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Anet, Please Never Do What Blizzard Just Did to Diablo Franchise


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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

> > That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).

> >

> >


> Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)


Some do but in the PC world it is not unusual for a top-tier game to have been out a decade with constant expansions over that time. Meanwhile the same is not true of mobile games. True, mobile platforms have not existed as long as PC and consoles but their games are not built to last either.


There are some types of originally-PC games that do well on mobile (looking at you simcity) but a port of an MMO? No, just no.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > I would happily take gw1 or a new gw game on mobile. It is just a platform - as long as the game is accessible and fun, it shouldnt matter.

> > > >

> > > > Think you will find a large % of PC Gamers are not going to be appreciative of Dev time dumped into a mobile-only remake on a franchise that has been stagnant for over a year.

> > >

> > > Guild Wars 2 is stagnant? I wasn't aware. Silly me.

> >

> > PoF was a year ago. GW1 even longer.


> Did we dream A Star to Guide Us? The other DLCs?


> Expansions come out about every year or so. Between them we get DLCs about every quarter. Nothing stagnant here, they are on thein normal release schedule. We even got a non-recycled festival recently/


Already addressed this, was originally referring generically to stagnant franchises.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.


> You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.


It goes so much deeper than this.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.

> >

> > You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.


> It goes so much deeper than this.


No it really doesn't. Nobody is impacted by this business decision. People think they are impacted through various rationalizations... but they are not.


Considering the OP, I would love if ANet had a mobile app that allowed me to play some aspect of GW2, especially if it interacted with the PC GW2 community in some way. I wouldn't have any issues if ANet pursued such a product in parallel with GW2 production.

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updated the OP with info


**Updating With Info and Clarity**


So Diablo franchise (PC based, ports to consoles/switch) has gone stagnant in general. Its last game Diablo 3 Expansion was a year ago and the game itself has now been moved over to "Classic Games" which are games that are minimal dev interaction (like guild wars 1). So for the past couple months Blizzard (big Blizzard gaming convention thing, known for PC gaming) has been hinting at upcoming Diablo projects (plural) and began building up towards Blizzcon with teases including a prominent presentation time slot for Diablo. Come Blizzcon the devs introduce Diablo Immortal as the next installment. Mobile ONLY game. At a convention filled with pc gamers... No other diablo news. In the Q&A a question asked if it would be for other platforms in the future. Devs say no. Crowd boos them. Devs say "Do you guys not have phones?". Since then the Diablo Immortal trailer has seen huge thumbs down on youtube which have curiously fluctuated downwards by 100k as if someone were deleting them... Comments disappearing left and right there too. Then there is the statement of the game being built from the ground up but its apparent to everyone that it is simply a diablo reskin over an existing mobile game from a Chinese Company.



Its a mess that came about from poor marketing/pr not the fact that they had another company make a diablo mobile game on the side.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.

> > >

> > > You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.

> >

> > It goes so much deeper than this.


> No it really doesn't. Nobody is impacted by this business decision. People think they are impacted through various rationalizations... but they are not.


> Considering the OP, I would love if ANet had a mobile app that allowed me to play some aspect of GW2, especially if it interacted with the PC GW2 community in some way. I wouldn't have any issues if ANet pursued such a product in parallel with GW2 production.


But thats not what Diablo Immortal is...


It literally is a stand alone mobile only game revealed at a gaming convention oriented towards pc gamers by a pc gaming developer for a franchise that hasn't been touched in over a year and prior to that, years. And when met with negative feedback they started deleting comments and downvotes on the youbute vid of Diablo Immortal Trailer.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.

> > >

> > > You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.

> >

> > It goes so much deeper than this.


> No it really doesn't. Nobody is impacted by this business decision. People think they are impacted through various rationalizations... but they are not.


> Considering the OP, I would love if ANet had a mobile app that allowed me to play some aspect of GW2, especially if it interacted with the PC GW2 community in some way. I wouldn't have any issues if ANet pursued such a product in parallel with GW2 production.


Exactly. It is a non issue made something by the internet community because that is what happens these days. I can get the disappointment, but the rage is far more over the top than the announcement could ever be.


