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Do people who intentionally throw matches get banned in this game?


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Lost two matches in a row because of the same guy who threw. 1st match he did nothing but run around the map doing nothing. The 2nd match I saw him, called him out on it and he just left the match. Both matches was a blowout because of this.


In Smite and DOTA this is at least a trip to the Low Priority queue. If not a suspension from PvP queues. Do the same thing happens here in GW2?

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Yes, they do get banned.

But people, for whatever reason, believe that when somebody throws or when somebody presses 'report', then the player in question should be insta-banned.

I saw several post where somebody claimed "I reported a guy and he was still in my match ten mins after!!!".

If such reckless approach was indeed the case then you'd be banned dozen times over as well, because whether you know it or not, you too are being reported by random jokers or salty geniuses when you outplay them.

In other game I play I get monthly contacted by its GMs or support or whoever it is, because I get Reported 15 000 times a month on average (fifteen-thousand!!) I didn't even play vs so many people in one month but still this kind of **** happens.

So yes, they get banned but devs/gms need time and evidence in order not to randomly ban innocent people.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> The report feature in GW2 is equivalent to the crosswalk button. Deep down you know it does nothing but you press it anyways and a little glimmer of hope comes about when the light changes. But we all know it does nothing and is only there to seem as if it does something.


No I didn't just report him. I also filled out a support site ticket. With the video attach.

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Nope. They are paying players ( least the main account and not the free to play alt they use). So since they pay money to the game all that will ever happen is a slight wrist slap nothing more.




People have voted so far saying that ranked is wintrade vill.

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> @"Fearless.3569" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > The report feature in GW2 is equivalent to the crosswalk button. Deep down you know it does nothing but you press it anyways and a little glimmer of hope comes about when the light changes. But we all know it does nothing and is only there to seem as if it does something.


> No I didn't just report him. I also filled out a support site ticket. With the video attach.


Could be a 5 yr old kid judging by the way he walks around looking at things..



Either that or the dude is trippin on shrooms or somethin

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