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What's your least favorite Living World Season 3 map?


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I never feel like I want to go to LD just to hang out. The events really have no direction, the hearts are painful to complete without an event nearby and the dailies seem forced and frankly, not worth the effort. This is coming from someone who will do most of the dailies on other maps, but I can barely be bothered to complete one on this map. I usually zone in on my daily tour of maps, farm the jade in a few spots and maaaaybe complete the magic gatherer daily if I feel like it. Eat a peach if I have one, but I rarely go for it.

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In practice, I find I spend the least time in Siren's Landing, Draconis Mons, and Ember Bay. I wouldn't say I have any particular hate for these maps, although Ember Bay is kind of boring in terms of events, layout, and scenery. On the other hand, I don't find I have much reason to revisit these maps and I prefer the other available options. Bitterfrost is an enjoyable farming map. I like the events and enemies in Lake Doric. And Bloodstone Fen has frequent events as well as one of the most unique layouts and visual appeal of any map in the game. Those cool glider skills are a bonus, too!

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Bitterfrost Frontier.


- nothing good to be said about the story (and storytelling) on the map

- the frost potion mechanic is just annoying and a grind to boot

- the amount of CC from mobs on this maps makes Orr seems like a fun holiday resort

- I'm not particularly fond of the Kodan

- the story achievements are obnoxious and _every single achievement_ on this map is required for the meta achievement (which I just planned to ignore entirely until Aurene)


(Single) (sort of) Redeeming quality: ease of farming ascended trinkets through winterberry farming (which is just an unfun grind, but at least it's over relatively fast)

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I went with Lake Doric, mainly for how long it takes to do hearts. I don't know what it is, but almost everything you do to forward the hearts nudges it in the slightest increment. Some small parts help to salvage it somewhat like the guy down the well and some of the locations, but not enough to make it interesting enough to want to endure again.

I almost chose Bitterfrost Frontier, but that place has some really gorgeous parts to it, and winterberries!

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Lake Doric, because it feels like most everything in it is designed to be a speed bump, from the White Mantle mesmers and clerics, to the hearts that fill very slowly.


And then there's that story step (not really map related) that sends you back into the map just to kill enemies and complete events, all of which you've already done plenty of on the way to getting to that story step in the first place.

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Most of the maps have pros and cons with me....there's a lot I hate about Draconis Mons, Bloodstone Fen, and Ember Island. On the other hand, they have a lot of interesting parts, too. Lake Doric just seems like a continuation of Kryta. I don't like that there seems to be nowhere to get away from White Mantle and they follow you forever, but at least it's a map where something is always going on. Bitterfrost is terribly dull in terms of events, but it's a sweet loot farm. (And I happen to like quaggans!)


Siren's Landing didn't really have anything going for it to balance the things I didn't care for.

Pros: you get to see what's happening in Orr after Zhaitan, and there's a process of free teleporting, once you've bought the shrine waypoint. The place where you can glide forever is kind of fun, though there is only so long you can be amused by walking away and coming back to find yourself still airborne.


Cons: Undead bore me. I don't like the visuals in Orr much. There was nothing especially interesting about this map or the quests. I have very little interest in the gods. The disappearing/reappearing updrafts made getting to MPs ridiculously difficult and random. And I know this will sound silly to say about a game that is based on killing everything you come across, but it struck me as pretty morally questionable to slaughter an inoffensive animal just to be able to make one high jump.

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Lake Doric for me. Never went back there beyond the initial story run. Still missing map completion and many achievements. Not much use for gliding and on foot there'ss too much CC from packs of mantle mobs or centaurs. Also aesthetically the map is rather plain, like bits and pieces of core maps pieced together to create it. All the other maps, while also having reused assets, have little things that make them feel more unique.

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I adored all the maps. Each had their strengths and flaws.

