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I'm getting 60 FPS

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Just a CPU does not a gaming PC make. Your graphics card and RAM for example have something to say about that too. Also GW2 is an MMO which is a different ball game entirely compared to single player games. So do not compare GW2 to single player games please.


I have an i7700k, GTX1070Ti and 16GB RAM (DDR4) and I can run this game at 4k graphics with everything pretty much turned on high or better. It entirely depends on what I'm doing and where I am what the fps is. It can go over 100 fps when it's quieter around me but in areas with lots of people it goes down and can go under 60 fps. Again, that's part of the MMO point. Being around a lot of other players will put a strain on your fps. That's a situation you don't have in single player games for obvious reasons.


But without more specs on your PC it's hard to say whether there is something that needs optimizing on your end.


Can this game be optimized better? Sure. But it's also your end that matters and an MMO has a harder time maintaining fps when you have a lot of people around you. SWTOR for example has a much worse engine for that and they basically killed open world PvP because the game became unplayable when there are like 20+ people in the same direct area. GW2 does a LOT better at that.


I am open to ideas from other people but I'm not familiar with any MMO from the last 10 years or less that has good graphics and can consistently deliver 60+ fps under all circumstances, particularly when many players are around. So I'm not really convinced that's a fair expectation.

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> @"Ronnie Hu.1694" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > A ) What's your GPU

> > B ) Lower Character Model Limit to Medium or lower and you will see a massive difference.


> a. AMD R9 380

> b. already did that.


> i know this game run with single core only. no matter how many core on your Cpu.



Yes the Ryzen 5 2600 runs "only" at 3.4GHz which isn't enough for a game engine from 2004, back then it was expected to reach incredibly high clock speeds, Crytek for example expected a 8GHz (!!!) CPU to arrive in the near future after Crysis was released in 2007 (in order to handle that game). Arenanet, like most companies at the time, probably did the same. We all know how that worked out and instead of going faster, companies opted to add more cores instead, which makes older games, that are single threaded (all of them), run badly.


Character Model Limit is the most "expensive" setting for CPU performance, next is Shadows, then Character Model Quality, then LOD and finally Animations. The problem is, even at Best Performance preset the game won't stay at 60 fps all the time, there will be times (in LA for example) that will go under 60 fps, even at best performance, which also makes the game look terrible. I have an R9 390 and gave up on 60 fps in this game, I use the AMD frame limiter to set it to 40 fps and never go under that at the highest settings, with the exception of render sampling (set to Native) and Character Model Limit set to Medium.

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> @"dace.8019" said:

> The fact that the game pushes open world PvE zerg events so much, yet runs terribly in these situations, is very strange.


Terribly, but playable. Compare that to other games that just don't offer content that allows that many players to participate.


I agree that it's unfortunate the engine cannot be optimized better. ANET has commented on it before, and the basic message is it would be easier to release GW3 than it would be to revamp the code for GW2. It is what it is - we just have to manage our expectations.

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with even older games being optimized for DX 12 it's still a mystery why they never do, the only reason i can think of is that they made a huge mess out of their source code and can't make it work with better DX unless they untangle it. (which means they basically need to rewrite the engine.)

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> its about time to remind anet the game performance again.

As if they ever forget it's a concern. They include several optimizations every year, most small, some big enough to warrant a mention in patch notes. The game runs more intensive stuff now than every, more people have crazier fashions (that put more demand on the CPU/GPU). And there's only so much they can do, without spending excessively on something that doesn't affect everyone and doesn't prevent people from playing the game.


I get that folks that just bought a new PC reasonably expect that GW2 will run even better, but it's not necessarily realistic nor in the best interests of the game for ANet to worry about it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > its about time to remind anet the game performance again.

> As if they ever forget it's a concern. They include several optimizations every year, most small, some big enough to warrant a mention in patch notes. The game runs more intensive stuff now than every, more people have crazier fashions (that put more demand on the CPU/GPU). And there's only so much they can do, without spending excessively on something that doesn't affect everyone and doesn't prevent people from playing the game.


> I get that folks that just bought a new PC reasonably expect that GW2 will run even better, but it's not necessarily realistic nor in the best interests of the game for ANet to worry about it.


Hell, they are slowly(very slowly) reducing the amount of visual effects the game has. I just wish this game had some more graphic options to put more control in the players hands over what they are seeing.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Hell, they are slowly(very slowly) reducing the amount of visual effects the game has. I just wish this game had some more graphic options to put more control in the players hands over what they are seeing.


They have them, but it's very limited: it's all or nothing (mostly) and can interfere with being able to enjoy the game generally.

* Reducing the number of character models helps a lot, but makes the world feel emptier.

