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What is your WvW Christmas wish list?


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**Here is mine:**


**1. [Medium/Large] Create a WvW Lobby** where players can access team chat, crafting stations, vendors etc., but also also let guilds talk and recruit. Make areas/portals to Guild Halls for immersion/RP reasons. Let people wait out pips or use the area if they do not wish to impact map poplation/WvW score (2) but still see what is going on the maps or in the chats etc. How players can communicate vs. misbehaviour is obviously something to keep in mind. It would however be good if Team Deathmatch map (3) fights could be organized here.


**2. [Large ] Scrap the Borderlands and Queue concepts to balance populations** and create a rotation of several EBG-style (ie., wildly different maps but maps that use the neutral middle battleground decider). I can humbly appreciate that some players enjoy homeborder defense etc., but such maps are much more difficult or design-intensive to balance for rotations.

**2b.** Use your _Overflow tech_ and fill maps up as players flow over the map caps (maps can be different size and have different caps), system adapts to population rise and fall. No queues all play. Queues are extremely detrimental to enjoyment or getting new players into the mode. It is also completely unecessary in 2019. You have the tech, use it.

**2c.** Approach the maps like Wargaming who _rotate in new maps_ every few months and _rotate out poorly-received maps for re-design_ work

**2d.** If a map is poorly recieved early on just lower the chance of it being rolled before it can be taken out to be re-designed.

**2e.** Design maps with different regions on the World map in mind but don't let style overtake general impressions (people tend to dislike maps that are all desert or w/e) or playability (learn from your mistakes with EotM and DBL where crossing maps is tedious or too exploitative with fall deaths etc.), objectives can be structured or open (eg., SM castle or just a large open battleground or a semi dug-in gigantic camp in the middle, or have the spawn points be mere battle/siege encampments on one map, endless possibilities). Cantha-themed Sengoku Jidai encampments on surrounding hills, anyone?

**2f.** Use your _Outnumbered tech_ and tie that to **score on each map**, once a group falls under 75% (or so) of the other groups the map only provides personal rewards not server/battlegroup faction score, thus only relatively equally populated maps generate faction score no matter how populated they are, the system adapts to population rise and fall (also over night/24hr-issues). Create a more sophisticated system than full score / no score if you want to, but even kept that simple it works. This means that maps with both fights and objectives decide outcomes, not maps with just empty-ish objectives. People can still k-train population-skewerd maps for personal rewards just not affect faction scores/ladder. Again, you have the tech, use it, do not reinvent the wheel and make us wait two years.

**2g.** Create faction-level rewards (because now scoring is actually balanced, fight/ppt is better intertwined and night-malbalance is no longer an issue)

**2h.** I discussed this a couple of times before the work on Alliances was revealed. As that was a different approach I've kept the lid on this for a while, however, I've recently come to see that those systems are not exclusive. This could easily work under Alliances as well (even if it doesn't need Alliances to work), to deal with some of the issues that Alliances do not adress directly (mostly score/reward, nightcapping/region and ppt/fight culture polarization).


**3. [Medium] Keep working on Team Deathmatch maps** (whether it is in sPvP, GH or OS). Shout out to Ben Ph, I saw the 2v2 stream! Don't underdimension the design if the code has to be rewritten to larger scale anyway. Get some margin and let players adapt. Keep class/role/build balance in mind when you decide on PvP/WvW/PvE physics/skill-balance as scale is what affects how unique or allround roles have to be (the most), not game mode.


**4. [small] Create a medium-level vendor based on Legendary spikes.** They litter now. Their drop rate is reasonably well balanced for a medium-rare currency. Tie it to unique cosmetics. Preferrably guild/faction themed (Did someone say capes?! the PoF backpiece banners shows that you have the tech).


I've discussed most of them before but, well, it's a list.

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My one and only wish is for no lag, I can deal with everything else. Ok maybe I also wish for a choya elf. How about a finisher that also puts a different outfit/look on your char and some action to go along with it? Like make your character look like a pirate and go "yAARRR" while they are finishing off an opponent? At least something involving your character.

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My list is :

- Faster links, and reduce the tiers to 3.

- Remove downstate. It's cancerous and if you die, you should not be able to be picked up by friends.

- Make Elementalist viable in WvW. At least as a roamer if not a zerger. Ranger is fun, but I rather be able to play Ele.

- Make WvW reward comparable to PvP and somewhat comparable to PvE.

- Balance Condi Mirage so that it's in line with the other professions and specs.


That's all I can think of right now.

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1: Disincentivize massive mindless blobbing from being the most efficient bags/wxp/pip generator in WvW.

** This can be done by placing a Social Awkwardness Fractals Like-debuff on large groups and/or proximity of large numbers to other teammates.

** This should be coupled with a GREAT INCREASE in incentives for objective defense.


2: Better flexible team balance: Introducing the Alliance system coupled with an autobalance setup to keep players from stacking one map.

** This can be accomplished by providing greater rewards for being on an Outnumbered map, along with ways to keep the populations of active players at any given time roughly equal, so that skill can make the winners shine.


3: Increase the capability of traditional ZERG ONLY classes to roam, and decrease their ability to zerg.

** Specifically, this means -

- ALL CLASSES recieve a massive boon sharing nerf in duration, availability and amount across the board. Most boons will now be selfish single target.

- Healing recieves a massive nerf in group target and availability. Most heals are now single target.

- Firebrand boons provided the group greatly reduced. They receive a large buff in single target damage.

- Scourge recieve a nerf to the maximum targets for corruption of each boon. They receive a large buff in single target damage.

- This will result in more skillful play, as everyone will need to be mindful of their own skillsets, and less of the zerg being able to back them up.


4: WvW ranks will be reset to 0, compensating all players who achieved rank previously with chests. New rewards will be greatly increased, and naming system will be as follows; _, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond Invader, _, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond Assaulter, ... Raider ...etc. Reaching General Rank will give you a new commander tag icon.


5. Wxp will ONLY be awarded to the player who achieves the kill during PvP encounters in WvW. Objective defense rewards will be greatly increased, and be competitive with capture rewards.

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