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Any reason to make a new character? Have all 9.

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I have 36 characters. They call this game fashion wars for a reason. I have so many awesome skins that I can use in so many awesome combinations. I have an amazing looking pirate character, complete with a peg leg, a hook, and he even shouts yarr and summones a parrot periodically because I'm using runes of the privateeer. I have many themed characters that look awesome. Plenty of reasons for me to make another character. Hell, I have some power builds and some condi builds on different characters. I won't go back and forth between druid and beastmaster, I'll just make one of each and not have to worry about swapping armor and weapons out Plenty of reasons.

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Depends on what you look for in a character. My own characters all have their own personality, and depending on what mood I am in, I might enjoy playing my glittery pink asura ranger one day and my huge serious charr ranger the other day. It's also more convenient to have one chrono in full damage fractal gear for higher level fractals and another in yolo open world pve gear to fool around in the countryside, so I don't have to change traits and equipment all the time.


If you're just wondering how to use your level 80 boost, you can use it on a character that already is level 80 to just grab the goodies that come with it. Or use it on a keyrunner and pick up the keys in the HoT story as well as living world season 2 (chapter 6 I think) while you are at it.

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Use the boost to level, get the rewards, do a key run with it (and do up to level 40 story and key if you want) then delete it and save the spot for a weekly key runner. Or use the char as a mule to store account bound items. Give it some bags and park at a chest for a daily log in. Go to WvW or sPvP lobby to merch and access bank as needed.

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I'd like to point out key running doesn't work anymore. You can only get that first key once a week now.

If you didn't know, the original personal story if different for every race and has 3 diff versions per race. So up to level 30 you'd probably not seen most of that yet.

As mentioned birthday gifts is a good point.

Parking a toon at a perma-gathering node or chest is also good.

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26 characters here (all 80). There are multiple reasons for having more of 1 class:


- different builds (still an issue since we don't have an ingame build template option yet)

- multiple birthday gifts (mostly a reason not to remake characters)

- racial preferance (I dislike Charr a lot, thus every class I have as Charr I have as human as well)

- keyrunner weekly

- dedicated wvw or spvp character (that way buffs don't run out in meaningless pve for example)

- jumping puzzle loot characters (having a character at some of the new jumping puzzles loged out increases daily map ressources gain)

- farming (multiple daredevils for Winterberry farm for example)


In the end it all comes down to how you play the game and how your priorities are set. I do think 1 of each class comes first but there are reasons as to why you might want to have a class twice or multiple times.

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**Reasons for Another Character Slot**

by An Altaholic


1. Key farming

2. Wanting to run a separate build with out having to change armor or Traits or weapons often

3. Visual aesthetic of another race as that class

4. "Building team asura"

5. Want to see if story dialog changes with your race/class/faction of choice

6. Bored with your current nine

7. Did I mention key farming?

8. Extra storage

9. Event or node farmer parked on a map (because I'm not buying that many Malgies)

10. Putting on a fashion show and need models

11. All of the above

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My single largest reason for multiple characters of the same profession is I got tired of flipping gear/traits and the like over everytime I wanted to play an alternate build. It was a pain to sort through lockers to try and find gear or to carry all the extra sets on an exisiting build so as to regear.


It also cheaper at the end of the day for storage space even though I have max tabs for the same already.


All of the reasons others have listed above alos play a role.

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Until they add more efficient ways of getting low level crafting materials... you can have a level 20 and a level 45 to open bags for low level crafting materials.


The 20 will increase your chances for grabbing wool and thin leather scraps. While the 45 will give you better odds at grabbing everything else except for silk and thick leather.

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