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Please make pets swappable in soulbeast form


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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

Only one build, the Boonbeast is considered broken in WvW and PVP.

And that due unstopable union and fresh reinforcement. Those traits don't trigger when we mount or get out of mount, neither should they trigger when the soulbeats swap pets while merged.


The topic you are talking about is another completely different issue, 10s between merging is not enough.


To solve the boonbeast issue I pointed out in a multiple ocasions that in my opinion the simplest and the best solution is to:

* allow pet swap while merged.

* Increase the CD to enter beastmode to 20-30 seconds.


That will solve the boonbeast without overnerfing or changing radically the traits, Soulbeast will only have access to an additional 3 Seconds unblockable every 20 seconds which i dont find gamebreaking, and will also solve the issue where the soulbeast can keep reviving instanly a dead pet.


I do think Soulbeast may need a rework in the traits so they are more relevant\impactful but that another topic.

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Allowing pet swap in beastmode and increasing merge cd rewards camping beastmode and punishes swapping in and out. Which would make it even easier to play than it already is, especially for those "i only pewpew from 1,5k+ range, walls and/or from behind a zerg against outnumbered players, because i have no clue about how to actually fight" type of players. Which is the last thing this game needs. Just accept that Soulbeast isn't supposed to be a "petless" ranger, and stop trying to turn it into one.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> Only one build, the Boonbeast is considered broken in WvW and PVP.

> And that due unstopable union and fresh reinforcement. Those traits don't trigger when we mount or get out of mount, neither should they trigger when the soulbeats swap pets while merged.


I've tested this before and FR does proc on dismount. Details:


> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> Well if you are swapping runes and sigils around and making a casual power sb PvE build... Rune of cavalier is 5 seconds quickness and 20% bonus power damage on ENGAGE. Cup of light-roasted coffee is 5 seconds quickness on DISMOUNT. That's 10 seconds of quickness whenever you engage with a 20 second CD. ENGAGE means before you actually leave your mount and traits don't work. Any class can benefit from those two. However...


> **DISMOUNT means after you have got off your mount. Dismount means nature magic can kick in to give quickness to your pet. Then auto merge procs from dismounting kicks in which procs fresh reinforcements which is 12.5 seconds.** Sigil of agility is another 1 second on weapon swap. Engaging into combat also procs weapon swap traits. So that's 13.5 seconds quickness. All of this is of course enhanced by boon duration. All of that procs with 1 button press.


I also just checked UU and it also happens whenever you dismount. So I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that they don't trigger on dismounting.


> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> The topic you are talking about is another completely different issue, 10s between merging is not enough.



We are now back at the start of this: Simple doesn't mean good or balanced. Adding a new button but then having to change the merge CD to 20-30 seconds isn't a simple change. Nor is changing the above mechanics. A 20-30 second CD requires a lot more thought to balance on all the traits. I would much prefer the 10 second CD on BM and being unable to swap while merged than a 20-30 second CD on merge.

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  • 2 weeks later...




I would just take the absolutely unpopular route and woulf replace petswap with beastmode and replace a pet with the option to take control of your pet.

This tones the survivabbility down of soulbeasts, would give more dynamic gameplay, would solve the OP problem, reduce overused mobility and would interact with swap traits.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> @""DuckDuckBOOM.4097"

> @""UmbraNoctis.1907"


> I would just take the absolutely unpopular route and woulf replace petswap with beastmode and replace a pet with the option to take control of your pet.

> This tones the survivabbility down of soulbeasts, would give more dynamic gameplay, would solve the OP problem, reduce overused mobility and would interact with swap traits.


I'm not really for or against being able to swap while merged. My main point was that it's a lot of work and requires more than adding a single button to a UI. From a balance side, I wouldn't actually mind your idea. From purely PvE perspective, I always am merged with just 1 pet anyways.


