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Question about Roller Beetle Sweepstakes legality [merged]

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have seen some concerns about eligibility, so I talked to folks and have some information to share:


> Each contest, sweepstakes, and tournament is bound by specific eligibility rules as outlined in the official announcement of the event on our website. Contest, sweepstakes, and tournament rules are reviewed by legal counsel. **While we would very much like to offer our contests and sweepstakes on a global scale, doing so simply is not possible. This is because our eligibility standards must respect the legal restrictions that are set by a particular country, state, or province. For instance, one province requires the payment of a substantial fee in order to make a contest available to its residents, and one country requires a completely separate prize pool for its citizens. As you can imagine, it is not feasible for us to tailor a contest or sweepstakes on such a granular level, and with regret, we may determine that residents of that country, state, or province are ineligible for that particular contest.**


> ArenaNet forms partnerships in many different regions of the world, and we are always looking for ways to expand that reach. This means that one contest may be offered to residents of a country or group of countries, but a subsequent contest may extend eligibility to a completely different group of players. Therefore, if you are ineligible to participate in this sweepstakes, I suggest that you keep an eye on the rules for future events, as eligibility may change with an upcoming promotion.


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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> WHY????????

> Why I can't participate? I'm from BRAZIL, send me the money if I win. Why I'm not eligible?????


> "ArenaNet “Guild Wars 2 Roller Beetle Racing” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of Austria, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and the United States (including the District of Columbia)"




Anet has already explained why they can't do a global sweepstakes, blame your countries giveaway laws, not Anet.

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> @"Shuzsie.9263" said:

> I cant see why other countries that are not on the list should be left out. It could have been a separate list with prices from the gem store. I would have been happy with that and I'm sure everyone else excluded from the list would have been.


Well that would make for some interesting Gem Store merchandise for sure... a car and a nice trip. One problem though.. how many of these gem store items do you think would be available to the playerbase, even if there were 10k players willing to shell out the many thousands of dollars in gems. Or do they place the car and the trip on in the store next patchday and say first person to buy it gets it... that would go down like a lead ballon just the same I think.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> As to the question of multiple entries into the sweepstakes, please be aware that all eligible players are limited to one sweepstakes entry per week and all entries are subject to verification.


I assume that we are automatically re-entered every week if we run a beetle race, and don't have to take other action (like resubmitting the e-mail.)


By the way, that car looks so incredibly cool, and given that the odds of winning it are pretty slim for all of us (even the eligible ones) is there a way to see the whole thing? A few more photos or a rotating 3D model, maybe?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > As to the question of multiple entries into the sweepstakes, please be aware that all eligible players are limited to one sweepstakes entry per week and all entries are subject to verification.


> By the way, that car looks so incredibly cool, and given that the odds of winning it are pretty slim for all of us (even the eligible ones) is there a way to see the whole thing? A few more photos or a rotating 3D model, maybe?


The skinned car probably has not been completed since there is an alternate cash reward. So it will most likely be done once the winner decides if they want the car or the cash. There is no reason to customize a car that may not even be selected as the prize. The image provided of the potential car prize was probably done in photoshop or some other editor.


Honestly unless you are a super GW2 fan that wants to drive around in a GW2 skinned car that you also have to pay taxes on it would be best to select the alternate cash prize (less taxes). Most cars depreciate so fast the second you drive them home they lose a huge percentage of value. Add in the car is skinned for GW2 hurts the resale value as well unless of course you find that odd GW2 fan to sell it to.


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I'm curious about the car itself. I googled the "type" it's listed as and couldn't find a description of what that means. Anyone know what features it's likely to have beyond the paint job?


It's a custom skinned 2019 VW Beetle. As for the Type RBR, that threw me off for a bit as well but I gather it stands for Roller Beetle Racer. Just a name they are giving it for the drawing as there is no such thing as a VW Type RBR.




>Grand Prize – One (1) Winner will receive a choice of a custom skinned 2019 VW Beetle (ARV: $30,000USD) or $20,000USD cash.



