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Gw2 loot vs rewards

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Hello! I've been thinking that Gw2, particularly "boss" type encounters in open world needs more rewards, instead of "loot".



What I mean is this; right now, for PoF bounties, HoT bosses like legendary wyvern, core Tyria maps etc, there is only boxes and chests that open up to contain materials or "junk like blues and greens" and more chests and so on. Guild wars is a very cosmetic end game with no gear treadmill and I think this is amazing. But just imagine! If every world boss had a chance to drop something super cool on top of the loot that we get!


For example if jormag had a 5% chance to drop some cosmetic back piece of wings similar to the shattered dragon wings... or if the shadow behemoth could drop a head piece that looked like a sick as mask. Or if the flame shaman on core map dropped a fire mask!?!?! And maybe legendary wyvern could drop a really cool backpack or dragon shoulder? basically more cosmetic rewards! For every boss! O_o wouldn't something like this give more incentives and rewards to players for engaging in this stuff week by week, instead of only once for the weird system we have now, of only doing them for a collection item or achievement.. hmm.


Would it take a lot of time and effort for anet to implement this? Would you guys be for, or against something like this?


I ask because I'm not a huge fan of instanced pve. I don't do fractals or raids, probably later. But as an open world player, it's kind of like what to do now hmmmmm. PoF maps especially are quite... boring? It's like why do bounty train. Why do I need to go on PoF maps when there are farm trains. Hot maps I absolutely love because how difficult they are and how vertical they are etc, and the events are awesome, but I can't help feeling that there is a "reward" missing from engaging in open world play.



What do you guys think? My main hope is that it really wouldn't take much to implement. Just design item or reward, and put it on boss with a percentage drop chance, rinse and repeat. I don't like the box loot system we have, it is nice yes, but I don't see it as reward. More just mindless farming you know?

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> The most obvious question to ask would be "and then what?"


> Once someone gets it you are right back where you started. You could make the drop rates very low but you can only drag things out so far before people start ignoring it.


Yes this is true but I'm hoping that with how easy it should be they can keep adding things with very little effort.

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Does anybody know how hard this would be to do for the devs? The gemstore guys seem to pump out amazing cosmetics but I don't want to keep buying in game stuff using money. I've spent a LOT OF money on gem store. While nice, it's not rewarding.


I'm sure they could design and implement reward into open world with relatively little effort, continuously, no?

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Does anybody know how hard this would be to do for the devs? The gemstore guys seem to pump out amazing cosmetics but I don't want to keep buying in game stuff using money. I've spent a LOT OF money on gem store. While nice, it's not rewarding.


> I'm sure they could design and implement reward into open world with relatively little effort, continuously, no?


The gemstore items pay for their own existence. Who or what do you think will be paying for these?

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The problem with your idea TC is: it's unsustainable.


You either run out of items/skins to add, which puts a player back at step 1: nothing to look forward to.


Or you add so many skins that it becomes a chore to get all of them (very unlikely that Arenanet has the ressources for this).


There is almost no middle-ground.


Also quite a few world bosses do have unique low drop chance loot. Some of it is so frequent that the skins are near worthless, while other items are so rare that they go for more than the maximum of 10,000 gold on the TP (Chack Egg Sack).

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Gw1 had something very similar, Many of the games unique boss monsters would drop unique weapons, same for dungeon chests.


This is actually one of the things I was most disappointed by when Gw2 came out as few bosses had unique drops.

This has slightly been remedied over the years as other bosses have gained unique rewards.


But for the most part most world bosses, meta's etc do not have rare and valuable unique rewards that cannot be obtained anywhere else.

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Look up the items needed for the treasure hunter achievement and farm those bosses. Some sell for quite a lot. Complete it yourself if you have not yet.


The exotic collection is another one with some spendy items. Can't recall the name. I'm missing only three but refuse to buy the ones I'm missing!

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> The most obvious question to ask would be "and then what?"


> Once someone gets it you are right back where you started. You could make the drop rates very low but you can only drag things out so far before people start ignoring it.

Having seen low RNG elsewhere...there was one drop actually quoted as 1/1000.

This causing Players going after it, frustration & becoming slightly mad.


Made for a Toxic Community.


No thank you. I rather enjoy opening Chests.

If I die before reaching the chest/chests, then that's on me.


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Look up the items needed for the treasure hunter achievement and farm those bosses. Some sell for quite a lot. Complete it yourself if you have not yet.


> The exotic collection is another one with some spendy items. Can't recall the name. I'm missing only three but refuse to buy the ones I'm missing!


Sam(250g), Pendant of Arah(430g), All Seeing(325g)

If not those then congratulations! Completing it is cheaper than you thought. :)

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > Look up the items needed for the treasure hunter achievement and farm those bosses. Some sell for quite a lot. Complete it yourself if you have not yet.

> >

> > The exotic collection is another one with some spendy items. Can't recall the name. I'm missing only three but refuse to buy the ones I'm missing!


> Sam(250g), Pendant of Arah(430g), All Seeing(325g)

> If not those then congratulations! Completing it is cheaper than you thought. :)

This always reminds me that I dropped All Seeing a week before they introduced that collection and sold it on the trading post for 5 gold ...

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> What do you guys think?


I think that the vast majority of open world bosses are autoattack spamfests and currently over-reward players for the risk versus reward.

I do not think that Fire Elemental or Karka Queen (who's only real challenge is getting a hit in before it dies) should be more lucrative than the guaranteed rare they already drop.



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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Hello! I've been thinking that Gw2, particularly "boss" type encounters in open world needs more rewards, instead of "loot".



> What I mean is this; right now, for PoF bounties, HoT bosses like legendary wyvern, core Tyria maps etc, there is only boxes and chests that open up to contain materials or "junk like blues and greens" and more chests and so on. Guild wars is a very cosmetic end game with no gear treadmill and I think this is amazing. But just imagine! If every world boss had a chance to drop something super cool on top of the loot that we get!


> For example if jormag had a 5% chance to drop some cosmetic back piece of wings similar to the shattered dragon wings... or if the shadow behemoth could drop a head piece that looked like a sick as mask. Or if the flame shaman on core map dropped a fire mask!?!?! And maybe legendary wyvern could drop a really cool backpack or dragon shoulder? basically more cosmetic rewards! For every boss! O_o wouldn't something like this give more incentives and rewards to players for engaging in this stuff week by week, instead of only once for the weird system we have now, of only doing them for a collection item or achievement.. hmm.


> Would it take a lot of time and effort for anet to implement this? Would you guys be for, or against something like this?


> I ask because I'm not a huge fan of instanced pve. I don't do fractals or raids, probably later. But as an open world player, it's kind of like what to do now hmmmmm. PoF maps especially are quite... boring? It's like why do bounty train. Why do I need to go on PoF maps when there are farm trains. Hot maps I absolutely love because how difficult they are and how vertical they are etc, and the events are awesome, but I can't help feeling that there is a "reward" missing from engaging in open world play.



> What do you guys think? My main hope is that it really wouldn't take much to implement. Just design item or reward, and put it on boss with a percentage drop chance, rinse and repeat. I don't like the box loot system we have, it is nice yes, but I don't see it as reward. More just mindless farming you know?


Loot in this game is almost completely trash - same for items. Huge lack of imagination all around. Oh, and cheap, too.

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