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I played for a month already and discovered a lot of content and still don't know half of the story . I noticed that a lot of puzzles were created in most of the big maps and not only , now they came out with the one for the halloween event ,I and many more think that these are a waste of time and created as an excuse of a joke just to slow our progress down not to mention that they are too demanding for what they offer , hear me out here : your-rewards-are-trash. Most of the people don't even bother to complete these puzzles ,we're using mounts ,mesmers ,using the advantage of gliding , all of these make the puzzles irrelevant ,not to mention how da-mn annoying they are and how frustrated people get when you reach on top and you basically get trash ?

Now ,we're talking about hours wasted here ,I personally demand that you ( the devs) will at least freaking end your future projects and stop implementing these headaches , nobody likes them, they are a chore ,they are useless and no fun for sure ,time to stop.

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If you're talking about Jumping Puzzles then I don't believe there has been a new one since PoF came out. Also as already pointed out, you finding content unrewarding is not a reason to remove said content. My recommendation is to just skip then and let others who enjoy the challenge partake in them.

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> @"BurntWaffle.6037" said:

> I played for a month already and discovered a lot of content and still don't know half of the story . I noticed that a lot of puzzles were created in most of the big maps and not only , now they came out with the one for the halloween event ,I and many more think that these are a waste of time and created as an excuse of a joke just to slow our progress down not to mention that they are too demanding for what they offer , hear me out here : your-rewards-are-trash. Most of the people don't even bother to complete these puzzles ,we're using mounts ,mesmers ,using the advantage of gliding , all of these make the puzzles irrelevant ,not to mention how da-mn annoying they are and how frustrated people get when you reach on top and you basically get trash ?

> Now ,we're talking about hours wasted here ,I personally demand that you ( the devs) will at least freaking end your future projects and stop implementing these headaches , nobody likes them, they are a chore ,they are useless and no fun for sure ,time to stop.


In the future it is wise to use constructive criticism instead of demands, and to think through thoroughly what you want to say, keeping in mind that this might be your personal opinion and not the opinion of everyone(as a matter of fact, these are almost always the sole opinion of the individual who made the post). Also, since I believe as others do that you're referring to the Jumping Puzzles in game, then I would say there are probably more players that enjoy them(perhaps not so many from the influx of new players recently), but those that have been here for at least 3 years or so...and there are still new ones being introduced all the time, even in Living World episodes(there is one in Jahai Bluffs too). They're optional, the are not mandatory in any way, shape or form unless you're a completionist or AP hound, so as a few others have said...skip them or avail yourself of the alternative methods to complete them(with the exception of those that have been blocked from those alternative methods).

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> I like jumping puzzles. Here's my counter-proposal: Devs, please keep implementing them.


To add another different voice: I like only *very* few JPs. Devs: *keep adding them!*


(Though maybe be careful about what rewards are tied to them, I'm *not* fond of the way the tokens of Ember Bay are inside Chalice of Tears, even if mesmers can help...)


OP: *a lot* of content is optional, so if you don't like it - just skip it. There are plenty of enthusiasts. Most of those you see *offering* the portals really enjoy the puzzles.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> What are you talking about? The clocktower? That one isn't so difficult, I do it every year at least once


I do it daily and am still trying to break my record of 4 successful runs in one go. At least 5 times should be possible within 16 minutes of time.


I understand the OP, though. The first time I attempted this a few years ago, I gave up quickly. But the following year, I was determined to make it, so I watched YouTube videos and discovered the correct path; practiced vigorously and got it done. Now it is a rather easy task for me (more so now that it is no longer buggy for the first time! <3). However, for a relatively new player who hasn't got much practice with JPs in general yet, this is certainly a tough one.


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I despise jumping puzzles of all sorts. I'm just not good at them, they frustrate me and waste my playing time. Having said that, I understand them to be _optional content_ and know that there is a segment of the player-base that simply loves them.


OP makes a common mistake in trying to speak for everyone when it is just not the case. Here's my suggestion: if the content (which, again is optional) isn't to your taste, then don't do said content. Move along to the content that you do enjoy.

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> @"BurntWaffle.6037" said:

> I played for a month already and discovered a lot of content and still don't know half of the story . I noticed that a lot of puzzles were created in most of the big maps and not only , now they came out with the one for the halloween event

That didn't come out this year. The puzzle has been part of the halloween event since year 1.

