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WvW Roaming Class Standings


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Hello people, I recently made a post in the Holosmith forums about peoples thoughts of Holosmith being an overpowered roaming class. I got a lot of feedback that I found interesting but it made me think, if Holosmith (or any other class/build for that matter) is overpowered, what classes are considered well tuned or just right?


So what classes do you think are the most overpowered (from a roaming perspective, not zerging)?

What classes do you think are just right?

What classes do you think are the most underpowered?


I will start by saying that I consider condi mirage to be extremely overpowered. That is the only real input I have since I don't have too much playtime across that many classes in WvW.

edit: I figure I should give reasons for my opinion rather than just making the claim.


I think condi mirage is OP because of the extremely strong condi output that they have from a lot of different sources (mostly clones) combined with their mirage cloak ability which allows them to evade without having to interrupt their actions; which basically makes them really hard to pin down and kill. The fact that they have access to stealth and teleports as well does not help.

Additionally, I think condi in general is pretty strong just because of the armor combinations you can have (i.e. Dire or Trailblazer), which allows you to have a lot of damage with little to no cost to your defensive stats as well. That being said I have never played a condi mirage (at least not in wvw or pvp).

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Mirages, especially condi, need to be toned down.

The extremes (tank vs. burst) could do to be cut down a bit at both ends.

I hear people have a problem with Holosmiths, but I don't have _that_ much of an issue with them. Warriors give me more trouble.


I'll admit it is difficult to balance a game around roaming when its not supposed to be balanced around roaming. That said, I don't think its AS big of an issue as every other thread on this forum makes it out to be. Individual perception is also skewed by bias.


~ Kovu

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It's hard to really rank classes here, because they're good at different things - even between different builds on the same class.




* Spellbreaker can tank a 1v3 with tons of incoming damage and get kills, but aside from popping invulns, probably won't get away if focused.

* Thief is good at ganking people who don't expect it and will always get away, but aren't going to go 1v3 very easily.

* Weaver is a really fun duelist with good sustain, evade, and condi clear, but definitely isn't the strongest in terms of raw power,

* Revenant: great burst and single-target, no escapes, barely any condi clear

* Reaper: top tier aoe damage, no escapes


... but, I'd have to say the best are:

* Mirage: good at everything, insane invuln/dodge uptime thanks to runes/sigils, great escapes and stealth access

* Holosmith: just really good all around thanks to pvp nerfs not applying in WvW. Insane aoe damage + cc, good mobility, low cooldown passive lifesavers, good sustain

* Deadeye: perma stealth, nuff said. Can just stealth for days, cancel reveal and stealth again and DJ or BS+combo their target.


I don't think any **classes** are too powerful, but certain elite specs could do with a smack of the nerf bat for WvW roaming - most of the problem comes from PvE sigils, runes, and skill balance still being applied to WvW rather than the PvP availability + skill balance.

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Mirage (Both Power & Condi)

Thief (all power variants)

Soulbeast (Longbow+GS with mobility pet(s))


These are the definitive top 3 classes when it comes to roaming, all of them combine very high damage with very low risk and none of them have a large amount of bad matchups (and you can just avoid them cause mobility).


As you can note they are all incredibly linear and non-reactive builds which is what the current meta is.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> Mirage (Both Power & Condi)

> Thief (all power variants)

> Soulbeast (Longbow+GS with mobility pet(s))


> These are the definitive top 3 classes when it comes to roaming, all of them combine very high damage with very low risk and none of them have a large amount of bad matchups (and you can just avoid them cause mobility).


> As you can note they are all incredibly linear and non-reactive builds which is what the current meta is.


True everyone else but Lodjur is wrong in my opinion.

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Everyone thinks every deadeye is automatically running SA for permastealth. So inaccurate it's funny. Not everyone runs cheese, not everyone like boring waiting games. I run DA with trickery and DE , with an emphasis on revealed training, so my damage actually comes from being revealed.. it's a riskier playstyle but imo more fun.



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Mirage is top in solo roaming. Expect nothing less from the duelist king :smiley:.


Followed by Spellbreakers, Soulbeast, Deadeye and Guardian.