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Oh thanks, Trogdor, that makes sense. No wonder I couldn't find that type. *commences daydreaming about having to choose between a GW2 gas car and a hunk of cash* (and as to the computer ... I just days ago ordered a fancy new rig so I hope someone else wins that one -- hmm, I know shipping is very expensive but given that once you own a prize you generally can do as you like with it, is there any legal reason why a winner from one of the eligible countries couldn't ship a won item to someone in one of the ineligible ones?)

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Oh thanks, Trogdor, that makes sense. No wonder I couldn't find that type. *commences daydreaming about having to choose between a GW2 gas car and a hunk of cash* (and as to the computer ... I just days ago ordered a fancy new rig so I hope someone else wins that one -- hmm, I know shipping is very expensive but given that once you own a prize you generally can do as you like with it, is there any legal reason why a winner from one of the eligible countries couldn't ship a won item to someone in one of the ineligible ones?)


That would depend on where you're shipping it from and to. In most cases no it wouldn't be a problem but some countries do restrict trade to some other countries, either completely or of specific items. You may also need to go through some complicated customs declarations and pay extra tax, but like the laws on running a contest the specifics will vary between counties. Chances are it'd be fine, but I think it would be a matter of the winner picking someone to give it to and then checking the specifics before confirming it can be done.


(And of course there's the other potential issue of needing to share addresses and other identifying details with someone online you may or may not know well.)

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> @"jwaz.1908" said:

> > @"Menzo.2185" said:

> > WHY????????

> > Why I can't participate? I'm from BRAZIL, send me the money if I win. Why I'm not eligible?????

> >

> > "ArenaNet “Guild Wars 2 Roller Beetle Racing” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of Austria, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and the United States (including the District of Columbia)"

> >

> >


> Anet has already explained why they can't do a global sweepstakes, blame your countries giveaway laws, not Anet.


I'll believe it when I see proof. I've reviewed dozens of laws covering contests, internet regulation, international money exchange and all sorts of chance games (even casinos), and haven't been able to find anything implying chilean people can't participate on an international contest.

I know I'm the only source on this side of the problem, and I'm clearly not the best legal researcher in the world... but still, would be nice to see where and why the selection left my country out.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > As to the question of multiple entries into the sweepstakes, please be aware that all eligible players are limited to one sweepstakes entry per week and all entries are subject to verification.


> I assume that we are automatically re-entered every week if we run a beetle race, and don't have to take other action (like resubmitting the e-mail.)


Hey there. Yes, you are correct. Once you've entered, then participation in the each weekly race will result in an additional entry, one per week.

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Just want to tell that i absolutely love roller beetle racing. Beetle was my favorite mount since it was added :). It is sad that I cannot win any of prizes. But I assume something must changed in Czech republic legislative since 2014 when it was possible during “Wintersday Window Decoration Contest”. I am not gonna dig in these papers to find out.

It is shame, but we must deal with that a hope for some other changes before next big event by ArenaNet. Thank You and see ya at the races!


Edit: I almost forgot to ask. Will there be some special tittle or in game reward for the top {add number} finishers? Or is leader board there just to see how good/bad are we doing against others?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> I'm from Puerto Rico, one of the United States' territories. Can someone like me who lives in this territory participate for this sweepstakes?


Hello! I am so sorry that it took a while to get back to you, @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" but I do have an answer: Puerto Rico **is** included, as you can see in the [revised rules ](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-roller-beetle-racing-sweepstakes-official-rules/ "revised rules ")that were just posted on our website:


1. ELIGIBILITY: ArenaNet “Guild Wars 2 Roller Beetle Racing” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of Austria, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia **and Puerto Rico**)... (emphasis mine)


Note: The **only** change to the rules was the addition of Puerto Rico. No other rules have been changed.


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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > REALLY, france and germany are allowed but the Benelux (who btw have the same European laws) are excluded......kitten Anet?

> >

> > They do not have identical laws, especially regarding the definition of "gambling."

> > ANet doesn't get to choose the rules and I'm surprised that anyone expects them to figure out how to have a contest that would work everywhere in the world.

> >

> Holland has nothing against gambling, Belgium does.



Even then, it's still not gambling. it's a random give-away, no payments needed, just free participation.

(ps, the rest of the netherlands have nothing against gambling, too)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> > I'm from Puerto Rico, one of the United States' territories. Can someone like me who lives in this territory participate for this sweepstakes?