And yes, a gw related mobile game could be very interesting

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > > > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

> > > That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)


> Some do but in the PC world it is not unusual for a top-tier game to have been out a decade with constant expansions over that time. Meanwhile the same is not true of mobile games. True, mobile platforms have not existed as long as PC and consoles but their games are not built to last either.


> There are some types of originally-PC games that do well on mobile (looking at you simcity) but a port of an MMO? No, just no.


What does built to last even mean? It's software, it doesn't age. If you mean updates, that's also possible. How many games do really live on for decades? That's like a fraction of a fraction.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Ok, so if Guild Wars 2 isn't stagnant, and the OP is addressing games that have gone stagnant and then released mobile content, what exactly has this to do with GW2 and ArenaNet?


Both are PC Devs

Guild Wars 1 is stagnant, Guild Wars 2 is partially (wvw/spvp/expansion elite specs & mechanics)

Some of the old anet blood stems from Diablo/Blizzard

NCSoft is a South Korean Game Developer

Anet is a business influenced by NCSoft which has investors

Investors like money making investments

As others have pointed out, mobile gaming is big money


> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> NCSoft has been in the mobile market for a long time. In fact their mobile earnings are far and above earnings from their other titles. They had a significant slump the last few quarters in mobile sales. But still mobile earnings last quarter were almost twice as much as all the other games combined. From the August 2018 earnings report.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/zFHvde1.png"")


> It's probably only a matter of time before NCSoft starts pushing their subsidiaries into the mobile market if it hasn't happened already.






> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> RHAGU• Sep 21, 2017, 1:45 PM

> In the last quarterly earnings call for NCSoft, the public Korean company that owns ArenaNet, had this in the Q&A


> For example, for Guild Wars 2, you have said that there will be an expansion pack launched in the second half of this year for the PC version. But I think that from an investor standpoint, rather than talking about a PC-based expansion pack, we would welcome maybe a mention or a discussion about a mobile version of Guild Wars 2 or any update of that nature. And that would be more value that we could give to the company. So what are your plans for a mobile version of Guild Wars 2?”


> NcSoft's response was:


> ...


> For example, for Guild Wars 2, the expansion pack is not something that we developed overnight. This was a very long development that we had forthcoming. However, for the mobile version of Guild Wars 2, of course, this is something that we also attempted to develop, and we did have a project for that. So there are various attempts or various projects that are ongoing in-house. Whether that project actually makes the cut to be at the stage in which we think that it is worthy of the NC brand and having it out into the market with that brand name. There are projects that make that cut. There are a lot of projects that actually or frankly will not make that cut. So this is a continuous and ongoing process that we are engaging in. So I do hope you understand it from that point.


> ...


I don't believe in pitchforking because its too easy to not understand and just go with the crowd. This is different though and it strikes just a little too close to home (guild wars) to just turn head and ignore.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > > Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.

> > > >

> > > > You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.

> > >

> > > It goes so much deeper than this.

> >

> > No it really doesn't. Nobody is impacted by this business decision. People think they are impacted through various rationalizations... but they are not.

> >

> > Considering the OP, I would love if ANet had a mobile app that allowed me to play some aspect of GW2, especially if it interacted with the PC GW2 community in some way. I wouldn't have any issues if ANet pursued such a product in parallel with GW2 production.


> But thats not what Diablo Immortal is...


> It literally is a stand alone mobile only game revealed at a gaming convention oriented towards pc gamers by a pc gaming developer for a franchise that hasn't been touched in over a year and prior to that, years. And when met with negative feedback they started deleting comments and downvotes on the youbute vid of Diablo Immortal Trailer.


Has nothing to do with the OP. It's simply D3 fan base being upset with delivery of information and handling of community feedback. Those are legitimate reasons to be upset... but not a reason to be hating on having a mobile Diablo game, nor a reason to not want a mobile GW2 app of some kind.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > > > Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.

> > > > >

> > > > > You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.

> > > >

> > > > It goes so much deeper than this.

> > >

> > > No it really doesn't. Nobody is impacted by this business decision. People think they are impacted through various rationalizations... but they are not.