**Spellbreakers** - The changes in sigils revived a vanilla GS build. Difficult to be pinned down with endure pain, resistance to mobility cc and access dashes. Don't see them often, yet :smiley:.


**Soulbeast** - Strong burst, extremely versatile and one of the few with access to unblockable. Only a handful can bring out its full potential(un/merging). Mainly popular for their 1 trick pony burst, failure to down their target after usually leads to their demise :lol:.


**Deadeye** - A predator without a shadow! Extremely patience and persistent by nature, perma stealthing waiting in camps for the right prey. Listed under endangered, due to having difficulties in securing *tanky* build as prey and the emergence of Soulbeast :tongue:.


**Guardians/Holo** - High burst with blocks and invul. One of the least played in roaming but be cautious around them :smile:.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> Mirage (Both Power & Condi)

> Thief (all power variants)

> Soulbeast (Longbow+GS with mobility pet(s))


> These are the definitive top 3 classes when it comes to roaming, all of them combine very high damage with very low risk and none of them have a large amount of bad matchups (and you can just avoid them cause mobility).


> As you can note they are all incredibly linear and non-reactive builds which is what the current meta is.

Coincidentally, they are also the 3 classes that counters each other the best and often end up clashing just because of that, while the fb/sc/rev combo dominate zerging and always fight each other because thats what they do best. What a shocker that zerging and roaming is having literally same balance.


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Mirage = got so much for free and can run full zerker without any issue at all. - Can suffer from being 1shot or failing when popping too many CDs.

Thief = best mobility, best stealth and either good or great burst damage makes them great for 1v1 ganks. - Can suffer from being 1shot/outtraded.

Soulbeast = Great boongeneration and burst, great at range AND melee, also got good/great mobility. - Can suffer from being 1shot or alot of booncorrupt if outnumbered.

Holosmith = avrage mobility but great AoE CC and damage and packs some inuvlns and a 6 second duration stealth. - Can suffer from being kited and CCd(only if holo3 can get denied)

Spellbreaker = great durability, decent =/= great burst, great mobility. - Can suffer from being kited. Predictable/telegraphed rotations/skills.

Reaper = well..... Amazing unless outranged, outkited, condibombed, no lifeforce, CCd... great 1vX vs plebs.

CondiScourge = actually.. Condiscourge suffers from the same shit reaper does but can kill a target with 2 abilities on relatively low CD (signet of spite + blood is power)

Weaver = supersustain and evasion, mediocre damage. good for 1vX if the enemy cant lock him/her down and kinda sucks.

Tempest = kill or get killed. decent 1v1 ganker.

Herald = Amazing burst and engage, bad disengage and Glint heal sucks vs good players.

Guardian = Great burst but predictable/telegraphed (except for instaport), good defense but that low HP can effect the outcome at times.


Everyone can do some stuff great but some suffers somewhere else.


BEST right now is probably:


Holosmith - Durable and bursty

Spellbreaker - Durable, Bursty and mobile

Thief - mobile, bursty and evasive

Mirage - mobile, bursty and evasive. <- Probably best 1v1, can suffer in 1vX due to clones getting destroyed before shatter.

Soulbeast - Durable, bursty, good at all ranges and mobile. <- Probably best all-arounder for roaming.


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Imo from the beginning, engi roamers were few, but often good. Still the case for Holo imo. It's often the good player I struggle with, not that Holo is completely OP. My personal Top 5 atm:



1. condi mirage: dodge/evade/stunbreak+ports+invis+clones+toughness+vita=ridiculous bunker build. But hey there`s crazy burst, as well: most of the fight keeping up 5-10 torment stacks, and 5-15 confusion stacks, even using a condi cleanse skill can knock you down easily lol. "Just stop moving and using skills" they say. So, how am I supposed to fight, when I only have a 5sec window after using a big condi cleanse before the next condi bomb drops?