> >

> Hello! I am so sorry that it took a while to get back to you, @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" but I do have an answer: Puerto Rico **is** included, as you can see in the [revised rules ](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-roller-beetle-racing-sweepstakes-official-rules/ "revised rules ")that were just posted on our website:


> 1. ELIGIBILITY: ArenaNet “Guild Wars 2 Roller Beetle Racing” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of Austria, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia **and Puerto Rico**)... (emphasis mine)


> Note: The **only** change to the rules was the addition of Puerto Rico. No other rules have been changed.



I havent been able to find an answer to the question “why not europe?”

I mean, why france, and not belgium/netherlands.

cela n'a aucun sens

Nederland moet ook gewoon mee kunnen doen, aan reglementen kan t niet liggen, we zijn net zo streng als duitsland

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > REALLY, france and germany are allowed but the Benelux (who btw have the same European laws) are excluded......kitten Anet?

> > >

> > > They do not have identical laws, especially regarding the definition of "gambling."

> > > ANet doesn't get to choose the rules and I'm surprised that anyone expects them to figure out how to have a contest that would work everywhere in the world.

> > >

> > Holland has nothing against gambling, Belgium does.

> >


> Even then, it's still not gambling. it's a random give-away, no payments needed, just free participation.

> (ps, the rest of the netherlands have nothing against gambling, too)


The poster I quote specifically wrote, the France & Germany & Belgium & Netherlands "have the same European laws." My response was, "they do not have the same laws." And I gave a specific case of a regulation that the infamously do not share. Please don't get hung up over the example.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone say why Poland is not egible? I never understand why its not, its included as often as excluded and it feels quite random :< I want to participate too!

I shouldnt be able to register if I cant even participate in this too - better to know in the beggining that to get disappointed later.

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> Can someone say why Poland is not egible? I never understand why its not, its included as often as excluded and it feels quite random :< I want to participate too!

> I shouldnt be able to register if I cant even participate in this too - better to know in the beggining that to get disappointed later.


I don't know but I suspect it's something quite specific - like the countries which are excluded because one requires the company running it to pay 10% of the prize value as a fee and another limits the total value of prizes. That would explain why some contests are ok and others are not, because it's not actually illegal but some companies may feel it's not worth the cost to them.


I don't have any experience with finding out about Polish law but I assume the government will have a website to explain it. (The UK government have 2 - one with the actual law and one which explains it in clearer English and gives examples of how it works in practice...which sometimes doesn't make much more sense, but that's the law for you.) I'd go looking but I also assume that website will be in Polish and I don't think I'd trust Google Translate to work it out for me.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > Can someone say why Poland is not egible? I never understand why its not, its included as often as excluded and it feels quite random :< I want to participate too!

> > I shouldnt be able to register if I cant even participate in this too - better to know in the beggining that to get disappointed later.


> I don't know but I suspect it's something quite specific - like the countries which are excluded because one requires the company running it to pay 10% of the prize value as a fee and another limits the total value of prizes. That would explain why some contests are ok and others are not, because it's not actually illegal but some companies may feel it's not worth the cost to them.


> I don't have any experience with finding out about Polish law but I assume the government will have a website to explain it. (The UK government have 2 - one with the actual law and one which explains it in clearer English and gives examples of how it works in practice...which sometimes doesn't make much more sense, but that's the law for you.) I'd go looking but I also assume that website will be in Polish and I don't think I'd trust Google Translate to work it out for me.



From what I know winner has to pay 20-30% tax of reward worth, but its still better to participate and lose some percent of reward than to get nothing and no chances to win.

Honestly Id prefer no contests at all instead of letting half of the community feel ignored. If thats the policy I feel like I should support only my country games, because theyre the only ones that'll treat me equal to others or better : <.


**I understand Anet is not responsible for country laws but they're responsible for making sure all their players feel equal and equally worthy and important.

I believe if they can't do something for 100% of players they should not do it at all.**


It's quite awful to make some players feel privileged compared to others. Imo it's bad company decision that will make some players - the ones that feel treated worse - turn away from them.


I probably wouldnt have won anyway, but what makes me mad is that I feel like Anet decided my country (and many others) and all players in there are not worthy of trying for them and making them feel included. It kinda leaves me with bad aftertaste.


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