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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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* The Olmakhan's other armor pieces like the headpiece.

* More Exalted armor pieces.

* More pelt based attire like the houndskin mantle, for most armor pieces.

* Maybe a Dragon pelt based armor piece or backpiece.

* Mount skins that show a rep'd guild's logo.

* Piñata mount skins.

* Maraca mace skin.

* A medieval bucket helmet.

* An actual bucket as a helmet.

* An ice themed backpiece.

* An open and compact designed, engineer's tinkering kit as a backpiece with a visible turret stand base.

* A set of sheathed daggers and supplies a thief might use, but packed lightly as a backpiece.

* A well decorated wall mirror as a backpiece.

* A first AID kit backpiece.

* A mounted crystal ball backpiece that sometimes channels either a npc that falls in your story's words of wisdom, or a Revenant's Legendary Stance's messages that normally only the Revenant hears.

* A compact backpiece kit with either an elemental totem bindings, or a ring with the 4 Elementalist attunements circling around at the same time.

* A small collection of different skull pieces/types strung up and hanging together from a small sack as a backpiece.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!



Wow, what a fantastic idea! Congratulations on your recent successes, I personally think the Skyscale launch was incredible work!


Right at the top of my hit list is "A bunch of Crystal Champion skins" to allow the player to customise the animation attached to Leap of Faith. (Or maybe just the ability to cosmetically effect the current one. Change the colour or something like it) I imagine you already have a database full of options! I'd love to see a Bloodstone skin. Hell, I'd love to see this option in game. We all love Aurene, but she doesn't make life easy when you're trying to land that perfect mount chain.


I'm avidly excited to see the new Skyscale skins. The Branded Skins look incredible!

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Also I would love to see a true WHIP weapon (possibly a "dagger" model) Legendary. It would share the paintbrush/stars look of astralaria/twilight etc. Except it would be a black and white weapon trail

Stun animations would literally show the enemy choking with it wrapped about.


Anyway anything along those liens would be amazing if it ever happened.




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I've got a character with every fiery thing I could find. Hellfire armor, Volcanus, Incinerator/Rodgort, fire quiver backpack, all fiery mount skins, the meteor glider and the destroyer wings dyed orange/black, realm portal spike finisher, and the Hounds of Balthazar mail carrier. I think the only thing missing is a chair! Could we please get a fiery chair, maybe Balthazar themed?

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Please if you could ,make not to risque light armor skins for heavy armor players. Oh and a dragon tail. Also oh you could sell armor with temporary stats before disintegrating maybe even make quest to keep keep the stats. Hmm? i want frost phoenix wing glider and a phoenix tail. Also these are not my ideas so never feel even a hint of gratitude towards me

main point: light armor skins for heavy armor maybe just casual separate pice skins but maybe really expensive and dragon and phoenix tail. Oh my dream is to ride chicken mount skin. Also if there is alreay light armor like skins for heavy armor then please if it could be expanded.


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> @"RAZOR.7246" said:

> Self buff canister specifically for open world so I can run around on a class that doesn't buff itself very well and still enjoy playing it to it's potential.

> E.g. 1 hour buffs for 25might, fury, quickness, alac, prot, swiftness


Holy P2W, Batman! Please, no!

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I think an Awakened Abomination warclaw skin could be neat. And just a regular Bengal tiger warclaw skin without all the armor and such.


And some skyclaw skins! Some more traditional looking dragons with horns. Wyvern skin. Completely crystal skin that has a similar feel to Exordium. Maybe even a flying Hydra skyscale skin so I can ride around on King Ghidorah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Ghidorah Tons of cool dragon skins that could get really creative.


Also, a complete etherbound set without them being black lion chest random drops would be nice. I really wanted the forged shoulders but after 50 keys realized it wasn't worth the gamble.


I'm having a really hard time finding something that goes with my shiny new greatsword. Was thinking it might be cool to get an outfit that is made of crystal, not just asymmetrical crystal spikes everywhere.


The zodiac armor is a bit low res, I know that's less of a suggestion and more of a request. But some of the textures of the armor are pretty flat. I can understand not being able to dye the blue part, but when the armor looks like plastic instead of medal it kind of lessens the appeal.


The black lion chests right now are also very underwhelming, but perhaps that will be updated in a couple weeks anyway.


Here's a neat crystal dragon concept I found earlier: https://i1.wp.com/newearthenergies.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/crystal-dragons.jpg?ssl=1

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**Please Return:** Soul River Glider


**New Items:** Endless Spider Tonic (if not from the Gem store than somewhere in game, please) I could only find the “plastic spider” and I would like to transform into one of the actual in-game ones with the jungle spider being my favorite. A spider staff as a legendary or Gem store item would be awesome too! =)


And another shout out for sylvari-style mounts and more cultural armor! :#


Basically, if it’s sylvari or spider-themed, I will buy it! :3

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Please add the glowing purple mask to the gem store. I've been waiting. I've been waiting for such an item ever since the first mask appeaed, and now I've seen it on a character, only to realize that It's completely unobtianable since I don't want to have anything to do with this social media stuff and completely missed the time window by more than a month. This is beyond demotivating.

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I would like to request the Braham's Heavy Armor Skin, please. :)


I have seen at least two other players mentioning this in this topic in the past two weeks. I have been waiting for this quite some time now. Weeks, months maybe?

Can't wait to change my Heavy Charr look anymore. There really isn't any other skin that look similar to that chestpart.


Thanks in advance. ^^

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