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-nopatchui & -autologin does not work

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> @"OutOfMyMind.9613" said:

> I have a launcher that I use for multiclient stuff and 4 other launch icons with command line arguments that no longer work. Sure would be nice if you get this fixed before reset!!!


Yeah I feel you on that. Try logging in over 30 accounts manually.. FeelsBadMan

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> Yeah I feel you on that. Try logging in over 30 accounts manually.. FeelsBadMan


4 accounts take up more hours of my retirement time than I like already. I can't even imagine 30! About the only thing I use the multiclient for is so my 2 NA alt accounts can farm my main NA account's home instance.



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Not working for me either. I used the normal launcher to update the game, logged into an account (successfully) and then closed it down and tried to login using a different shortcut with -email -password -nopatchui and it just goes to a white screen and then nothing happens. I'm not sure if it's frozen or stuck in an infinite loading screen or what, but it's not working.

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> @"arukAdo.2047" said:

> erhm, -shareArchive let you run several clients at same time, runas will do so too but you cant use the same .dat wich result in redundant ram and hdd usage for essentially nothing, but in practice to run several client anyway you have to use both runas and -shareArchive, because well, your not gonna like move the windows position on each startup, or set the graphics options, or any stuff like this, you would end up spending 30mins (exagerating a lot) to set all clients right before you actually play


If you want each account to use its own Local.dat file, you don't need to use runas, you can simply set the %userprofile% variable for the process instead. It is true that multiple Local.dat files is the only way to configure every setting per account, but the graphics settings specifically can be set individually through GFXSettings.xml and window positioning isn't a problem for anyone using a program to automate it. With -nopatchui down, this is currently the only method to multi-client without having to manually enter your information, but be warned, the biggest downside is that each Local.dat file needs to be updated with every patch, which is around a 20-40MB download for each one. As for automating it, see Gw2Launcher.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Not working for me either. I used the normal launcher to update the game, logged into an account (successfully) and then closed it down and tried to login using a different shortcut with -email -password -nopatchui and it just goes to a white screen and then nothing happens. I'm not sure if it's frozen or stuck in an infinite loading screen or what, but it's not working.


Change that same shortcut but remove -nopatchui but keep -autologin it should work in sense to let you login to that account without needing to type the info, but that's the only downfall.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"arukAdo.2047" said:

> > erhm, -shareArchive let you run several clients at same time, runas will do so too but you cant use the same .dat wich result in redundant ram and hdd usage for essentially nothing, but in practice to run several client anyway you have to use both runas and -shareArchive, because well, your not gonna like move the windows position on each startup, or set the graphics options, or any stuff like this, you would end up spending 30mins (exagerating a lot) to set all clients right before you actually play


> If you want each account to use its own Local.dat file, you don't need to use runas, you can simply set the %userprofile% variable for the process instead. It is true that multiple Local.dat files is the only way to configure every setting per account, but the graphics settings specifically can be set individually through GFXSettings.xml and window positioning isn't a problem for anyone using a program to automate it. With -nopatchui down, this is currently the only method to multi-client without having to manually enter your information, but be warned, the biggest downside is that each Local.dat file needs to be updated with every patch, which is around a 20-40MB download for each one. As for automating it, see Gw2Launcher.


LaunchBuddy works for logging into multiple clients at once, but lacks the ability to automatically fill in the login information as the Dev believes that it needs to have both -nopatchui and -autologin together to work, when you only need -autologin and not -nopatchui

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Not working for me either. I used the normal launcher to update the game, logged into an account (successfully) and then closed it down and tried to login using a different shortcut with -email -password -nopatchui and it just goes to a white screen and then nothing happens. I'm not sure if it's frozen or stuck in an infinite loading screen or what, but it's not working.


> Change that same shortcut but remove -nopatchui but keep -autologin it should work in sense to let you login to that account without needing to type the info, but that's the only downfall.


Removing -nopatchui didn' work either. I have tried with only -email and -password as well and still white screen.


Hopefully, this patch will fix it for us.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> If you want each account to use its own Local.dat file, you don't need to use runas, you can simply set the %userprofile% variable for the process instead. It is true that multiple Local.dat files is the only way to configure every setting per account, but the graphics settings specifically can be set individually through GFXSettings.xml and window positioning isn't a problem for anyone using a program to automate it. With -nopatchui down, this is currently the only method to multi-client without having to manually enter your information, but be warned, the biggest downside is that each Local.dat file needs to be updated with every patch, which is around a 20-40MB download for each one. As for automating it, see Gw2Launcher.


The xml ive never tryed and it would indeed work for all the graphic settings, its actually better than anything else given you can just edit the file to change something instead of starting the game without sharedarchive.

But im not sure how you actually use the userprofile variable? mind expanding how you make that work? would like to give it a try for science

Windows positioning is a strong issue tho, I mean sure you can automate it (like youre forced to do for closing the mutex anyway) but it sound like troubles overall, Ive the top clients borders outside of screen range, im not sure how you would force them into that position with script?

As for patching, with runas you are forced to actually redownload the exe N times and im pretty sure it already redownload the local.dat as well in that process, the reason for that is otherwise your client dont know they are already updated (the exe version must be in the local.dat or registry), so you need N exe just so each account does the update on its own


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> @"arukAdo.2047" said:

> But im not sure how you actually use the userprofile variable?


If you were to launch GW2 under the user Sample:

runas /user:Sample /savecred Gw2.exe


... you would find Local.dat located here: C:\Users\Sample\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\Local.dat


To do the same thing without actually using a different user, you can use a batch script:



set USERPROFILE=C:/Users/Sample

Gw2.exe %*


You can enter whatever path you want, for example %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/account2 will store Local.dat to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/account2/AppData/Roaming/Local.dat


If you wanted each account to share the same Local.dat file while having their own graphics settings, you simply need to replace each Local.dat with a link (mklink) to the main Local.dat file you want.


As for automating it, if you don't want to run an executable, how about PowerShell? Here's a sample I did a while back for killing the mutex. To slightly modify it to give a very basic example of positioning the window (set to 0,0 800x600), remove the last line of the script and add:




$p = start-process -PassThru -FilePath '.\Gw2.exe' -ArgumentList $args




start-sleep -s 5



while ($p.MainWindowHandle -eq 0)


start-sleep -s 5


Add-Type "

using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


public static class Window



public static extern bool SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int width, int height, int uFlags);




[Window]::SetWindowPos($p.MainWindowHandle, [intPtr]::Zero, 0, 0, 800, 600, 20) | Out-Null




Note that GW2 will change its position several times while it's initially loading, so unlike in the example above, you would actually want to wait until it's finished loading.


For reference, all of this and far more is from Gw2Launcher, which is probably the most advanced multi-client solution.


> @"arukAdo.2047" said:

> As for patching, with runas you are forced to actually redownload the exe N times and im pretty sure it already redownload the local.dat as well in that process, the reason for that is otherwise your client dont know they are already updated (the exe version must be in the local.dat or registry), so you need N exe just so each account does the update on its own


You shouldn't need multiple exes. When you use -sharearchive, the game is put into read-only mode and will simply fail to launch when there's a patch, so you'll know there's an update. When it's time to update, you simply need to run a script to launch each account that has its own Local.dat file using the -image option, which means quit after fully patching. Like I mentioned earlier, each Local.dat has to be patched, so this is not something you would want to do if you're running a lot of accounts, unless you don't want mind the wasted bandwidth (run your own patch server) or spending ~5-10s per account updating them.

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