> ,I and many more think that these are a waste of time and created as an excuse of a joke just to slow our progress down not to mention that they are too demanding for what they offer , hear me out here : your-rewards-are-trash.

That's because they're easily abused by using mesmers or just parking alts you're currently not playing at the end chest.

> Most of the people don't even bother to complete these puzzles ,we're using mounts ,mesmers ,using the advantage of gliding , all of these make the puzzles irrelevant ,not to mention how da-mn annoying they are and how frustrated people get when you reach on top and you basically get trash ?

Yeah, the first part of your sentence is the reason for the last part.

> Now ,we're talking about hours wasted here ,I personally demand that you ( the devs) will at least freaking end your future projects and stop implementing these headaches , nobody likes them, they are a chore ,they are useless and no fun for sure ,time to stop.

I like them and a lot of other people like them too. Festival Jumping Puzzless are the only JPs with decent loot because they are the only JPs where you can't directly skip to the end. The Halloween JP might not be as profitable as farming the Labyrinth, but for a decent jumper (someone who can reach the chest in 1-3 tries) it's still profitable to complete it once a day. After the first time the loot gets drastically reduced though.


If you hate JPs that much, you won't like what's coming after Halloween. The Wintersday JP is more profitable than any other Wintersday activity and people farm it for hours.


Edit: I also recommend staying away from Rata Sum in April. There's gonna be a major festival completely focused on JPs.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> What are you talking about? The clocktower? That one isn't so difficult, I do it every year at least once, and it only takes about 5-6 attempts for me to get it done.


> Or is there another JP?


> Regardless I enjoy the JPs, even the hard ones like the vulcano.

Well it depends on your personal perspective. I have a fear of heights that actually affects me in video games as well. So Jumping Puzzles are not easy for as my hands are literally shaking and sweating as I go along. I got far but after a few days of trying I simply couldn't complete the last part of the Vulcano JP. Also the Clock Tower is especially impossible for me because it's a timed puzzle and I need to take small breaks during puzzles to stop the shaking. It sounds stupid and silly to explain it to someone else but that's my reality.


However, I have completed all the JPs that I can and I got help from a friendly Mesmer for the 2 I couldn't. The volcano and abaddon's I think it's called. The rest I completed myself. I'll never complete the Clock Tower. And you know what? That's ok, because the world doesn't revolve around me.


I've done all the JPs I could to challenge myself and see how far I could go. The JPs do not block my progression in the game anyway and they aren't about the rewards but rather the accomplishment. So I do see this as great content in spite of it being very difficult for me.


So I agree with you on the enjoyment part be it from a different perspective, but I hope you'll understand that from my point of view there's quite a few JPs that I would not label as easy :)

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Nobody likes them? They're some of the most popular content in the entire game. SAB is a seasonal event that is entirely a jumping event, and when Anet tried to close it down, the protest was huge. If I were you, I'd stick to stating my own opinion, because I love jumping puzzles. My wife loves jumping puzzles, and a good portion of my guild loves jumping puzzles. On the average, I believe more people enjoy them than people who don't like them. Be that as it may, that's just my belief. But I can tell you that Anet should not (and will not) stop making them because there's far more audience for jumping puzzles than there is for something like raids (in my opinion and observation). There might even be more of an audience for jumping puzzles than there is for PvP.


No, I'm quite looking forward to any new jumping puzzle Anet implements.

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That's just, like, your opinion man.

Serious: You've been playing for a month and you think you _know_ what everyone else wants? Speak for yourself, please. As for jumping puzzles, I suspect they are an added bit for people that actually like platforming (i.e. apparently not you.)

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > What are you talking about? The clocktower? That one isn't so difficult, I do it every year at least once, and it only takes about 5-6 attempts for me to get it done.

> >

> > Or is there another JP?

> >

> > Regardless I enjoy the JPs, even the hard ones like the vulcano.

> Well it depends on your personal perspective. I have a fear of heights that actually affects me in video games as well. So Jumping Puzzles are not easy for as my hands are literally shaking and sweating as I go along. I got far but after a few days of trying I simply couldn't complete the last part of the Vulcano JP. Also the Clock Tower is especially impossible for me because it's a timed puzzle and I need to take small breaks during puzzles to stop the shaking. It sounds stupid and silly to explain it to someone else but that's my reality.