> > >

> > > Considering the OP, I would love if ANet had a mobile app that allowed me to play some aspect of GW2, especially if it interacted with the PC GW2 community in some way. I wouldn't have any issues if ANet pursued such a product in parallel with GW2 production.

> >

> > But thats not what Diablo Immortal is...

> >

> > It literally is a stand alone mobile only game revealed at a gaming convention oriented towards pc gamers by a pc gaming developer for a franchise that hasn't been touched in over a year and prior to that, years. And when met with negative feedback they started deleting comments and downvotes on the youbute vid of Diablo Immortal Trailer.


> Has nothing to do with the OP. It's simply D3 fan base being upset with delivery of information and handling of community feedback. Those are legitimate reasons to be upset... but not a reason to be hating on having a mobile Diablo game, nor a reason to not want a mobile GW2 app of some kind.


yeah? ok? Don't think anyone has disputed that. Only reason the mobile game is being hated on is because that's all that was presented in a hyped climate to pc gamers.


It would be like anet not doing an expansion for another year and then hyping up the next move for guild wars, 3 months prior to the next convention. Anet present guild wars 3, mobile only; and nothing else. Whether or not the mobile game is any good is a separate matter.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > > > > Blizzard didn't do anything wrong... the franchise will continue and everyone will get their D4 at some point in the future.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You may be surprised to learn that companies can do more than one thing at a time... including D4 and D-Immortal.

> > > > >

> > > > > It goes so much deeper than this.

> > > >

> > > > No it really doesn't. Nobody is impacted by this business decision. People think they are impacted through various rationalizations... but they are not.

> > > >

> > > > Considering the OP, I would love if ANet had a mobile app that allowed me to play some aspect of GW2, especially if it interacted with the PC GW2 community in some way. I wouldn't have any issues if ANet pursued such a product in parallel with GW2 production.

> > >

> > > But thats not what Diablo Immortal is...

> > >

> > > It literally is a stand alone mobile only game revealed at a gaming convention oriented towards pc gamers by a pc gaming developer for a franchise that hasn't been touched in over a year and prior to that, years. And when met with negative feedback they started deleting comments and downvotes on the youbute vid of Diablo Immortal Trailer.

> >

> > Has nothing to do with the OP. It's simply D3 fan base being upset with delivery of information and handling of community feedback. Those are legitimate reasons to be upset... but not a reason to be hating on having a mobile Diablo game, nor a reason to not want a mobile GW2 app of some kind.


> yeah? ok? Don't think anyone has disputed that. Only reason the mobile game is being hated on is because that's all that was presented in a hyped climate to pc gamers.


> It would be like anet not doing an expansion for another year and then hyping up the next move for guild wars, 3 months prior to the next convention. Anet present guild wars 3, mobile only; and nothing else. Whether or not the mobile game is any good is a separate matter.


Well, it would be more like Anet saying they have something to announce related to new content, but specifically saying it's not an expansion and then showing off a mobile game within the franchise., whilst knowing the community only want to see expansion stuff and nothing else


The problem came from both sides and this has happened time and again between devs and community - and it has happened here as well. Communities over hype on and expect things which largely are out of sync with what a company is saying and devs forget or misunderstand this when they make announcements.

In relation to this, years ago Anet perhaps went too far when they shut down almost all pre-release hype due to misunderstandings and expectations of promises that never actually occurred, but given the consistent internet over reactions as we saw in this example, perhaps that strategy was wise after all.


At the end of the day, it is a complete non issue, but it unfortunately due to the modern era, got well out of control because that's what the internet thrives on

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> It would be like anet not doing an expansion for another year and then hyping up the next move for guild wars, 3 months prior to the next convention. Anet present guild wars 3, mobile only; and nothing else. Whether or not the mobile game is any good is a separate matter.


Right. Plenty of people wouldn't care about the quality of the mobile game because they don't want mobile games.


Specifically about Diablo Immortal: it does feel like a quick cash grab. They outsourced to a Chinese mobile game developer who have a very similar game. The result: a game that looks like an actual re-skin with the Diablo brand stamped on top of it. Maybe they'll make it look and feel less like their old game before actual release, but as it was shown at the con, it looks dodgy.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I've been very disappointed with mobile games. I actually think some genres could work on that format - particularly point and click adventure games and turn based strategy games, but the only decent ones are re-makes of PC games, which were better on PC so I may as well just play them that way.

