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Now i genuinely think Core Power Necro is viable

Ancient Prophet.4205

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I have only played necromancer for 150 hours and the majority of it is on Core, yes ofc with the current meta (for four years) it is handicapped but it does work and i have the proof to show it. The problems i found was the position of the traits, i wish some of the traits would be in other trait lines so we can utilize a power build to its full potential. Core Necro has so many builds you can play around with that if used correctly, will work, but i have found that playing scourge or reaper requires a lot less skill compared to core (obviously) because you have one basic build you play and that will face roll everything. Actually using your own skill to kill an enemy is much better game play in my opinion rather than Scourge spamming F skills and Reaper using spin to win and hitting 16k. Id like to show you a few fights i have had with Core Necro since i started. If a noob Necro like me who has played for a *whole* 150 hours can do a few good 1v2's then how would experienced Core Necro's fare using it, i think Necro's should use other builds that can also work instead of camping the boring Meta builds and actually have some diversity going on again.


Anyway, you decide if it can work out not, ill leave the clips here:

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Well done, even for a core necromancer.


> @"Ancient Prophet.4205" said:

> Core Necro has so many builds you can play around with that if used correctly, will work, but i have found that playing scourge or reaper requires a lot less skill compared to core (obviously) because you have one basic build you play and that will face roll everything.


Pretty much sums up the situation core engineer and scrapper are. Holosmith is stupidly easy to play compared to core engineer and scrapper, yet it's more effective than both of them. If ArenaNet wants true build variety, they have to make actual buffs and nerfs, not safe ones that barely change the meta and keep the easy PoF elite specs dominate the rest of the core professions.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Pretty much sums up the situation core engineer and scrapper are. Holosmith is stupidly easy to play compared to core engineer and scrapper, yet it's more effective than both of them. If ArenaNet wants true build variety, they have to make actual buffs and nerfs, not safe ones that barely change the meta and keep the easy PoF elite specs dominate the rest of the core professions.


Exactly my point, its like the old specs get forgotten about and you get constant buffs for them and the old ones get left behind. It makes me wonder if they do this tactically so we only play the new specs and they only have to update PoF specs instead of the old ones. Pre HoT and HoT specs have to get looked at if you want true build diversity, i agree with you 100%





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> @"Milan.9035" said:

> "It makes me wonder if they do this tactically so we only play the new specs and they only have to update PoF specs instead of the old ones"


> I dont think so. Look at renegade.


Good point. Honestly, the balancing on Anet's part so far seems to be just... random. That's pretty much the best word that comes to mind to describe it - random. Makes me, and i imagine other people too, plain sad just thinking about what things could be, if some proper effort was put in.

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Hasnt it always been "viable" depending on what people like and how they play (and what they meet)? I mean the necro has always been the class with actual playstyle differences to its elites:

Core is ranged in DS

Reaper is melee in DS

Scourge is any combo but have no DS

All other elites loose a core tree true, but even so they just improve on the same playstyle as core.

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I like playing core when I can in PvP because it's less binary than the other two. The variety of builds you can play is pretty cool. Power. Condi. Hybrid.


Core is also the tankiest of the three choices.


Also no idea since when blood bind has been 'broken' because lesser signet of vampirism never used to have a base heal afaik. It's nice though.

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My biggest issue with core (I hated reaper, still do; but like scourge) is the burst damage is low. This wasn't an issue for me in HoT/LW3 because most map content is team based. With the PoF open world having tanky veteran mobs everywhere, I had to make a change.


I did play up through the final boss of PoF before switching to scourge, so core certainly works, but the quality of life on scourge (once I figured it out) was high.

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Its really not viable but its getting pretty close. Anything with hard burst damage shuts that build down. It can sustain against other people who dont play super aggressive but generally harder burst = death or you simply dont do enough damage to kill if you go too much less than zerker stats.


I would say core power is strong-ish if you know how to play it. But compared to core warrior, mesmer, ranger, guardian, and even core thief it can be super lacking in raw potential. If core shroud sees a few more buffs damage wise (death magic gets that long cried rework) then yes core would actually be viable. But till that happens it honestly wont be.


That said it does not mean some one cant use it and win on it. But it will almost always be an uphill battle unless the other person has no idea what they are doing (which is kind of common) as people rarely see core necro so much they forget how to fight it so they play super safe (and in alot of situations) this is not what you want to do. Vet players knows this and will smother you consistently and kill you on core necro though.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Well done, even for a core necromancer.


> > @"Ancient Prophet.4205" said:

> > Core Necro has so many builds you can play around with that if used correctly, will work, but i have found that playing scourge or reaper requires a lot less skill compared to core (obviously) because you have one basic build you play and that will face roll everything.


> Pretty much sums up the situation core engineer and scrapper are. Holosmith is stupidly easy to play compared to core engineer and scrapper, yet it's more effective than both of them. If ArenaNet wants true build variety, they have to make actual buffs and nerfs, not safe ones that barely change the meta and keep the easy PoF elite specs dominate the rest of the core professions.


Sums up the entire game in all specs right now to be honest.

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