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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I'm sure this has been discussed before. But where is living story season 1? I am sure we all would love to purchase the beginning to all living stories. As far as gem store items. i would like to see more clothes as opposed to armor. Maybe torn ragged shirts and pants. muscle shirts. Costumes are cool and all but what they miss is customization! we want to look unique so costumes should all be individually pieced so we can mix max parts from all costumes, if not we would all like to see more individual unique separate pieced, gloved, helms ect.. My personal favorite i would like to see brought back is of course the mordrem helm. Thanks guys!

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**_Unlimited Gathering Tool_** with **Glyph of Karma or Glyph of Virtue** (more then what have been offered in store before).


Karma gain need to be more then the base of 3-5 on Harvesting tool and the same independent on which tool it is to be used.



From wiki link:


* Adds 3-5 Karma to your harvesting results.

* Adds 1-3 Karma to your logging results.

* Adds 1-3 Karma to your mining results.



Reason: I have hard to time to get enough Karma from doing map completion, upgrade all map with buff to gain Karma and with how I use Enhanced Gathering Tools it is very fast to use it up all on Karma for these gathering tools. Even with fetching all Karma in sky with Skyscale on regular basis it is too slow to re-cap the cost for Gathering Tools and there are more uses for Karma then before where you need to large amount.

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> @"IceBlink.4317" said:

> Ice themed mining and harvesting tool to go with the Frost Wasp Logging Tool.


> Maybe I dunno, ice spiders dropping from ice webs onto the mining node and freezing it to shatter it, and ice rabbits running into the harvest node to freeze it and your character does a foot stomp to shatter it?


> Also what would be a good idea is to update all the existing tools to be the same efficiency as the more recent ones like the unbound magic tools - not in speed but in how much they can gather in one strike. We all know the unbound magic tools can gather 4 per hit for pick and axe, and 3 per hit for the sickle, while almost all the other tools for the other sets only allow 3 per hit for pick and axe, and 1 per hit for the sickle. So if something was done about that, it would make your former old collection of tools more worthwhile to use alongside the unbound magic ones. :tired_face:


> Other gemstore skins... how about some canthan themed weapon skins for a change? Shiro's swords for example for sword and dagger, but let dagger variant be held like in GW1 instead of GW2 backhand style. :D


That seems AWESOME!!!!!! :D

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I would love it if the lounge passes had something similar to the living season portal tomes. I have 3 passes right now, and I'm considering picking up a 4th but I don't want to devote that many shared inventory slots to them.


While I'm here, the library instance in PoF was criminally underused and would make a GREAT lounge area ;)

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It'd be great to see Aetherblade Heavy Armor Skin as returning item (in gem store or BL statuettes - doesn't matter) Currently we've got a great variety of outfit choice (via voucher), but would be awesome to have an opportunity to buy more armor skins during anniversary sale. Black Lion Armor Voucher is something worth to consider.

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1.) Primeval Outfit. I do not want armor pieces with it like the outfit. Just your body engulfed in the effect with eyes like the mount pack. If you feel the need to do armor do heavy armor that is engulfed in the effect. Do not do a helm, just the effect applied to your head.


2.) Primeval Skyscale


3.) Primeval Weapon Collection


4.) Primeval Dragon Wings (Like the older scaled-dragon wings with the primeval effect)


5.) Choya and Unicorn finisher


6.) 32 shared inventory slots

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I'd like to request the return of [black Lion Garden Plot Deed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Garden_Plot_Deed) to the Gem Store.


It seems that the said item haven't been available for almost, at the date this message is being typed, 6 months. Moreover, it looks like that this item haven't faced any discount since its release, so I wonder if it's possible considering this. Thanks for reading this suggestion!

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What if the team behind the gemstore released a skin bundle on the store regarding all us thousands who have wanted some kind of crossbow in the game since the launch days. The bundle contains a fairly standard repeater crossbow skin for use on Rifles and a repeater handbow skin to use on Pistols? Complete with their own audio effects and motions (much like some of the later rifle skins that feature moving parts and ejecting shells etc). It could be something as simple as when weapon skills are used, the string flexes and returns back to it's nocked position, and instead of making crashing shot sounds, they make crisp, mechanical snaps (kinda like how the Ironsight rifle skin sounds),


I would happily pay 1k gems for a bundle like that as I feel crossbows would be such an awesome cosmetic for all us Fashion Wars enthusiasts and Roleplayers out there.

C'mon ANet! Make it happen! I will throw my money at you for some crossbow and handbow skins!

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I dont know if i am here right with my suggestion. If not, sorry!

Whenever i have to go afk i usually let my char /sleep, so other people see i am not available. Alternative i let sit my char on a chair. Both versions dont feel right trough. A char sleeping in the wilderness or sitting on a fancy chair (except Skyscale chair) just looks not good. So today i thought of "What is if the devs develop a chair that visualy looks like your char is lying inside a tent? Or even a kind of bedroll or sleeping bag." Maybe with a small campfire beside. Several PC chars could share this campfire like the existing bonfire. Just without benefits. Would be just a nice visual. Especially for roleplayers but for other waiting or travelling with friends player too. This would add to the immersion.

Thanks for reading!

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