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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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More guild slots. -> add 5 for 2k gems each, many many many people would be happy with this!

I know this has been mentioned before but why not?

Players dont HAVE to buy them if they dont like it, create an environment where people have the opportunity to be in guilds with different priorities without anyone whining about the chat being too much about a specific part of the game! (also let the rich kids have their extra bank guilds)


These days there are raid guilds, wvw guilds, dead guilds, community guilds, bank guilds, troll guilds, guilds only used for the guildhall or the level.. even guilds simply for the name or tag of it. YES ofcourse its possible to deal with only 5 slots, but WE WANT MOAR! Also anet wants MOAR MONEY no?


Thank you!

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Hi, a few suggestions for the gem store here :)

-First I'd love to see maybe a GW1 Dance Pack.. I miss all the individual dances from GW1 and how each profession/gender had their own dance. I also miss all the emotes!

- More Hairstyles... Please, please. Long hairs! Flowers! Buns! Braids! There are some NPC hairs from LS3 that have flowers, that would be awesome. Even some of the old GW1 hairstyles from Cantha. Would be great to have some new styles thrown out there.

- I'd like to see the Zodiac Medium and Heavy Sets Return, I am missing these.

- PoF finisher set.. HoT had their own set, would love a PoF set that we could buy/earn. It worked well last time with them as Reward Tracks.

- Dual saddles.. Can't tell you how many times I've heard this come up. We'd love to take a ride with our friends! Chairs also, or a chair. Something, pretty please.

- Rose Focus Skin.. Maybe throw this out for Valentine's Day. Well loved skin from GW1.

- Noble Human Attire.. I asked for this last time and I've seen other people ask for it. Always been a huge disappointment that we can't have this as armor.

- Hats with HAIR. I swear the top hat used to show your hair, or a hair. I can't find my screen of it but I won't wear half the hats because they hide your hair. Give us our hair back please, we're not Britney. Even a set style for the hat would work.

- I seen a person above mention Zaishen Menagerie Grounds, this would be AMAZING. As a person who has claimed all the pets on one ranger, it's very disappointing to have to do it again on my others. I have several rangers and it's such a pain to redo it.

- Music Boxes.. These are so incredibly rare in PoF. I wouldn't say they need added to the gem store but maybe some achievements or something for some. Even a new set for achievement only would be nice.

- Would be nice to be able to mix our outfit skins as individual pieces.. Idk if this is even plausible anymore, but it used to be very fun :D Fashion Wars <3

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> @"Ivory.1635" said:

> - Hats with HAIR. I swear the top hat used to show your hair, or a hair. I can't find my screen of it but I won't wear half the hats because they hide your hair. Give us our hair back please, we're not Britney. Even a set style for the hat would work.


I would like this too, I never use my "Celebration hat", because it makes all my characters look bald.

The cap: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat


It looks so weird on a character that normally isn't bald.

The next anniversary of Guild wars 2 would be a good moment to re-introduce it, or make a different version of it that does have hair coming out from underneath, so that the people that like the bald one can still use that one aswell.



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> @"CharterforGw.3149" said:

> > @"Ivory.1635" said:

> > - Hats with HAIR. I swear the top hat used to show your hair, or a hair. I can't find my screen of it but I won't wear half the hats because they hide your hair. Give us our hair back please, we're not Britney. Even a set style for the hat would work.


> I would like this too, I never use my "Celebration hat", because it makes all my characters look bald.

> The cap: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat


> It looks so weird on a character that normally isn't bald.

> The next anniversary of Guild wars 2 would be a good moment to re-introduce it, or make a different version of it that does have hair coming out from underneath, so that the people that like the bald one can still use that one aswell.




I only use my cap on my Asura since they look natural bald. :) I would love to equip this on all of my mains across all races.

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* A headpiece that dyes for a Heterochromatic effect for eyes.

* A headpiece that dyes with a single eye glowing with a bit of glowing trail effect from that eye.

* An arm cannon pistol skin. (Like a cannon at the back of the hand and side of the wrist with more of a boom sound when firing)

* A sword gun skin that works as a sword skin and a pistol skin where both are held by the standard sword handle. (Would be hilarious trying to tell if someone's doing sword sword, sword pistol, or pistol pistol.)

* A packager upgrade for sending more items through the mail as a way to send less mail quickly to certain people by 5 slot limits and getting hit by cooldowns.

* A home instance bonfire pit for players to use items like Red Meat at and have it start cooking it into a sharable food buff item that lasts 45-60 minutes.

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Master Crafter Account Unlock:


Once purchased, all characters on the account have the option of speaking to a crafting trainer and learning the maximum crafting level (and all discovered recipes) that any character on the account has attained. A red text warning box will alert the player to the fact that doing this will permanently forgo the Exp that crafting your way through to that level would have provided.

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