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Will pvp be better with ...


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If pvp had game modes like capture the flag, escort, and death match, then it’d be in a healthier and more populated state.


2v2 won’t solve much and it’ll turn into “Firebrand and X vs. Firebrand and X” as top spots.


At least pvp isn’t staying in maintenance mode so hopefully this brings some fresh air.

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Only thing that worry me about 2v2 is invuln/stealth uptime of some builds without the drawbacks inherent to conquest. Otherwise, i'm confident it will bring a fresh breath in pvp, though it will not have its separate game mode at first. But i'm looking forward to it being available in ranked.

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Sadly with all the time and effort put into forcing non competitive circlequest maps they wont actually try with any other game mode again. 2v2 will come and goes in hotjoin with no one ever playing it. Then they will put out 20 patches with new pve zones and fresh flashy skins to buy. Then just maybe another failed 2v2 map in hotjoin and a flashy new non competitive circlequest map. zzz ZZZ zzz ill stick to unranked where the fun is till the next guild wars game.

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What we need is more unranked different game modes for 5v5 gvg to bring more guild events and down time also more leader boards for the more vain competition like class leader boards for best player of a class 1v1 ranking leader boards extra it’s easy to day as have seen it in other games u join class spvp with war and pairs u up vs a war and if u win u get a point if u loose u loose a point and person with highest points is at top each class can have a statue and board for top on them resets each month. There’s allot they can do without adding new maps this will sort out spvp for a year or so so they can have a year on their loved pve

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