2. power shatter mirage (at least needs some skill)


3. Soulbeast (15k unblockables in your face spam)


**OP troll build**

4. Deadeye (or perma stealth in general)


**overtuned, but not OP**

5. Holosmith


**what I consider a solid build / class, the way it should be imo, as a reference**

DH (predictable traps), SpB / core Warrior (lack range attacks), Reaper / Scourge (lack mobility), Daredevil (drawbacks depend on the exact build), Weaver (I guess it's too rock-paper-scissor), Chrono (a little too bunker), they all have their weaknesses

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S (super tier):

Engi - massive sustain, high burst, good mobility, stealth

Ranger - massive burst from range and in melee, good sustain immunity+boons, good mobility, stealth

Mens - massive burst, invuln+evade+stealth+mobility


M (medium tier)

War - massive sustain + tons of damage + mobility (but not a very bursty one making it M tier)

Guard - through the roof sustain and high damage + average mobility

Ele - good (but not the best) at everything at once

Rev - massive burst + bursty mobility, but little access to invulns and situational escapes


G (gimmick tier)

Necro - good vs many full-melee chars but destroyed by strong ranged options

Thief - good for ganking (aka "+1") but has unfavourable 1v1 matchups vs most roaming builds.


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The most basic tier list I can make. I'll cite advantages and disadvantages. This list is oriented towards builds that can actually kill people (e.g. minstrel firebrand, aura tempest, minstrel boon chrono etc not included)


1. Mesmer- Mirage has everything. No disadvantages in mobility, sustainability, defenses, or damage. Simple as that. 100% broken and anyone with a brain has already discussed it at length. Even classes with great condi cleanse can run out of it and get 20 stacks of confusion put on in an instant. Chrono isn't what it used to be but who needs that when you can play a spec with literally everything in the game?

2. Ranger- Power Soulbeast with longbow for some reason is a top roamer (hmm, 1800 range massive damage autoattacks will do that for you). Sustain is a little low in fights if you're running glassy but you can run away as well as a mesmer or thief. You can also run the boonbeast variant for massive sustain. Druid is trolly as always with ancient seeds and both elites have extreme disengage.

3. Engi- Holosmith, for all I think it's fair in PvP, is 100% utter busted in WvW. It has huge sustain through healing turret+blasts+leaps, Heat Therapy, and Compounding Chemicals, and you can stack a really stupid amount of damage reduction on top of having stealth through Throw S, double 4 second invulns, permanent quickness, and near permanent stab and 25 might uptime. Pretty dumb to deal with in WvW. Disengage is very good but if it was even a bit better I'd put this ahead of ranger. Scrapper... well, try again next time scrapper mains PepeHands

4. Thief- I've even surprised myself by putting thief down this low. But d/p daredevil, both PI and acro variants, just doesn't do as much damage as it used to, and s/d thief is your best bet. It counters a lot of classes like rev and warrior, but will lose out in a sustained fight. Pretty much the only thing thief has going for it these days is the ability to engage and disengage at will, which annoys a lot of people. It's up this high because of that ability that is completely broken in WvW as well as the annoying deadeyes. Also I get tilted when they get an improv reset on dagger storm.

5. Revenant- a good herald is pretty difficult to fight against because sword offhand is completely overtuned. Condi cleanse is the main weak point but with new sigil of cleansing it's aided quite a bit. A good power herald will absolutely wreck face in WvW and the best ones are extremely useful in teamfights too. Have some bad matchups like s/d thief and mirages, but overall the class is in a good place. You can disengage craftily by phasing to the numerous ambients, but the reason I haven't put it even higher is because you can usually focus it out and it has lowish sustain on its own. That said, it does a thief's job better in an actual fight. Renegade= OMEGALUL

6. Warrior- they have all the raw stats, decent disengage, and good sustain- especially Might Makes Right warriors, but overall I feel like other classes have been overtaking warrior instead of warrior becoming weaker itself. Warriors can cleanse condis extremely well but once you run out of tricks in your bag there's only so many endure pains and blocks you can press. Spellbreaker increases the skill cap of warrior but still suffers from the same stuff in large scale. Berserker pretty much doesn't exist ever since the overnerfing of primal burst interactions.

7. Guardian- Suffers from many of the same problems as warrior, but has far far less disengage. I feel like overall, core guardian is in the best spot of all guardian roaming specs. DH isn't what it used to be even with the improvements made to True Shot. The Harrier's FB build is extremely fun and great in 1v1s, however, if you get outnumbered by any decent player on any guardian build, you will run out of button presses and you will die. Likely holds the advantage over warrior in a strict 1v1 but inability to disengage knocks it down.

