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Haunted Armor Outfit looks awesome

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> @"Plok.5873" said:

> Yes, the outfit is both original and well done. Should AN ever decide to let us save outfit settings discretely, I'll probably buy it. Until I'll stick to my personal micro-embargo; I'm too annoyed by regular re-dyeing.


Just use the dye remover tool and hey presto.. as it looked before.


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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> > @"Plok.5873" said:

> > Yes, the outfit is both original and well done. Should AN ever decide to let us save outfit settings discretely, I'll probably buy it. Until I'll stick to my personal micro-embargo; I'm too annoyed by regular re-dyeing.


> Just use the dye remover tool and hey presto.. as it looked before.


Excuse me? The dye remover puts it back to its _assigned default colors_, not to the colors you used previously on an outfit. :s


> @"bbop.9706" said:

> I just wasted 700 gems on it.. and it wont activate.. anyone else experience this bug?


??? You buy it, receive it in the mail, accept it, then double-click it in your inventory, et voilà. Worked fine for me.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > I just wasted 700 gems on it.. and it wont activate.. anyone else experience this bug?

> > >

> > > Again, where in-game are you trying to open the container?

> >

> > in my inventory..


> What map? Are you in any PvP areas?


I LOVE YOU! Yes i was in heart of the mists.. lol who knew i needed to be elswhere? It works! Thank you so much <3

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I like it and even though I never use Outfits on lvl80 characters, I'mma get this for my leveling alts/PvP characters. Finally no unnecessary fancy stuff and bulky buttcape! I like how tight it is. More like this please!!! <3


I didn't purchase this outfit as it wasn't entirely to my tastes; however, I had to echo the points about the lack of unnecessary fancy stuff and bulky buttcapes. Please, more like this, ANet.

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Agree awesome outfit, but don't have enough to purchase her :p Don't know why but I feel like that outfit should have been a quest reward like dunno, speaking to mad spirits and helping them all around tyria and during night of course! More outfits should be "free" like the hexed one...

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I love this outfit mostly because my issue has been not enough heavy armour-looking outfits in the past. I've always been able to make a Revenant or Guardian look like a caster, but a greatsword-wielding Reaper is mostly stuck with robes, or very paladin-esque armour. This has allowed me to create a necro themed around Nightmare from the Soul Calibur series, which is very welcome.

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