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Rune & Sigil Blog: "Utility Option" clarification

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> This may not be exactly the perfect place for this, but just to plant the seed: can we get a birthday gift one of these years that is an upgrade to the Birthday Blaster which gives a skill or skills to provide a generic utility buff to complement our generic food buff? Would be nice for those "don't wanna waste good food" moments, or helping out a group for pve stuff. Plus those empty 3-4-5 skills bug me. XD


What do you do with the lunar newyear, halloween and wintersday food and utility stuff?

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Utilities, like most items, have a budget of attributes.


Is that "budget" getting adapted tho? Like the best food I could imagine would just give us 5% more boon duration than what we have right now. At the same time we lose 23% boon duration. Or are you actively planning on removing 18% boon duration from Chronomancer just like that?


This will be the death sentence for the already struggling condi Chrono. :( Build diversity is what we enjoy the most. Or will there be a rune or sigil that will help us out by only granting quickness / alacrity duration maybe? At this point I'd really take anything to not be forced to play one build with 0 impact aside from providing boons everywhere. We'd love to have more diversity, more condi Chrono, more Dueling, more Illusions, less Chaos, less forced Inspiration.



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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> What do you do with the lunar newyear, halloween and wintersday food and utility stuff?


LNY doesn't have any utility drops, just food. Halloween utility items are really only useful for large-scale pve where you expect to be rezzing people frequently. The Wintersday utility items are indeed nice, since they are functionally the same as a lv 80 stone/oil/crystal, but because of that they don't drop in big quantities and get used up soon enough.


This would be an "ah, crap, I ran out of stones" alternative, like the cakes are. Maybe something like +50 power, +50 concentration, +50 condition damage - something that would work out to be a 2-3% boost to each of those things, if you were to use a standard stone/oil/crystal, depending on your stats. (picking a single stat to boost off of as a percentage would probably not lead to good balance). So it offers a better-than-nothing option when you don't have (or don't want to waste) a buff, or want to be nice and boost your neighbors, with a little karma/xp on the side.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> 'allo Tyrians,

> I realized from your comments and feedback that one of the notes in today's blog gave the wrong impression and wanted to clarify/fix that.


> Toward the end of the blog we mention "adding a couple utility options". We did not mean sigil options (though quite a few are coming with the re-works). We meant utility buff options, also known as [Enhancements](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enhancement "Enhancements")).


> Sorry about that confusion.


In the news post, it says there is sigil of vision. Does it completely replaces Sigil or intelligence or are they two different ?

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My questions don't pertain to the "utility option". However this appears to me as a place where it is at least minimally appropriate to ask more general questions regarding the upcoming change.


If BLTP salvage kits and Upgrade Extractors produce an upgrade, is it appropriate to assume, here at least, that we use upgrade as whole sigil or rune?


My question will require some context. The production of runes and sigils is being separated into 2 clear work paths. This dos does depend on runes and sigils as upgrades. One path is 100% direct from 1 100% offering reward event to upgrade. The other path is diffused across a population of many nearly 100% rewards. I encourage using the broad Tyrian collection of activities to produce ingredients that would be used along with lucent motes, symbols and charms.


The need for context becomes clear as the three-legged widget asks after the broader approach to upgrade binding. A third, or is it a fourth ingredient offers a diffused approach.


edit: I would describe making the uniquely sixth upgrade account bound through a third reciped type as chordal.

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I'm really curious as to how this will impact condi builds. As of right now a few professions need 2x trapper and 4x nightmare to get the duration they need to be effective. Which is not ideal, but it's what we got. It would be nice to have some complete rune sets that offer this much like the normalization of scholars runes.

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