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How competitive is WvW in your opinion?


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Not competitive at all, there is not a real ranking system to be the best sv since it depends on guilds moving to servers back and forth and for sure not with commanders karma training, or fighting eachother relying on who has the better zerg or blob.

Roaming wise there can be a bit competition if you like to run small as a havoc squad or solo doing a 1 vs x (3-5) or a small guild 10 players vs a blob. Those challanges could be a bit of a competition but its not like you would get a reward for it aside of karma lootbag or pips hehe, if your really into competition pvp is a great aspect of the game showing competition between skilled players on top rating with tournies :)


Or atleast thats my opinion of the competition in this game.

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> @"kronnokos.6913" said:

> Roaming wise there can be a bit competition if you like to run small as a havoc squad or solo doing a 1 vs x (3-5) or a small guild 10 players vs a blob. Those challanges could be a bit of a competition but its not like you would get a reward for it aside of karma lootbag or pips hehe

Often reminds me of the Olymic Games: it starts with fencing and shooting, and continues with, depending on the map situation, 100 metres, or 1500 metres, or 110 metre hurdles, sometimes swimming. At the end, the enemy dances for you on the victory ceremony (aka your burrial), or rewards you with siege love. So yeah, there might be some competition, as well, kind of :)



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"kronnokos.6913" said:

> > Roaming wise there can be a bit competition if you like to run small as a havoc squad or solo doing a 1 vs x (3-5) or a small guild 10 players vs a blob. Those challanges could be a bit of a competition but its not like you would get a reward for it aside of karma lootbag or pips hehe

> Often reminds me of the Olymic Games: it starts with fencing and shooting, and continues with, depending on the map situation, 100 metres, or 1500 metres, or 110 metre hurdles, sometimes swimming. At the end, the enemy dances for you on the victory ceremony (aka your burrial), or rewards you with siege love. So yeah, there might be some competition, as well, kind of :)




Welp, true that not much we can do about it, its mostly to make them remindable of who they are and annoy players. But yeah, stuff happens to challenge xD

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I think it's just casual stuff...nobody cares if they win or lose, no benefit at all. Ticket system and legendary armours make WvW a farming ground. I do agree they are great, but it doesn't encourage you to win at all. I have moved to NA servers recently after playing in EU for a long time (since launch lol) as I was a little disappointed in how EU servers were competitive. And man...I am so sad I did it. Top NA servers are not even close to mid EU servers, any top EU server would simply farm top NA server. WvW needs massive revamp, it's still dieing.

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There's no option in your poll for, 'not competitive at all due to population and profession imbalances that haven't been sorted in the past and still won't be sorted with the coming of the dubious 'alliances' mechanic. All the other things listed here are just dressings draped over the rot at the core.

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Everyone knows who they can and can't beat at this point. When you have a map queue running from 20 guys, you know you're doing something right. Its not competitive though because of the running and no incentive to stay and try and win. People would rather run away, waypoint out, and capture an empty tower/keep/castle elsewhere because it gives them a false sense of accomplishment.

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WvW is a karma train map like Orr used to be... If you go to WvW to kill players, just about everyone will remind you that you're destroying WvW and not playing the mode properly.


Anet have even listened to these players and have made arrangements to squash out anything but karma trains, just look to automatic upgrades, the watchtower, guild hall upgrades aimed at wvw that are nearly unobtainable to small guilds, marked feature, traps, fortified gates and so forth for the evidence of this.

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There is no reliable score in WvW. The built in scoring still heavily favors servers with good coverage. The KDR method typically favors servers with greater populations. Competition in WvW is a variable state. When 2-3 servers get even numbers and duke it out, WvW is one of the most fun parts of GW2 hands down. When one server dominates a match, WvW can be a soulless game mode more akin to PvE farming.

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It is not competitive for one pure reason: there is no matchmaking based upon skill, play-time, timezone. It is stagnant except for those willing to bandwagon in grossly unfair ways to your profiting advantage. This also creates a setting where new players can never even get into the mode. Loyal servers may have been on par before, but it’s stagnating in a big way now. You’re about to lose wvw, in fact it is already really too late to recover popultion health. For years gvgs and competitive guild fighting was some of the most fun end-game content and it’s never even been officially sanctioned for most of its existence. I’m really happy for the idea of alliances and attempts to change this now. It should have been done much sooner, but at least something is happening. I fear the competitive quality of the mode is kind of a joke now with bandwagoning totally ruining the challenge. If you give people the chance to pay for an unfair advantage, they will take it every time.

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Chose option 4, it's as competitive as you'd like to make it I guess . . ?


Your complaint about link servers and the lack of rewards for 'winning' misses the mark though. Player behavior indicates the majority of players are not looking for a balanced game mode and anet cannot introduce rewards for winning unless they can provide a balanced game mode. So they're in a bit of a catch-22, if they want to created a more interesting, competitive game environment they will necessarily anger their playerbase . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Chose option 4, it's as competitive as you'd like to make it I guess . . ?


> Your complaint about link servers and the lack of rewards for 'winning' misses the mark though. Player behavior indicates the majority of players are not looking for a balanced game mode and anet cannot introduce rewards for winning unless they can provide a balanced game mode. So they're in a bit of a catch-22, if they want to created a more interesting, competitive game environment they will necessarily anger their playerbase . . .

Sure, I totally agree with WvW as a casual mode, with a competitive option for who likes to do it. I made this poll because some ppl claim it to be competitive, and thus coordinated meta would be the only way to go to have fun. "That one Ranger is ruining the fun of the other 49 zerglings.", just wanted to know if these other 49 zergling really take WvW as a competitive game mode. Obviously, thats not the case. Though this poll doesn't reveal if someone who says "its a casual mode" also wants it to be a casual mode, or maybe whould like it to be competitive.


