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Skill / Hero Challenge NPC's bugged [Merged]

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Been like this for way too long. I appreciate that a "fix" has been found, but waiting an undisclosed amount of time for the next patch for it to "maybe" be released is not much to go on. For the past two weeks I've been encountering these broken challenges with at least 1-2 per zone. Sure I can get enough points by just leveling, however I like to level up using map completion and currently I cannot do that because of these bugs. So I'm forced to either look for events, craft or grind mobs to makeup the experience me and others are losing out on.

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2 hero are bugged preventing my from getting 100% map completion.

Uploaded images of the bugged hero points. [screenshots](https://imgur.com/gallery/hwwmker "Screenshots") (to Imgur)

Both are showing that the need to be killed as if you started the hero point event but their dialog shows that they have already been beat.


> GM Drommen JuvelToday at 15:02

> Hey there XXXXX,


> Thanks a lot for taking the time to report the issue with the 2 hero points! We have found that the best way for the Development team to gather and review player feedback is through the official forums. We ask and encourage players to post their ideas in our forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com


> Please post your suggestion in the forum most relevant to the subject at hand. For instance, if you are writing about PvP, post in the PvP sub-forum. If you are making a suggestion about a specific profession, please post in that profession's sub-forum. And if you are writing about the Living World, feel free to post in that sub-forum.


> Members of the Development Team read the forums daily, and while they usually cannot respond to individual suggestions, the fact that team members can review those suggestions in a public forum helps them gauge the level of interest in a particular idea, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.


> The team looks forward to reviewing your input.


> Regards,


> GM Drommen Juvel

> Guild Wars 2 Support Team


This is the first time I've ever asked for support in any game and then have them refer to posting the problem in the forums. Not sure if this is good or bad. (shrugs)



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Yup its been like 2 weeks and still no fixes. I've counted 5 bugged hero points so far and with notaries i was able to knock out 4/5 of them. But due to anet making it so that notaries don't work after 188/189 Heropoints i'm stuck with the Owl NPC of snowden drifts still remaining. With No ETA for the next patch to fix this who knows how many more weeks we'll be stuck unable to finish our legendary weapons. Really a game breaking bug tbh and a simple hotfix atleast temporarily. I realize its near halloween but its been a persistant issue for weeks now you'd think itd have been resolved by now. Dissapointed , i just don't think they really care about it tbh as its not a priority.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> You bought a notarized scroll for core Tyria and double-clicked it. What did happen instead of unlocking the one remaining hero point?


I can answer that since I did the same thing, it said 'Hero point unlocked' with no more text, and it didn't unlock anything at all


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On my alt account yesterday, which is a free account, so no mounts, or gliding, I came across 6 total HPs in all the 1-15 and 15-25 zones. Yes all those lowbie zones - Asuran, Sylvari, Human, Norn, and Charr.....walking the entire way....slowly.


At least now I have all those WPs unlocked :/

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> @"Taida.4382" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > You bought a notarized scroll for core Tyria and double-clicked it. What did happen instead of unlocking the one remaining hero point?


> I can answer that since I did the same thing, it said 'Hero point unlocked' with no more text, and it didn't unlock anything at all



Weird. That seems like a bug. I wonder if it's related to the issue with the hero points themselves not resetting (sounds unlikely, but then again, the HP not completing also seems unlikely).


Besides mentioning it here, did you also file either a support ticket and/or use the in-game `/bug` reporting tool? The first gives you a chance to get an individualized response (which could include a refund of the currency spent); the latter helps ANet by providing additional details automatically (where/when etc).

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I've been trying for the past 2 days to get some achievements on this map in this location to get that eater. But It always drops me on the same map with the same bugged location. Events won't progress. Seraph won't retake the town. Would force closing this map fix it? I'm struggling to find another instance of this place. I always end up in this one :/

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Next patch will be ages away :(. Thank you though ^_^. I just hope somebody from Anet can log in and force the map to close or something. I don't know enough people to flood a map and force a new instance to spawn.


Guesting isn;t working either. The ip of the map I keep going on ends in 57.

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