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Fix the aggro range and mob swarms.


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It's outrageous to be getting swarmed by 5+ mobs aggroing from 1500 units away and following you all the way to hell just because you had to stop and fight one mob.


Exploring these maps and figuring how to get to an insight or point of interest is just dreadful. Most of the time is actually figuring out how to abuse my griffon to have to deal with this bullshit. Veterans that pummel you for half your life jumping you all the way from Timbuktu. Once I get off a mount and get put in combat it's an eternity just to get around due to how long I am kept in combat and harassed, especially with the increased amount of ranged mobs in this map.


It's not about challenge. It's outright tedious. The mobs give me nothing of value for wasting my limited game time dredging through the avalanche of them that pops up all over the place.

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Or you (and I) just haven't gotten used to the new maps, new mobs, new mechanics, new evasive techniques. I felt similarly about Bloodstone Fen and before that about all sorts of mobs in HoT (not just the Angle Biters) — I felt as if I couldn't get anywhere beyond the starting spot of each map. It took me a while to learn to adapt.


Of course it's frustrating (and currently tedious to get out-of-combat), but that doesn't (by itself) mean that there's a problem with the game that needs to be fixed. I'd rather have it be too hard and learn to adapt than have it be too easy and have ANet try to intervene to make it harder (that never ends well).

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I absolutely agree with you. I mean I love PoF, a lot about it is amazing. But I am often a positive player in my own experiences (though we all know forums is the place to complain) and also a lazy player who enjoys having fun, fooling around, chilling and socializing alot.


But for the first time I am actually getting pretty frustrated. The aggro is making it really impossible to enjoy open world. I think it should be adjusted as well.


It's not about learn to play. I often solo champs and bosses, and solo'd HoT and PoF story etc, no problem. HoT I could actually sneak around without aggroing everything from miles away. I might run into two or three, or be able to blink past or stealth past a bunch of pocket raptors to get to destinations I need to go. I loved HoT mobs because they were a fun challenge and hard hitting enough. The maps were another story, but still, I appreciated it.


but this sort of aggro range, plus all mobs including bugs like scarab, or a tiny devourer hitting for 4000 in one attack, knocking you off a mount, and then about 10 others swarming you from over 1500 sometimes 2000 range it seems, as OP stated, is wrong. Not because it's not impossible.


If I'm feeling like killing random things, I'd love that, and I do often deal with 10 mobs at one time for a good amount of time before I kill them all. The problem is when you're trying to actually get to something, usually as Anet does, forces us to do a JP of sorts (I am horrible at JP) and with a bunny it's even more difficult to be accurate. So fall over and over, aggro 10 mobs, either commit and go all out kill them all or die miles away from any WP. Then jump again and miss or fall or whatnot.


And these mobs respawn like a minute later, so chances are you'll have the same mobs at you again, the next time you make a mistake.


Just now I was trying to get griffon eggs and some of them are crazy difficult to get to because of these mobs. I miss a bunny jump. I aggro a veteran djinn, fine, I am in combat, I kill it, and then an Elite djinn comes from like max range and then by then my CDs were done, I'm trying to get back on a bunny, and am getting frustrated, because when I kill the Elite, the veteran has spawned or the next Elite is here. Have you done the branded pyramid in Crystal Oasis as well? That was cancer. Fell probably over 10 times trying to get up there, each time having 10 things coming at you. This makes it extremely frustrating to get to anywhere.


I don't want a nerf in damage or difficulty, simply adjust aggro range. It isn't a matter of difficulty, it's a matter of making accomplishing the goals Anet designed actually more possible.


Now some people would say for those complaining about HoT, don't solo it, play with group, it's designed that way. True, but if you observe, PoF maps are actually so large, you don't often find a lot of people around except for bounties. Everyone has to wander and solo most of the maps especially if it comes to some collections/achievements, and so on.


From what I've seen, most of my guildies are doing everything by themselves and concentrating hard because it's difficult, even though alot of guildies like to play together and fool around. The goals we all have are different or being completed at different times and it's all designed as solo quests not really group meta chains. And due to large maps and time availability people have a wide variety of progress levels.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Or you (and I) just haven't gotten used to the new maps, new mobs, new mechanics, new evasive techniques. I felt similarly about Bloodstone Fen and before that about all sorts of mobs in HoT (not just the Angle Biters) — I felt as if I couldn't get anywhere beyond the starting spot of each map. It took me a while to learn to adapt.


> Of course it's frustrating (and currently tedious to get out-of-combat), but that doesn't (by itself) mean that there's a problem with the game that needs to be fixed. I'd rather have it be too hard and learn to adapt than have it be too easy and have ANet try to intervene to make it harder (that never ends well).