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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > Chose option 4, it's as competitive as you'd like to make it I guess . . ?

> >

> > Your complaint about link servers and the lack of rewards for 'winning' misses the mark though. Player behavior indicates the majority of players are not looking for a balanced game mode and anet cannot introduce rewards for winning unless they can provide a balanced game mode. So they're in a bit of a catch-22, if they want to created a more interesting, competitive game environment they will necessarily anger their playerbase . . .

> Sure, I totally agree with WvW as a casual mode, with a competitive option for who likes to do it. I made this poll because some ppl claim it to be competitive, and thus coordinated meta would be the only way to go to have fun. "That one Ranger is ruining the fun of the other 49 zerglings.", just wanted to know if these other 49 zergling really take WvW as a competitive game mode. Obviously, thats not the case. Though this poll doesn't reveal if someone who says "its a casual mode" also wants it to be a casual mode, or maybe whould like it to be competitive.



Well if that was your goal you would have had to give the poll to those 49 zerglings. All this poll tells you is that the ppl who answered the poll aren't as competitive as those 49 zerglings were . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Well if that was your goal you would have had to give the poll to those 49 zerglings. All this poll tells you is that the ppl who answered the poll aren't as competitive as those 49 zerglings were . . .

Those that claim WvW to be competitive, seem to believe that WvW only consists of frontliners and backliners (and those who refuse to support the commander at the tag), so I thought this poll to be representative xD . . . but you're right ;)


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > Chose option 4, it's as competitive as you'd like to make it I guess . . ?

> > >

> > > Your complaint about link servers and the lack of rewards for 'winning' misses the mark though. Player behavior indicates the majority of players are not looking for a balanced game mode and anet cannot introduce rewards for winning unless they can provide a balanced game mode. So they're in a bit of a catch-22, if they want to created a more interesting, competitive game environment they will necessarily anger their playerbase . . .

> > Sure, I totally agree with WvW as a casual mode, with a competitive option for who likes to do it. I made this poll because some ppl claim it to be competitive, and thus coordinated meta would be the only way to go to have fun. "That one Ranger is ruining the fun of the other 49 zerglings.", just wanted to know if these other 49 zergling really take WvW as a competitive game mode. Obviously, thats not the case. Though this poll doesn't reveal if someone who says "its a casual mode" also wants it to be a casual mode, or maybe whould like it to be competitive.

> >


> All this poll tells you is that the ppl who answered the poll aren't as competitive as those 49 zerglings were . . .


Not really, how people answered the poll doesn't say anything about whether they are competitive or not, merely whether they consider WvW competitive.


As for the 49 zerglings, the fact they are zerging around in WvW tells you all you need to know as to how concerned they are about playing a competitive game.



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > Chose option 4, it's as competitive as you'd like to make it I guess . . ?

> >

> > Your complaint about link servers and the lack of rewards for 'winning' misses the mark though. Player behavior indicates the majority of players are not looking for a balanced game mode and anet cannot introduce rewards for winning unless they can provide a balanced game mode. So they're in a bit of a catch-22, if they want to created a more interesting, competitive game environment they will necessarily anger their playerbase . . .

> Sure, I totally agree with WvW as a casual mode, with a competitive option for who likes to do it. I made this poll because some ppl claim it to be competitive, and thus coordinated meta would be the only way to go to have fun. "That one Ranger is ruining the fun of the other 49 zerglings.", just wanted to know if these other 49 zergling really take WvW as a competitive game mode. Obviously, thats not the case. Though this poll doesn't reveal if someone who says "its a casual mode" also wants it to be a casual mode, or maybe whould like it to be competitive.



Well, even casual activities can be taken too seriously. But that doesn't naturally make it competitive.


it's just that the bar is so low and people still fail to make it suggests quite the opposite.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> On the other hand, constant transferring makes leaderboards feel some kind of meaningless. And server-linking seems like an anti-competitive mechanism:_"You are the worst server ever? No prob, Anet helps you out. Get your link and move up to T3 again. Enjoy!"_.Also, there is no real reward for standing on top. Not even sure, if one gets rewarded with better fights in the upper tiers, or just more massive blobs, and night watchers.




I've been saying this since link started. There's too much anet intervention that made everything competitive meaningless. What's the purpose when anet can constantly dictate your standing relative to other servers? Just merge or have long term server links, let the players play the politics, the propaganda and the trash talks. Even if you don't get rewarded for being in the top tiers, most people would at least feel a sense of pride and accomplishment over something they have planned, built and achieved all by themselves.


There will always be imbalance and servers could briefly dominate their competitions. But as we've seen from history, servers dominating their tiers adjusted and balanced, because who in the right mind would want to fight doors and sentries all day for weeks and months? But this is anet's balance alternative? Smack everyone together every few weeks by some data that gives no indication of future results, caused by not just preventing but even encouraging player movements, not knowing the personal life and trends of the players and etc. It was all great and cool the few times when anet got it right, but absolutely atrocious when they didn't.


I've already given up WvW in this age of temp links. Looking forward to how world restructuring turns out. Prob my last try before quiting this game for good.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> because who in the right mind would want to fight doors and sentries all day for weeks and months?


But that is what every blob group has chosen to do time and time again. And, when they actually face some competition, they change maps or bandwagon to another T4 server so they can fight doors and sentries again. The only competition left in wvw is a skill balance battle with the devs.

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