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Thank you Gandara!


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We didn"t flip your Garri , because we were farming you those few hrs, and we knew as soon we flip it fight will be over.


You outnumber any server atleast 3 to 1 with your players, you build acs and ballistass even in camps dont menttion towers and keeps with tons of cowards hiding behind them.


During equal fights you get you asses kicked and after that you came back with twice more ppl and when you start to get upper hand your ppl jump on someone dead..


You are the most BORING server to fight against, you cant even fight fairly thats why no one wonna fight you anymore, even in open field during fight you builds siege and shoot at fighting ppl from behind.. this is just sad but we all know Gankdara is ppt server.

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> @"Frost.9206" said:

> We didn"t flip your Garri , because we were farming you those few hrs, and we knew as soon we flip it fight will be over.


> You outnumber any server atleast 3 to 1 with your players, you build acs and ballistass even in camps dont menttion towers and keeps with tons of cowards hiding behind them.


> During equal fights you get you kitten kicked and after that you came back with twice more ppl and when you start to get upper hand your ppl jump on someone dead..


> You are the most BORING server to fight against, you cant even fight fairly thats why no one wonna fight you anymore, even in open field during fight you builds siege and shoot at fighting ppl from behind.. this is just sad but we all know Gankdara is ppt server.


Thanks for those salty tears because people play using tactics- siege is a valid part of the game, learn to use it or counter it perhaps? With even basic knowledge of the game you can eliminate most siege in most places on the map, and ac or ballista in a camp is almost useless unless you ball up and stand there being hit.


On one hand you say gandara outnumbers any server 3 to 1 then in the next line you're saying even fights..which one is it?


And fight 'fairly'? In a game that has cheesy stealth builds, broken mechanics and a meta of sb/scourge? Really? There is no such thing as 'fair' fights in wvw (except gvg, but even those are so basic compared to Guild Wars).

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> @"Victory.2879" said:

> May take a while to whittle away your meta blob, but it's very effective with no comm.


Not really, and that's proven taht every server you fight, you end up with below 1.0 kd, so you are not effectivelly killing them. Although it is efficicient in making enemies not bother to go your bl and instead look fights elsewhere. Or when actually going, spending the whole time fighting the other enemy server. Be proud, you play the gamemode as its intended, and its intended to slowly wittle away people away from it until all that's left is k-trains and siege wars. Maybe 2k19 will be the year


> @"Regnum.7102" said:

> Pssst, y'all are just jelly because Lib isn't in your server.

Pls don't make him come here again or he'll just end up being bullied back there

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> @"Victory.2879" said:

> > @"Frost.9206" said:

> > We didn"t flip your Garri , because we were farming you those few hrs, and we knew as soon we flip it fight will be over.

> >

> > You outnumber any server atleast 3 to 1 with your players, you build acs and ballistass even in camps dont menttion towers and keeps with tons of cowards hiding behind them.

> >

> > During equal fights you get you kitten kicked and after that you came back with twice more ppl and when you start to get upper hand your ppl jump on someone dead..

> >

> > You are the most BORING server to fight against, you cant even fight fairly thats why no one wonna fight you anymore, even in open field during fight you builds siege and shoot at fighting ppl from behind.. this is just sad but we all know Gankdara is ppt server.


> Thanks for those salty tears because people play using tactics- siege is a valid part of the game, learn to use it or counter it perhaps? With even basic knowledge of the game you can eliminate most siege in most places on the map, and ac or ballista in a camp is almost useless unless you ball up and stand there being hit.


> On one hand you say gandara outnumbers any server 3 to 1 then in the next line you're saying even fights..which one is it?


> And fight 'fairly'? In a game that has cheesy stealth builds, broken mechanics and a meta of sb/scourge? Really? There is no such thing as 'fair' fights in wvw (except gvg, but even those are so basic compared to Guild Wars).


Learn to read with understanding.

You spoken like true member of ppt server.

Mayby thats why You dont know whats Fair Fight is.

Bet you using siege during GvG too.

