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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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* Mistletoe as a headpiece

* wreath like design as a shoulder skin

* more blindfold sorts

* a mask design or two without visible eyes/eyeholes

* a crescent moon based backpiece

* a flaring sun based backpiece

* a cloud of cosmos sort of backpiece

* an oversized sort of [Head Cage](https://66.media.tumblr.com/c9f93f2c1b5dcb5bae60d01dfba96fdc/tumblr_p6r18s6v1K1r7svbzo1_400.jpg)

* a knight's armor sort of visor by itself as a headpiece

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new hairstyles please- like actually good ones that aren't shared between races. The game is incredibly boring over all, and really lacking in the hairstyle department (unless you're a human) I know new hairstyles will never come again, any decent cosmetic updates have been forgotten for the sake of stupid mount skins.

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* *Seaborn outfit* - an outfit that changes the skin like the starborn does but this one turns the skin scaly, adds fins to the head, jawline, neck, back, tail and forearms, and have only small armorpieces like seashells or other sea-related things. But keep charr horns (perhsps change the design but still keep them!).

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Been waiting for this for a while but we haven't gotten any mount skins that are like... scrappy/clockwork and in that Mad Max style (say...Charr style perhaps!).

I had hoped we'd get Roller Beetle mount skin that could be like Charr/Black Citadel wheel, Dragon that could be made out of gears and 'sails', Skimmer that is like some rusty/scrappy boat similar to the one from Waterworld film!

Possibilities are endless and I'd really love to see a mount pack like this show up in store! Would throw my money to get it instantly!


Just my two cents here, hope to see this happen at some point :)

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I would love to see the Wild Magic backpack and glider return, since it's been a year now we are waiting for it...


Also a suggestion here, maybe we could imagine for those of us who (heavily) played GW1, to add in GW2 armor skins matching the rare armor skins we spent a lot of time and money to get in GW1 and we added to our Hall of Monuments, like obsidian armor skins or 15k armors...

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Here is the current sets of mount skins introduced along the years. Thanks for filling the sets with the new adoption licences. Like the branded set.


I may never ask it enough, finish the cozy mounts by adding the beetle and warclaw. And finish the exo mounts with the warclaw, beetle and the skyscale. Even maybe adding an awakened skyscale....

I let you check the link to discover which mounts are missing in each set.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1BE11ANO4bZpqpk26blwVMRMZriC1h8uG7_zG14qxwFc/mobilebasic


> Here is the current sets of mount skins introduced along the years. Thanks for filling the sets with the new adoption licences. Like the branded set.


> I may never ask it enough, finish the cozy mounts by adding the beetle and warclaw. And finish the exo mounts with the warclaw, beetle and the skyscale. Or awakened skyscale...

> I let you check the link to discover which mounts are missing in each set.



I'd like to complete the branded and awakened sets.


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need Liminal Moorhound with Distant Lands Mount Select License so pls sell it again-maybe even with some lower price this time-but most important atleast sell it pls.

also-i ask to make tattered cape-maybe with a bit shorter style than too long (not sure with this)-need darker colors-style should fit like for haunted outfit for example (or my norn assassin Bloodstained Lunatic Noble Coat style)-i give example picture but make it without hood ofc-coz cant find correct example.



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Man these new gather tools are awesome arenanet heard my prayers to bring new ones hehe xD. I didnt have enough to buy the volatile and the unbound magic, I was dying to buy them separately but I didnt want the choya cause i think ugly so the new ones arrived just in time, shame I couldnt buy all, now i just need the plant gather tool. If anyone wants to present me one as christmas/new year present I'll accept LOL.



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