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When is the next LS update?


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The 'window' they try to hit with Living Story episodes is one every two-to-three months, and they've been fairly consistent about it, so the next one will probably be somewhere between Nov. 20th and Dec. 18th... although being off by even a week would knock it into the holiday season, in which case it'd likely be delayed until January.


We know that there's another Living Story season coming next, so assuming two more episodes in the current one, and six in the one after that... sometime in the spring of 2020 is probably the very earliest we could see the next expansion. Fall of that year would be more in line with what we've seen in the past.

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I made a thread yesterday about this. The majority of LS updates follow the gemstore update cycle. The earliest we’d see it is 11/27 which is just a little past the two month mark and about a year since the season began.


If it doesn’t release on that day then the last time it could release this year would be with Wintersday on 12/11.


Wintersday usually ends on a Tuesday. It’s unlikely to end on 1/1 since it’s a holiday and they’ve typically ended on the second week of the month with last year being an exception. So Wintersday would end on 1/8 as that falls within the gemstore update schedule. I don’t think they’d release the episode on this date so 1/22 would probably be more realistic if it doesn’t happen this year.

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With wintersday coming up for the christmas season I would bet on it most likely coming sometime in January.


I'm not bothered by this wait though as I expect that both Living world 5 and the next expansion for Gw2 are somewhat in the works already.

So the longer it takes for living world 4 and 5 to tie up the more time Anet have to create said content and the next expansion which is a good thing.


After all if there's one thing the fans keep asking for with Gw2 expansions it's a big content dump.. and I do believe Anet wants to deliver that with the next expansion, it would definitely be a good excuse for why we're getting 2 living world seasons back to back instead of the living world-expansion-livingworld-expansion that we've gotten used to since season 2.

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The two-to-three month window begins next week (November 13th). Given no trailer today, unless we get one in the next two days, expect it no sooner than November 27th, but no later than December 11th.


November 27th or December 3rd are most likely candidates unless they need more time to work on the episode, with Wintersday beginning December 11th or 18th as usual. They'd likely want to give two weeks time between the release and Wintersday at least, though it wouldn't be the first time they had a holiday and story release at the same time.


> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> Ayrilana makes a very good point. As long as we're talking about precedents, ANet's never released anything besides Wintersday between Dec. 3rd and Jan. 12th.


Seeds of Truth, Season 2 Episode 7, was released December 2nd. Technically not on/after the 3rd, but was that year's equivalent of; Wintersday that year was released the 16th.


If they plan to release Wintersday on the 18th, then Episode 5 being on the 3rd would still work.

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November 13th = Post Halloween Patch. (Sigils and Runes, new PvP season, new PvP maps, WvW participation change...)

November 27th = Gemstore Update.

December 11th = Wintersday (Festival).

December 25th = Possibly Gemstore update, most likely not due to holiday.

January 8th = New Living story episode. (new Map, new Fractal, legendary Longbow, end of Wintersday)

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> November 13th = Post Halloween Patch. (Sigils and Runes, new PvP season, new PvP maps, WvW participation change...)

> November 27th = Gemstore Update.

> December 11th = Wintersday (Festival).

> December 25th = Possibly Gemstore update, most likely not due to holiday.

> January 8th = New Living story episode. (new Map, new Fractal, legendary Longbow, end of Wintersday)


I would expect to see a week between a festival ending and a major patch, otherwise makes sense

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> The two-to-three month window begins next week (November 13th). Given no trailer today, unless we get one in the next two days, expect it no sooner than November 27th, but no later than December 11th.


> November 27th or December 3rd are most likely candidates unless they need more time to work on the episode, with Wintersday beginning December 11th or 18th as usual. They'd likely want to give two weeks time between the release and Wintersday at least, though it wouldn't be the first time they had a holiday and story release at the same time.


> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > Ayrilana makes a very good point. As long as we're talking about precedents, ANet's never released anything besides Wintersday between Dec. 3rd and Jan. 12th.


> Seeds of Truth, Season 2 Episode 7, was released December 2nd. Technically not on/after the 3rd, but was that year's equivalent of; Wintersday that year was released the 16th.


> If they plan to release Wintersday on the 18th, then Episode 5 being on the 3rd would still work.


Based on their cadence of doing an update every two weeks, which typically includes the gemstore updates, having a release on the December 4th would be out of cycle. I feel it unlikely that they’d deviate from that.

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Unlikely, maybe, but not unprecedented. This spring, the SAF came three weeks after Bug in the System, and before PoF odd intervals were fairly common.


I imagine it'll come down to A.) whether the episode is ready by December, and B.) how important it is to them to minimize the impact of the holidays on their release schedule. The cadence might factor into that discussion, but I'm inclined to doubt whether it'll be a major consideration here.

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