Don't patronize me, more than Bloodstone Fen this is a repeat of those elementals in the forest in Bitterfrost frontier who have immense aggro ranges. There's no getting used to increased aggro range, just resigning to their annoyance or abusing the crap out of my griffon to avoid being engaged with to begin with.


I don't have problem killing mobs. I have problems with how much of my time is wasted warding off meaningless mobs. It's not difficult, it's OBNOXIOUS.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Or you (and I) just haven't gotten used to the new maps, new mobs, new mechanics, new evasive techniques. I felt similarly about Bloodstone Fen and before that about all sorts of mobs in HoT (not just the Angle Biters) — I felt as if I couldn't get anywhere beyond the starting spot of each map. It took me a while to learn to adapt.

> >

> > Of course it's frustrating (and currently tedious to get out-of-combat), but that doesn't (by itself) mean that there's a problem with the game that needs to be fixed. I'd rather have it be too hard and learn to adapt than have it be too easy and have ANet try to intervene to make it harder (that never ends well).


> Don't patronize me, more than Bloodstone Fen this is a repeat of those elementals in the forest in Bitterfrost frontier who have immense aggro ranges. There's no getting used to increased aggro range, just resigning to their annoyance or abusing the crap out of my griffon to avoid being engaged with to begin with.


> I don't have problem killing mobs. I have problems with how much of my time is wasted warding off meaningless mobs.


I'm not at all sure what you find patronizing about disagreement.


I also find it frustrating to deal with long aggro ranges, long duration-conditions, and long range attacks. I feel slowed down by being forced to dismount & be unable to easily escape. But since I remember also feeling that way about Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, & Bloodstone Fen **and** I figured out how to deal with it _eventually_. Therefore, I'm willing to give the new mechanics more time; PoF hasn't yet been out a week and it took me longer to learn to deal with HoT mobs.


I'm not sure why you're convinced that there's no possibility of adjustment, but that's fine; we're both entitled to an opinion about how we feel about our experiences.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Or you (and I) just haven't gotten used to the new maps, new mobs, new mechanics, new evasive techniques. I felt similarly about Bloodstone Fen and before that about all sorts of mobs in HoT (not just the Angle Biters) — I felt as if I couldn't get anywhere beyond the starting spot of each map. It took me a while to learn to adapt.

> > >

> > > Of course it's frustrating (and currently tedious to get out-of-combat), but that doesn't (by itself) mean that there's a problem with the game that needs to be fixed. I'd rather have it be too hard and learn to adapt than have it be too easy and have ANet try to intervene to make it harder (that never ends well).

> >

> > Don't patronize me, more than Bloodstone Fen this is a repeat of those elementals in the forest in Bitterfrost frontier who have immense aggro ranges. There's no getting used to increased aggro range, just resigning to their annoyance or abusing the crap out of my griffon to avoid being engaged with to begin with.

> >

> > I don't have problem killing mobs. I have problems with how much of my time is wasted warding off meaningless mobs.


> I'm not at all sure what you find patronizing about disagreement.


> I also find it frustrating to deal with long aggro ranges, long duration-conditions, and long range attacks. I feel slowed down by being forced to dismount & be unable to easily escape. But since I remember also feeling that way about Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, & Bloodstone Fen **and** I figured out how to deal with it _eventually_. Therefore, I'm willing to give the new mechanics more time; PoF hasn't yet been out a week and it took me longer to learn to deal with HoT mobs.


> I'm not sure why you're convinced that there's no possibility of adjustment, but that's fine; we're both entitled to an opinion about how we feel about our experiences.


In HoT avoiding combat was trivial. Tangled Depths was the single zone where some areas could be swarmed. The difference is most mobs in tangled depths were not high damage snipers like all the mage/archer mobs in PoF. There was also nowhere near the mob density in most of the maps, and the mobs leashed quickly and easily, they didn't follow you to Pluto to bugger off.


There was nothing to learn other than glide off a cliff to get them off you faster, but the PoF maps are far less vertical. There seriously were no issues with exploring HoT other than getting lost in maps like TD or trying to solo hero points like Balthazar's champ. The mobs were never the issue.

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I'd have to agree on both points.


The amount of enemy groups and their proximity to each other is a bit much. Also waypointing around is a risk because there are often random enemies there or an event nearby will be going on and when I show up I get swarmed. There is also a heart vendor in Elon Riverlands where you take your life in your hands if you talk to her after completing it because of the eels around it. Then there is the mix of enemies in some areas, all with their own attacks and conditions. Fun times in those spots.


On a plateau in Elon Riverlands I spent some time killing Jacarandas so I could finish an achievement. Not ten seconds after they were dead, they all respawned.


As for the leash range, in the Domain of Vabbi I had a Veteran Branded Hydra, who decided that I just had to die, follow me from the bottom of the stairs all the way up to King Joko's Sky Garden. I had to go to the far side of the platform and hide behind Joko's legs to get away from it.