For PvP, aside from the 1 shot potential, I don't think SB is that unbalanced in many aspects. However, I think its potential build diversity is way higher than most classes or even other ranger specs. That probably makes it much harder to fight for ppl that don't understand SB that well. Your change might benefit those noobs in simplifying what they will face.


But again, that's a lot of work required to get SB balanced again for only 1 pet. Pet swap traits would need to be changed to function how? Do pet swap traits prop when you go into and out of beast mode? Some pet families are already trash compared to others. If you only have access to one pet to merge with, the difference between them would only get worst unless major balance changes are made. That's a lot of work I'm not sure Anet should bother with.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> Not an original proposition I know but really it's the only thing holding SB back from becoming generally accepted in WVW zergs.


> Pets in zergs are wildly ineffective and are usually a straight-up liability in that they absorb boons/heals and buff enemy skills whose benefits are based on #targets hit.


> Not to mention the whole reason I like SB in the first place is that the nature theme is there but I don't have to deal with the ineptitude/frustration of the pet.


> Not being able to swap pets in beastmode invalidates all the "on-pet-swap" traits.


> Please make it possible to swap while beastmode, and please fix the loss of beastmode on entering the water and putting beastmode on CD. It's super annoying.


If you thing that this change would make a ranger accepted in WvW Zerg....



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Id say when merging with your pet and unmergibg with your oet both trigger the traits.

Because it would replace petswap it would gets all thr benefits and all the flaws including the CD. This way merging is a tactical choice but also has some instant impact.

It would be a straight up nerf to soulbeast and as i said many would probably outcry about that decision. If it would been this way from the start the profession would've been more fluid from the get go though.


CD penalty though should be removed from the whole profession. No other profession gets a penalty on its mechanic and ranger shouldn't either.


For the point abput pets being undetused: Yes i agree. But this is more of a core issue and needs to be adressed by anet.

Telling from the UI changes they are maybe working on something.

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Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure there are many of you out there that can do that!), but didn't ANet say somewhere that being unable to swap pets while merged was by design and that they wanted the ranger to have to swap in and out of beastmode as a point of emphasis of the soulbeast? I thought that I had seen that somewhere; if so, I really don't see them changing their mind on what, to me, seems to be their primary focus of this spec.


/me shrugs

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure there are many of you out there that can do that!), but didn't ANet say somewhere that being unable to swap pets while merged was by design and that they wanted the ranger to have to swap in and out of beastmode as a point of emphasis of the soulbeast? I thought that I had seen that somewhere; if so, I really don't see them changing their mind on what, to me, seems to be their primary focus of this spec.


> /me shrugs


Well they dont stated that they didnt implement it because of that.

They just stated basically: "Hey look Bmode skills and petskills have indipendend cooldown, swap in and out of Bmode for most success" and they winded up with Bmode camping in PvE for maximum DPS. Ironic.


I think Bmode should be for offense and Normal mode for defense.

More emphasis on that would be beneficial.

Atm its all about the F3, mobility and boons galore. Pet is basically ignored.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> @""DuckDuckBOOM.4097"

> Id say when merging with your pet and unmergibg with your oet both trigger the traits.

> Because it would replace petswap it would gets all thr benefits and all the flaws including the CD. This way merging is a tactical choice but also has some instant impact.

> It would be a straight up nerf to soulbeast and as i said many would probably outcry about that decision. If it would been this way from the start the profession would've been more fluid from the get go though.


> CD penalty though should be removed from the whole profession. No other profession gets a penalty on its mechanic and ranger shouldn't either.



To name the most obvious of the other classes I play:


Reaper: RShroud: no range/mobility, double life force degen/innately half as tanky as core necro.

Deadeye: Steal no longer provides mobility which is a cornerstone to the class, makes D/D as a weapon set literally and objectively worse than core, which is already bottom-tier.

Daredevil: Dodges either cannot be used while in stealth when trying to escape while being focused because they deal AoE damage and will self-reveal, or inflict Exhausted which directly counters the entire purpose of Daredevil.

