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Battle Royale GW2 Style


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Would be a huge waste of resources, resources that can go into making all existing game modes better. People would get bored with it within days, especially considering the matches will be long and drawn out and obviously lacking any kind of significant reward. Making the time investment not worth it. Even if it was some type of WvW group battle royal, guilds would just create unkillable comps that do nothing expect tank and never die.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> Would be a huge waste of resources, resources that can go into making all existing game modes better. People would get bored with it within days, especially considering the matches will be long and drawn out and obviously lacking any kind of significant reward. Making the time investment not worth it. Even if it was some type of WvW group battle royal, guilds would just create unkillable comps that do nothing expect tank and never die.


There are many people who would find GW2BR to be a much more entertaining alternative to traditional Conquest. Stronghold, Conquest, Deathmatch (Courtyard), and a pseudo-CTF (Spirit Watch) clearly haven't been successful. So, I would argue that spending resources to further develop these failed gamemodes would be a waste.


As for the points you brought up:


1. Match time could be shortened by reducing the downtime between circle shrinking intervals.

2. You're making the assumption that the rewards would be bad. Playing matches could give gold and reward track progress (similar to sPvP) while winning first place could grant a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock + some other meaningful rewards to make it worth playing. Not to mention that having a 100 person FFA would be highly stream-able content as players would be able to show off their mechanical skill and win outnumbered fights without having to worry about getting zerged down.

3. Battle Royale games are typically FFAs or small groups. If you want large scale fights, players can go to WvW.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> It's already implemented though: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Southsun_Survival




People want an actual supported gamemode where they can use their own classes' skills. I don't know why you think that Southsun Survival is a good example or alternative, nor do I understand why you think this is what people are asking for.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > It's already implemented though: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Southsun_Survival

> >

> >


> People want an actual supported gamemode where they can use their own classes' skills. I don't know why you think that Southsun Survival is a good example or alternative, nor do I understand why you think this is what people are asking for.


A major case of whoosh.


I know what people asking for, they want Southsun Survival but without the balance. No one with half-decent knowledge of the combat system and balance would ask for Battle Royale in this game. Turns out subtly making fun of something doesn't work here.


For anyone thinking this would be a good idea, here is a lengthy and detailed explanation: Shadow Arts Deadeyes.


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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > It's already implemented though: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Southsun_Survival

> > >

> > >

> >

> > People want an actual supported gamemode where they can use their own classes' skills. I don't know why you think that Southsun Survival is a good example or alternative, nor do I understand why you think this is what people are asking for.


> A major case of whoosh.


> I know what people asking for, they want Southsun Survival but without the balance. No one with half-decent knowledge of the combat system and balance would ask for Battle Royale in this game. Turns out subtly making fun of something doesn't work here.


> For anyone thinking this would be a good idea, here is a lengthy and detailed explanation: Shadow Arts Deadeyes.



Southsun Survival was based off of Hunger Games.


People want a gamemode similar to Battlerite BR. Battle Royale in GW2 would essentially be solo roaming without the chance of get zerged down by 20 members of the opposing faction. And, since roaming is fun in WvW, everyone who enjoys that aspect of the game would enjoy GW2BR as well.


You should also read some of the earlier comments in the thread. Skill splits, no ooc health regeneration, and limited heal charges means that SA Deadeyes and Mesmers won't be as strong as many people think they'll be.

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Deathmatch as PvP game mode:


> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> A major case of whoosh. ... For anyone thinking this would be a good idea, here is a lengthy and detailed explanation: Shadow Arts Deadeyes.


You know that the problems related implementing all vs all style deathmatch are the same that are related to WvW roaming? Deathmatch would only bring them more visible to the player base, and in my dreams I hope that it would lead to issuing those problems. Also, of course, deathmatch would be dominated by WvW roaming build alikes and sPvP duelist builds, and in my dreams I could see that after few balancing passes there would be suitable builds for all classes, or even multiple options to go for all classes.