All that being said I don't mind a challenge or difficulty, there's an initial period of adjustment to the new attacks and enemies and that's to be expected. I can learn them over time.


But there's a difference between challenging and annoying.

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They do respawn way too fast. I couldn't even get a bleached bones on a hill today. It had 4 regular branded scorpions beside it. I killed them, started the interact animation on the bleached bones and before that finished they had respawned and they interrupted the interact. Killed them again and the same exact thing happened.

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Huh, I kinda like it this way. Often enough had 25 trade contracts drop from random mobs.


Yeah I suppose it can get tedious if you dont have enough AoE or any other quick way to deal with mobs. I play dragonhunter and tend just pull everything together and kill stuff extremely fast. So for me I dont really mind fighting nearly all the mobs I encounter.


Often enough though. once you are on any mount you can be out of there so fast and you can skip pretty much everything like that.


I think it is perfect this way so that if you are off your mount you need to fight. The mobs need to aggro from a bit further and need to be a bit better to compensate with how easy it is toavoid everything otherwise.


Just need to pick your fights before the fights pick you. Thats what I always think. If I notice my mount is failing or I need to get out of combat I do tend to hack everything away before going on. I can try to avoid fighting when I am already in co.bat, but that is just more frustrating than killing the mobs.


Drops are not even that bad either. Though very RNG related though.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Or you (and I) just haven't gotten used to the new maps, new mobs, new mechanics, new evasive techniques. I felt similarly about Bloodstone Fen and before that about all sorts of mobs in HoT (not just the Angle Biters) — I felt as if I couldn't get anywhere beyond the starting spot of each map. It took me a while to learn to adapt.

> >

> > Of course it's frustrating (and currently tedious to get out-of-combat), but that doesn't (by itself) mean that there's a problem with the game that needs to be fixed. I'd rather have it be too hard and learn to adapt than have it be too easy and have ANet try to intervene to make it harder (that never ends well).


> Don't patronize me, more than Bloodstone Fen this is a repeat of those elementals in the forest in Bitterfrost frontier who have immense aggro ranges. There's no getting used to increased aggro range, just resigning to their annoyance or abusing the crap out of my griffon to avoid being engaged with to begin with.


> I don't have problem killing mobs. I have problems with how much of my time is wasted warding off meaningless mobs. It's not difficult, it's OBNOXIOUS.


Yeah man! Let's make everything so easy in Gw2. Let's not even fight anymore, I mean why waste so much time in stupid non loot giving fights. People for real now, game has to be enjoyable and if it gets to you (even obnoxiously) that is a good sign. I like the way Bitterfrost dogs go for you, you are farming stuff that can easily boost your stats (ascended gear is not cheap to make and you have a window in that fast). The fact that mobs and mechanics are harder makes people, makes me, perform better and learn how to get out of difficult spots and how to sneak when I need to :)

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> @VaLee.5102 said:

> The agro range is insane, there are multiple waypoints in the new maps where afk players die due to mobs agroing from the other side of the map. Can't go to the toilet without having a pack of hyenas chewing you to death out of nowhere.


In response to you specifically, one should have learned a long time ago that you don't AFK in an active map. Ever. You need to go to the restroom? You should warp back to a safe town to be AFK rather than spend time at a possibly contested waypoint. You wouldn't go AFK anywhere but a "safe" fort in Cursed Shore or Verdant Brink, right?


In general, I kind of agree on the aggro range, but the density and swarming isn't really that bad. Fighting more than two or three mobs simply means "take someone with you." It is an MMO, remember, and while solo play is bolstered by myriad things to do, there are places where you still need a group. I hope that never changes.

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Point about mounts by dragonhunter player is moot because most mobs even trashy scarabs or devourers hit for 3000 something like that and your mount has very limited health. Even when you're using mount abilities to evade you get knocked off your mount soon enough if you're trying to figure out where you're going or jump up on something. Or if you have to switch mounts for different terrain or climbing. They're all over you and will hit you for a lot of damage.


Also regarding AFK. I don't often afk anywhere unsafe but due to the new maps being huge and sometimes the nearest wp is a long run and difficult climb to where you need to be, it's necessary for a few minutes sometimes. Also some wp which appear safe suddenly have events around it. WPss far as I've seen don't get contested either.

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I agree, they should tone it down a little, it's not fun. All im doing is running away from mobs because i can't get 1 second of respite while exploring the new maps. And god forbid i have to stop for a second to get my barings...


- dismounted

- 5 trash mobs, 2 veterans 1 elite swarm (or substitute elite for another 2 veterans)

- 5 trash mobs keep respawning while you fight veterans

- either waste 15 minutes fightig mobs or die...


