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because spiteful spirit was the gamebraking skill in this game xD. DE invis spam, fine. Mirage evade spam fine.


so what anet? what is reaper intended to be? you nerfed the stability and sustain into oblivion so he cannot tank anything. you nerfed its condi builds into oblivion. you nerfed now burst twice. what is reaper intended to be? what is reapers role? i have never seen any other class get so overnerfed like necro xD. Mirage fucking OP but since 12 month no Change to gamebraking Mirage cloak. cause Mirage is supposed to be broken for all the scrubs in the game to have a Chance.


and reaper is supposed to be the freebaggy like necro in General ever was. this System Team continue to fail like they ever did. GGWP anet. congratulations to all the mesmer mains at anet HQ to fuck up their necro community for the 192678136163961689497180471th time.

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They are apparently balancing Spiteful Spirit on the assumption that every necro is running Onslaught + Death Perception while ignoring the fact that Onslaught Reaper isn't even competitive.


Edit: Spiteful Spirit criticals for around ~1k-1.5k now. It's basically just a boonrip skill now.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Seems maybe too many Reapers killed the Anet devs that were running with the WvW groups recently.

> Next time they join the WvW raids, kill them with your Mirage and Deadeye and you will see the nerf in next patch.


I'm pretty sure this is exactly what happened with DH's longbow getting nerfed in wvw when near every other nerf at that time was pvp-only. Everybody knows that no guardians in zergs ever ran longbow, and any who did were just being experimental or having fun, not being effective. The only guards in wvw that ran LB were roamers and its clear that the two trueshot nerfs at the time were specifically aimed at roamers meaning someone just wrecked a dev really hard and we saw a knee-jerk reaction nerf.

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