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Progression in GW2

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Levelling isn't really the point of GW2. Honestly the game isn't very good until level 80. So if you've achieved 80, gotten basic equipment, then uninstalled, you'd have missed out on the good stuff.

I personally find the combat fulfilling enough to keep playing whether or not I have specific "endgame" goals. Probably only City of Heroes (rip) had combat that kept me as engaged and entertained as GW2's does.

You'd also be doing a disservice to yourself if you hew too closely to metabattle builds instead of tinkering with different builds for the hell of it.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> 1) Install Game

> 2) Swipe credit card for level 80 boost

> 3) Swipe credit card for 200 gold (10 bucks?)

> 4) Boost

> 5) Go to Metabattle and pick a build that looks fun

> 6) Go to any Marketboard and buy all level 80 exotic gear

> 7) Congratulations you've completed Guild Wars 2

> 8) Uninstall

> 9) Talk to people on the forums (the true endgame)


GW2 doesn't focus on Vertical Progression... the game focuses on Horizontal Progression. There is a big difference. Traditional MMOs focus on Vertical progression which is what you're used too.


Vertical Progression focuses on making your character stronger by increase levels and armor stats. It focuses on unlocking new and more powerful skills over time. For example in Final Fantasy 11 you unlock the Fire III spell which is much more powerful than Fire II and Fire 1 spell.


The only Vertical Progression Guild Wars 2 has is the levels and gear stats up to lvl80 which is not the main focus of the game.

As I said before Guild Wars 2 focuses on Horizontal Progression.


Horizontal Progression focuses on adding new skills that allow your character to be more flexible not more powerful. It focuses on unlocking new optional things that you want to do in game not things you have to do in game.


Some examples of Guild Wars 2 Horizontal Progressions are listed below:


* A skill that you unlocked such as Cripple slows down the enemy's movement speed by 50% is not better or worst than a Skill that gives you Swiftness which increase your movement speed by 33%. Both can be very useful together and a skill that does damage is no different. So unlocking skills isn't focused on getting you stronger skills but different kinds of skills that makes you more flexible in combat.

* Unlocking new Weapon & Armor skins for aesthetics

* Unlocking new Dye for aesthetics

* Unlocking new Elite specs to play your class in different ways which gives you access to different weapons, different utility skills, and different traits.

* Unlocking new Mastery Abilities to help you explore places you never been too before. Such as spending points to unlock the ability to glide, or jump on bouncing mushrooms to reach higher places, or upgrading your mount's unique abilities to travel to different locations that where once inaccessible to you.

* Playing the game's Story in chronological order to progress and access new maps as you enjoy your character's story development and the lore he or she lives in.

* Jumping Puzzles to unlock achievements and get loot.

* Unlocking new achievements by participating in different activities.

* Leveling your Crafting skills

* Dungeons to get skins you want.

* Raids to work on getting your Legendary armor if you like to make your character look more badass and want more flexibility with stat swapping.

* PVP Matches rank up. (Ranking up doesn't make you stronger. It's just a title to show off your pvp experience)

* WvW Matches if you enjoy RTS style pvp which you can unlock new abilities to help contribute in that game mode like building siege weapons and such. etc.


All of these things are focuses on Character Horizontal Progression. So sure you're max level now after buying the game and got all the gear you want stat-wise. But you haven't done anything in this game yet. You still got a lot to do when it comes to Horizontal progression since that is what the game focuses on. You're done focusing on stats and levels so go out there and have fun playing the content that you like to progress Horizontally.


There is a lot I haven't even listed. ? You'll have to make your own goals in this game.





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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Progression in other ("standard") MMO's:

> >

> > 1. Buy game.

> > 2. Level up over time, playing out tedious quests designed to waste as much of your time as possible.

> > 3. Get to max level and do tedious repetition of dungeon A until you are "geared" for dungeon B through ?; then on to raids A through ?.

> > 4. Once geared, wait for next update so you can do it all over again.

> > 5. Meanwhile, there are other time-wasting activities like crafting and daily chores available.

> >

> > Welcome to the MMO genre.

> >

> > If the point of MMO's is to disguise time-wasting as fun, then what difference does it make if the time-wasting is tied to a "progression" treadmill in which you have the illusion of progression, or not.

> >

> > After all, all MMO "progression" is is:

> >

> > 1. A system designed to present the illusion of accomplishment.

> > 2. A system which negates the value of older content, while making sure that current content is "balanced" for your "newest" gear tier.

