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[Feedback] Mad King's Raceway [merged]

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> @"Alimar.8760" said:

> it doesn't feel at all well designed

That's because you're thinking of it as a race track when in reality it's more like an obstacle course for achievements repurposed as a race track for the sake of convenience. Mount races definitely deserve their own separate game mode with race tracks specifically designed for the mount in qurstion (imagine beetle races on proper race tracks or griffon races in low gravity).

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Action camera might help since I found that turning your camera in AC mode in addition to pressing A/D (left/right) will allow you to turn a little more.

In most of the track this won't matter, but there are a few very annoying tight turns where this technique might help.


Also a general tip for drifting. You need to start drifting before the corner. Press you A/D and then press your drifting button right afterwards. Imagine you are turning the steering wheel to the direction you wanted to go and immediately follow by pulling your handbrake.


The sliding will slow you down, which allows you to turn during high speed. Overdoing it will slow you down a lot so you will need some practice.


And a final tip, the very last section of the track has a lot of obstacles and you need to make a tight turn before the final straight. Boosting before the turn is very risky. But if you already slow down a lot before the final blue orb, simply use your beetle engage skill once you make it out of the corner. Try a few times to make sure the distance the skill can cover.

You don't need to cross the finish line, as long as you hit the one of the pillar, you will get credit.


If you are still confused, check out some videos to see when and where do people boost, start/stop drifting and what short cut they take to get an idea of the rhythm of the track.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> You dont even need to do the „Under 60 seconds“ AP !!!! For the big 50 AP. You only need 9/10. Why are people complaining about something they dont even need to do???


Well, Drift or Tower. Haven't tried Drift yet, hopefully I can pull that off. Tower? Never. Yes, that 5 year old is awesome. Not going to happen for me. :)

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> > The actual secret is to know how to break. Most people don't break, go at full speed, and can't drift. Drifting requires mid to midhigh speed, cannot be use while speeding up without break, camera control to the direction you want to go and know when to let go of the drifting key. You cannot drift well if ur too fast or even too slow. Speeding up prevents you from drifting, and a short time after the speed (cause ur too fast). Camera control is a must have to change your direction quickly. Pressing the drift key without letting go makes you slide allll the way without actual drifting. Make sure to press "w" towards the camera direction too.

> >

> > I enjoyed this content. It was challenging and fun to me. Same reason why I enjoyed megaman or other classic games (Old school player here). Though I do think it is too hard for the gw2 community as general, because this game is more or less a casual centric game, so I understand the frustration. But just know it, you don't have to do it to get the 50 AP archivement. There are 10 archivements, and you need only 9 to complete it. The racer archivement is the hardest, so if you want, you can avoid it. And yes, the clock tower is by far easier IMO.

> >

> > Anways, good luck guys if you are aiming for the 5 AP archivement.


> There's no break button.


> Pressing the backpedal key W will make the mount try to turn around, not just slow down, destabilizing the direction. It'll wobble about and go straight to some obstacle or just stop on its tracks no matter how short the time pressing W was. Baton roue style.


> It is pretty clear this mount is not behaving the same for everyone.


"S" is the break button. I've tested it more than enough to say this, and it would be strange if the same mount behaves different for each person. Try it on a straight path. And by using "w", you are making sure to drift towards the camera direction when you let go of the drift button, not break.

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When I heard Raceway for the beetle, I thought it was gonna be like an oval track with Mad King foolery added like having to move away from exploding pumpkins, touching the wall would dismount you, and you would be chased by chainsaw wielding skeletons that would dismount you if you let them get to close (making timing speed boosts important). Instead we get this 'track' that requires drifting that's buggy as all get out to me. It's a bit frustrating to go yes, I don't need to do the jumping puzzle only to find that the other option is just as punishing if the lag monster shows up.

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Like a lot of you, I have tried out the new race in the Mad King's Raceway, and after an initial period to get used to it, I fell in love with the heavy-drifting based track, that elevates our mastery of the use of Beetle to higher levels!


