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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Hi Gaile! Thanks the suggestion thread.


Rather than offering suggestions for future gemstore items, I would like to know if the Mask of the Wanderer could return to the gemstore.


I need it to complete my Spellbreaker's desert look and the one time I look to see if it's available, it's not :(


Thanks :3

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I know it has been suggested a million times before, and likely in this thread too, but swimsuits. I thought they would come out with Southsun Cove as that would have been perfect, but alas.


A good implementation could be like the old Outfit system where you could toggle to it while out of combat. While this would disappoint people looking for just a skimpy outfit (and please those not wanting people fighting in a Bikini/Trunks), it would have a very distinct advantage: Allow Diving Goggles to put you in your custom swimsuit rather than your default underwear. It would also allow people to have a Combat Outfit and a Role-play Outfit. While I do think all clothing tonics should be made standard outfits, you could reintroduce them here. This would muddle triggering clothing for Goggles, but swimming in clothes isn't a big deal (as they wouldn't sink you like armor would) and allowing people to do that is not a bad thing. Better yet would be to also keep the old Outfit 5 piece system for deeper customization of Swimsuits and clothing.


* Note if you do indeed go for gold and give back the 5 piece Role-play Outfit, do please use the Wardrobe system to not clog inventory, as well as put more "clothing" type items such as glasses, hats, and shirts, as applicable to both armor and your outfit. I, for one, wear glasses in real life, but don't make sense to me in combat. Technology is obviously sufficient enough for contacts, or magic for eyesight correction, and you wouldn't want something that could easily be knocked off/broken and impair me. However I would get some from the Gemstore in a second if I had a Role-play outfit... though Swimming Goggles would likely need to overwrite any headpiece.

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There are so much armor and weapon skins which fit perfectly on other races, but sylvari is the most forgotten race when it comes to outfits, armors and weapons. Could we please get some more of those skins?

I know you know that there are players who love to roleplay and also those whom are dedicated to Sylvari story which says they grow their own weapons and clothes/armor on em rather than wear leather or steel on em.


There is also only ONE legendary weapon which is flower and vines - Kudzu - but then there are a handful of those which doesn't really fit on Sylvari, why? Well you tell me...

When Heart of Thorns was released I was hoping more Sylvari related armors, weapons and much more - but we only got a few which I can mention of - Aetherpath fractal weapon skins, glitter skins..... but armors? Like one of em? I wanna see more, so please.. make it happen would ya? <3 <3

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It is probably a little too late to get it going now but I think selling a miniature to support hurricane victims would be awesome. Blizzard does a similar thing with pets in wow. I know I can just give money to Red Cross or another organization but I think it would be cool to do that through ArenaNet. Maybe this could be setup for disasters in the future or just giving to a cause. Like an obnoxiously pink outfit during support breast cancer month. We don't have to follow Blizzard and stick with miniatures. It could be tonics or a toy, anything really.

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Emote Packs:

Simply put, GW2 has too few emotes. Other MMOs and even GW1 have much much more.

There are lots and lots of simple animations the players could use, and I know a lot of people would be willing to pay for them. The RP community would be incredibly thankful for these, even if they are gem purchases. The packs can contain 3-4 related animations.



* Personality focused idle animations (/aloof, /happy, /grumpy, /impatient, /paranoid, /formal, /bored, etc) You can choose one of those when you are simply waiting. They could be linked to professions, races or even gamemodes.

* /afk. Animation you can activate with /afk or automatically prompted when the user don’t activate any command for a couple of minutes. The animation shows the toon slowly shifting the weight fron one foot to the other, staring at the horizon with blank eyes, the mouth open and drooling…

* /inventory. Automatic when you spend more than 30 secs on your inventory. The character unpacks and search things in its clothes and bags.

* Craft related animations, wich kicks in when you are crafting in a station.

* /teleport. A simple ray or a blurring or a light. Something previous to the sudden vanishing of someone using a waypoint or leaving the game.

* /applause

* /yawn

* /highfive

* A less exagerated /laugh

* /timeout or /brb. The character makes the typical “t” gesture with the hands and stands that way for a while. Alternatively, it could make the gesture of looking its watch while impatiently tapping the floor with one foot.

* /hand @ someone. Offer a hand. And handshake (when that someone responds with /hand too).

* Flirt emote(s). From simple boasting to wooing, blushing and even kisses. (you can make it work the same as the handshake).

* /slap. For when the wooing goes wrong.

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Emote Packs:

> Simply put, GW2 has too few emotes. Other MMOs and even GW1 have much much more.

> There are lots and lots of simple animations the players could use, and I know a lot of people would be willing to pay for them. The RP community would be incredibly thankful for these, even if they are gem purchases. The packs can contain 3-4 related animations.


> Examples:

> * Personality focused idle animations (/aloof, /happy, /grumpy, /impatient, /paranoid, /formal, /bored, etc) You can choose one of those when you are simply waiting. They could be linked to professions, races or even gamemodes.

> * /afk. Animation you can activate with /afk or automatically prompted when the user don’t activate any command for a couple of minutes. The animation shows the toon slowly shifting the weight fron one foot to the other, staring at the horizon with blank eyes, the mouth open and drooling…

> * /inventory. Automatic when you spend more than 30 secs on your inventory. The character unpacks and search things in its clothes and bags.

> * Craft related animations, wich kicks in when you are crafting in a station.

> * /applause

> * /yawn

> * /highfive

> * A less exagerated /laugh

> * /timeout or /brb. The character makes the typical “t” gesture with the hands and stands that way for a while. Alternatively, it could make the gesture of looking its watch while impatiently tapping the floor with one foot.

> * /slap. For when the wooing goes wrong.


So much this ^^








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Can we please get some furs and or druid/barbarian type armor skin, Id prefer it not to be an outfit but if it has to be then I guess why not..








I feel like we have enough of the anime/ butt-capes trope and have yet to get anything to fill this role, it would look really good with the norn/charr and could really give this race an outfit/armor set of skins (please do the transmog set) that screams them all over it.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!



But super nice for you folks to actually rotate back in older armor sets like the phoenix, aetherblade ect. It's been over 6 months since the armor skins have changed and there they sit stagnant and forgotten. Honestly it costs nothing but a few moments to swap these back in yet... it just doesn't ever happen. So honestly I'd start there that'd be really really appreciated.

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