Berserker/Spellbreaker: Lowered Adrenaline bars makes it not scale with literally every adrenaline-based ability and trait



Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:


> Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.


Only in your mind and thoughts, Soulbeast is the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game.


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @""DuckDuckBOOM.4097"

> > Id say when merging with your pet and unmergibg with your oet both trigger the traits.

> > Because it would replace petswap it would gets all thr benefits and all the flaws including the CD. This way merging is a tactical choice but also has some instant impact.

> > It would be a straight up nerf to soulbeast and as i said many would probably outcry about that decision. If it would been this way from the start the profession would've been more fluid from the get go though.

> >

> > CD penalty though should be removed from the whole profession. No other profession gets a penalty on its mechanic and ranger shouldn't either.


> ???

> To name the most obvious of the other classes I play:


> Reaper: RShroud: no range/mobility, double life force degen/innately half as tanky as core necro.

> Deadeye: Steal no longer provides mobility which is a cornerstone to the class, makes D/D as a weapon set literally and objectively worse than core, which is already bottom-tier.

> Daredevil: Dodges either cannot be used while in stealth when trying to escape while being focused because they deal AoE damage and will self-reveal, or inflict Exhausted which directly counters the entire purpose of Daredevil.

> Berserker/Spellbreaker: Lowered Adrenaline bars makes it not scale with literally every adrenaline-based ability and trait



> Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.



Well it would remove the second pet. And soulbeast builds benefit heavily from escape and reheal abbilities from such pets.

Boonbeast relies on owl and siamoth. Siamoth has a build in stunbreak and plasma when not merged which is crucial for boonbeast. Owl has a huge escape skill with a decent heal as archetype skill.

If you had to decide between one or the other it would hamstring the spec for sure.

Ofc the boon multiplication needs to be ajusted too there is no doubt about that.


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> >

> > Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.

> >

> Only in your mind and thoughts, Soulbeast is the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game.





I literally play this class *because* it's so damn easy to do so well with. I'll say it straight in that I'm a bandwagon soulbeast, because the professions I have major hours sunk into and have literally coached some of the top-performing players in the game in how to win while playing those professions on, are no longer worth the low reward for the high risk without just playing low-interaction cheese builds.


It's hilarious, really. Every time I make self-aware posts on the subsections of the professions I play, everyone freaks out when I get real with what's OP and what isn't. I genuinely have the best interests of the profession in mind. If I didn't, most of what I suggested in the ranger CDI years ago wouldn't have made it into the game, wouldn't have been my highest-rated post of all time, and the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence.


Everything I said about DE and Daredevil turned out to be true as well. My forecasts on Reaper and the SR updates making the class a lower-performer by making it offer lower-risk-lower-reward in the name of making it easier to play were also correct.


Soulbeast is the absolute epitome of low-risk, high-reward in GW2. No class in the history of the game even comes close.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @""DuckDuckBOOM.4097"

> > > Id say when merging with your pet and unmergibg with your oet both trigger the traits.

> > > Because it would replace petswap it would gets all thr benefits and all the flaws including the CD. This way merging is a tactical choice but also has some instant impact.

> > > It would be a straight up nerf to soulbeast and as i said many would probably outcry about that decision. If it would been this way from the start the profession would've been more fluid from the get go though.

> > >

> > > CD penalty though should be removed from the whole profession. No other profession gets a penalty on its mechanic and ranger shouldn't either.

> >

> > ???

> > To name the most obvious of the other classes I play:

> >

> > Reaper: RShroud: no range/mobility, double life force degen/innately half as tanky as core necro.

> > Deadeye: Steal no longer provides mobility which is a cornerstone to the class, makes D/D as a weapon set literally and objectively worse than core, which is already bottom-tier.

> > Daredevil: Dodges either cannot be used while in stealth when trying to escape while being focused because they deal AoE damage and will self-reveal, or inflict Exhausted which directly counters the entire purpose of Daredevil.