Like the previous Beetle race, me and my guildies went in full competitive mode trying to beat each others time again and again. However, there are 2 things that unfortunately hamper this process:

- The Attendant you need to talk to at times for the adventure to pop-up, throws you off your mount if you're on it. This seems to reset your Beetle's endurance as well, resulting in an annoying time to wait before you can actually start racing.

- And the big issue we have: The Event version of the race blocking off the Adventure one. I get why it happens, it's to call attention to that one, and to have more people participate in it. But for our purposes, to try to beat each others time and to get higher on that Leader board, it completely kills the momentum and flow you build up from continuous time trial tries, and for our purposes it feels like a mandatory 7 minute wait time till we can continue our attempts at the perfect run.


Would it not be possible for the time trial purists among us to leave the Adventure available at all times, or for there to be instances available that do not have the Event Race enabled?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"MegiddoZO.3409" said:

> Hello!


> Like a lot of you, I have tried out the new race in the Mad King's Raceway, and after an initial period to get used to it, I fell in love with the heavy-drifting based track, that elevates our mastery of the use of Beetle to higher levels!


> Like the previous Beetle race, me and my guildies went in full competitive mode trying to beat each others time again and again. However, there are 2 things that unfortunately hamper this process:

> - The Attendant you need to talk to at times for the adventure to pop-up, throws you off your mount if you're on it. This seems to reset your Beetle's endurance as well, resulting in an annoying time to wait before you can actually start racing.

> - And the big issue we have: The Event version of the race blocking off the Adventure one. I get why it happens, it's to call attention to that one, and to have more people participate in it. But for our purposes, to try to beat each others time and to get higher on that Leader board, it completely kills the momentum and flow you build up from continuous time trial tries, and for our purposes it feels like a mandatory 7 minute wait time till we can continue our attempts at the perfect run.


> Would it not be possible for the time trial purists among us to leave the Adventure available at all times, or for there to be instances available that do not have the Event Race enabled?


I like your style. You made observations, developed suggestions, and posted them in a helpful way. Thank you!


And thanks to the many people (like @"Ghostrider.6537") who are sharing tips on how to master the race -- that's very appreciated!

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Tutorials/advice for mounts abilities should be better, I'm still unable to drift with my roller beetle cause I haven't understood how to, was the same mess with gryphon at labyrinthine cliffs... "lay forward to dive"... wth... Lost 3 days to understand. It should be clearer like "In order to gain a diving boost with you gryphon, dive, then flap your wings to accelerate. Release the diving key to stop diving. Later, press your -move backward- key to regain altitude. You're done!" the same with beetle to learn how to drift.

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Anet, how much of the player base has given up completing or completely ignores the HoT Adventures?

How much of the player base has given up completing or completely ignores the PoF Adventures (Griffon races)?

How much of these groups overlap with the groups that cannot complete either Holiday JP, Clocktower or Wintersday?

I assume, from my extremely limited access to data, the answer to all three of these questions is a significant enough amount of the player base that Anet would not want to alienate them from the game. Comprising the annual repeatable holiday meta of 8 mostly casual activities and 2 highly skill gated (or ping gated/rig gated) trials is simply a poison pill for too much of the player base. I suggest changing the meta to 8/10 for this year, and reconsider how to approach holiday events in the future. I strongly believe that collections and holiday metas should not be blocked by such skill gated elements. "All or nothing" credit systems should be primarily reserved for things that don't block progress, at least for things like collections and holiday metas.


How much of the player base that does complete the Beetle Drift race (or other adventure content) never replay it? Replayability is huge design goal in events that return every year. I am not saying there should be no "feather in your cap" content. That is fine, but it shouldn't be critical to the entire player base, and it shouldn't be a design goal that trumps replayability and general fun.