> However, I have completed all the JPs that I can and I got help from a friendly Mesmer for the 2 I couldn't. The volcano and abaddon's I think it's called. The rest I completed myself. I'll never complete the Clock Tower. And you know what? That's ok, because the world doesn't revolve around me.


> I've done all the JPs I could to challenge myself and see how far I could go. The JPs do not block my progression in the game anyway and they aren't about the rewards but rather the accomplishment. So I do see this as great content in spite of it being very difficult for me.


> So I agree with you on the enjoyment part be it from a different perspective, but I hope you'll understand that from my point of view there's quite a few JPs that I would not label as easy :)


Alright, I see your point, but you wouldnt go so far to ask the devs to get rid of JPs because there is the possibility of some people having a fear of heights.

By that standard you could remove anything because of individual preferences or problems.

Oh hey I have PTSD considering diseases so please remove the whole plague thing from season 4 because I can't handle it.

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While you do get just mostly normal stuff from the JP chests, I have gotten an ascended armor box, and see the occasional piece of exotic gear, ecto, obsidian, or other high-end material. Isn't that the norm for this game, though? Lots of salvage fodder, very few valuable rewards.


In fact, way back in the day, my very first piece of exotic gear was medium gloves from the chest near Lake Feritas in Ashford.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > What are you talking about? The clocktower? That one isn't so difficult, I do it every year at least once, and it only takes about 5-6 attempts for me to get it done.

> > >

> > > Or is there another JP?

> > >

> > > Regardless I enjoy the JPs, even the hard ones like the vulcano.

> > Well it depends on your personal perspective. I have a fear of heights that actually affects me in video games as well. So Jumping Puzzles are not easy for as my hands are literally shaking and sweating as I go along. I got far but after a few days of trying I simply couldn't complete the last part of the Vulcano JP. Also the Clock Tower is especially impossible for me because it's a timed puzzle and I need to take small breaks during puzzles to stop the shaking. It sounds stupid and silly to explain it to someone else but that's my reality.

> >

> > However, I have completed all the JPs that I can and I got help from a friendly Mesmer for the 2 I couldn't. The volcano and abaddon's I think it's called. The rest I completed myself. I'll never complete the Clock Tower. And you know what? That's ok, because the world doesn't revolve around me.

> >

> > I've done all the JPs I could to challenge myself and see how far I could go. The JPs do not block my progression in the game anyway and they aren't about the rewards but rather the accomplishment. So I do see this as great content in spite of it being very difficult for me.

> >

> > So I agree with you on the enjoyment part be it from a different perspective, but I hope you'll understand that from my point of view there's quite a few JPs that I would not label as easy :)


> Alright, I see your point, but you wouldnt go so far to ask the devs to get rid of JPs because there is the possibility of some people having a fear of heights.

> By that standard you could remove anything because of individual preferences or problems.

> Oh hey I have PTSD considering diseases so please remove the whole plague thing from season 4 because I can't handle it.


Erm, I thought that was clear already, but apparently not... So for the record, not only wouldn't I want them to get rid of JPs, I want more of them, because it challenges me to try them.

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Though I often cheat with gliders, mounts, or mesmer portals when I just want to get my dailies done, I do like JPs and made a point to do all of them without help at least once. Sure the rewards aren't great, but that just means you can enjoy them for what they are instead of feeling like you have to do them to get the loot. I really wish they'd add a few new ones. PoF had one in Kesho, but I can't really remember any others since LW3. I miss the days of new maps almost always coming with a new JP.

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PoF has more puzzle-puzzles and less jumping-puzzles. I recently did a few runs with guildmembers and random players I have met. People are still interested and enjoy this kind of stuff, especially if mounts are enabled or even required. There are also a lot of hidden areas accessible behind waterfalls (they really got carried away with that one) and Jackal portals.


The ones I found so far:

- Crystal Oasis: The Sanctum of Nakha. A lot of players know this place and an the lonely chest on the floating pillar. But if you look behind that, you see more portals which can be reached with a leap of faith + portal. If you continue, you end up inside the large building, which turns out to be one giant portal maze. Opposite to the confusing one at Dzagonur (Vabbi), this one is also vertical. I talked with a lot of people who did it without a guide or helper, we mostly end up with ~ 1h for the first completion. Once you know the path, you can do the entire tour in < 10 sec.

