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Necromancer- worth it ?


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Hey everyone


i was thinking about leveling a necromancer,(no strict direction, open for everything) but i am not sure if i should make a necro. do you think it is worth it despite everything the people say about necro, that it kinda has the "worst class" tag that revenant once had ?

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Worth it is far too subjective for anyone to really help you with. I find Necromancer worth it despite its shortcomings, however, there are plenty of folks who have up and left the game over those shortcomings. I find Reaper to be lots of fun and I find Scourge to be an interesting departure from the normal profession. Also, I love the way my Necromancer looks (both his Reaper and Scourge looks) and so that goes a long way for me. Really, the only way for you to know if it is worth it is to actually play it and find out if you find it to be fun.

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I enjoy them, so much I have 4 of them xD


I like that the Necro is easy to get into and I don't care for the opinions some people have regarding it's lacking DPS etc.

There is a lot more to this game than raw DPS so even if the Necro is lacking compared to other classes it is more than capable of holding it's own in more or less any role which is what Gw2 was always designed to be able to do from the begining.


In PvE you can rip through most enemies if you like or become something that's damn near unkillable ^^

It's really upto you.

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so basicly as a necro i can become ny unkillable in pve ? in raids i have other classes but i mostly think about solo content and necro is kind of an eye-stinger there, where as guard struggles if healing reduction is the condition or thief if he is out of endurence/ways to dodge. and if that wasnt enough, imo light armor classes get some nice kitten transmog combinations both shadow/evil or godly/good terms or even just silly transmogs (as a male human main)

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In pve open world stuff you should be just fine once you level out. I haven't done much but it seems to do pretty well for the most part. Raid's etc, I haven't a clue. PvP it has potential do well but it's pretty circumstantial. I have day's where I do pretty well and others where I can barely stay afoot. Regardless of all that I find it a fun class to play, so I do.

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I honestly love reaper and the play style. Although what people said here is somewhat true, there are builds out there that can achieve things that otherwise you wouldn’t think would work.


For a long time I ran a support based Necro for Wvw. It was a great revive/burst healing build and I felt useful reviving allies extremely fast to keep the Zerg alive. It’s not useful in gvg style zerging, but it has its place. I also ran it in fractals and it was good at keeping teammates and myself alive even when I didn’t have enough agony in fractal groups I shouldn’t have been in.


Right now, I Run a multi purpose reaper build that can 1v1, roam, solo assault objectives and Zerg. It’s the funnest build I’ve ever played, next to thief.


I think you should give it a try, especially reaper.




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If you want to play open world PvE of course the necro is really good.


If you want to play more "serious business" content, such as raids or PvP, then forget it.


In PvP you still can try to have good results (which is possible obviously but only if your opponents are completly stupid), but in end game PvE, you'll just be kicked from your groups because you play a necro. Believe me and A LOT of necros over here, this is a real thing.


The class is as good and fun as is it ran away by the other players in PvE.


Oh, in WvW it's really good in a bus, but bad in solo roaming because of the lack of mobility and the simple fact that it's easy to read you.

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> @"Leinhart.2981" said:


> If you want to play more "serious business" content, such as raids or PvP, then forget it.


> In PvP you still can try to have good results (which is possible obviously but only if your opponents are completly stupid), but in end game PvE, you'll just be kicked from your groups because you play a necro. Believe me and A LOT of necros over here, this is a real thing.


i can agnoladge that the class is fun to play but it is plain sad that necro are like allways kicked from any endgame pve content :(

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Necro is good for casual raids but bad for speed runs. However since the meta is based on speedrunning strats, it can be hard to find accepting groups.

For anything else PvE, necro is one of the best classes.


For PvP you of course don't need to level it, but it is a very solid PvP class. Not over or under powered. And has a lot of good builds.

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For spvp:Necros need support ASAP.If you don't carry a pocket healer to save you, you are as good as dead.

In WVW Scourge is dominant in that kind, due to having more support in zergs.


in pve open world everything is viable.

In fractals you can probably get away with scourge, as long as its not a speedrun, and reapers are the best in terms of damage necros have in pve.


In raids we are still super niche, and while we almost caught up to everyone, we are still slightly behind.

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> i realy realy hope that they give necro buffs in the right direction to make it viable and competitive in high end pve


If they do, we'll find out it was because of an unintended effect that will promptly get nerfed, or pvp/wvw crowd will cry so loud about it that we get nerfed to an even worse state than before.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Lucas.3718" said:

> > i realy realy hope that they give necro buffs in the right direction to make it viable and competitive in high end pve


> If they do, we'll find out it was because of an unintended effect that will promptly get nerfed, or pvp/wvw crowd will cry so loud about it that we get nerfed to an even worse state than before.


Sad but true.

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