If you want an elite skill race, make it a part of a future Raid mechanic. The goal of holiday content should be replayability and fun. A Mad King's Race, should be wild and whacky, more like lunatics inquisition or southsun survival, which are fun to repeat even if you can't win. A freaking Beetle Roller Derby race with a last one standing mechanic would have been perfect. There is so much that could be done in pursuit of a fun addictive holiday activity... but a skill test is simply not considered fun and often not even doable by a lot of the players you are courting.


TLDR change it to 8/10 meta, keep skill gates from blocking general content, and try to make future holiday events addictingly fun more than exceedingly difficult.


P.S. If you can do the race in question, congrats, but just because you can do something doesn't mean the content is accessible to everyone. Everyone is different and no less valuable to Anet... and they have different skills, pings and computers.


Thank you.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"MegiddoZO.3409" said:

> > Hello!

> >

> > Like a lot of you, I have tried out the new race in the Mad King's Raceway, and after an initial period to get used to it, I fell in love with the heavy-drifting based track, that elevates our mastery of the use of Beetle to higher levels!

> >

> > Like the previous Beetle race, me and my guildies went in full competitive mode trying to beat each others time again and again. However, there are 2 things that unfortunately hamper this process:

> > - The Attendant you need to talk to at times for the adventure to pop-up, throws you off your mount if you're on it. This seems to reset your Beetle's endurance as well, resulting in an annoying time to wait before you can actually start racing.

> > - And the big issue we have: The Event version of the race blocking off the Adventure one. I get why it happens, it's to call attention to that one, and to have more people participate in it. But for our purposes, to try to beat each others time and to get higher on that Leader board, it completely kills the momentum and flow you build up from continuous time trial tries, and for our purposes it feels like a mandatory 7 minute wait time till we can continue our attempts at the perfect run.

> >

> > Would it not be possible for the time trial purists among us to leave the Adventure available at all times, or for there to be instances available that do not have the Event Race enabled?


> I like your style. You made observations, developed suggestions, and posted them in a helpful way. Thank you!


> And thanks to the many people who are sharing tips on how to master the race -- that's **very appreciated**!


What about those who say that the race is badly designed, too hard and the time limit is way too strict? They don't count anything? :/

Do you know what we would **very appreciate**? You increasing the time limit or completely reworking the race!

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I am also kinda disappointed that I cannot get the annual 50 AP meta achievement done ever now because it needs this 1 min race or the clock tower and I cannot do either one of them. Oh well, have to live without that extra 50 ap per year which also means that might as well skip every other annual achie too. That leaves only dailies to do every halloween.

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"MegiddoZO.3409" said:

> > > Hello!

> > >

> > > Like a lot of you, I have tried out the new race in the Mad King's Raceway, and after an initial period to get used to it, I fell in love with the heavy-drifting based track, that elevates our mastery of the use of Beetle to higher levels!

> > >

> > > Like the previous Beetle race, me and my guildies went in full competitive mode trying to beat each others time again and again. However, there are 2 things that unfortunately hamper this process:

> > > - The Attendant you need to talk to at times for the adventure to pop-up, throws you off your mount if you're on it. This seems to reset your Beetle's endurance as well, resulting in an annoying time to wait before you can actually start racing.

> > > - And the big issue we have: The Event version of the race blocking off the Adventure one. I get why it happens, it's to call attention to that one, and to have more people participate in it. But for our purposes, to try to beat each others time and to get higher on that Leader board, it completely kills the momentum and flow you build up from continuous time trial tries, and for our purposes it feels like a mandatory 7 minute wait time till we can continue our attempts at the perfect run.

> > >

> > > Would it not be possible for the time trial purists among us to leave the Adventure available at all times, or for there to be instances available that do not have the Event Race enabled?

> >

> > I like your style. You made observations, developed suggestions, and posted them in a helpful way. Thank you!

> >

> > And thanks to the many people who are sharing tips on how to master the race -- that's **very appreciated**!