- Crystal Oasis: West of the Sanctum of Nabkha are some sort or temple ruins crawling with vampires. You have probably been there a couple of times already. If you carefully look around, you may notice a green torch at each of the entrances to the ruins. You can interact with those an pick them up. Then you will find more torches inside the temple to light up. Once you have found all, you will have a cool reward. Figuring it out before there was a wiki-entry, was really exciting.

- Crystal Oasis: Heading west from the Temple of Kormir, through the tunnel then up the ramp north towards the pyramid (Teratohedron, Corrupted Facet spawnpoint) you come by a small branded cavern. When you step inside, you will notice a lot of branded elementals and several mysterious platforms. If you look even closer, there is a branded chest that appears to be locked and a small fire floating on one of the platforms. Catch the flame!

- Desert Highlands: Derelict Delve (Rune-Locked Doors) Minidungeon with probably the most epic final room I've ever seen. It is quiet a long puzzle, but the rewards are nice, useful and the puzzles also teach you to utilize your mounts better. Curious Bowl (warning: gold-sink!).

- Elon Riverlands: The secrets of the Elon Falls.

- Elon Riverlands: Kesho JP.

- Elon Riverlands: The whispering Grottoes. You have probably been there a few times already, the last room with the annoying corsairs throwing bait at you, so the eels attack you. There is a funny way to get through that last door, just make the corsairs want to leave the place asap.

- Desolation: There is this hard to reach chest on top of the Bone Fortress. There is also a nice chest near the Clanmarshal's Pergola (south of the Bonestrand). Lots and lots of stuff inside the narrow sulfur-canyons. There are still a few things on this map that give me riddles, maybe I'll figure them out one day. Lucky or unlucky for me, there are no wiki-entries yet ^^.

- Vabbi: Lots of hidden things in the Brand.

- Vabbi: Dzasha Uplands. Starting from the water-level from north-west of the Grand Court of Selbekh. It is by far one of the longest and most exciting areas you can explore with your mounts. It has plenty of cool jumps, trap mechanics, hidden treasure and ofcourse that mindblowing anomaly bossfight on top of the area. The HP pool of this thing is so extremely high, it is best to come with a group. The mechanics of the boss however are not that difficult, so it is technically soloable - just takes ages ^^. Been there two days ago, the chest was finally fixed. No more instant respawn when you try to open the chest.

- Vabbi: The boneyard. There is more than just the POI.

- Jahai Bluffs: Vizier's Tower. Several puzzles inside the Sun's Refuge.


I've probably forgotten a few already. A lot of the puzzles in PoF are not that obvious and some are not even tied to achievements, which is awesome.


Puzzles are adventures, small explorations into remote areas with a unique scenery and a little loot at the end. In most cases making it alive to then end and the astonishing view are the major loot. Puzzles are not designed to make anyone rich. It is possible to farm certain puzzles in this game for special loot, but it is a niche at best. A lot of people feel forced into that content, due to certain achievements/collections tied to them. That is sad.


On the other hand, when you look at a place like the Verarium Delves, which is considered a minidungeon which appears in the dailies nowadays. Back in the old days, the place was barely visited by a single player in 2 months. The developers put so much work, dedication and motivation into these places. It is only fair if they get frequently visited and used. For those who just want to carry on with their main objective, there are plenty of helpful mesmers around. Unfortunately some puzzles can not be tricked that way. But on the other hand, there is still no alternative for the GOB as well. If you want to craft legendary stuff, you do WvWvW. Well I guess that is life. There are always individual ups and downs.

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I actually love SOME jumping puzzles. The ones when I see it's a jumping puzzle and I know in what direction to go to continue and complete them.

Like the ones in first locations.

I don't care about difficulty but going around wondering if Im on jumping puzzles or not and if I went into the right direction is not fun at all. Having to watch youtube to know they way is not fun either.

I want them to be jumping game, not wandering around and guessing game.

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You want to talk about unrewarding and time consuming, you had to have experienced rage quitting with NO reward on some puzzle like Dark Reverie 5 years ago after 4+ hours of trying and dying because there were no mounts, no gliding and a slim chance of a rez which meant way pointing and doing the 1st puzzle to get to the second puzzle again. If anything, the crutches that are available now, should decrease the rewards on the older puzzles.



