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So Why Do Players Do World Bosses? [POLL]


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Fun. I can play this game without having a goal and still have plenty to do. I recently bought the World Boss device, it alerts (and teleports me for free) me for incoming vanilla boss events. For me the game only gets better. It can be great to not have a goal at all and see where you get. There's so many must-do's irl already :)

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Used to be for fun and for the dynamic aspect of the maps feeling alive to where a lone adventurer could cause a dangerous foe to invade the map. This was prior to their being placed onto timers. Since the change? Meh. If I am taking part in one then it is by accident, and then I continue participating just to help and try to guide new players in what to do.




Prior to their being placed onto timers, I would set out to adventure in maps and I would often find myself leading the way in performing the required events that would spawn the world bosses. Others would often join in on this journey and a lot of fun was had, even if we failed to spawn the boss due to failing an event or due to it having already been spawned recently. World bosses were fun and offered a very enjoyable feeling of my actions in the game world having an effect on the maps.


However, once the 'bosses' were changed and placed onto pre-defined timers, the dynamic and spontaneous feeling of my adventures leading to something important and rare was destroyed. The living aspect of the game essentially died and this change directly caused me to no longer actively adventure around the world of Tyria due to it having been made so much less enjoyable.


I do take part in Shadow Behemoth maybe once every few months, but that's mostly by chance and it's mostly to help guide players that are new to the event in what to do by way of utilizing my commander tag to guide what to do at the pre-event locations and during the boss fight itself. As nearly all participants just afk auto-attack at his face the whole time and ignore the portals, I don't want new players thinking that is what is needed to defeat it and actually lead them to do the event as intended. (DEVS - it has been asked for since the boss update release: please **_finally_** place an AoE damage or insta-kill zone or something in front of SB during the portals phase to discourage lazy afking at his face and encouraging **_actual_** participation in the event.)

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> For fun but also for rares.

> Rares = Ecto so easy ecto.


This was it for me back when I used to do it, but we get so much more loot now and ectos are worth so much less it doesn't seem worth it at all from this perspective . . .


Another reason I used to like doing world bosses is the way they are scheduled. Whenever I logged on there was one coming up, and another popped up every fifteen minutes. It didn't matter what time it was, there was always something to do and there kept being something to do every fifteen minutes for as long as I wanted to keep playing . . .

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First and foremost the point of the game is to enjoy the content. It's fun to gather with dozens of players and take on a world boss - at least it is for the first few times you do it. This idea that a game should be played just to amass gold is a very strange - if common - one. People who play to get max loot are basically just turning the game into work and engaging with content only as necessary. I'm not sure if they even enjoy it. Very probably most of them don't.

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I don't, really. Only if it's a daily that is conveniently just about to spawn when I hop online, if I need to kill one for a collection, or occasionally for funsies if a friend wants to kill one.


While the bosses are cool and it's fun to fight them in an epic-scale battle, IMO the few rares and 1:10000 chance for something actually good isn't really worth it. In the time it takes to kill a boss, I can do a full gathering round of winterberries, gather my home instance, do my dailies, complete a fractal, or whatever that probably will end up being more lucrative.


I'm not a hardcore farmer who thinks everything in the game has to reap a profit, but there's simply no reason for me to go kill these things after getting all the achievements/collections. And after killing each one countless times, they're just not so epic and fun anymore.

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7. It's a daily.



I mean, teq gives 2g and a weeny (but decent) chance of ascended chest, plus much salvage. Other world bosses give 2c.


Theres other things to do that have differing degrees of fun and u still earn something while doing them. And, no, I abhor farming istan and lab



(ya I know they actually give 50copper, plus a bit of salvage, but it doesn't fit the sentence well)

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I'm a "veteran" player, in game since beta. As time is one of the major contributors of the game, over the years, I have by now more than enough in term of material and equipment. Consequence: Nowadays, what I do is mainly based on getting fun. Reward is a bonus, but not the motivation. When I do a world boss, it can be for 3 different reasons:

- I love the event = fun.

- I like to do commander for the event = fun.

- I like to help friends = fun.

My vote goes therefore to: For the fun of it! :)

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> I do join in events I stumble upon during normal play, and very rarely this includes a world boss, but it could just as well be any other event on the map.

Yeap. I don't know if I've ever done one intentionally. I just tend to see a lot of downs on the map and rush over to see what's up, and then get sucked into fighting whatever.

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