> > Berserker/Spellbreaker: Lowered Adrenaline bars makes it not scale with literally every adrenaline-based ability and trait

> >

> >

> > Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.

> >


> Well it would remove the second pet. And soulbeast builds benefit heavily from escape and reheal abbilities from such pets.

> Boonbeast relies on owl and siamoth. Siamoth has a build in stunbreak and plasma when not merged which is crucial for boonbeast. Owl has a huge escape skill with a decent heal as archetype skill.

> If you had to decide between one or the other it would hamstring the spec for sure.

> Ofc the boon multiplication needs to be ajusted too there is no doubt about that.



Maybe I'm having a hard time reading/understanding your post but wasn't it calling for a removal on the cooldown of merging? Which would subsequently proc those traits indefinitely?


Because yes, it helps answer boonbeast but that makes blocks and reflects completely and totally worthless against soulbeast which is kind of a huge deal. There'd be basically only two viable classes at that point, just mirage and soulbeast, since it'd defeat the purpose of guardian and ele, reduce warrior's sustain/make bubble worthless, remove most of the counterplay available on the revenant into soulbeast, make scrapper and chrono pointless, and SB already counters thief/necro.


My response was mostly in relation to that last sentence as well. Ranger is absolutely not the only profession that makes sacrifices due to its mechanic.


It's okay for there to be downsides in things. That's literally what I proposed when I wrote the original Deadeye idea for thief: Promote counterplay and re-establish an identity of balanced risk/reward, sense of fairness, and ease of play.


We're in a time where it feels like ANet is afraid to make things counterable, and that's why the combat/PvP isn't fun. I don't want to chalk up losing to builds; I could have gotten that experience years ago by playing WoW.

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He is talking about the increased cd on pet sweap after a pets dies and which is punishing the player for something he has little control over, not just a downside of the class mechanic (pets themself could be considered a downside sometimes). And that's indeed something only ranger (core and druid, not soulbeast) has to deal with. Just imagine steal would go on 60s cd if you miss it. Warrior not getting any adrenaline if he doesn't land his burst skills. Or if a mesmer couldn't summon any illusions for an extended period of time if all the clones get killed before shattered. That would be compareable to the dead pet swap penalty on non-sb builds. It is probably the reason, why ranger got overbuffed in other aspects for compensation.


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Nope my proposal is just to replace the second pet with beastmode.

Sure traits needs ajustments. I mean unblockable exists already on swap traits so merging traits need to change in some way. I.e unstoppable union.

And on boonbeast fresh reinforcement.

Its a propsal where they should balance arround it and not just straight up replace ut with its currebt state and leave it at that.


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > >

> > > Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.

> > >

> > Only in your mind and thoughts, Soulbeast is the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game.

> >


> lol.


> I literally play this class *because* it's so kitten easy to do so well with. I'll say it straight in that I'm a bandwagon soulbeast, because the professions I have major hours sunk into and have literally coached some of the top-performing players in the game in how to win while playing those professions on, are no longer worth the low reward for the high risk without just playing low-interaction cheese builds.


> It's hilarious, really. Every time I make self-aware posts on the subsections of the professions I play, everyone freaks out when I get real with what's OP and what isn't. I genuinely have the best interests of the profession in mind. If I didn't, most of what I suggested in the ranger CDI years ago wouldn't have made it into the game, wouldn't have been my highest-rated post of all time, and the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence.


> Everything I said about DE and Daredevil turned out to be true as well. My forecasts on Reaper and the SR updates making the class a lower-performer by making it offer lower-risk-lower-reward in the name of making it easier to play were also correct.


> Soulbeast is the absolute epitome of low-risk, high-reward in GW2. No class in the history of the game even comes close.


OMG, we, rangers, didn't know that "the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence" due to your intervention. You are more hilarious than everything you wrote. Hahahahahaaa ...


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > >

> > > > Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.

> > > >

> > > Only in your mind and thoughts, Soulbeast is the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game.