8. Ele- The cellofrag weaver build, while annoying, is simply a sustain bot that you can walk away from. The only threat is scepter fresh air weaver these days, which can do a huge amount of damage and be extremely potent in 1v1s. However, it has no downed cleave, nearly no condi cleanse, and is terrible when outnumbered. Love playing the build but realistically there's just no reason to have ele higher than the bottom of the tier list in either WvW or PvP. Tempest damage builds are useless too.

9. Necro- Yes I'm aware in teamfights this shoots near the top. But in solo roaming, you either play a condi scourge (hey, any enemy can just walk away from you) or power reaper (hey, any enemy can just kite your shroud and/or walk away from you). Necro is weak as a solo class, period. Very few disengages, no blocks, low-ish sustain, and it's always been that way. Good necros can still win duels, but outnumbered, it's damn hard unless your opponents all suck.

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Cute listings all around. But aside from Razi, the rest give the feeling of insufficient roaming experience to be talking about summit tier roaming build.


DA Trick mara/dura dual rifle hard counters any of the stuff listed above.


Condi mirage doesn't have the burst nor the narrow place to be effective. Their mechanic relies too heavily on pumping out clones which you can Mark+SS each in chain reaction = Mug heal+quickness+regen+vigor+swift+might+fury+initiative and stay there to troll them until bored or they altf4. They lose focus and panick and die to Binding shadow+Mark+DJ stealth combo.


Holosmith sure got the burst but they run out of juice too quickly and their auto elixir S kicks in too quickly which is their doom. Sync DJ with it ending =downed. If they chain it with normal Elixir S to avoid it, just sync the next DJ. If they dodge as that one ends, gg he's fucked out of avoidance, he better have buddies around to rally.


Wars/Spellb lose by default. DE cds > their iFrame cds. Sync DJ with endure pain logo ending or FC ending. Easy kiting minigame.


Soulb better tether themselves close to keep or tower at one Stoneform+Swoop distance or they're fucked. Druids have a longer tethering distance granted. Both lose out to a woke DE. MarkS (Mercy) interrupt and binding shadow's their demise.


Shiro/Herald see spellb.


Also, I know the position of every ambient creature on each maps my DE variant build's the only one that can Mark them without being put into combat and reap all the benefits (see condi mirage part). This knowledge puts me at the top for mobility and reaction capability.


Because what you all forgot is that roaming is about map awareness, mobility and reaction. You got to be able to respond to any dolyak icon moving weirdly or running crippled, marked dot(s) or contested objectives on the map and be able to get there quickest as possible. All while being able to withstand gank burst jumps and egress or react, and avoid/ escape zergs. So I'm kind of sorry to say this but you are delusional of you think the other professions can hope to do al that while being top at fight encounters.



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1. mesmer, especially mirage needs a massive nerf. The damage it can achieve in combination with the multiple layers of different low cooldown defenses and the broken dodge mechanic that even can be used while stunned is the biggest design mistake they have ever made. Limit their dodge to only be useable while not cced, reduce the stupid ammo mechanic on jaunt, nerf endurance regeneration food and effects across the board (including vigor). distortion and dodging should not be possible while stomping or rezzing. and reduce the clone spam. its not cool, its not fun to play against and its not a good idea.

2. thief, in a meta where power damage and mobility are the most valueable things thief, in all of its forms needs to be toned down a lot. stealth needs an entire rework, the mobility needs big nerfs as its overpassing every other class by miles as well as the stupidly high damage across all skills, especially on deadeye, since its ranged. furthermore the class needs counterplay, 4 second evade with damage, initiative unaffected by chill, no cooldown on weapon skills while having weapon skills with such high raw damage is too much. on top of that they have many trait and skill options to imob or blind just as they engage, further limiting the counterplay. the class is same as mesmer not fun to play against.

3. ranger, especially soulbeast. town down the pets as the random cc and free damage is too annoying, as well as remove that stupid smoke field, it creates so much inbalance given how good druids are at healing while being stealth and stealthed in general. change greatsword and sword leaps to require a target in range, so they can not be used as an escape, but as an engage / gapcloser skill only. nerf longbow damage and especially remove the unblockable. long range weapons should not deal that much damage and unblockable, with a projectile weapon, counters its own counter, which is a horrible design. also look at stone signet = complete defenses without gear investment are always a bad idea.

4. revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon. sword 3 is a badly designed skill - gapcloser, damage, evade, that cant even be evaded properly when you dodge the initial hit, same thing as staff 5. when a skill is a gapcloser and deals damage it should not be a CC. When its a gapcloser and a CC it should not deal damage.

5. warrior - too many free defenses without the need for stat investment. adrenal health is overpowered as its too potent even without investment in healingpower, immune to damage + immune to crits + frequent access to resistance = too strong defense on berserker builds without the need to invest any stats in defense. fullcounter needs a increased cooldown. weapon skills and utility skills need to be looked at, same thing as with rev, the skills have too many effects. GS 3 is a gapcloser, evade and damage, bulls charge is a gapcloser, CC and damage, just to name a few.


starting from here you cant really rank the classes any more, they are pretty equal


guardian - bunker builds need a big nerf, a class should not be able to be so tanky, while being so good as support. the team support should require a sacrifice in the own surviveability. the damage specs and builds are okay, a little one trickish, but its not frustrating, albeit sometimes very challenging to fight against


engie - can be a little overwhelming sometimes, especially holosmith due to the low cooldown, high damage skills but overall okay. Rezzing and stomping should not be useable + should be interrupted when elixier s is used.


ele - is fine, either one trick fresh air or sustain builds. generally id say its balanced (it doenst feel balanced but thats not because the ele is too weak, instead because some classes like thief and mesmer are so ridiculous op)


necro - really only shines against bad players / groups, easily kited and countered and chain cc'd against good enemies. scourge is annoying when you try to meele. reaper damage can be surprisingly strong, but its very predictable. very strong in zerg fights, but thats not the subject

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> @"aleron.1438" said:

> Cute listings all around. But aside from Razi, the rest give the feeling of insufficient roaming experience to be talking about summit tier roaming build.


> DA Trick mara/dura dual rifle hard counters any of the stuff listed above.


> Condi mirage doesn't have the burst nor the narrow place to be effective. Their mechanic relies too heavily on pumping out clones which you can Mark+SS each in chain reaction = Mug heal+quickness+regen+vigor+swift+might+fury+initiative and stay there to troll them until bored or they altf4. They lose focus and panick and die to Binding shadow+Mark+DJ stealth combo.


> Holosmith sure got the burst but they run out of juice too quickly and their auto elixir S kicks in too quickly which is their doom. Sync DJ with it ending =downed. If they chain it with normal Elixir S to avoid it, just sync the next DJ. If they dodge as that one ends, gg he's kitten out of avoidance, he better have buddies around to rally.


> Wars/Spellb lose by default. DE cds > their iFrame cds. Sync DJ with endure pain logo ending or FC ending. Easy kiting minigame.


> Soulb better tether themselves close to keep or tower at one Stoneform+Swoop distance or they're kitten. Druids have a longer tethering distance granted. Both lose out to a woke DE. MarkS (Mercy) interrupt and binding shadow's their demise.


> Shiro/Herald see spellb.


> Also, I know the position of every ambient creature on each maps my DE variant build's the only one that can Mark them without being put into combat and reap all the benefits (see condi mirage part). This knowledge puts me at the top for mobility and reaction capability.


> Because what you all forgot is that roaming is about map awareness, mobility and reaction. You got to be able to respond to any dolyak icon moving weirdly or running crippled, marked dot(s) or contested objectives on the map and be able to get there quickest as possible. All while being able to withstand gank burst jumps and egress or react, and avoid/ escape zergs. So I'm kind of sorry to say this but you are delusional of you think the other professions can hope to do al that while being top at fight encounters.




Lol this response. Needed a good laugh.


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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> 4. revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon.


Topic is about roaming,

Somebody brings up revenant hammer...

