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The level of toxicity in high end content & unwelcoming guilds

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> @"PuppyMischief.7584" said:

> I'm getting tired of the elitism and toxicity in high end content, I log on to do my fractals everyday and enjoy my time playing Guild Wars 2. Today I had to leave a 100 CM pug group because of a specific players attitude towards me calling me names, being toxic and just thinking he was better then everyone else. This is not the first time that I've dealt with this and its the people from the same guild in particular that are the offenders. I hope that they realize that this is a game and its suppose to be fun. I feel like its people like this at deter people from wanting to do content like Raids, Fractals, Etc. Do you think ArenaNet should do more about these types of situations and or people? Do you think the report system in game doesn't work as intended? Sure you can block the person but there are many people like this. Any other suggestions that anyone has?


Every time I hear stories like this I wonder if they tell the whole truth. I never encounter such things. Maybe others aren't talkative or a bit rude, but usually I never got called out, harassed or insulted by other players. Are you sure you weren't doing something that affected the other players negatively?

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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> Are you going to go into a level 30 dungeon and scream at some new player who has never done the dungeon before for not TP-ing to Murals Waypoint?


If I know they are a new player? Obviously not. If they join as a "dungeon expert" and not WP or in general be total jerks? Then I'd ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it. The rest depends on the answer, ranging from "I haven't done this in 3 years, so things changed, I'm sorry", which is understandable, and all the way to total silence, which leads to a prompt kick. If you want me to respect you, respect me first. If I ask for experience, don't join if you don't have it, or be up front about it. If you fail a mechanic a SIMPLE "Sorry guys, I usually play dps here, so I'm not very experienced playing Druid", or "I haven't done this part in 3 years, so I didn't know that A is a thing now". Be polite, and I'll be polite. Anyone can fail an encounter/mechanic, they miss a red circle or fail to CC, it's how you respond after that, that counts. Silence = being a rude jerk.

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> @"PaxTheGreatOne.9472" said:

> As a person playing this game since headstart 6+ years ago I must say the community has seen a interesting development from a mostly soicial game with some focus on speedrunning dungeons in berserker's gear while the content was open for anyone with any build in any fashion in 2012 and 2013, to a game which is dominated by people who claim there is high end content in this game, only to be played in a single way, with builds stated on a reference internetpage. This content being Raids, Raids CM, T4 fractals, Fractals CM, PvP games on high tier, where everybody should conform to meta, with mindlessly drilled rotations verfied by DPS meters.


> I noticed many friends and guildies have left, many cause it's slow but a lot also did it due to high level content being inaccesible for newer players due to barriers. asking for 500+ Li on simple runs is not good gameplay. It will kill your game in the end. In most cases when you have enough kill proof to get by you should no longer be searching for the same groups. You should try to increase the group you can play with, else the game dies. This might not be happening in the view of people but I noticed a lot of friend and guildies have not logged in form months or even years, they are not coming back. Those who do should be supported andaccepted in the community again without question.


> Doing dungeons with the ideal setup reduced kills to mere seconds, or less even in 2013.... It broke the game to a point where the game is no longer able to cope with the NPC's failing to trigger and/ or breaking the triggers thus bugging instances. The powercreep furthered this.... some bosses can be near-instantly destroyed.


> While undergeared, undermanned and naked runs have been a part of high end content for quite some time, most people cannot self-impose any hurdle as they find it unacceptable. But in any case failure to complete a quest as a group as a non perfect specced group shows the lack of skill, flexability and stamina of many and the people who cannot deal with this are not capable of adapting. They are not the Elite. They are Wannabee-Elitists destroying the pleasure of people to feel better. They developed coping mechanisms and strategies whcih are unsocial and unwanted in MMO communities outside dedicated guilds.


> Failures as a group doing the content is seemingly always the failure of 1 individual, often with lower killproof, lower DPS scores, lower AP, of not completely conforming to META, while the group as a GROUP fails. The content is not defeating a certain quest (read dungeon, fractal, raid, PvP matchup), it's defeating a quest as a GROUP.


> Meta has a problem in the fact META only provided a Maximum DPS option, and more often then not, no other alternatives. Older Meta's can be pretty good still unless totaly nerfed, whcih is a rare occurance.... Why not allow slightly offmeta and former meta builds in groups as well... There seem to be legit reasons to keep playing those in many cases as they used to be gooid for something. And other gear sets can be ok as well, provided they do not completely break the encounters...