* Reducing character quality also helps a lot, but makes everything feel bland.


The problem is that they didn't design the game with filters in mind, so they have to (a) create the system to allow that and (b) retrofit every single item that has effect. (Adding dyes to weapons would complicate this; another reason why it's probably never going to be on the table.)


I do wish they'd have a lot more options; I just don't see how they'll be able to manage it without a huge change to the game. (And, I'd definitely give up any chance at e.g. dyed weapons and more to have those options.)

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ronnie Hu.1694" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > A ) What's your GPU

> > > B ) Lower Character Model Limit to Medium or lower and you will see a massive difference.

> >

> > a. AMD R9 380

> > b. already did that.

> >

> > i know this game run with single core only. no matter how many core on your Cpu.

> >


> Yes the Ryzen 5 2600 runs "only" at 3.4GHz


that feel when new stronk Ryzen is just as good for playing GW2 as my old Phenom II...

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Since GW2 released I bought 2 new PCs, usually very high performance stuff, but I always had problems with the game's FPS. In big zergs i ALWAYS turn everything down.

I don't care so much about it, but I'd say maybe ANet should keep trying to improve the engine because it strangely seems to me like it's getting worse continuously.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I assume it's because of the festival, but lately it takes me 5 min to load up a map, and I get constant lag. I never had ANY issue of these type in 3 years playing.


If it’s taking you five minutes then there’s something else going on. You can probably try repairing the client to see if that helps.

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> @"fixit.7189" said:

> Ghostwars 2, the game where I have to turn things down to the point where I can't see anyone!


> Meh, here's hoping if there is going to be a gw3, the engine is strong enough to NOT require culling.

Erm, if your PC has issues with the game now a new game isn't going to run well on your PC either. I never have to turn things down to the point where I can't see anyone. You can't blame that all on them. Part of the problem is your PC which, if your description is not exaggerated, can't be that great. Not to sound harsh but realistically part of the issue with PC gaming is that constant supply of new or improved components. They won't go and make a GW3 and benchmark it on old PCs only. MMOs don't sell too well without eye candy after all.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > I assume it's because of the festival, but lately it takes me 5 min to load up a map, and I get constant lag. I never had ANY issue of these type in 3 years playing.


> If it’s taking you five minutes then there’s something else going on. You can probably try repairing the client to see if that helps.


Every day, someone playing the game is going to experience software or hardware issues unrelated to the game. Sometimes, those issues will first appear on the day of a patch or right after new content is introduced. The coincidence in timing is not enough to show that one caused the other.


There are all sorts of steps that can be taken to try to find the underlying issue(s), which might (but often aren't) game related. A good first step: start a support ticket. Even if you know how to troubleshoot a little, even if you think you can resolve things on your own. You can always cancel a ticket; you can't get yourself to advance in the queue without starting a ticket.


Repairing the client is another great first step. Clearing the cache is another. There are other ideas in the Knowledge Base for the game (also accessible by pressing the 'Support' link above.)

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.


When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.


> When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.


play skyrim with 4K texture mods, high performance ENB and spawn about 50 NPC's, i can easily run that even with all the spell effects and sounds and whats not.

that's equal to playing GW2, running it 2X and playing a heavy meta event.

skyrim runs smoothly, GW2 runs like sandpaper.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.

> >

> > When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.


> play skyrim with 4K texture mods, high performance ENB and spawn about 50 NPC's, i can easily run that even with all the spell effects and sounds and whats not.

> that's equal to playing GW2, running it 2X and playing a heavy meta event.

> skyrim runs smoothly, GW2 runs like sandpaper.


Npc's aren't the same as player characters and you seem to forget that aside from heavy events having way more than 50 players from my experience, there are also tons of npc's there at the same time. So regardless, your comparison falls completely flat as far as I'm concerned.


I run GW2 in 4k res with high settings and it runs fine for me. Heavy meta's do drop the FPS as there are many players but it still runs smooth so I have no "sandpaper" issues. Do mind that in quieter areas I easily get over 100 FPS, so I can take a drop when there's lots of players around. In such heavy events I can totally play my character normally. No choppiness etc.


What can I say... I just don't have the experience that you do. So how would you explain that?

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Anet did optimization but any forms of optimization is just to make up for loss of performance from all the bling bling stuffs they added. Furthermore, there is a limit on amount of optimization you can do for a single thread game or dual thread in this case. Not to forget, gw2 is base on gw1 engine, they simply modified it to add more bling bling.


I honestly doubt they will update the engine to truly support multi cores, that will delay all their other contents in the making. The best option is to remind anet to keep in mind of performance while they adding more bling bling.

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