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is there a good open world FB build?


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I know core guardian is still one of the strongest open world builds and Power DH is fairly strong as well. However I want to play a build centered around burning my foes for their sins. I have a Condi Mirage in full Vipers but I dont really like the playstyle of jumping all over the damn place. Im looking for another condi build thas fairly tanky so I can play through Season 3 story, PoF, and then get started on Season 4. Also for open world how much better is Viper compared to something like Carrion, Dire, Trailblazer, or Rabid? Obviously Viper for fractals/raids but for open world would something more tanky still get the job done?

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There are multiple viable FB setups in open world. You can use viper, sinister or grieving (or combination of them). Best runes are FB, Balthazar, Beal Fire and flame legion. You want to get as close as you can to 100% buring duration. Keep in mind that condi FB benefits greatly from quickness uptime and power damage. While I aim to put my HP around 13k, there is no value what so ever in toughness or healing stats.


For lines, you must use FB and radiance. The last line is up to you. Some setups work better with virtues and others work better with zeal.


Unrelated note, power DH is guardian strongest open world setup. It always has been, but with the latest buff to DH it is probably open world strongest dps build among all classes. Extremely high Damage that is not reliant on allies support, highest burst in the game and one of the strongest AOEs.

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I carry around around a Carrion set at the moment, using a Zeal (Virtue) - Radiance - Firebrand line. To make up for the the damage, my weapons are all Rampager's -- I haven't gotten far in the game to have access to the newer Condition Damage equipment, which all the Meta builds are raving about.


My HP sits at around 16K which is more than serviceable since I also run a full Berserker's set that dips to 12K. (Which I also use for FB, focusing on Quickness and Retribution buffs.) The reason I mentioned this is because while, Guardians have so many ways to keep their Health Pool up, the base is really low. Having used a Mesmer myself, the difference is more than just noticeable.


Anyway on the damage department, it is pretty decent -- can't really say if I have 100% Burn time but I really don't crunch numbers when I play. I build on Firebrand and Radiance as base, and make use of One-Handed weapons to marginally adjust Critical Chance. I switch between Virtues and Zeal for the last trait. I've noticed that other than Permeating Wrath, Virtues lean towards more support compared to Zeal. I have never been a believer of Unscathed Contender even with its generous 20% increase in damage.


But I do have to agree that Dragon Hunter really does trumps Firebrand in terms of dishing out damage but the core mechanic of Firebrand just really makes the Guardian a little more diverse.


P.S. I use a very crude version of this with Carrion Armor and Rampager's Weapons - [link](http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Burning_Tome "link")

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This is what I use. I vary it sometimes, depending on my needs, but it gives me good burn duration (90%) and still has decent power. Sometimes I use greatsword (sigils of fire and smoldering) instead of axe/torch. Two stun breaks, two condi cleanses, lots of burn. Yet it also can do some decent healing and support in group events. You can easily choose Battle Presence trait for some nice passive healing.




This version uses Honor traitline (since you mentioned you wanted to be a bit more tanky). I find this works nearly as good as the prior build, but has about 3k more health so I use it for Dragon's Stand meta and such.




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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> This is what I use. I vary it sometimes, depending on my needs, but it gives me good burn duration (90%) and still has decent power. Sometimes I use greatsword (sigils of fire and smoldering) instead of axe/torch. Two stun breaks, two condi cleanses, lots of burn. Yet it also can do some decent healing and support in group events. You can easily choose Battle Presence trait for some nice passive healing.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAnfWl0AhmhY5QwbIQTEL+DmVAoCUnySCVoM0+FtjOSB-jxiAQBA4MAsAzAQ7BAIWlB97QAkUlg6Y/BnqPANK9Qo6POwEEA-e


> This version uses Honor traitline (since you mentioned you wanted to be a bit more tanky). I find this works nearly as good as the prior build, but has about 3k more health so I use it for Dragon's Stand meta and such.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAnfWl0AhmhY5QwbIQTEL8D2+GNkeSzaCZoOEWAYH8nA-jxiAQBoRpHCV/pfHCAAcGAcgJIo9AAEryAnqPYBmBSqSQds/AA-e



Interesting that you used Staff -- was that more for the healing aspect of the Build? I miss the previous skill 1 for Staff -- it was so offensive back then. Skill 2 as well but I think I am more partial to what it does now -- AOE damage and heal at the same time with no variable cool down. I guess that's how ANet balanced it out. The single-skill cone effect of the previous Staff would have been made it OP if it were unchanged. The wind-up of the new Staff 1 combo is just so slow. :(


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> @"jpg.1783" said:

> > @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:



> Interesting that you used Staff -- was that more for the healing aspect of the Build? I miss the previous skill 1 for Staff -- it was so offensive back then. Skill 2 as well but I think I am more partial to what it does now -- AOE damage and heal at the same time with no variable cool down. I guess that's how ANet balanced it out. The single-skill cone effect of the previous Staff would have been made it OP if it were unchanged. The wind-up of the new Staff 1 combo is just so slow. :(



I use staff for both healing and for ranged attacks on bosses. It's adequate damage, even if it seem slow, considering I am simultaneously doing some healing..

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRArd5ensADVBhFBDGCBkCjl5Bbvl+SzpWXg6VjqqBclCAA-jVRkABKo+Tb6HAQJ4Y7PYpyPSBExyI-w

> in case anyone wants to try a power / valk setup. defender runes can cost a bit so keep that in mind.


This looks pretty solid -- although I'm wondering if it's worth swapping out Zeal for more support Trait lines . And I would go with Healer's Retribution here and carry a Great Sword or Hammer. (in that order of priority)


But aren't we moving away from the actual topic here, the OP said he/she wants a condition build?

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Hi OP, If you have access and the gold to spend, you might want to check out this post on [PlaqueDoctor](


I am currently using it, and it looks really neat. I've also been in a few T4 fractals with this build and still doing great.

Taking this build to open world is really easy and a bit tankiness, so you can just swap to Zeal 2-3-3 for more damage output.

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I like plaguedoctor too. An alternative on the cheap though is full dire, youll be extremely tanky and since its for open world you dont have to worry about high toughness drawing aggro. Fire damage from Tome of Justice is your main source of damage and its almost all burning anyway.



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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> I like plaguedoctor too. An alternative on the cheap though is full dire, youll be extremely tanky and since its for open world you dont have to worry about high toughness drawing aggro. Fire damage from Tome of Justice is your main source of damage and its almost all burning anyway.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJAnfnkICdBjNCDWCB8DhF/Bb/i2RHpWBgKQdKLJUhyQA-jBiAQBA4BA4RlQkU5zpU/BanAAYs/ANVCmI9AkCAmdaA-e


Plaguedoctor seems nice. According to build editor using PD armor and weapons along with Viper jewelry you get 19k life, 1750 condi, 325 healing power, 21% boon duration, and 90% burning duration if you use Balthazar runes and sigil of smoldering.

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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> I like plaguedoctor too. An alternative on the cheap though is full dire, youll be extremely tanky and since its for open world you dont have to worry about high toughness drawing aggro. Fire damage from Tome of Justice is your main source of damage and its almost all burning anyway.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJAnfnkICdBjNCDWCB8DhF/Bb/i2RHpWBgKQdKLJUhyQA-jBiAQBA4BA4RlQkU5zpU/BanAAYs/ANVCmI9AkCAmdaA-e


Why would you use consecration mastery in a build with no consecrations?

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