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:


> mesmer, especially mirage needs a massive nerf. The damage it can achieve in combination with the multiple layers of different low cooldown defenses and the broken dodge mechanic that even can be used while stunned is the biggest design mistake they have ever made. Limit their dodge to only be useable while not cced, reduce the stupid ammo mechanic on jaunt, nerf endurance regeneration food and effects across the board (including vigor). distortion and dodging should not be possible while stomping or rezzing. and reduce the clone spam. its not cool, its not fun to play against and its not a good idea.


I don't know that well about condi mirages actually - they're Rev's hard counter but also I lose against them largely bc I don't know the build well, I probably won't start complain too much until I know exactly what they do. Other mes builds are alright, even Power Mirage (after the nerf to Confounding Suggestions it's much harder for them to land a good burst against decent people, plus they don't get any buff to sustain to compensate for a missed burst).


> thief, in a meta where power damage and mobility are the most valueable things thief, in all of its forms needs to be toned down a lot. stealth needs an entire rework, the mobility needs big nerfs as its overpassing every other class by miles as well as the stupidly high damage across all skills, especially on deadeye, since its ranged. furthermore the class needs counterplay, 4 second evade with damage, initiative unaffected by chill, no cooldown on weapon skills while having weapon skills with such high raw damage is too much. on top of that they have many trait and skill options to imob or blind just as they engage, further limiting the counterplay. the class is same as mesmer not fun to play against.


I agree DE is not fun to play against - with the constant stealth, the DJ's (although can be evaded with sound and good reaction), or the stupidly high backstab from stealth (luckily I play on Rev which has Glint heal to deal with that). D/P DD and Core S/D are largely fine though - they have evades, mobility, but the damage is not too over the top, and they're squishy. It takes a decent player to play those builds well.


> ranger, especially soulbeast. town down the pets as the random cc and free damage is too annoying, as well as remove that stupid smoke field, it creates so much inbalance given how good druids are at healing while being stealth and stealthed in general. change greatsword and sword leaps to require a target in range, so they can not be used as an escape, but as an engage / gapcloser skill only. nerf longbow damage and especially remove the unblockable. long range weapons should not deal that much damage and unblockable, with a projectile weapon, counters its own counter, which is a horrible design. also look at stone signet = complete defenses without gear investment are always a bad idea.


Stone Signet is just for 3s though - 3s of kiting/CC the ranger. I can't really say much though since my Power Rev can deal with LB Soulbeast pretty well (apart from the good ones of course), melee classes might have a harder time dealing with it. Druid's fine - annoying due to their sustain but definitely not OP. I don't see many Boonbeasts in WvW - I see them more in PvP. Don't see many Condi Soulbeasts either - although they're annoying for my Rev but I've never heard about it being broken.


> revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon. sword 3 is a badly designed skill - gapcloser, damage, evade, that cant even be evaded properly when you dodge the initial hit, same thing as staff 5. when a skill is a gapcloser and deals damage it should not be a CC. When its a gapcloser and a CC it should not deal damage.


I am confused - did you just mention Rev hammer in a thread about roaming??? Hammer is slow, clunkly, telegraphed, easy to read - it's probably the worst power weapon in roaming for rev. I'd rather take sword/shield or sword/axe rather than hammer. As soon as you get close to a rev, most revs that run hammer will switch to something else. Hammer Rev in zerg is a different story.


You also mentioned staff 5 as gap closer - if it's used as a gap closer it'll be really telegraphed and it's not hard to sidestep/dodge out of its path. Sword 3 is annoying yes - but you can dodge and CC the rev when he comes out the animation (which is generally a good way to fight power rev - CC after sword 5, phase, or sword 3 and the rev will easily lose momentum and often will go into defense). Also I'm confused by what you mean by sword 3 "cant even be evaded properly when you dodge the initial hit" - it's not sword 5, it's not a chain/sequence skill, the hits are separate and don't affect each other.


It's also funny how you didn't mention the aspects Rev is considered broken at - engaging and OH sword, and instead mentioned things seemingly no one else has a problem with.


> warrior - too many free defenses without the need for stat investment. adrenal health is overpowered as its too potent even without investment in healingpower, immune to damage + immune to crits + frequent access to resistance = too strong defense on berserker builds without the need to invest any stats in defense. fullcounter needs a increased cooldown. weapon skills and utility skills need to be looked at, same thing as with rev, the skills have too many effects. GS 3 is a gapcloser, evade and damage, bulls charge is a gapcloser, CC and damage, just to name a few.