> >

> > So, since all progression is is time-wasting disguised as accomplishment, why not just do the time-wasting activities in the game? If you need the psychological trick of progression to make those activities "fun," then they aren't really fun for you.

> >

> > Fwiw, if you decide not to swipe your credit card in GW2, there is still a leveling/gearing experience available. What's your hurry?


> This is just wrong on so many levels


> I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG. I have so many fond and crazy memories from JUST THE LEVELING EXPERIENCE alone. Not to mention the raids, the 27 now? expansions it has. Not even talking about alts or marketplace garbage or glitches or just general fun and danger that world presented.


> Because what I said is 100% true on the credit card swiping the developers have effectively denied it's playerbase of any of the aforementioned. You "CAN" do that stuff right? But because the option to skip everything in the game exists it damages the spirit of it. The struggle for power, the climb to it, the journey your character takes after smashing giant rats in for 3 hours to achieve level 5 was something.


> The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> The fear you felt when venturing through Crushbone as a low level team of noobs was something

> The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> The market was 100 % player driven

> The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed


> So sir or madam your entire post is just... well it's wrong man. On so so many levels. I could even argue WoW had similar experiences that EQ1 did. The leveling experience means something to actual true RPG players. The me me me now now now kids ruined that whether you admit it or not.


> What memories do I have of Guild Wars 2 ? Zerging in WvW? yeah thats fun. Stressing over teammates who just keep walking off point B in PvP arena, yeah super fun. The "map completion" stuff thats instantly trivialized the second you get any amount of power above it's threshold. Yeah ok. What else? I can't think of 1 memory I have in GW2 that makes me go " OH MAN I REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME" not 1


Ah, now I'm with you. I missed leveling, the leveling trough zones and dungeons. But there is lots of things to do in gw2. Just, most MMORPGs made leveling easy, most of them.


Yeah I truly missed pugging in zones and stepping into dungeon.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > - snip -


> This is just wrong on so many levels


> I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG. I have so many fond and crazy memories from JUST THE LEVELING EXPERIENCE alone. Not to mention the raids, the 27 now? expansions it has. Not even talking about alts or marketplace garbage or glitches or just general fun and danger that world presented.


> Because what I said is 100% true on the credit card swiping the developers have effectively denied it's playerbase of any of the aforementioned. You "CAN" do that stuff right? But because the option to skip everything in the game exists it damages the spirit of it. The struggle for power, the climb to it, the journey your character takes after smashing giant rats in for 3 hours to achieve level 5 was something.


> The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> The fear you felt when venturing through Crushbone as a low level team of noobs was something

> The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> The market was 100 % player driven

> The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed


> So sir or madam your entire post is just... well it's wrong man. On so so many levels. I could even argue WoW had similar experiences that EQ1 did. The leveling experience means something to actual true RPG players. The me me me now now now kids ruined that whether you admit it or not.


> What memories do I have of Guild Wars 2 ? Zerging in WvW? yeah thats fun. Stressing over teammates who just keep walking off point B in PvP arena, yeah super fun. The "map completion" stuff thats instantly trivialized the second you get any amount of power above it's threshold. Yeah ok. What else? I can't think of 1 memory I have in GW2 that makes me go " OH MAN I REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME" not 1


So, you have a nostalgia thing going for old MMO's. That's fine. What that "something" you keep referring to is, , though, is you adding meaning to essentially meaningless time-wasting. MMO's are all about keeping you busy because that's what the business model requires. I get that you won't see it that way, because that's how our heads work.


I never played the older MMO's like EQ. Corpse runs, waiting for lengthy boss respawns, then competing with other waiters for tags, none of that appeals to me. Ommv.


I did play WoW back in the BC/Wrath days. The whole game was about wasting my time. I just tried the FFIV free trial. All about wasting my time. GW2 also offers to waste my time. At least, though, in GW2, the price is right, and I can choose _not_ to waste my time unless I feel like it today.


What it comes down to is that older-style MMO's are no longer attractive enough to _enough_ players to justify the plethora of choices competing for market share. That's why GW2 -- and other games -- cater to people who aren't interested in deferred gratification, who want convenience over whatever it is you think an MMO should offer instead. Still, I hear you. This trend in online games is part of a general trend in society. As much as I don't like what most MMO's offer, I do find that trend alarming.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> Yeah ok. What else? I can't think of 1 memory I have in GW2 that makes me go " OH MAN I REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME" not 1


Well if you didn't just boost your character to 80 and get gear through the market, then logged off, and actually played the damn thing, you'd have something to remember.