> What about those who say that the race is badly designed, too hard and the time limit is way too strict? They don't count anything? :/

> Do you know what we would **very appreciate**? You increasing the time limit or completely reworking the race!


you dont need an beetle to complete it , players have done it with jackal

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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> I am also kinda disappointed that I cannot get the annual 50 AP meta achievement done ever now because it needs this 1 min race or the clock tower and I cannot do either one of them. Oh well, have to live without that extra 50 ap per year which also means that might as well skip every other annual achie too. That leaves only dailies to do every halloween.


Indeed. Whilst I enjoy the festival, with the already diminished ap on offer, some of the fun has gone from it for me. I can live with the JP as it is because that's me just be unskilled and it's clearly a well designed piece of content. The beetle track feels like two opposing design concepts not meshing and having to try and work against that.

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I've done two laps under a minute so far - around 30/40th fastest time.


My feedback on the track? - Throw it out, scrap it, it is a horrible track, I was really disappointed with it sorry. The main elements of the Beetle are not well exercised and the flow is all wrong - you have spots where its 'almost' viable to boost, so you either go too slow or no choice but to hit a wall or fence to slow down e.g. Last turn before lap completes, and first jump when you turn right at the start of the race.


Please watch this video of a track I designed in Lions Arch


Why is this Lions Arch Track better?

-Much faster Speed

-Smooth wide corners for long drifts

-Greater elevations and dips - well balanced.

-The boosts and timing of charging boosts fits perfectly to maintain speed through ascensions and prior to jumps and straits.

-It incorporates environment features like Bridges, Archways, Waterway, popular hang out areas like the Fractal portal and Crafting station - i.e. Racing is both promotional to Racing.

-Track requires little skill to complete (it's fun and not frustrating to new racers), but requires a-lot of skill to master the track with higher speeds.

-The direction of the track is more intuitive - the environment prompts you were to go rather than distracting and confusing you.

-The flow is not abruptly disrupted with ill-logical turns and racing lines.

-Lastly, it already comes with an audience as it is built around were players hang out - they see the racing, and entices them to get the beetle mount and join in.

Note* because of what you need to do to get the beetle mount, showcasing these things infront of new players encourages greater and longer participation to the overall game itself.


Here is another example of a track I made at Hoelbrak


Again these the same elements above I have tried to follow, the beetle is fast, has air tricks, and charges boost on drifting - so play to these features of the beetle. This hoelbrak track is much hard - I challenge anyone to do it as well as I have, there are several turns that only highly skilled racers could pull of, but the skill gap doesn't take away from the majority of the track which is fun and full of huge air and drop ins.


Me as a player, I've come up with these works which I believe the community would agree are much better tracks for beetle racing. A good track must be both Fun, Skillfull, and play to the Beetles strengths and mobility. I could design something 10x better than my own LA and Hoelbrak tracks if I had the option to create the environment from scratch.


To me it seems like Madking Raceway was a rush job - it really missed the mark and so much more could of been integrated.

How about Loops? Corkscrews? Huge Canyon gap jumps, Long wide drift corners and J-turns, Tunnels, and line things up to better suit flow and fun, but requires more skill to master.


No this is not a matter of 'I just think MK Raceway is too hard' - As I said, I've completed it more than once under 1 minute, but a track should neither be hard or easy just by changing the time-limit you have to finish it - the truth is, your still better off running into two walls to get a faster time on it.


Here is another suggestion and a very simple update you could do in a day or two. Add Beetle racing markers for Commanders, 8 is not enough for a track - Checkered Start lines, direction trail that you can place and drop to indicate corners. These things already exist but as 3rd party overlays - I don't want to use them because A) can't trust the 3rd party devs, and B) the overlays are only visible to you, not people in a squad.


IF you guys can't make a decent track, then facilitate overlay updates for commanders and squads so we can better organised and illustrate our own tracks. Thats my two cents.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Susy.7529" said:


> What about those who say that the race is badly designed, too hard and the time limit is way too strict? They don't count anything? :/

> Do you know what we would **very appreciate**? You increasing the time limit or completely reworking the race!