> > >

> >

> > lol.

> >

> > I literally play this class *because* it's so kitten easy to do so well with. I'll say it straight in that I'm a bandwagon soulbeast, because the professions I have major hours sunk into and have literally coached some of the top-performing players in the game in how to win while playing those professions on, are no longer worth the low reward for the high risk without just playing low-interaction cheese builds.

> >

> > It's hilarious, really. Every time I make self-aware posts on the subsections of the professions I play, everyone freaks out when I get real with what's OP and what isn't. I genuinely have the best interests of the profession in mind. If I didn't, most of what I suggested in the ranger CDI years ago wouldn't have made it into the game, wouldn't have been my highest-rated post of all time, and the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence.

> >

> > Everything I said about DE and Daredevil turned out to be true as well. My forecasts on Reaper and the SR updates making the class a lower-performer by making it offer lower-risk-lower-reward in the name of making it easier to play were also correct.

> >

> > Soulbeast is the absolute epitome of low-risk, high-reward in GW2. No class in the history of the game even comes close.


> OMG, we, rangers, didn't know that "the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence" due to your intervention. You are more hilarious than everything you wrote. Hahahahahaaa ...



Not specifically me, because the sentiment and support of the ideas was echoed by many as well. Though I was one of the first posters for some of the ideas I put forward.


My point is that I have a very long history of trying to propose things that actually make for fun and improved gameplay for everyone involved rather pushing an agenda to merely forward the power of what I play based on some form of internal bias.


But I'll drop the subject here I guess. I don't need a repeat of what happened in the previous discussion about ranger's numbers given that it was a total waste of time.

If I can spurn discussion and make people more self-aware, I've done my job.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > Soulbeast is already the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game - especially so with the MMS build - with some of the fewest penalties across the class as a whole due to its incredibly low-investment high-impact tools and very high base numbers/coefficients (which is why the boon build even works). Making pet swaps while merged gives them even more tools and even better numbers while bringing the skill level even further down.

> > > > >

> > > > Only in your mind and thoughts, Soulbeast is the lowest risk/highest reward class in the game.

> > > >

> > >

> > > lol.

> > >

> > > I literally play this class *because* it's so kitten easy to do so well with. I'll say it straight in that I'm a bandwagon soulbeast, because the professions I have major hours sunk into and have literally coached some of the top-performing players in the game in how to win while playing those professions on, are no longer worth the low reward for the high risk without just playing low-interaction cheese builds.

> > >

> > > It's hilarious, really. Every time I make self-aware posts on the subsections of the professions I play, everyone freaks out when I get real with what's OP and what isn't. I genuinely have the best interests of the profession in mind. If I didn't, most of what I suggested in the ranger CDI years ago wouldn't have made it into the game, wouldn't have been my highest-rated post of all time, and the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence.

> > >

> > > Everything I said about DE and Daredevil turned out to be true as well. My forecasts on Reaper and the SR updates making the class a lower-performer by making it offer lower-risk-lower-reward in the name of making it easier to play were also correct.

> > >

> > > Soulbeast is the absolute epitome of low-risk, high-reward in GW2. No class in the history of the game even comes close.

> >

> > OMG, we, rangers, didn't know that "the ranger wouldn't have been massively improved as a consequence" due to your intervention. You are more hilarious than everything you wrote. Hahahahahaaa ...

> >


> Not specifically me, because the sentiment and support of the ideas was echoed by many as well. Though I was one of the first posters for some of the ideas I put forward.


> My point is that I have a very long history of trying to propose things that actually make for fun and improved gameplay for everyone involved rather pushing an agenda to merely forward the power of what I play based on some form of internal bias.


> But I'll drop the subject here I guess. I don't need a repeat of what happened in the previous discussion about ranger's numbers given that it was a total waste of time.

> If I can spurn discussion and make people more self-aware, I've done my job.


