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> @"XECOR.2814" said:


> stop crying, people spend their traitlines and skill slots to go for rez build leaving behind important skills for survival. You should learn more about what weakness their build has by having rez build and approach enemy accordingly. Honestly i facepalmed so hard when a ranger cries about rez when they can literaly self rez by interrupting enemies multiple times from downstate and rezzing themselves.


This is honestly what is wrong with the PvP. What is the damage that the necro sacrifices for a ress? What is the sacrifice when a holo pops an invul to ress a teammate? There is none because any damage sacrificed by picking support skills is mitigated by the resurrection of a downed player. Ressing a downed player swings the battle almost everytime because of the increased dmg output you get from the player that was downed. And since in GW2 your skills are determined by cooldown, it is very difficult to prevent a ress since most of your skills are on a cd. If you honestly believe that a necro and a holo are support classes you must be kidding. Both necros and holos are dps classes and having them fullfill a support role is just too much.


Also, other classes have difficultly ressing. A thief isn't as good because of its low HP and lack of stability. So as a thief you need to make a tactical decision to ress or continue to deal damage to the opposing team. This strat isn't there when it comes to holo/necro as they can basically close their eyes and ress because there is no consequence to do so. A team should not be carried by this mechanic to win games. Infinite ressing is just ridiculous.


One game, I had to decap and cap a far point and killed a necro that was defending it, then a mesmer comes along and I down him. Meanwhile, the necro respawns and resses the mesmer and I couldn't do anything except try and run away. They chase me down and kill me. All the while, I haven't capped the point as it takes time. So ultimately me going far and my kills were pointless.


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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> Okay I have been playing GW2 PvP and before this, I have played Dota2 a lot. And my experience with gw2 is laughable. The balance is frankly flawed. Taking the necromancer class as an example, I killed one and while he was in downed state, he almost killed me LOL. This kind of gameplay does not reward good play. When you take a necro/guard duo down, they just res each other and by that time, the rest of the opposite team comes up while our skills are on cd and we are then facing a 5 man team and our previous kill was for nothing. The res mechanic combined with the bs aoe condi damage is ridiculous. PvP should reward a kill, instead, here we are punished. Frankly, I think the res mechanic needs a serious rework. There should be a disadvantage to res a downed teammate. But currently, there is no downside to res a teammate if you pick a necro which I find every game. Now in any other game, if devs find that a class is prominent in PvP games, they would take a look at it. But not here. It is frankly unbelievable that this has been going on for years and nothing has been done about it. In fact, I am not even sure it will ever be fixed. This kind of unbalanced gameplay can really be a turn off for many. A really easy fix would be to have a res on cd. It is such an easy fix. If you are resurrected, you shouldn't be able to get resurrected for maybe 30 seconds. This way a decision to res a person can atleast be made. Right now its a brain dead mechanic and does not reward good play. Rather the current PvP rewards condi spam, aoe which makes certain classes have a large advantage over others.


I don't wanna be that person. But please formatting. This is an actual wall of text. This issue is further added to by the fact that it's riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. I could not get past the first two sentences. At least include a TL;DR.

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The current state of pvp can be summed up in one word: POWERCREEP


Powercreep is the _defining_ characteristic of pvp. It is the fundamental problem at its core. When new elite specializations are designed without much concern or thought over how they synergize in this game mode or how they affect other players, you get the disaster that we have today.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I think downed state should be nerfed, I remember there was a good thread about it on the wvw forums. it shouldn't be removed tho… its an integral part of play. if people went from alive to dead with no downed state then this game would be trash. everyone would run yolo one shot builds (so all deadeyes) and TTK would make this game a 1st person shooter. most of the people who expect some of the typical mmo experience (basically all of gw) would leave.


> edit

> here is what I said in that thread


> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > my version of the downed state nerf would be:

> >

> > remove the invuln going into downstate and getting up from it

> > downed players start with 33% hp

> > downed players can receive boons as well as condis and retain them when revived

> > reduce the total amount of players that can rally from a single person or change the requirements

> > reduce the total amount of possible ressers


> and here is the thread link

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/54785/downed-state-nerf-it/p1


Sadly, the game is already like this. For downstate, it needs a nerf. Primarily in removing instant revive and high speed revives. I also think rallying should be removed.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> some things are overtuned but this isn't a typical mmo where you can facetank stuff and expect to survive. its all about **active defense** here.








Once upon a time, maybe. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely the way it should be, but it ain't the reality of the situation.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:



> I don't wanna be that person. But please formatting. This is an actual wall of text. This issue is further added to by the fact that it's riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. I could not get past the first two sentences. At least include a TL;DR.


I am not coming into the forums to spend any more time than I have to. If you do not want to read it, then don't. If you have reading issues, go back to school. I am not going to format my text to make it easy for people for whom English is their second language.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:


> >

> > I don't wanna be that person. But please formatting. This is an actual wall of text. This issue is further added to by the fact that it's riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. I could not get past the first two sentences. At least include a TL;DR.


> I am not coming into the forums to spend any more time than I have to. If you do not want to read it, then don't. If you have reading issues, go back to school. I am not going to format my text to make it easy for people for whom English is their second language.


Yet you expect everyone else to spend time reading what is the text equivalent of an incoherent ramble. This is 1 page that is completely formatted and riddled with spelling errors and grammatical errors to the degree that reading it is physically painful. English being your first language is a thought that genuinely scares me.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:



> Yet you expect everyone else to spend time reading what is the text equivalent of an incoherent ramble. This is 1 page that is completely formatted and riddled with spelling errors and grammatical errors to the degree that reading it is physically painful. English being your first language is a thought that genuinely scares me.



I haven’t seen anyone else complain about the post I made. You seem to be the only one who has trouble understanding it. If it’s killing your brain maybe you ought to take it easy. Go back to your 3rd grade books.


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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> .

> >

> > Yet you expect everyone else to spend time reading what is the text equivalent of an incoherent ramble. This is 1 page that is completely formatted and riddled with spelling errors and grammatical errors to the degree that reading it is physically painful. English being your first language is a thought that genuinely scares me.



> I haven’t seen anyone else complain about the post I made. You seem to be the only one who has trouble understanding it. If it’s killing your brain maybe you ought to take it easy. Go back to your 3rd grade books.



That everyone else is too polite/don't care enough doesn't change the fact that it is an abomination. It has nothing to do with being unable to understand it but the amount of effort needed to read what prolly comes down to generic whining.


That you don't even put in the minimal effort to split it by topic and quickly spellcheck it just means that the content is most likely useless as well, but I will never know as it isn't worth the effort to read through it.

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> @"Namless.4028" said:

> If you rez youre stuck in one specific location. Everyone with a brain will bomb that spot with all their damage. If you cant do that its your problem.


It’s partly been fixed with Holos. We had them using the invul to ress or stomp now that it’s no longer a passive, we will be seeing less of that. Playing a soulbeast I agree with the nerfs it received as well. Though I would have reduced the boom duration rather than the increased coolfown.



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> @"lodjur.1284" said:


> That everyone else is too polite/don't care enough doesn't change the fact that it is an abomination. It has nothing to do with being unable to understand it but the amount of effort needed to read what prolly comes down to generic whining.


> That you don't even put in the minimal effort to split it by topic and quickly spellcheck it just means that the content is most likely useless as well, but I will never know as it isn't worth the effort to read through it.


You are obviously an angry person. I can be your friend if you want attention and self validation.


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