Then repeat...


Tone it down Anet, it's not fun to be running away from mobs constantly. Just look at that mess where the cactus heart is, with all the harpies. One harpy can deplete my whole health bar, and i wear vitality and toughness gear. One harpy. And there's hundreds of them.


Again. Tone it down please, it's extremely unfun to roam those maps.

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My biggest problem with gw2 is how the mobs are everywhere but its definitely gotten worse in PoF.


I would like to see ArenaNet just be more selective about where they put mobs instead of trying to cover the entire map with them. It makes sense to have them in camps or particularly dangerous areas but they everywhere in quantity. I feel like I have to rush through areas or else i'm going to lose my mount and end up in a fight. Not to mention a lot of them have ranged attacks on top of this very large aggro radius. Even if you find a small spot between groups of enemies to check your map its pretty much guaranteed something is going to patrol to you. It would be nice to think about how mobs are placed and if they are there just to annoy people then maybe don't do that.


Whats worse is when you end up in this situation where you get ranged by 3 things at the same time, lose your mount and have to fight the veterans and then more veterans aggro to you during the fight so you kill those only to be met with a patrol so you kill those just as the first group is respawning.. i've ended up in some very long fights because it seems a new enemy always shows up right after I killed everything and hits me with something from range to keep me in combat. That is very frustrating when you are trying to catch up to an event or need to switch to a mount to get over some obstacle.


Also, what is it with everything now having to spawn enemies? The vets spawning for the 200 flameseeker tablets definitely made those less fun. They are locked behind an event already, why make it more frustrating? It also seems like opening a lot of chests you cleared means you are not going to immediately be able to leave because they spawn more stuff. The chests often aren't anything special, its like they are doing it just to do it though.


I also hate that enemies seem to warp in from space in areas that look like they are cleared or are safe. It stinks when you plan a route and get to a certain point only to spawn a bunch of enemies from under ground or wherever else. Some places i guess it makes sense (with spiders in particular) but it is happening entirely too often now with all kinds of enemies where it makes questionable sense. It didn't make sense in Draconis that destroyers just appear out of nowhere but it seems increasingly common in PoF for things to just appear in spots you run to to check your map etc.


Please ArenaNet, fixing the way you do enemy placement would make this game a lot more fun to move around in.

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So let me start off by saying yes an aggro rework is needed. Second the amount of aggressive mobs is a bit much. For my biggest complaint though, is every mob does roughly half health damage to your mount in one hit and is loaded with the most annoying conditions.


So here's my suggestion for prepping for PoF so it's not soo terrible. Go to ember bay and fight the destroyers in packs the more the better (if you really want to push it go to Draconis Mons for the champion and packs of destroyers), if you can find a build that can hold it's own against the flood of condi's you should be ok in PoF.


Second your Raptor tail swipe build around it, this will be a blessing when facing dense mobs. Once you get used to what damage your mount can take when your low pick target and tail swipe. Even on a Deadeye with only using the rifle I managed to kill these dense packs with a shred of health most of the time.


Hope some of this helps, so far my Scourge MM is so far very capable of soloing content with little interruption.


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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> So let me start off by saying yes an aggro rework is needed. Second the amount of aggressive mobs is a bit much. For my biggest complaint though, is every mob does roughly half health damage to your mount in one hit and is loaded with the most annoying conditions.


> So here's my suggestion for prepping for PoF so it's not soo terrible. Go to ember bay and fight the destroyers in packs the more the better (if you really want to push it go to Draconis Mons for the champion and packs of destroyers), if you can find a build that can hold it's own against the flood of condi's you should be ok in PoF.


> Second your Raptor tail swipe build around it, this will be a blessing when facing dense mobs. Once you get used to what damage your mount can take when your low pick target and tail swipe. Even on a Deadeye with only using the rifle I managed to kill these dense packs with a shred of health most of the time.


> Hope some of this helps, so far my Scourge MM is so far very capable of soloing content with little interruption.



It's not about not being able to solo content. I can solo those maps just fine, the problem is that the mobs are relentless, not fun to fight, the fights take way too long for what is essentially transitional content. World maps are not instances, i shouldn't need a party just to cross a map unmolested. I get it, it's high level content. Fine. Make bounties stronger or events harder. Every trash litter mob is a boss fight and every 2 secconds you are aggro'd by a trash mob packs that each have their own veteran spawn.


It's too much.


Now of course, the numbers are exaggeration (not every 2 seconds DUH), but you get the point hopefully. Sometimes i want to stop and enjoy the scenery for a minute. Or even rest assured that, if i mess up and do get attacked that i'm not constantly running from mob pack to mob pack each with overlapping aggro radiuses until i either kill them (at which point most respawn before you can heal), or i die.


Relentless mobs are not fun.

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