Don't you think it is more than strange, that a player who doesn't have 1 post on ranger forum, who doesn't have a ranger as a main, who played most thief and necromancer, claims that the ranger it is where it is because of him? I'll stop argue with you, because from my POV you are a lier.

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> @"Brendan.1309" said:

> Wouldn't Barrage and new traits that buff Barrage be a better place to help rangers in zergs be a much better place to start than swapping pets of all things?

> For starters, the CD on that skill seems unnecessarily long for something that does so little damage.

> I'd much rather see traits in Skirmishing or Marksmanship buffing Barrage to increase build diversity and applicability to druids and core as well, rather than another buff to Soulbeast that it doesn't really need.


Id like that fixed as well.


What if you could use barrage while moving, that would be great.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> Not an original proposition I know but really it's the only thing holding SB back from becoming generally accepted in WVW zergs.


> Pets in zergs are wildly ineffective and are usually a straight-up liability in that they absorb boons/heals and buff enemy skills whose benefits are based on #targets hit.


> Not to mention the whole reason I like SB in the first place is that the nature theme is there but I don't have to deal with the ineptitude/frustration of the pet.


> Not being able to swap pets in beastmode invalidates all the "on-pet-swap" traits.


> Please make it possible to swap while beastmode, and please fix the loss of beastmode on entering the water and putting beastmode on CD. It's super annoying.


It would be a QoL improvement that would need couple of changes. Couple of traits from SB spec would need to be changed to "when entering SB mode AND swapping pets while merged". Don't get your hopes up, it goes against the design of the spec.


Reasons why SB isn't part of any group in WvW:

1/ lack of decent weapon alternative to GS. Axe is projectile oriented which makes it liability for Group in general. Bows are projectiles and single target. Dagger is condi and low target capped. Sword is a good utility weapon but too low target with non practical Sword 2.

2/ Stances are underwhelming as supporting your grp because leader of the pack makes them more a buff to the SB than its group.

3/ Merging/Unmerging is unpractical in the middle of battle, pet die too fast and worse, get your guard's boons instead of your allies .

4/ Ranger players are often casuals ranging LB pew pew from 1500 which bring nothing to the group. In worse scenario they focus snipe enemy commander which results in shorter fights and brings down fun for other players.


That's a lot of problems to solve!

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> We are now back at the start of this: Simple doesn't mean good or balanced. Adding a new button but then having to change the merge CD to 20-30 seconds isn't a simple change. Nor is changing the above mechanics. A 20-30 second CD requires a lot more thought to balance on all the traits. I would much prefer the 10 second CD on BM and being unable to swap while merged than a 20-30 second CD on merge.


I still think it's as simple as to add the button and the action. I'm talking from a development standpoint, all the other mechanics are there so it will not be as demanding as having to design everything. Still i don't think why is unreasonable to ask for the actual mechanic and class as to work as it seemsat some point that was possible as otherwise we would not keep the CDs for dead pets .


Either way from a gameplay point of view the actual way it is designed it's not good. It makes the class unnecessary clunky which pushes the player to play only in beastmode (PVE) or abusing the mechanics (boonbeast in PVP).


Just think: if it weren't for the boonbeast, would anybody enjoy the merge/unmerge as part of their rotation? **Because thehammer nerf to the boonbeast is comming.. Count on it.**

30 seconds CD to merge would be the least intrusive change they could do which would just impacts the soulbeast and not the ranger.



> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> I always found it funny that WvW is the place that would most benefit from a petless Ranger but for some reason they designed the spec as a condi dps against target golem spec.


It's funny because the only condition application is from the dagger main hand. All the other skills/traits are mainly power. Even the condition stance it's main objetive seems to be to provide extra healing.


It seems like the soulbeast was originally to work as power with high poison application, so the lack of output damage was balanced with the continuous applying of poison to diminish the foes healing. But then at some point it was decided the gamestyle wouldn't be good for PvE and pushed the many conditions in the dagger theme.



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