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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> PoF has more puzzle-puzzles and less jumping-puzzles. I recently did a few runs with guildmembers and random players I have met. People are still interested and enjoy this kind of stuff, especially if mounts are enabled or even required. There are also a lot of hidden areas accessible behind waterfalls (they really got carried away with that one) and Jackal portals.


> The ones I found so far:

> - Crystal Oasis: The Sanctum of Nakha. A lot of players know this place and an the lonely chest on the floating pillar. But if you look behind that, you see more portals which can be reached with a leap of faith + portal. If you continue, you end up inside the large building, which turns out to be one giant portal maze. Opposite to the confusing one at Dzagonur (Vabbi), this one is also vertical. I talked with a lot of people who did it without a guide or helper, we mostly end up with ~ 1h for the first completion. Once you know the path, you can do the entire tour in < 10 sec.

> - Crystal Oasis: West of the Sanctum of Nabkha are some sort or temple ruins crawling with vampires. You have probably been there a couple of times already. If you carefully look around, you may notice a green torch at each of the entrances to the ruins. You can interact with those an pick them up. Then you will find more torches inside the temple to light up. Once you have found all, you will have a cool reward. Figuring it out before there was a wiki-entry, was really exciting.

> - Crystal Oasis: Heading west from the Temple of Kormir, through the tunnel then up the ramp north towards the pyramid (Teratohedron, Corrupted Facet spawnpoint) you come by a small branded cavern. When you step inside, you will notice a lot of branded elementals and several mysterious platforms. If you look even closer, there is a branded chest that appears to be locked and a small fire floating on one of the platforms. Catch the flame!

> - Desert Highlands: Derelict Delve (Rune-Locked Doors) Minidungeon with probably the most epic final room I've ever seen. It is quiet a long puzzle, but the rewards are nice, useful and the puzzles also teach you to utilize your mounts better. Curious Bowl (warning: gold-sink!).

> - Elon Riverlands: The secrets of the Elon Falls.

> - Elon Riverlands: Kesho JP.

> - Elon Riverlands: The whispering Grottoes. You have probably been there a few times already, the last room with the annoying corsairs throwing bait at you, so the eels attack you. There is a funny way to get through that last door, just make the corsairs want to leave the place asap.

> - Desolation: There is this hard to reach chest on top of the Bone Fortress. There is also a nice chest near the Clanmarshal's Pergola (south of the Bonestrand). Lots and lots of stuff inside the narrow sulfur-canyons. There are still a few things on this map that give me riddles, maybe I'll figure them out one day. Lucky or unlucky for me, there are no wiki-entries yet ^^.

> - Vabbi: Lots of hidden things in the Brand.

> - Vabbi: Dzasha Uplands. Starting from the water-level from north-west of the Grand Court of Selbekh. It is by far one of the longest and most exciting areas you can explore with your mounts. It has plenty of cool jumps, trap mechanics, hidden treasure and ofcourse that mindblowing anomaly bossfight on top of the area. The HP pool of this thing is so extremely high, it is best to come with a group. The mechanics of the boss however are not that difficult, so it is technically soloable - just takes ages ^^. Been there two days ago, the chest was finally fixed. No more instant respawn when you try to open the chest.

> - Vabbi: The boneyard. There is more than just the POI.

> - Jahai Bluffs: Vizier's Tower. Several puzzles inside the Sun's Refuge.


> I've probably forgotten a few already. A lot of the puzzles in PoF are not that obvious and some are not even tied to achievements, which is awesome.


> Puzzles are adventures, small explorations into remote areas with a unique scenery and a little loot at the end. In most cases making it alive to then end and the astonishing view are the major loot. Puzzles are not designed to make anyone rich. It is possible to farm certain puzzles in this game for special loot, but it is a niche at best. A lot of people feel forced into that content, due to certain achievements/collections tied to them. That is sad.


> On the other hand, when you look at a place like the Verarium Delves, which is considered a minidungeon which appears in the dailies nowadays. Back in the old days, the place was barely visited by a single player in 2 months. The developers put so much work, dedication and motivation into these places. It is only fair if they get frequently visited and used. For those who just want to carry on with their main objective, there are plenty of helpful mesmers around. Unfortunately some puzzles can not be tricked that way. But on the other hand, there is still no alternative for the GOB as well. If you want to craft legendary stuff, you do WvWvW. Well I guess that is life. There are always individual ups and downs.


Thank you so much for this. You got some things listed there I never knew about. Going to check them out.

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