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Auto-salvaging runes and sigils


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Why isn't there an option to NOT auto-salvage runes. The price for crafting new versions of even the masterwork ones are astronomical. And, the drop rate for the items needed to craft runes and sigils is abysmally low. Together, that means you only get enough components for about 1-2% of what you need to make them.


Make it a check box instead of an auto-salvage. I'll take the pain of salvaging them myself, if given the choice.


If you can't do that, then scrap this new system completely. As it sits, it's garbage. The concept is sound, but it is horribly implemented (without that choice).

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> It's re-balanced with salvaging in mind. It creates a new market, and gives value to some materials and runes/sigils. Your suggestion (repeated in other threads) would undermine the re-balance.


> It gives even higher value to legendary items. I would suggest working toward these as game goals.


Agree completely with the OP. Forcing players into the gemstore to get runes and sigils is a terrible idea, and without an in game rune extractor that one can purchase from a merchant for copper, silver, gold thats all this idd.


The Salvage rates of the new materials are stupid low as well, ive salvaged every item ive gotten as i normally do and ive gotten enough of one of the things to buy *one* sigil recipe, which is terrible.


And legendary items are optional, and should remain as such.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> The choice won't really help. Folks rarely got all the runes or sigils they needed from salvage; they relied on them being available on the tp. That supply is gone now.


So, why don't they auto-salvage trophy salvage items? So people have a choice, that's why.


It WOULD help, because then the market could balance itself properly, instead of the artificial (and gross) inflation we now have. Then we could make the same choice as with trophy salvage items.

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It has nothing to do with inflation. Gold isn't worth less because of this change and Runes/Sigils don't getting more expensive because Gold is worth less.

Runes/Sigils are getting more expensive because of the same old thing, Supply And Demand, plus higher costs for crafting.


What Anet did was just increase the demand (making runes/sigils more attractive) and decrease the supply (higher production costs).

Anyways, besides all the rage, you should keep in mind that you still can buy most of the runes and sigils for less than 50s.

That's still pretty cheap, since you already get 2g from dailys.

Yes, there are also runes and sigils for 5g+, but keep in mind that's not the updates fault. Those sigils/runes are used for meta build and meta build runes/sigils were always the most expensive.

But, thanks to the update, they can't get too expensive (so easy), because you can craft them now and it would need to increase the prizes of several materials to increase the price of a rune/sigil. So all in all the update makes the rune/sigil prices more stable.


And the "gemshop only thing", nothing changed here. It's still more expensive for the most sigils/runes to use a BL Kit or even an Upgrade Extractor.

A BL Kit costs 300 gems, that's 108g. You have 25 uses, so it's ~4,35g per use/per upgrade. An Upgrade Extractor (actually 3) costs 250 gems -> 90g, that's 30g per use.

The BL Kit is maybe more valuable than before, but crafting is still the cheapest option to get runes/sigils.

Not to mention that BL Kits droping very often from daily login reward etc. which makes it more to a "free extraction device" than to a "forcing to buy gemshop stuff".

All in all the BL Kits are actually useful now.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > The choice won't really help. Folks rarely got all the runes or sigils they needed from salvage; they relied on them being available on the tp. That supply is gone now.


> So, why don't they auto-salvage trophy salvage items? So people have a choice, that's why.


> It WOULD help, because then the market could balance itself properly, instead of the artificial (and gross) inflation we now have. Then we could make the same choice as with trophy salvage items.


I don't think you get it ... Anet doesn't want to let players have that choice because it works against the new crafting system that's in place. The choice you have is to buy off the TP or craft the runes/sigils you want. This isn't unreasonable; it works similar for most items.


You might not think so but the market IS balancing itself 'properly' because it's the only way it could possibly balance itself.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Re-balanced is the last word that comes to mind. More grind, more expensive crafting, gem store sales, etc. Re-balanced for for Anet but not for me.

Agreed. Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not seeing any balance at all - just a hard, sharp tilt toward the more difficult and expensive side of things. The problem for me isn't with gear for lvl 80 chars. End game gear should take more effort and gold than lower level stuff. It's generally a one time expense and that keeps it acceptable. No, the problem is with low level chars. I have lvl 80s in all professions and most of the elite specializations. Even so, I still like starting new chars and experimenting with a variety of gear and skills as I run those chars around core Tyria before key farming with them. The auto-salvage and increased cost of sigils and runes really bites when you are re-gearing a char every 5-10 levels. Before, I was able to salvage and re-use most sigils and runes using the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. The ones I lost were easily replaced. Now I can't salvage any and some have gotten ridiculously expensive. The Minor Rune of the Warrior which used to be standard on any new char I started jumped in price from a few silver to 85 silver and 37 copper as of the last refresh on GW2 Efficiency. Yes, I've switched to other, cheaper Runes but I'm not seeing any benefit to the new salvage system, just more hassle and expense.


Oh, and I have yet to craft a single sigil or rune. The price of the Charms are currently: Skill for 40s & 96c; Potence 72s & 21c; and Brilliance for 2g & 89c. When you are talking about sigils and runes for 6-7 pieces of armor and 2-6 weapons every 5-10 levels, those prices really do bite. If there really is some reason why auto-salvage can't be optional, another solution might be a significant increase in the drop rate for those Charms. That could bring the prices down to much more reasonable levels.


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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > Re-balanced is the last word that comes to mind. More grind, more expensive crafting, gem store sales, etc. Re-balanced for for Anet but not for me.

> Agreed. Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not seeing any balance at all - just a hard, sharp tilt toward the more difficult and expensive side of things. The problem for me isn't with gear for lvl 80 chars. End game gear should take more effort and gold than lower level stuff. It's generally a one time expense and that keeps it acceptable. No, the problem is with low level chars. I have lvl 80s in all professions and most of the elite specializations. Even so, I still like starting new chars and experimenting with a variety of gear and skills as I run those chars around core Tyria before key farming with them. The auto-salvage and increased cost of sigils and runes really bites when you are re-gearing a char every 5-10 levels. Before, I was able to salvage and re-use most sigils and runes using the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. The ones I lost were easily replaced. Now I can't salvage any and some have gotten ridiculously expensive. The Minor Rune of the Warrior which used to be standard on any new char I started jumped in price from a few silver to 85 silver and 37 copper as of the last refresh on GW2 Efficiency. Yes, I've switched to other, cheaper Runes but I'm not seeing any benefit to the new salvage system, just more hassle and expense.


> Oh, and I have yet to craft a single sigil or rune. The price of the Charms are currently: Skill for 40s & 96c; Potence 72s & 21c; and Brilliance for 2g & 89c. When you are talking about sigils and runes for 6-7 pieces of armor and 2-6 weapons every 5-10 levels, those prices really do bite. If there really is some reason why auto-salvage can't be optional, another solution might be a significant increase in the drop rate for those Charms. That could bring the prices down to much more reasonable levels.



I agree almost completely. However, there is one benefit to the process: players can save a step by not having to sell the runes and sigils. That's a significant benefit, but imo, it's grossly outweighed by the horribly overpriced upgrades.

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