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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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It's almost been a year since the [Jungle Explorer Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jungle_Explorer_Outfit "Jungle Explorer Outfit") has been in the store.

It's the only outfit I want and I've been waiting for it to return for ages.

Can you please add it to it the store again. I'm sure there are many others wanting its return too.

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I'm sending this request in on behalf of my wife. When we have time to we play two little Asura and often wander the game world together we've had quite a bit of fun with the costume brawl toys -water balloon station, chefs frying pan, pirate sword etc. She was asking whether Anet had any plans to make more of those sorts of colour items.


We were talking about those sorts of items again a traditional picnic or outdoors-themed item came up. Something that would summon a picnic basket on the ground with a small white and red chequered blanket beneath it, as with the frying pan summoning the roasting pig placeable. Graphically the basket would be overflowing with foodstuffs as with the many versions of chef's backpacks, In addition it would able to be interacted with as with the roasted pig by other players.


There would be comedic costume brawl abilities -the invasion of a tiny swarm of ants or baby karka which would chase the player around, making them either try to swat or to stomp them(as with the frying pan where your character suddenly rolls back and forth on the ground after being set on fire.). Another summons similar to the Sous chef -a Charr or an Asuran Wilderness Guide- would follow the player around. For the hand held cosmetic item, a butterfly net or a fly swatter or something similarly themed would do. The button one ability would be to flail the swatter or bug net about as with a one handed melee weapon. The other brawl ability would be a food fight ability that allows the player to throw tomatoes or apples at other players.



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Norn armor! Both oufit and armorskins are acceptable. We already got Joras hairstyle, I need her gear, please? While at it, please ditch the silly sleeveish things, we want to display our tattoos.

More tattoos and hairstyles, especially intricate buns and long simple braids without the anime nonsense would be greatly appreciated. Also, bring back the costume options from GW1. It was very cool to be able to have the costume on, but show the headgear underneath and vice versa.

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I'd like to have a Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire T shirt outfit, similar to the ones given out at launch for my character. Also, would you consider a launch-style GW 2 T-shirt for a 6th anniversary prize choice?


Second suggestion; Now that tonics can be converted to outfits ( and thus worn while playing ) I'd love to see more tonics. One would be a noble's dress as worn in Divinity's reach. Another would be some form of light armor with pants and without skirt or peplum for females.\


Please make hair for females on the top hat, pretty please.


One more suggestion while I'm thinking of it, a formal wear suit, like that of a male gw1 Mesmer but wearable by anyone.

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A Mount Stable for home instances.

I'd be willing to pay 2000 gems for one. It would be completely useless mechanics-wise, but it would be a nice place to do some bonding.

The skins being active would not be necessary, I would be happy just interacting with my mounts even in their basic appearance.

There would be an area for each mount and it would fill in with each mount acquired. At the stables, players would be able to pet and play with the mount, like playing fetch with them. There would also be an option to name the mounts in the stable. Their names would only be visible in the stables, but that's perfectly okay.

It would really make the home instance feel like home, and would fit with the mechanic of mounts not working in the home instance.

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I would like to remind anet I am still willing to pay 2000 gems for a **normal** coloured version of the destroyer wings.

There’s nothing worse than having a destroyer themed main character, destroyer wings dyed like normal fire, but the backpack being a venomous kind of green.

~~Vine-Touched~~ Destroyer Wings

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I would like an head skin such as the one on the artwork of the tempest ! lighting particles in the Eyes


Such as my avatar if you don't know what i mean HEHE


The thing is ... .there's almost no good head skin for masculin light armors ... and it's a struggle to have a good looking themed element skin on the head . The ones you get when creating an ele are too small and you can't even see them (except the fire one) I've liked the ones from GW1 that turn around your head


Maybe a 4 attunements headset gear could be cool tho ... let your inspiration do the rest i guess

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