If people share **constructive and meaningful feedback** then we sincerely thank them. Even if their general feedback is negative, if it provides valuable insights or suggestions, then yes, it's definitely appreciated. (And no, it isn't "instantly removed because it's negative" as some would suggest. ;) )


If feedback is something along the lines of "I don't like it" or "I can't do it" or "It's 'badly designed'!" **without meaningful details or suggested solutions** then that feedback is not of much value.


If a hundred people say "I don't like it" but data shows that many thousands or tens of thousands are participating in the content, you have to wonder if we have a echo chamber effect, where a small number of people share their feelings, another member of that small group agrees, and group members come to consider that echo a form of "proof" that their *opinion* is absolute *fact*. Now, I'm not suggesting we have that sort of data at this point -- it's probably early to gather it. However, I imagine we will acquire that data, and when we do, if the statistics suggest that we might want to make changes, then those who make constructive suggestions will be of greater help than the "I don't like it (no details, no suggestions)" crowd. :D


Maybe it's like voting: Stating "I don't like this candidate" doesn't have a lot of value. Heck, "none of the above" isn't even on the ballot! :D Compare that to "I like / choose / will vote for this candidate because..." and you can see the latter has substance, which is helpful. I may be opinion, sure, but it's backed by details and facts.


TL;dr: Make your feedback count -- positive, negative, neutral -- by sharing details, suggestions, and something of true value.


For an example, take the feedback from @"Synco.8203". Their opinion about the MKRW would be basically negative, but they provide a lot of reasons for their impression, and they kindly give details, suggestions, and well-thought input. That makes what they have to say valuable. Another example is the feedback from @"Random Wax Orc.7695". I think the suggestion would be controversial within the community and perhaps amongst the devs, but RWO makes a case by providing examples and details, and that's great.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Susy.7529" said:


> > What about those who say that the race is badly designed, too hard and the time limit is way too strict? They don't count anything? :/

> > Do you know what we would **very appreciate**? You increasing the time limit or completely reworking the race!


> If people share **constructive and meaningful feedback** then we sincerely thank them. Even if their general feedback is negative, if it provides valuable insights or suggestions, then yes, it's definitely appreciated. (And no, it isn't "instantly removed because it's negative" as some would suggest. ;) )


> If feedback is something along the lines of "I don't like it" or "I can't do it" or "It's 'badly designed'!" **without meaningful details or suggested solutions** then that feedback is not of much value.


> If a hundred people say "I don't like it" but data shows that many thousands or tens of thousands are participating in the content, you have to wonder if we have a echo chamber effect, where a small number of people share their feelings, another member of that small group agrees, and group members come to consider that echo a form of "proof" that their *opinion* is absolute *fact*. Now, I'm not suggesting we have that sort of data at this point -- it's probably early to gather it. However, I imagine we will acquire that data, and when we do, if the statistics suggest that we might want to make changes, then those who make constructive suggestions will be of greater help than the "I don't like it (no details, no suggestions)" crowd. :D


> Maybe it's like voting: Stating "I don't like this candidate" doesn't have a lot of value. Heck, "none of the above" isn't even on the ballot! :D Compare that to "I like / choose / will vote for this candidate because..." and you can see the latter has substance, which is helpful. I may be opinion, sure, but it's backed by details and facts.


> TL;dr: Make your feedback count -- positive, negative, neutral -- by sharing details, suggestions, and something of true value.


> For an example, take the feedback from @"Synco.8203". Their opinion about the MKRW would be basically negative, but they provide a lot of reasons for their impression, and they kindly give details, suggestions, and well-thought input. That makes what they have to say valuable.


That is all fine and good advice. I would say though, participation is not necs useful data. Lots of ppl might be doing it, but still hating it because of the aforementioned comments. I'm sure the team knows this, but I worry tremendously when I see companies rely on such metrics and (and kpis in the industries I work in) and a lot of that kind of data can be one dimensional and useless without context.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"Susy.7529" said:

> >

> > > What about those who say that the race is badly designed, too hard and the time limit is way too strict? They don't count anything? :/

> > > Do you know what we would **very appreciate**? You increasing the time limit or completely reworking the race!

