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What's your least favorite Living World Season 3 map?


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I dislike Lake Doric for a fair few reasons:


* Overall, it just feels uninspired. It had this setup with a huge fight, but it doesn't feel overly active between the NPCs. Very very theme-park-y.

* The events are few, small chains, little interaction. Can't even fully lose/win towns properly, this map could have benefited a lot from being lost gradually centaur-map-style.

* It feels "cobbled together". With the random non-fitting leather farm, the random spirits, then the white mantle ofc who for some reason have a base which has a shield (???) but then also there not being a proper human army around but some individual small groups... it's a lot of leftover ideas tossed into a map. :dissapointed:

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Lake Doric. No question. The hearts feel like a slog, White Mantle and jade constructs are among the most annoying enemies in the game for me, the centaur area is a pain, and reaching that POI without getting repeatedly shot to pieces is a no-fun suicide run. Even moreso with the anti-AFK-farmer bombardement. As much as I'm anti-AFK-farmers, I also do not appreciate being punished for what other people do.


Runner-up, though by some distance, would be Ember Bay. The silliness of the skritt and the circus removes any sense of impeding doom, Chalice of Tears is a nightmare, the scenery is boring.

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Bitterfrost Frontier would be my "runner up" (or is it "runner down"? :tongue: ).


But not because of the immediate problems. More because of the wastes potential. If I look at how the map was built, how the bonfires work and look at the skills on the torches we carry, I **think** that originally, most of the map was supposed to slowly stack a damaging effect on us? And carrying a torch and/or using its skills would alleviate that effect? If so, annoying as that would have been in itself, *damn that sounds interesting*.


If it were the ultimate map of an expansion with some special loot and all, fun stuff. A truly dangerous map, Jormag's home territory, so far up north that just being "around" causes you to die, it's just too cold there. :open_mouth:


So yeah, because of how the map ended up vs what it could have been, second place in the List of Disappointment. Still doesn't hold a candle against Lake Doric, which is so bland and annoying at the same time I don't even truly know how to put it into words.

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Draconis Mons is my least favourite.

I'm ok with big a multi-dimensional map, but I'm not ok with how the map is navigated.


Basically you'd have to grab a LIMITED USAGE vine to get to the place you want, blocking you out of combat option, as well as adding so much tedium factors in it.

If I screwed up my ground targeting, I'd have to back-track to the previous vine and do it again.


This is a very bad design, that's why I'm waiting eagerly for mount to be released to solve this problem..

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Draconis Mons. It gave me tangled depths falshbacks. I don't like this types of maps. But the hardest time i have on Lake Doric. Caudecus was a pain in the ass at the first time. Also everywehere you go someone/something is hitting you and you always pull a bunch of withe mantle guys with u, what sometimes and with some classes (imo mesmser) can really anoying.

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Lake Doric! I'm not a fan of most Kryta maps to begin with (including DR). Those dark green hills and forests just seem boring to me, and I have yet to find an event that on Lake Doric that I really enjoy, and it doesn't give much scope for exploration either. I prefer vibrant colours and lots of odds and ends to explore like Draconis Mons, which is probably my favourite map in the game by now =) .

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> @jokke.6239 said:

> Oh kitten, I thought it was "favorite map" so voted on wrong one xD


Favorite map is here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/916/whats-your-favorite-living-world-season-3-map#latest

Can't you edit your post to change your selection?


Found it:

If you have saved your post to the forum and wish to make changes afterwards, click the thread, then click the gear icon to the right of the top of the post.

Note: Recruits (new accounts, or accounts with 5 or fewer posts) have a 15-minute window for edits. Accounts at Member rank and above have a 4-hour window for edits.

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I actually really love the map but Bitterfrost has my least favorite area with the The Bitter Cold area. Aside from story after that there's no real reason to return to the whole area. I would have loved something like a legendary boss spawn every two hours in there that gives some good loot, then it be a neat reason to keep making the heat potion to group up and kill a boss there.


Back on topic....

Lake Doric to me just fell flat. It had some interesting story and was fun to map complete but after that, quickly fell off anything to really do. The farm was not fun and no chain events gave that great a loot or were interesting after the first few times. Plus most of the time the only people on where doing the farm so no one pushed the chain events anywhere. The map was lovely to look at but never felt a reason to come back once I had story done.

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