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What is your WvW Christmas wish list?


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Polish and bug fixes!

I want a competent WvW team that removes bugs rather than introducing new ones.


Bug fix: The Invisible NPC bug is still in the game, the bug also makes your own character invisible.

Bug fix: Remove loot bag teleporting when you are fighting on steers for example.

Bug: Dolyaks is often out of sync.

Bug: Downed player out of sync not getting updated with client from server side.


Remove skill lag by lower the player limit or better servers/coding.

Client based instead of client sided gameplay to stop people from using 3rd party exploiting softrware.

Track how much gold WvW players make compared to how much PvE players make and adjust rewards more evenly between the game modes.

Lower the defenders advantage. This was made way to high with the WvW ranks and the HoT expansion.


A team that takes feedback from experienced players rather than letting players who hasn't set their foot in WvW at all being allowed to vote on WvW changes. This can be based on rank or wvw playtime for example.


Limit the advantage by higher numbers by removing downed state. At least remove downed state when you are on the side that outnumbers.

WvW is the last game mode to get unique skins and ascended rewards, this needs to change.


Low lvl players should have higher base stats than they do now and access to all traits, or not being allowed to play WvW before lvl 80.


Remove desert borderlands. This map is the most deserted map, with mainly players who do roleplay or know how to camp siege in tall towers where you have very little chance if you are on the offensive side.



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- WvW Lobby with members of opponent servers

- 20v20 deathmatch queuing system with WvW skill sets and larger scale maps

- Less boon strip, more unstrippable , support, control and movement options

- More methods of gaining points and a scaling point system. Capturing objectives gives points in addition to holding objectives gives tick points. Awards higher points for longer more engaging offensive captures or defensive saves. A sneak steal of a keep would give less points towards capture than a long crazy capture of a keep.

- Guild rewards for capture and hold objectives, making guilds have more power and control in a match.

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Make something usefull in the obsidian sanctum arena aside of the jumping puzzle, make some sort of 1v1 or group vs group event in it with a ranking of who is the better composition and who is the better player.

Vould be fun i geus with titles and reward tracks in it to make a little competition like a tittle, best player, skilled, group player etc etc. Would love to see that plays be more alive :D

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1. Vote kick unpleasant enemies from the map for 10 minutes. Yeah, I'm pointing at you, deadeye (I mean, if I could see you, I would point at you).

2. buff my char, nurf thee others (just a little :))

3. make it that 4 players together can carry already built siege, and add a whip with that you can give them superspeed, so you can pre-build siege and avoid commi rant about players that always save their supps till the end of days

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Give back distortion share for chronos in WvW

Remove all the labyrinth in OS, make it so all 3 spawns would lead to the main arena in OS, no need for the jump puzzle nonsense

Give info on alliance system

Make so in order to contest an enemy objective you would need to deal % damage to the objective, rather just tap the guards

Make so that pips would work in eotm, not only reward system. eotm dead apart from gvgs (like they happen so often lol). Brainless ktrain ftw

After reaching diamond 6/6 pips continue give wvw skirmish tickets. most people finish diamond 6/6 by the end of sunday, the rest rewards r useless and no point playing till next reset

Find interesting way to use wvw claim tickets(apart from leg armor or trinkets) or badges of honor. like for big amount u can buy dolyak wvw mini that allow u to carry +1-5 extra supplies or w/e. They stack and no point of them, nothing to buy

Make either more masteries or a way to spend level points. To get all masteries u need 1060 rank in wvw, if person is 10k rank, what he suppose to do with remaining 8940 level points?

For the love of God fix the server lag when it comes to 3-way fights

Fix queue bug, sometimes occur when your queue's ready and you press to travel, you end up requeuing out of nowhere.

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hmm wishful thinking it is:

1) Rework as many as possible passive skills/traits into active to promote skill vs being carried by build

2) Attach statistics such as classes_played / time_per_class / kdr (with statistical distributions of enemy/ally numbers contributing to fights and such) / etc into to each player_account who creates/contributes to threads about balance so it is visible who knows what they are talking about and who does not.

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I am so tired of the bandwagoning, and the elitist mud slinging that not only prevents new wvw players from being oriented and trained, but makes the content 100% joyless for a majority of the player base. All tier 1 is right now is the scourge/rev bomb with mes pulls meta. IT SUCKS. I want to jump into a great white shark's mouth. Please for the love of god, I just want a place where I can be with my guild mates, fight how we want to, and not be bandwagoned to death for ppt mongrels or fight guild stacking. I've learned first hand (from being part of the problem) that this indeed kills our mode even more, if it has anything left to be killed.

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Still waiting on 'alliances'... 2 cents/things that should've been done years ago:


* More Dev interaction (let us know exactly what _you_ want WvW to be), road map, WvW player input less PvE whiners

* Add server only chat for recruitment/callouts outside WvW maps. Rentable in-game banners w/ pop up window advertising guild info/activity recruitment at spawn

* Population balance... faster relinks

* Less lag/random crashes WvW

* Class/skill balance; rework never used skills/traits e.g; warrior shout "Fear Me!"

* Class role diversity e.g; healing thief even exist?

* New elite skills, tone down click skill = x boon... bring back active playstyle blast field/finisher = x boon etc

* What happened to that old thread regarding 2nd roles/additional WvW only skills?

* No downed state again

* Rework/remove Watch Tower; bring back havoc.. incentivise active scouting? Feel like auto pilot every tower slot passive marked can't even walk around tower without being auto marked... whole zerg shows up to run down handful of players zzzz

* Tier dependant objective rewards (why same XP for T3 2 hr keep fight vs 2 min paper keep?)

* New strategic map (anything _other_ than Desert Borderland)

* GvG support/leaderboard proper

* Incentive to win matchup


idk.. just want continuous effort even if it's just the little things.

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1.) Larger maps. Promote skirmishes, not huge zerg fights.


2.) More objectives, more loot. Double to triple the number of camps on map, which is larger thanks to 1 (and the number of yaks for upgrade).


3.) Objectives grant active (participation t5-6) entire team a portion of rewards (reduced). Since you aren't all in the same area (map is larger), grant rewards for your team by taking objectives. Does not grant bonus rewards to participants. Spread out for optimal rewards.


4.) Keeps no longer have waypoints. No longer does taking a keep to t3 give you huge area control, nor is it easy to lockout mobility through tapping guards (see 5).


5.) Camps have waypoints instead. Camp Waypoints are inactive during RI, and costs (4 at base) supply from the camp to use. Camp UI shows supply storage from map. The cost of the waypoint goes down per level of the camp. Since there are now multiple camps on the map per Hard Objective (keep), these are your spawn areas. They can be contested easily, but using roamers to control camps affords your main zerg huge mobility at the cost of supply (if the camp is full, you can port 25 people and use all of it up). Establishing proper supply lines is rewarding, as is having roamers contest camps. Since the map is larger and there's a lot of camps (2-3 times current is about 10-15 total camps, instead of 5), you can't just use 1 camp as it is taxing on supply.


6.) Bring back workers and let them repair things in keeps as long as there's supply. Microing all the stuff is rather irritating, and playing aggressive more interesting (secure a damaged wall by attacking enemy camp sites to cut them off while letting workers repair).


7.) Structure Claiming Skins for npcs and structures. Some from open world, some from gem store. Let guild claims have more unique looks!


8.) Delete watchtower. Increase the number of Target Painter Traps fieldable at once by 4. Disable Target Painter Traps from activating on marked targets. Let players control space, not an automatic anti-roamer.

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