I'm assuming you're talking about SB - SB has to sacrificing either defense for damage (strength trait line), or vice versa. It's very strong in outnumbered fights thanks to FC (arguably to an OP level - I personally don't think so), but in 1v1 FC is much easier to avoid. On top of that SB's skills are pretty obvious and telegraphed - unless you're on a melee build then you're at a disadvantage compared to builds that can kite (like my Power Rev). The only thing I want to be toned down a bit is Magebane Tether - it does a little too much for a bit too long, and the pull is almost never used until the very end which I think can be designed better.


> guardian - bunker builds need a big nerf, a class should not be able to be so tanky, while being so good as support. the team support should require a sacrifice in the own surviveability. the damage specs and builds are okay, a little one trickish, but its not frustrating, albeit sometimes very challenging to fight against


Again can't say much about the bunker builds - I play Rev so I have a lot of damage, even in terms of multi-hit skills, thus it's easier for me to damage them through aegis (compared to like thieves), and Rev also has unblockable. Core Hammer Guard, Meditrapper DH & Power FB are fine if not a bit underwhelming, especially DH - it can use a buff. FB I don't think is meant for roaming so no comment on that.


> engie - can be a little overwhelming sometimes, especially holosmith due to the low cooldown, high damage skills but overall okay. Rezzing and stomping should not be useable + should be interrupted when elixier s is used.


Holo can't be okay when you have SB, Rev, rangers and non-DE thieves up there - Holo is much, much more forgiving with AoE damage and CC, very good sustain due to double Elixir S and blasting water fields (2 fields even). Photon Forge skills are telegraphed but partly compensated by the high quickness uptime. They also have good cleanse, stealth, reveal, a bit of range pressure (if running rifle), plenty of boons (might, vigor, swiftness, quickness, stab, maybe fury), good regen (baseline trait). IMO they have a bit too many tools and are very hard to both avoid their damage and burst them well, unlike LB/GS Soulbeast, Power Rev or Tetherbreaker.


> ele - is fine, either one trick fresh air or sustain builds. generally id say its balanced (it doenst feel balanced but thats not because the ele is too weak, instead because some classes like thief and mesmer are so ridiculous op)


Ele is underpowered - either you have damage and too little sustain, or a lot of sustain and no damage - which isn't very fun to play as or against. FA builds are much more fun but also very, very squishy, and it doesn't have a lot of tools to avoid damage.


> necro - really only shines against bad players / groups, easily kited and countered and chain cc'd against good enemies. scourge is annoying when you try to meele. reaper damage can be surprisingly strong, but its very predictable. very strong in zerg fights, but thats not the subject


For all the builds I've seen roaming around, scourge is probably the weakest - both condi and power (Idk if there's even a power scourge build for roaming). They're too slow, too easy to avoid damage, too little personal defense, and generally not a good choice for roaming. Reaper is better against less decent players in that it has huge damage, complimented by perma quickness in shroud. Reaper's easily kited by range builds though, and again its personal defense isn't that good, it's just better compensated compared to scourge by its damage.


All in all necro is generally a better choice for havoc (especially reaper) and not so much a good choice for solo roaming.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > 4. revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon.


> Topic is about roaming,

> Somebody brings up revenant hammer...


revenant hammer is also present in roaming. small scale 3 - 7 people or so you feel the revenant hammer way too much, you cant counterpressure at ranged properly because it blocks projectiles, whereas their ranged attacks dont count as projectiles. Its not just op in zerg fights, really.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > 4. revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon.

> >

> > Topic is about roaming,

> > Somebody brings up revenant hammer...


> revenant hammer is also present in roaming. small scale 3 - 7 people or so you feel the revenant hammer way too much, you cant counterpressure at ranged properly because it blocks projectiles, whereas their ranged attacks dont count as projectiles. Its not just op in zerg fights, really.


Random revenants running back to the zerg don't count as roaming...

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> @"idolin.2831" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:



> > revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon. sword 3 is a badly designed skill - gapcloser, damage, evade, that cant even be evaded properly when you dodge the initial hit, same thing as staff 5. when a skill is a gapcloser and deals damage it should not be a CC. When its a gapcloser and a CC it should not deal damage.