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> @"Botinhas.2018" said:

> > @"Victory.2879" said:

> > May take a while to whittle away your meta blob, but it's very effective with no comm.


> Not really, and that's proven taht every server you fight, you end up with below 1.0 kd, so you are not effectivelly killing them. Although it is efficicient in making enemies not bother to go your bl and instead look fights elsewhere. Or when actually going, spending the whole time fighting the other enemy server. Be proud, you play the gamemode as its intended, and its intended to slowly wittle away people away from it until all that's left is k-trains and siege wars. Maybe 2k19 will be the year


> > @"Regnum.7102" said:

> > Pssst, y'all are just jelly because Lib isn't in your server.

> Pls don't make him come here again or he'll just end up being bullied back there


I have to admit we have a fair number of non-guild pugs who like to bait your blob and will end up dying repeatedly- it's almost like they want to feed you bags. Definitely pushes down the k/d ratio. Generally when there are only 5-10 people baiting your 40 -50 man blob, when you will come pouring out of SM and wipe the 5 people with a cata taking the wall down, then spend the next 30 minutes going back and forth at the guard playing with the same 5-10 people without achieving anything..


But you're still not seeing the point- people don't have to fight your way. War is a democracy- the enemy get a vote. Just because you want others to play sb/scourge/rev ball so you can mindlessly run into each other with bigger numbers doesn't mean we will.

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> @"Victory.2879" said:


> But you're still not seeing the point- people don't have to fight your way. War is a democracy- the enemy get a vote. Just because you want others to play sb/scourge/rev ball so you can mindlessly run into each other with bigger numbers doesn't mean we will.


No1 asked you to play our way, read above my posts... You fight however you want and have fun with, if you have fun sitting 22h in an ac waiting for an enemy, then so be it, you bought the game for that reason

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No matter what Gandara accomplishes, we should be proud of it. It's hard to do much in WvW when your main commander is in EB with 24 other people on TS, and at the same time there are 45 people (on TS!) following a commander who's keeping our borderland safe from a few roamers and making sure everything is T3 and our camps have siege... on reset day.

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So Gandara uses tactics to win, they kill blobs with their clouds, but at the same time they play 10v50 and always have the lowest k/d in matchup.


Something doesn't add up in here. K/d part is at least something that's clearly visible to everyone. I also remember that I always had outnumbered buff on their border, so not quite sure about that 10v50. Maybe the other servers were those 10 since I always see lots of gandaran gankers in spawn camps /shrug.

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WSR's K/D ratio is so high because they pick and choose their fights carefully. Making sure they will always come out on top and win. Can't tell you how many times I've seen WSR's super blob take down smaller blobs. Or their spawncamp blob sit there and pick off people trying to exit keep. K/D means nothing when you control the outcome of it by making sure it never gets below 1.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> WSR's K/D ratio is so high because they pick and choose their fights carefully. Making sure they will always come out on top and win. Can't tell you how many times I've seen WSR's super blob take down smaller blobs. Or their spawncamp blob sit there and pick off people trying to exit keep. K/D means nothing when you control the outcome of it by making sure it never gets below 1.


I wonder why gankdara can not control that kd outcome tbh.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > WSR's K/D ratio is so high because they pick and choose their fights carefully. Making sure they will always come out on top and win. Can't tell you how many times I've seen WSR's super blob take down smaller blobs. Or their spawncamp blob sit there and pick off people trying to exit keep. K/D means nothing when you control the outcome of it by making sure it never gets below 1.


> I wonder why gankdara can not control that kd outcome tbh.


Because unlike white side trash they do not go into blobs for a start.

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C'mon Anet. Shut this kitten down. This is a matchup thread. Everyone's having too much fun dissing each other. Can't be having that. And just to emphasise my point...WSR; Son-of-Vabbi-knuckle-draggers-"climb-down-off-your-ACs-and-fight-us-open-field-we-H8-PPT" bullshitters...no walls, no gates, no siege, no game. Play it as is or piss off..but FFS stop your whining.

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