Unfortunately, Siren's landing was the most disappointing for me. Mostly because of **my own high expectations, nothing else.** I was hoping to see a more transformed Orr. More plant life, natural wonders and so forth. I was saddened to see most of Orr's landscape hadn't changed much. While there were some beautiful parts of Orr (especially Lyssa's reliquary), I just wish there was more flora and plant life in other regions, such as Melandru's. However, it was pleasing to see that the reclamation service had made some progress... After five years. *cough*

Aside from that, I did enjoy it tremendously; the _lore scavenger hunts_ were fantastic, accompanied by interactive NPC's and general layout of the map. The shrines was an amazing feature.

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Lake Doric was aesthetically it is the most pleasant to look at, a map with green rolling hill is a welcome change. Just a shame that lake is drained and a war is going on.


When it comes to story and events I rate Draconis Mons the best. it was super fun running around earning my heat shield and it had a good sense of exploration. Unfortunately once completed I had little reason to go back, it is time consuming to navigate and not overly rewarding to run around in.


I found Bitterfrost Frontier is the most rewarding map due to the chests to the berries as such it is a map I often return to. Problem is I do not like the design of the map much, which is a shame as I usually like snowy maps.


Sirens Landing is just more Orr and I was never a fan of Orr to start with.


Bloodstone Fen, I just do not like the black and red colour pallet of the region, it is quite ugly to look at.


Ember Bay, okay map but not very rewarding and it had an odd choice of event locations, pirate Skritt and a circus. I was expecting something more in tune with the GW1 setting so I found the release slightly disappointing.


All in all I voted for Lake Doric, not the most rewarding place and some events are lacking. But the setting is nice and is not a constant eyesore to walk around, like some maps.


Going forward I would like to see less maps that are desolate or ruined places (Orr, exploded bloodstone, volcano, centaur battlefield etc) and more locations that are a joy to walk around like Tarir, Timberline Falls, Diessa Plateau or Kessex Hills before it was ruined. Also it would be nice if each map was equally rewarding and on par with Bitterfrost.


I just want to add that I found Season three to be a great success, I went from actually hating the living world releases in season one and two to absolutely loving it.

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I voted for Bitterfrost Frontier since it looked like every other snowy map in the game to me (I also really hated Braham in that part of the story...). However, Bloodstone Fen is a very close second. The rest are fine, but naturally will require a lot of effort and time to get 100% map completion due to Vistas and other PoIs being in tricky locations.

(PS: Got to love that we can make polls! <3 )

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It would be Bitterfrost if not for the fact that Bitterfrost is the best way to get loads of Unbound Magic, which is pretty much a necessity for someone like me with a lot of alts and who doesn't run fractals, thus making the LS3 trinkets my best source for ascended stuff. The easy UM / Berry farm is the only reason I ever go to Bitterfrost. The map is irritating to navigate with packs of mobs everywhere that all apply chill / cripple, there aren't many good shortcuts or alternative ways to get around and only a central waypoint... and on top of just getting around in general, there are 2 areas of the map that require you to do very specific things to even get there and explore or do the activities within (you need the Svanir disguise if you want to do the Svanir heart and explore that part of the map without getting mobbed by a billion enemies, and you need the Elixir to explore the "cold zone"). All of which require you to clog your inventory with a bunch of crap. Even the meta-event is pretty boring, you get some extra chests that require a clunky torch mechanic to open and some pretty boring fights along the way.


But since Bitterfrost is such a useful tool for getting UM, I suppose I'll vote Doric. Its not as much of a hassle as Bitterfrost, but it also doesn't really offer much. Scenery-wise its by far the least impressive of any of the LS3 maps, pretty much looking like any other Kryta map (and Kryta is already the most boring region to look at, IMO). The big meta events throughout the map all feel incredibly bland and samey, just "defend a town" or "blow up a cannon". The dailies all require far too much time to complete, mostly requiring multiple instances of said samey events. The heart quests all tend to take a little too long to complete as well, IMO. It seems like it has the lowest number of currency nodes among all the LS3 maps. There's no unique zone mechanic to spice things up like some of the other LS3 maps have (Bloodstone's flight combat, Draconis' spider-man vines, ect). The only reason to go there seems to be the leather farm, and personally I can't stand running that for any period of time without dying of boredom.

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