> >

> > If people share **constructive and meaningful feedback** then we sincerely thank them. Even if their general feedback is negative, if it provides valuable insights or suggestions, then yes, it's definitely appreciated. (And no, it isn't "instantly removed because it's negative" as some would suggest. ;) )

> >

> > If feedback is something along the lines of "I don't like it" or "I can't do it" or "It's 'badly designed'!" **without meaningful details or suggested solutions** then that feedback is not of much value.

> >

> > If a hundred people say "I don't like it" but data shows that many thousands or tens of thousands are participating in the content, you have to wonder if we have a echo chamber effect, where a small number of people share their feelings, another member of that small group agrees, and group members come to consider that echo a form of "proof" that their *opinion* is absolute *fact*. Now, I'm not suggesting we have that sort of data at this point -- it's probably early to gather it. However, I imagine we will acquire that data, and when we do, if the statistics suggest that we might want to make changes, then those who make constructive suggestions will be of greater help than the "I don't like it (no details, no suggestions)" crowd. :D

> >

> > Maybe it's like voting: Stating "I don't like this candidate" doesn't have a lot of value. Heck, "none of the above" isn't even on the ballot! :D Compare that to "I like / choose / will vote for this candidate because..." and you can see the latter has substance, which is helpful. I may be opinion, sure, but it's backed by details and facts.

> >

> > TL;dr: Make your feedback count -- positive, negative, neutral -- by sharing details, suggestions, and something of true value.

> >

> > For an example, take the feedback from @"Synco.8203". Their opinion about the MKRW would be basically negative, but they provide a lot of reasons for their impression, and they kindly give details, suggestions, and well-thought input. That makes what they have to say valuable.


> That is all fine and good advice. I would say though, participation is not necs useful data. Lots of ppl might be doing it, but still hating it because of the aforementioned comments. I'm sure the team knows this, but I worry tremendously when I see companies rely on such metrics and (and kpis in the industries I work in) and a lot of that kind of data can be one dimensional and useless without context.


Oh no, you misunderstood! Or more probably I expressed myself poorly. That reference to statistics was made with the concept that they would be just *part* of an analysis, not the only metric on which decisions were made or changes were guided! The basic premise here is that general feedback is noted, but specific feedback is better and more helpful.

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Personally, I like the challenge and I understand it takes practice to get good at something - but there's a few buggy things that REALLY annoyed me that have nothing to do with skill/practice...


* You can't do a timed trial during the Race Event... which seems to happen way too often (like every 10 minutes?) You can't do the timed trial before the Race Event while the countdown timer is up to start, and you have to wait for the Race Event to finish before starting the timed race again. So all in all, you might get 3-5 timed trials in between the Race Events.

* Once you finish a timed trial and "Reset" it, your mount's skills are still on cooldown and stamina is still recharging - so you have to sit there and wait for them to recharge.... hoping the Race Event doesn't start.

* ~~You are completely unable to "Reset" the timed trial until you finish it. So if you mess up pretty big (like accidentally launching yourself across the map) and just want to start over.... nope, you gotta finish it first! In the other timed trials (like the griffon ones), you can reset if you hit the ground - but in this one, you have to either waste time finishing it or until the timer runs out... again, hoping the Race Event doesn't start.~~

* The results don't show your time... they ONLY show the best time you've achieved.

* If you don't have the mount unlocked and RENT a beetle, and then you hit a pumpkin... you have to run all the way back to the middle to rent another Beetle! Whereas players with the Beetle unlocked can just re-mount right where they left off.


These few things made it incredibly frustrating for me just to practice! It would really help us practice and get better if they were fixed! ;-)


**UPDATE:** I just learned that you can click on the little 'X' button at the top-right of the event window displaying your time to cancel the timed trial and do a reset. TIL

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