Also the point of raiding isn't the gear, its seeing and completing the content with a community of people, gear acquired through raids is just an incentive to do it multiple times and in vertical raid treadmills, designed to slow you down and make you take longer to complete the next raid release. You clearly have not raided before let alone participated in progression raiding.



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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> The point of this post is simply it's true


> Until someone comes on this thread and says "this is 100% false" I have made my point


> or "nope you can't do that it's impossible"


You can't complete content like story, exploration, achievements and various other things by "simply swiping your credit card" ... :s


Thanks to all the hilarious responses, though :+1: - I believe the snarkasm is what this thread is all about! =)

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Er no. I was being glib before, but I have to call this out.


> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG.



> I started GW2 in Feb 2018, and


> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> I remember my first foray into the Orr region, and of course, my first steps in Verdant Brink


> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> People in GW2 help others out because they are nice people, not because you've earned any "reputation". Sounds to me like GW2 has a better community.


> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > The market was 100 % player driven

> Not an economics major, but prove GW2's isn't.


> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> I explored Tyria largely on my own, mainly because the information wasn't as readily accessible as other MMO's I've played. In any case, the knowledge base available is irrelevant as it's your choice to use it or not.


> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed

> Didn't get my mount until after defeating Zhaitan. The teleport node is just how GW2 works. If you enjoy spending time running from place to place, by all means, don't use the teleport nodes.


> So essentially @"aswedishtiger.7320" if you don't like GW2, please do yourself a favor and uninstall it, and also don't forget to log out of the forums. Make the choice to be happy, because this forum post is beyond pointless.


Keep in mind you can't teleport without having been there first unless you are an idiot to buy the unlock for it

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You forgot about mastery progress, as in unlocking and leveling all masteries and skill progression, as in getting better at the game. Doing everything you said won't necessarily allow you to beat even some story missions, never mind getting the harder achievements in them. I think a game with a low bar to entry and a high skill ceiling is precisely what this genre needs.

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As someone who played a lot of MMO's, I get what you are saying OP.. but playing GW2 you have to change this progress mind set.. trust me I was there for a long time.

I play for little over 2 years now and after 1 year had my 8 character full ascended, even the underwater weapons and crafted every weapon ascended that that class can use, trying to gem all characters now with +10 and ghostly infusions even tho I barely play Fractals lol.


So after that time I felt *stuck* but there is off course Legendary armor and weapons you can go for, not my cup of tea because it's too expensive, but to the point.. there is not a moment I was *bored* and i'm not even in a guild.


There is really so much you can do, go for achievements for example, this will keep you occupied for a long long time, get skins (of that's ur thing), Events, Dungeons, Fractals, WvW, PvP, Meta's etc etc.

This is not WoW, from what I can remember where you got 216 armor rating then 246, 288 etc.. that's not GW2, and I'm fine with that now.. think it's a good thing.


So saying with a set of lvl 80 gear and a metabattle build is the end game is really shortsighted and silly, I have had some rants and tantrums over here but GW2 is a beautiful game and deserves more credit then this 9 step *okay I finished the game*.



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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> 7) Congratulations you've completed Guild Wars 2


Exotic gear will get you up to about level 25 Fractals. There is a very long way up to 100 in order to "complete" Fractals.

The builds on metabattle require elite specializations, using the boost to 80 doesn't unlock any of those.

Exotic gear doesn't include Runes and Sigils which are parts of any build. A lot of those cannot be bought but you must play content to acquire them.

Boosting to 80 doesn't include mastery unlocks, you must earn experience by playing the game to unlock those.

You can't even finish the expansion story without specific mastery unlocks, so good luck with your boosted character.



> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> The point of this post is simply it's true


> Until someone comes on this thread and says "this is 100% false" I have made my point


> or "nope you can't do that it's impossible"


The point of your post is 100% false. You can't "complete" the game using the steps you illustrated in your post, therefore your post is false.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> The point of this post is simply it's true


> Until someone comes on this thread and says "this is 100% false" I have made my point


> or "nope you can't do that it's impossible"


yup obvious troll is obvious.




and "it is 100% false" because your "completion" of GW2 does not even warrant completing even 1% of game's content, thank you. your "point" is voided



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I don't get it. First you complain because you must pay/swipe the credit card to buy the boost (it comes with the expansion, so false. Also if you play just a bit the game you'd have so many tomes of knowledge that you'd just discard them to free space) and buy "all the exotic" (you just need to complete the daily for 1 week, maybe even less, to be able to buy a full set. I don't see the urge of swiping a credit card to avoid 20-30 minutes per 1 week of game-play).

