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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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usually i dont like to have mini coz i dont want to have some large crazy being in mini size but flying not walking mini in his natural small size like raven owl hawk is interesting for me and i would feel like im always with nature coz for example raven is always near me so im interested in this kind of mini and asking bring back mini avian 3 pack owl hawk raven in gem store please.

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I'd like to see the Aetherblade armor skins come back.


As for new items, I'd like to see a plant/sylvari themed mount pack. The jackal is already ideal for a fern hound style mount. That aesthetic for all mounts would be amazing. I imagine a roller beetle that's a big seed with vines sprouting out of it (this amuses me greatly).

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Please consider the Black Lion Glider Voucher. There are quite a few requests on older Gliders. The store trend seems to do combos more than Gliders themselves.


I personally would by a pack of vouchers to collect things that have not been sold since before I started.


If one at a time remains the only option, I saw a Geomancer Glider already. I even bought an outfit and the flame sword to make a whole theme based around the glider, and can't wait to put the finishing touch on that character.


Thank you!

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> @"Archon.3987" said:

> Anet, you put all those nature & plant themed items in the gemstore (Bough of the Grove Chair, Nature's Oath, Verdant Executor, etc) but do not bring back the **Floral Glider**? Why? ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ


> Please bring back the Floral Glider. :/


Another request that the Black Lion Glider Voucher would solve.



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My suggestion: Could the Shimmerwing Skyscale skin be added back? Along with maybe the Gecko Springer and Skimmer Hummingbird? I got my Skyscale yesterday and am HYPED to see it back! I feel like it'd be such a perfect time for those skins too with all the plant/nature theme!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!



More Skyscale skins, I don't like the face of the default one. :x

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Would like more roller beetles skins, way far more exotic not a simple recolor , something that just not look like the original mount, anything, a steam charr wheel/ holographic ball/ circular seesaw....


I agree with Hugo. I would like to add an American Muscle theme for a beetle skin as well.

Evening gown outfits and armor. Prom dresses. Heels to go with both (and not boots with heels either, shoes with heels, please).

No more wrestler boots (anything that extends to the ankle and above). We have a huge collection of wrestler boots for all armor types.

Regular skirts, regular jeans. No more butt skirts on random bottoms.

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**Barbarian set**

when worn by a male character it would be a Conan style loincloth (the chest armour would be an invisible chest!)

when worn by female characters it would be a Red Sonja style chainmail bikini set


I'd like it to be a simple chest and leg armour set so we can combine it with whatever gloves and boots that we like! :smile:


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