> >

> > But I think it's pretty unlikely Anet would go that way, if only because they're a relatively small, specialist developer - they've made 2 games total and that's Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 and only maintained one at a time. Making a mobile game would be a big shift for questionable benefits.


> But what about Rytlock's Adventure game? ;-)


> Afaik Anet is still attached to NCSoft. Anything can happen.


Won't lie, I just had a vision of a donkey kong type game, only Rytlock is at the top, tossing dolyaks down the ramp for us to jump over. And when you got the hammer powerful, it looked like Rev Hammer 2.....

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > I've been very disappointed with mobile games. I actually think some genres could work on that format - particularly point and click adventure games and turn based strategy games, but the only decent ones are re-makes of PC games, which were better on PC so I may as well just play them that way.

> > >

> > > But I think it's pretty unlikely Anet would go that way, if only because they're a relatively small, specialist developer - they've made 2 games total and that's Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 and only maintained one at a time. Making a mobile game would be a big shift for questionable benefits.

> >

> > But what about Rytlock's Adventure game? ;-)

> >

> > Afaik Anet is still attached to NCSoft. Anything can happen.


> Won't lie, I just had a vision of a donkey kong type game, only Rytlock is at the top, tossing dolyaks down the ramp for us to jump over. And when you got the hammer powerful, it looked like Rev Hammer 2.....


I wont lie either


I want this

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I have nothing against a GW mobile game. I like ArenaNet (as much as I hate NCSoft) and I'd be happy if the company gained some additional money from a mobile game ('cause we all know that even if they are "bad" games, a lot of people will play them).


Just... I don't have a smartphone and I'm not interested in tapping small icons on slow and small devices with my thumb, so please, if you ever decide to make a mobile GW game, don't link it in any way to the PC version. I don't want to be forced to play on smartphones to gain some perks in game. But for the ppl who already play on those devices... sure, why not? Maybe they will start to play the PC version once they know the brand and appreciate the IP.

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> @"Unknown.3976" said:

> A couple of weeks ago, Blizzard mentioned that they have a couple of teams working on multiple Diablo projects.


> https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/22549433


> "BlizzCon 2018 is almost here and we’ve seen a lot of rumors flying around about our plans for Diablo at the show. These are very exciting times—we currently have multiple teams working on different Diablo projects and we can’t wait to tell you all about them . . . when the time is right."


> This is yet another overreaction from the gaming community.


Never played Diablo, but I can can tell you this, if I had been getting hypes from Blizz that a major announcement was coming for my favorite franchise, and then spent hundreds of dollars on travel, hotels, and tickets to see and be witness to said announcement, and then the big announcement is for a new game on a platform that I have no interest in, which also is inferior in every way to the platform the game has been on since the beginning, and won't even be available to that original platform, I'd be pretty pissed too.


Quit calling gamers entitled (I know you aren't, but others are). Gamers are pissed companies don't give a crap about making good games anymore and are instead going the "we want ALL of the money route."


I love GW2, and consider it one of my all time favorite mmos, but I'm telling you right now, if Anet were to ever announce GW3 as a **mobile only** game I'd be done with them. Yep, I'd totally uninstall and delete everything Anet from my PC, and wouldn't think twice. It's a slap in the face to everyone playing GW1 AND GW2 right now. I wouldn't even care if it was a cross-platform game....that's cool. The more platforms the more people playing. But, not mobile only.

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> I'm not interested in tapping small icons on small devices with my thumb

And here you have it, the simple fact Activision Blizzard failed to understand. Controls have a big impact on the gameplay and Blizzards response makes it seem as if they don't consider the gameplay an important factor at all. I'm almost baffled how they didn't see that reaction comming, there must have been someone working at Blizzard who were like "wait a minute, I'm not so sure if making that the big reveal is such a good idea". And the main problem here isn't even the game itself, it's the marketing that screwed up big time. No one would have said anything if they hyped up the fans for a new mobile game. Sure, the hype woudnt have been nerly as big but at least the reveal wouldn't have been so anticlimactic.



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