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Give us a repeatable Silverwastes reward track, please!

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Could you please implement a repeatable version of the **Silverwastes reward track**, whose final reward contains a **Carapace armour box** or **Silverwastes shovels**?


#more shovels for everyone

The shovels are an important resource for guild halls, but are very, very difficult to obtain/farm. The reward track shall make it easier fo WvW- and/or PvP-focused guilds or guilds with only few members to achieve necessary guild upgrades. The shovels should be provided in an appropriate number *(**15–25**)*, to reflect the effort to finish the track and also in respect of the amount *(**600** :s )*, which is needed for the guild hall upgrades.


#Ambrite > Luminescent > Carapace

I also do not understand, why the reward track is not repeatable in first place. The **Carapace armour** is much easier to obtain, than **Ambrite fossilized insects**, which I get for the *repeatable* **Maguuma Wastes reward track**. And we are still talking about *the* **Carapace** armour pieces and not the **Luminescent** armour pieces.

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I also thought it was repeatable and just now checked and saw it is not. The armor parts you get are just yellow, so people who would choose to repeat this would probably be going for the skins, although the skins are supposed to be obtained by playing in the silverwastes. I supposed ArenaNet chose to restrict the armor to be a reward for actually playing that map, and only letting people who miss one skin to complete their set by choosing that skin from the box. Basically as a wildcard armor piece for anything that you don't want to or are unable to achieve on the map.


The glorious track also has a unique skin, and the armor you get is even exotic with selectable stats, yet that track is repeatable. The reason is probably that no map exists where you are supposed to play to earn those armor skins as reward.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> I also thought it was repeatable and just now checked and saw it is not. The armor parts you get are just yellow, so people who would choose to repeat this would probably be going for the skins, although the **skins are supposed to be obtained by playing in the silverwastes**. I supposed ArenaNet chose to restrict the armor to be a reward for **actually playing that map**, and only letting people who miss one skin to complete their set by choosing that skin from the box. Basically as a wildcard armor piece for anything that you don't want to or are unable to achieve on the map.


This does not make any sense. Every reward track “prevents” you from playing maps, LS, dungeons ect. As I said, **Ambrite fossils** are much, much harder to obtain by playing **Dry Top**. Yet, it is possible to complete the **Ambrite weapon set** via a repeatable reward track.

And players still have to “play the map” in order to get the **Luminescent armour set**.


I also just want to have a *(reliable)* resource to get **Silverwastes shovels**, which are insanely hard to obtain—compared to the amount, which is needed for the guild hall.

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > I also thought it was repeatable and just now checked and saw it is not. The armor parts you get are just yellow, so people who would choose to repeat this would probably be going for the skins, although the **skins are supposed to be obtained by playing in the silverwastes**. I supposed ArenaNet chose to restrict the armor to be a reward for **actually playing that map**, and only letting people who miss one skin to complete their set by choosing that skin from the box. Basically as a wildcard armor piece for anything that you don't want to or are unable to achieve on the map.


> This does not make any sense. Every reward track “prevents” you from playing maps, LS, dungeons ect. As I said, **Ambrite fossils** are much, much harder to obtain by playing **Dry Top**. Yet, it is possible to complete the **Ambrite weapon set** via a repeatable reward track.

> And players still have to “play the map” in order to get the **Luminescent armour set**.


> I also just want to have a *(reliable)* resource to get **Silverwastes shovels**, which are insanely hard to obtain—compared to the amount, which is needed for the guild hall.


I agree that it does not make a lot of sense (I wouldn't say "any"), and I only gave my impression about what may have made ArenaNet decide to make the track non-repeatable. I did not say that this was the right thing to do, or that I agree with them that it should not be repeatable. I would not mind at all if they made it repeatable.


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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> I would like a repeatable version of every reward track, except maybe the finishers from spvp where it wouldn't make sense.

And the mist Heroes/Minis. ;)

But if you look closer, there is no need for **Verdant Brink reward track** etc. to be repeatable. The **HoT** and **PoF** rewards are summed up in one reward track, which gets unlocked at the end.

This is why the non-repeatable **Silverwastes** one does not make any sense, since every other distinct reward tracks are repeatable.

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > I would like a repeatable version of every reward track, except maybe the finishers from spvp where it wouldn't make sense.

> And the mist Heroes/Minis. ;)

> But if you look closer, there is no need for **Verdant Brink reward track** etc. to be repeatable. The **HoT** and **PoF** rewards are summed up in one reward track, which gets unlocked at the end.

> This is why the non-repeatable **Silverwastes** one does not make any sense, since every other distinct reward tracks are repeatable.


Each LW3/4 map gets a repeatable track, and HoT maps are closer to how those function than PoF ones do.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> The glorious track also has a unique skin, and the armor you get is even exotic with selectable stats, yet that track is repeatable. The reason is probably that no map exists where you are supposed to play to earn those armor skins as reward.


That track is also needed for the mist core fragments

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I'm always happy _for myself_ when ANet makes things easier to obtain, but better for me isn't always better for the game. For example, I'd love it if the ultimate box from every reward track offered a choice, e.g. currency vs items vs skins. But reward tracks aren't in place to entirely replace other content; they exist to offer a selection of rewards and ensure that dedicating to PvP or WvW doesn't mean missing out on everything.


Meantime, the OP is insisting that shovels and lumi-armor should be more easily obtained without PvE; I am not persuaded by their argument.


There are a skritt-ton of rewards in the game that are hard-to-obtain, some that are so easily acquired that we demand eaters (and more eaters) for them. If you stick to one type of content, then you'll end up with too much of this, whereas if focus on something else, you get too much of that. That's not an actual argument; those are just facts about how our choices have consequences.


I don't see how the OP's interest in Lumi armor or building guild halls translates into a need to update reward tracks in this particular way. Besides which, it's not hard to buy shovels on the "gray market" -- plenty of Silverwastes farmers who would love to get rid of theirs (for a small fee, of course).


The OP implies that all Living World skins should be obtainable via reward tracks. I don't agree. I think just as some skins require WvW, it's reasonable that some skins require PvE. Or raids. Or PvP.


tl;dr reward tracks don't have to offer everything in PvE, nor do they have to offer identical rewards. I'm not against the change; I simply don't agree that it's necessary.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Meantime, the OP is insisting that shovels and **lumi-armor** should be more easily obtained without PvE; I am not persuaded by their argument.

Where did I say that? I explicitly excluded **Luminescent** armour. Only the **Carapace** version should be rewarded. For the upgraded version, players still have to do the collection, which implies having to play **Silverwastes**.

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> @"RiverSong.5067" said:

> Problem with more shovel is it would mean more Empyreal shards too. That item is severely controlled and kept to a strict minimum.


> EDIT: i understand some people throw it away. Now either those people can't tell dragonite from empyreal or those people only play a single character.


Everyone throw it away...

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I toss out stacks of all the bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, and empyreal fragments on a daily basis... so much of that unneeded currency... for me but I farm everything. There is no need for the silverwaste track to be repeatable because it is an insanely active map (maybe for just my time zone?). Plus those armor skins (carapace and lumi ) were both the start of longer collections (ie raid legendary armor, legendary back pieces). Those of us that were around for the start of it remember dedicating HOURS of game time to it while each piece and part was added. Now the newer players don't have to wait nearly as long and find all the tricks we did but its still rather easier. Find a nice RIBA farm, get some music and snacks enjoy the time in the Silverwastes...


Also being a WvW, how would you like it if everything unique about our game mode was handed over for less map effort Warbringer for example.

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