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Celestial Signets WvW Roaming


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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> Looks fun. Rune of traveler seems unnecessary since you have signet of locust move speed though.


Good eye to spot that haha.


I didn't optimise the signets build for this tbh. She was actually my Scourge that was built for Zerg fights. I just took her and changed her traits and utilities without touching her stats/runes/sigils.

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I've been messing with a lot of different signets combinations recently just trying to make something worth running, and honestly it's really hard to get Signets anywhere past just being a pet build. It's always lacking something; either damage, meaningful sustain, boon corruption, or condi cleanse. Admittedly I agree with their reasoning of changing Signets of Suffering to no longer corrupt boons for purity of purpose, but I still miss the old version simply because it was powerful enough to justify running a bunch of signets. I would rather the new trait change the passives around a bit; perhaps something along the lines of putting the Healing Power on Vampirism or having it cleanse 3-5 conditions on use, Plague Signet giving you Resistance on successful transfer, Signet of the Locust stealing a boon or two from targets you hit, maybe even making some new sweet Elite Signet like how Mesmer got the love treatment in the past of turning Moa into a Signet for synergy purposes.


I want the trait to actually give you meaningful build choices, such as running Concentration, because the Signets themselves don't reward you very much for running any specific/different stats and currently a lot of the passives are conflicting in usage cases: Why does Signet of Spite give Power as a passive for a full Condition application active effect? Why does the Power traitline GM give you primarily effects that aren't Power build oriented, such as pulling more conditions than normal or increasing your Healing Power? Honestly it just feels like this Trait is in the wrong traitline for what they currently want it to do, so I'd rather them build it up into something more of a Boon-generating/Stealing Trait to match the "Power building" theme of the rest of the traitline.

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