I know that there are many games with randomly (MM) chosen teams fighting against each other. In those games (with this kind of mechanism) which I have played, those game modes are usually closer to our unranked than our ranked - you go to random team matching for dailies and such, to gather resources and unlock things (to "level up"), but when you really start to play competitive, you want a premade, and there are guilds/alliances and such which you join / which invite you to go to real competitive battle. It is especially true in PvP games where the team success is mostly based on coordination and not so much in individual skills on certain class / build, and my feeling is that current GW2 ranked PvP is mostly about coordinating the efforts. EDIT: It really does not help in GW2 ranked PvP that we don't have in-game voice, in fact, it makes the experience much worse.


I would like to see a change, where the ranked PvP goes more about the direction of automated tournaments with premades, with changes to try to make players to make teams, establish guilds who practise for tournaments / seasons (for example, make it possible to guilds to have permanent custom arenas for people to practise PvP). More places and opportunities to bring PvPers together, make relationships through e.g. duels or 2vs2, to make guilds with their n:o one dream team and several practising teams and so on.


For soloers, it would really be the best, that you win and loose alone. For soloing you'd need a game mode where only your actions make the dividing line between win and loose, and a rank you can follow to know when you make it better, and when your new ideas made you worse - that is, you need to know if you lost against a good player, or if you lost against a player ranked below you. And vice versa, you really need to know if you won a player ranked above you, or someone who was already ranked below you.


The ~~only~~ other option(*), if current ranked PvP is wanted to be kept, is to provide relevant information about the match to the players, so that they know where they did right, and where they did bad. Some sorts of options to go through the entire game to see, that for example my in-game choice to go far led to situation where we lost at near, or that my in-game choice to go near was really good, because it prevented the other side to have free points.


EDIT: Ah, another option is to remove the need of coordination in PvP ranked matches with ~~randomly~~ MMR chosen teams , and base them entirely to the one's skills in their classes, like, make a small arena where two teams meet themselves, and that team wins whose member is standing last (even if drowned, even if bleeding to death).

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> People want a gamemode similar to Battlerite BR. Battle Royale in GW2 would essentially be solo roaming without the chance of get zerged down by 20 members of the opposing faction. And, since roaming is fun in WvW, everyone who enjoys that aspect of the game would enjoy GW2BR as well.


Ah, in real situation, players would make ad hoc teams to bring down together players they think could win them in 1vs1, and trusting they can win their "team mate" in the following 1vs1 - which is basically fine :D

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> And how exactly are you going to kill thiefs or Mesmers? In conquest, they have to fight on the point.


> Battle royals require that everyone have access to the same tools to function.


Battle Royals also typically shrink the playable terrain until there is no more room to run as the match progresses.


While thieves and mesmers (other mobile builds that include certain variants of rangers and warriors) would be annoying as the game starts out early on, their dependence on their mobility to survive would become a handicap in late game.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > @"Zephyron.7081" said:

> > > > It would be a new FFA game mode that would not be full of zergs because everyone is fighting each other. No groups. It would be the fresh air GW2 needs to stay relevant in 2019.

> > >

> > > it will die in 2 weeks and most of community wouldn't even note. Deathmatch however you call it this days, never was a wanted mod here.

> > > And it might get to unfinished matches due to perma invis DEs, lol.

> >

> > Plenty of us want Death match back, we just want our own queue for it like stronghold has.


> The problem with deathmatch as it was originally implemented was that it was way too snow-bally. Teams would easily get one down then just steamroll continually. It would have been much more interesting to have deathmatch be 3-5 elimination rounds, where players don't respawn until a round ends. Yes, getting killed means you spectate, but in a properly small arena single rounds shouldn't last too long. Perhaps a 2-3 minute limit, with some kind of ticking agony effect after 3 mins, or reduced healing to force an end.


It was only snowball because of how the respawn worked. That could be patched easily. Realistically it shouldn't have respawns throughout the match like Conquest at all. It should be best 2 out of 3 rounds wins, where if you die you are dead until that round ends. That's how death match generally works in other games anyway.

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There is a case on why Battle Royal will not work. Ppl are tired of it. & it has been proven very recently when this mmo that i shall not name play tested a battle royal format to get some data. The upraoar about it was very vocal. & that company listen & promised no battle royal for there game. Listen, if WvW format in Gw2 is not working, Battle Royal format sure will not either.

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