Then you complain because the game doesn't give you enough tough and memorable moments. If you want challenges, why do you use your credit card to buy gear suggested by metabattle? Just do it with lower-tier gear...

Make a party with your friends and do whatever you like with whatever gear you want. Imo you only need to use your credit card to buy skins, if you are into fashion wars. And to complete some achievements, that honestly just require money... that's true.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> This is just wrong on so many levels


> I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG. I have so many fond and crazy memories from JUST THE LEVELING EXPERIENCE alone. Not to mention the raids, the 27 now? expansions it has. Not even talking about alts or marketplace garbage or glitches or just general fun and danger that world presented.


> Because what I said is 100% true on the credit card swiping the developers have effectively denied it's playerbase of any of the aforementioned. You "CAN" do that stuff right? But because the option to skip everything in the game exists it damages the spirit of it. The struggle for power, the climb to it, the journey your character takes after smashing giant rats in for 3 hours to achieve level 5 was something.


> The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> The fear you felt when venturing through Crushbone as a low level team of noobs was something

> The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> The market was 100 % player driven

> The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed


> So sir or madam your entire post is just... well it's wrong man. On so so many levels. I could even argue WoW had similar experiences that EQ1 did. The leveling experience means something to actual true RPG players. The me me me now now now kids ruined that whether you admit it or not.


> What memories do I have of Guild Wars 2 ? Zerging in WvW? yeah thats fun. Stressing over teammates who just keep walking off point B in PvP arena, yeah super fun. >The "map completion" stuff thats instantly trivialized the second you get any amount of power above it's threshold. Yeah ok.


I guess you need to go back to EverQuest huh.

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> @"IllegalChocolate.6938" said:

> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > Yeah ok. What else? I can't think of 1 memory I have in GW2 that makes me go " OH MAN I REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME" not 1


> Well if you didn't just boost your character to 80 and get gear through the market, then logged off, and actually played the kitten thing, you'd have something to remember.


> Also the point of raiding isn't the gear, its seeing and completing the content with a community of people, gear acquired through raids is just an incentive to do it multiple times and in vertical raid treadmills, designed to slow you down and make you take longer to complete the next raid release. You clearly have not raided before let alone participated in progression raiding.




I did not boost my character

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> You forgot about mastery progress, as in unlocking and leveling all masteries and skill progression, as in getting better at the game. Doing everything you said won't necessarily allow you to beat even some story missions, never mind getting the harder achievements in them. I think a game with a low bar to entry and a high skill ceiling is precisely what this genre needs.


Oh I can speak an ancient language of frog people that was useful 2 years ago (kinda). What a feat!

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Er no. I was being glib before, but I have to call this out.

> >

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG.

> >

> >

> > I started GW2 in Feb 2018, and

> >

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> > I remember my first foray into the Orr region, and of course, my first steps in Verdant Brink

> >

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> > People in GW2 help others out because they are nice people, not because you've earned any "reputation". Sounds to me like GW2 has a better community.

> >

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > The market was 100 % player driven

> > Not an economics major, but prove GW2's isn't.

> >

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> > I explored Tyria largely on my own, mainly because the information wasn't as readily accessible as other MMO's I've played. In any case, the knowledge base available is irrelevant as it's your choice to use it or not.

> >

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed

> > Didn't get my mount until after defeating Zhaitan. The teleport node is just how GW2 works. If you enjoy spending time running from place to place, by all means, don't use the teleport nodes.

> >

> > So essentially @"aswedishtiger.7320" if you don't like GW2, please do yourself a favor and uninstall it, and also don't forget to log out of the forums. Make the choice to be happy, because this forum post is beyond pointless.


> Keep in mind you can't teleport without having been there first unless you are an idiot to buy the unlock for it


Teleport locations can be purchased as well

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > - snip -

> >

> > This is just wrong on so many levels

> >

> > I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG. I have so many fond and crazy memories from JUST THE LEVELING EXPERIENCE alone. Not to mention the raids, the 27 now? expansions it has. Not even talking about alts or marketplace garbage or glitches or just general fun and danger that world presented.

