.


hahahahhaha OMG

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My first run in with Steve this year was during the race. I had just pulled ahead into first, we we're closing in on the finish line with me a full leap ahead of the other 6 or so races. "I'm going to win, I'm going to be first!" I thought. And at that moment Steve comes flying in from the left and with a single buzz of his chainsaw demounts me and leaves me laying face first in the dirt as all 6 other races fly past and leave me in last place. Good old Steve.... ^_^*

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"rotheche.2964" said:

> > Every time I go into the Labyrinth, that pile of kittening bones is there, and he chases me all over the map. Seriously, doesn't he have a range?


> He does have a range, it’s roughly the size of the entire labyrinth.


Like a good neighbor (and the Crystal Desert hydras), Steve is there... :D

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