> The toxicity arising from 1 person to another due to players not wanting or able to run "optimal" also shows the inability of this selfproclaimed elite to finish content in a way this game was also setup to be played. Teaching people ways to better themselves at content is a sign of mastery. Having a group optimize their setup to be able to finish content together during runs while making use of any of the setups they bring says more about group quality then just being mean and degrading ever will.


> Thus playing the game in a way with everything maxed to the bitter end, lowering the need for skill and the final difficulty, depriving the game from any challenge, is also a loss the the people playing the game... Meta is not high-end unless you clock each run, and record the gains you make over the past run. Meta is mostly a crutch for the wannabee elitist, to throw into an unwanted game of words and excuses when something is not going optimally. Any sense of skill seems directly connected to DPS values and meta specs.... and it's not.


> Sometimes it's refreshing to see "high-end" guilds doing dungeons, fractals or raids with non meta gear and builds to show builds and gear are -mostly- not relevant.

> However some content can also be completely broken by selecting non meta gear and build, outhealing or trivializing mechanics to a point where the game becomes a cakewalk, provided you have 5 or 10 more minutes to finish the content. (Think of Cairn with 3 or more decent healers and/or just 10 WvW build mid to high toughness DPS characters. )


> On the other side of this lies expectation. Some people want to do bosses in minimum time, returning to speedruns. But unless this is clocked this is not relevant.... The only relevancy remaining is finishing the content. And making sure the game and it's players survive in a healthy way to show your results.

> Toxicity and calling names will void any health of the game and will make your results no longer matter, as there will not be any audience to witness your skill and succes.



An outstanding post. Agree with it in full and one of the best written analyses I've read on these forums about this situation


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > Are you going to go into a level 30 dungeon and scream at some new player who has never done the dungeon before for not TP-ing to Murals Waypoint?


> If I know they are a new player? Obviously not. If they join as a "dungeon expert" and not WP or in general be total jerks? Then I'd ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it. The rest depends on the answer, ranging from "I haven't done this in 3 years, so things changed, I'm sorry", which is understandable, and all the way to total silence, which leads to a prompt kick. If you want me to respect you, respect me first. If I ask for experience, don't join if you don't have it, or be up front about it. If you fail a mechanic a SIMPLE "Sorry guys, I usually play dps here, so I'm not very experienced playing Druid", or "I haven't done this part in 3 years, so I didn't know that A is a thing now". Be polite, and I'll be polite. Anyone can fail an encounter/mechanic, they miss a red circle or fail to CC, it's how you respond after that, that counts. Silence = being a rude jerk.


I also think this is a pretty fair approach

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People seems insanely obsessed with voice chat. Raids here for example is completely out of reach because of it, as im hearing impaired. Raiding just fine in WoW for example. It is simply a flaming high level of elitism in here with far too exclusive content which is gated too high by the community. Wow did right in adding multiple difficulty modes and not trying an one size fits all with GW2, as it clearly doesnt work.

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> @"PuppyMischief.7584" said:

> I'm getting tired of the elitism and toxicity in high end content, I log on to do my fractals everyday and enjoy my time playing Guild Wars 2. Today I had to leave a 100 CM pug group because of a specific players attitude towards me calling me names, being toxic and just thinking he was better then everyone else. This is not the first time that I've dealt with this and its the people from the same guild in particular that are the offenders. I hope that they realize that this is a game and its suppose to be fun. I feel like its people like this at deter people from wanting to do content like Raids, Fractals, Etc. Do you think ArenaNet should do more about these types of situations and or people? Do you think the report system in game doesn't work as intended? Sure you can block the person but there are many people like this. Any other suggestions that anyone has?


This is why mmos are on the way out as a genre. They started off in early 2000s and it was all gamers who played consoles and generally had the same attitude, and communities were positive and helpful. Then they made them more mainstream and everyone else joined in. It became competitive and corporate attitudes watered it down and now in age of memes and high school machismo it went from being a niche that enthusiasts enjoyed to mainstream garbage. Playing mmos in 2000 was like playing dungeons and dragons with friends, playing mmos in 2018 is like browsing 4 chan while being bullied in high school, while also showing up at a corporate job and pretending were In basic training in the military.

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