> >

> > Because what I said is 100% true on the credit card swiping the developers have effectively denied it's playerbase of any of the aforementioned. You "CAN" do that stuff right? But because the option to skip everything in the game exists it damages the spirit of it. The struggle for power, the climb to it, the journey your character takes after smashing giant rats in for 3 hours to achieve level 5 was something.

> >

> > The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> > The fear you felt when venturing through Crushbone as a low level team of noobs was something

> > The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> > The market was 100 % player driven

> > The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> > No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed

> >

> > So sir or madam your entire post is just... well it's wrong man. On so so many levels. I could even argue WoW had similar experiences that EQ1 did. The leveling experience means something to actual true RPG players. The me me me now now now kids ruined that whether you admit it or not.

> >

> > What memories do I have of Guild Wars 2 ? Zerging in WvW? yeah thats fun. Stressing over teammates who just keep walking off point B in PvP arena, yeah super fun. The "map completion" stuff thats instantly trivialized the second you get any amount of power above it's threshold. Yeah ok. What else? I can't think of 1 memory I have in GW2 that makes me go " OH MAN I REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME" not 1


> So, you have a nostalgia thing going for old MMO's. That's fine. What that "something" you keep referring to is, , though, is you adding meaning to essentially meaningless time-wasting. MMO's are all about keeping you busy because that's what the business model requires. I get that you won't see it that way, because that's how our heads work.


> I never played the older MMO's like EQ. Corpse runs, waiting for lengthy boss respawns, then competing with other waiters for tags, none of that appeals to me. Ommv.


> I did play WoW back in the BC/Wrath days. The whole game was about wasting my time. I just tried the FFIV free trial. All about wasting my time. GW2 also offers to waste my time. At least, though, in GW2, the price is right, and I can choose _not_ to waste my time unless I feel like it today.


> What it comes down to is that older-style MMO's are no longer attractive enough to _enough_ players to justify the plethora of choices competing for market share. That's why GW2 -- and other games -- cater to people who aren't interested in deferred gratification, who want convenience over whatever it is you think an MMO should offer instead. Still, I hear you. This trend in online games is part of a general trend in society. As much as I don't like what most MMO's offer, I do find that trend alarming.


Your argument loses all credibility and falls completely flat on it's face at "I never played Old MMO's like EQ"


Then how would you know?


That's like me going up to a pregnant woman and advising her and telling her what she's going to go through. I'm not a woman and have never been pregnant. I would have no idea and have no input on the matter.

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> @"tippolit.3591" said:

> > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > This is just wrong on so many levels

> >

> > I can pull so many memories from my brain from EverQuest from 1999-2007. That was a proper MMORPG. I have so many fond and crazy memories from JUST THE LEVELING EXPERIENCE alone. Not to mention the raids, the 27 now? expansions it has. Not even talking about alts or marketplace garbage or glitches or just general fun and danger that world presented.

> >

> > Because what I said is 100% true on the credit card swiping the developers have effectively denied it's playerbase of any of the aforementioned. You "CAN" do that stuff right? But because the option to skip everything in the game exists it damages the spirit of it. The struggle for power, the climb to it, the journey your character takes after smashing giant rats in for 3 hours to achieve level 5 was something.

> >

> > The horror you felt when you were running through a huge massive dangerous high level zone was something

> > The fear you felt when venturing through Crushbone as a low level team of noobs was something

> > The community and reputation you had to maintain to find a druid for SoW and or a Necromancer to summon your corpse because you had a mistep in Lower Guk WAS SOMETHING

> > The market was 100 % player driven

> > The feeling of excitement and adventure when you go through an entirely new zone few people have actual knowledge on was something

> > No mounts, no insta travel, no insta level, no insta boost, no insta insta insta me me me me now now now now mechanics existed

> >

> > So sir or madam your entire post is just... well it's wrong man. On so so many levels. I could even argue WoW had similar experiences that EQ1 did. The leveling experience means something to actual true RPG players. The me me me now now now kids ruined that whether you admit it or not.

> >

> > What memories do I have of Guild Wars 2 ? Zerging in WvW? yeah thats fun. Stressing over teammates who just keep walking off point B in PvP arena, yeah super fun. >The "map completion" stuff thats instantly trivialized the second you get any amount of power above it's threshold. Yeah ok.


> I guess you need to go back to EverQuest huh.


The cancellation of EverQuest Next really ruined me and all other MMORPGs to be honest with you.


Pantheon looks so-so

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