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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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**I would like to see a price reduction on all items in the gemstore.**

I spend alot of cash on gems to buy items in the gemstore so I am a big fan. But I am not a fan of the prices of some items in the gemstore. I have been seeing a trend of things in the gemstore getting more expensive (example the single mounts that cost 1600 gems). There is also a trend with promotions not being much of promotions, the discount is so low or they bundle things up and make them the same as the price was originally that it makes no sense to buy. In any case it is just my suggestion to lower the prices for gemstore items I am sure it will bring a lot more revenue in micro transactions.

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I like the new garden plots for home instances. This gave me an idea that it would be neat to have a 'community garden' in the guild hall where members who find seeds can add to it. I know we already have nodes in there but the members aspect kinda made me happy. Additional ideas in regards to gardening if we ever get it as a guild hall thing or even just for home instances - bringing water to our plots or on a questing basis get special manure in the open world to bring back for extra yields on the plot - not a huge bump or anything, but just a little mini-game for people who like this sort of thing. I feel that with all the effort put into collecting cats for our instances, maybe we could have a gardening plot collecting/buffing type thing happen.

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I would like to see heavy armor outfits be based on Knights and or Templar theme. I like a lot of knight armor and so far Guild Wars 2 hasn't given me that theme for my Guardian. Also would be cool to see mini capes or scarf like capes that are torn that way it can fit on all races. Or make Capes strictly human race only like they have other armor that is strictly only for that race.

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Would be nice if you bring back striders armour. At least for couple of days. Please


And I think it would be cool to have hair bow, similar to cat ears, but like a bow, with two bouncy ribbons on the back. Maybe more ear type headgear? Dogs or raccoon or any other animals ears. More crowns, feathery crown, fire crown, branch crown, Crystal crown, bigger or smaller.

High heels as separate armour pieces. Nice heels, similar to what desminas outfit have.


New faces for all races. No need to create brand new, but mix and match from older ones. However I'm not sure of that is easier in creation. But that would be at least a new start. Same goes with hairstyles. Take the bangs from one and ends from different hairstyle and here you go something brand new. Add tattoos to humans. Give norns hairstyles to humans and other way around. That could work with faces too. It would bring so much more new possibility. It's kinda sad that there is no more interest of adding new faces and hairstyles.

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Have you tried [posting here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items#latest "posting here") instead?



Or look [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest "here")? Apparently, in the first post, there is an app to alert you for when things come available?

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Some suggestions I can think of immediately...

—Your themed armor offerings needs to be taken off stock rotation and made available permanently.

Light armor choices in this game, aside from cultural options and special game modes (pvp, wvw, guild), tend to have issues with clipping or texture inconsistencies amongst each other. More choice is good.

—At least one Weapon skin available for direct purchase should be available at all times

—Guaranteed armor, weapon, and wardrobe unlocks should be allowed for the user to choose what they want.

Getting armor skins locked for races you don't play or weapon skins locked for weapon you don't like is a letdown given how inconsistent these items appear in black lion chests.

—Miniature related prizes from the chest should be able to be traded, exchanged for other BL currencies/vouchers or put up for sale on the TP.

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K, so I'm not wading through 26 pages of posts to find out if this has already been suggested... sorry for the repeat if it has :/


The gem store has already gone through that nice facelift, where things are now so nicely categorized... you can find things both with the categories and the search etc... I guess I'm wondering why you ever take stuff off the gem store? You have the assets, it won't create too much clutter with the category organization... please leave all the stuffs up there so that I can impulse buy to my hearts content!!!! ;) The coming and going of items does NOT create extra pressure for me to buy within the time period... but it does mean that when I'm creating that special new look, I won't be able to dump gems on something that is currently unavailable. With style especially, I'll probably just move on, complete that look with something else, and never come back to buy that item. Also, perhaps I want to send someone something for their birthday... and I remember them talking about "some special gemstore item", but, oh :(, not currently available.


Please, let me impulse buy all the things all the time!


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I'd personally like some shades between the hair colors "flame", "red", and the darker red(don't remember the name). I have one character that I want to have hair slightly lighter than "red" and another where a color slightly darker than "red" would fit better.

Also, would it be possible to move eye color to the hair kit. Ears/horns already are for some races so it wouldn't be completely outside the current scope of the object. When you change hair color, you really need to change eye color too. I wish I realized this sooner. x.x If that's no good, maybe sell color contacts and store them in the wardrobe or something. I would totally buy a couple of those if the price is right. Even a 100 gem eye color only change would be semi-ok.

I'd also like to see Belinda's greatsword and the ancestral outfit return.

Edit: Also a "snapshot" feature. Let us take a snapshot of our current armor and store it as an outfit.

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