> I am confused - did you just mention Rev hammer in a thread about roaming??? Hammer is slow, clunkly, telegraphed, easy to read - it's probably the worst power weapon in roaming for rev. I'd rather take sword/shield or sword/axe rather than hammer. As soon as you get close to a rev, most revs that run hammer will switch to something else. Hammer Rev in zerg is a different story.


> You also mentioned staff 5 as gap closer - if it's used as a gap closer it'll be really telegraphed and it's not hard to sidestep/dodge out of its path. Sword 3 is annoying yes - but you can dodge and CC the rev when he comes out the animation (which is generally a good way to fight power rev - CC after sword 5, phase, or sword 3 and the rev will easily lose momentum and often will go into defense). Also I'm confused by what you mean by sword 3 "cant even be evaded properly when you dodge the initial hit" - it's not sword 5, it's not a chain/sequence skill, the hits are separate and don't affect each other.


> It's also funny how you didn't mention the aspects Rev is considered broken at - engaging and OH sword, and instead mentioned things seemingly no one else has a problem with.



Well im judging skills and balance based on its available counters, and in that regard Rev hammer is OP, in zergs, in small scale 3-7 fights, not so much in 1vs1 scenarios, i give you that, but the overall design of the weapon is broken. Just compare its AOE stun - that is spammable - and deals a shitton of damage - to "usual" ranged AOE CC skills - static field, necro fear mark, they all have little to no damage, higher cooldowns, inferior cc duration. this is also true for the other hammer skills in my opinion.


Skill 3 with sword: I mean usually, when you dodge an skill as its started you ignore all of its effects if its a targeted skill, unless its a channelled skill. With rev sword 3 its different, you cant react and dodge the "initial hit". So lets say rev uses sword 3, you dodge the first hit -> the skill should not activate fully and you should take no harm. Its like evading a backstab or whatever. Then on the other side it IS a channeled skill of sorts, but you cant evade all of its damage after it started with a dodge because the animation is too long and also you cant properly interrupt the "channeled" skill because the rev is evading. This skill goes against any other design principles in the game based on multiple points of view.


About OH sword, yeah it is very strong, but its just a numbers thing here in my opionion. Its usually a big difference between a skill being OP on a design level - like rev sword 3 (=no logical counterplay, too many stacked effects, does not function like any normal skill - the skill is not fine designed and is OP regardless of number changes) - or just on a numbers level - like rev OH sword (= balanceable by damage modifiers, cooldown, etc. the skill itself is fine in design, its number are off) . Thief has some nasty engage options as well as other classes, but that fact alone doenst make them OP.

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Mirage is S tier with multiple builds, and compared to other classes way overpowered

i've tried power, condi, hybrid setups, various traits up to the point you just take mirage+dueling you don't even need a third trait

it's also a 100% safe build to play, as you have mad clones spam, basically a guaranteed 4 sec distortion which is more than enough to get out of combat, if not then there's still multiple sources of stealth and cloak spam


A tier: soulbeast, spellbreaker, holosmith, thiefs, herald

All of them have a few overtuned perks like extreme range, damage, sustain or stealthiness.


Necros and guards miss disengage mobility, this is where they fall off in roaming

Eles miss damage along with their sustain (or the other way around)

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > 4. revenant - simply put revenant is broken. a few stupidly overpowered weaponskills with low cooldown and no counterplay that needs to get nerfed. you can clearly see that rev was not meant to have a second weapon set judging by the weapon skills, they added it in the last second and didnt change the skills. hammer needs a massive nerf, its damage is far over the top for a ranged weapon without a counter (the skills are not even projectiles for the most part) and i mean nerf every single skill here, each one is too strong for a 1200 range AOE weapon.

> >

> > Topic is about roaming,

> > Somebody brings up revenant hammer...


> revenant hammer is also present in roaming. small scale 3 - 7 people or so you feel the revenant hammer way too much, you cant counterpressure at ranged properly because it blocks projectiles, whereas their ranged attacks dont count as projectiles. Its not just op in zerg fights, really.

Well what kind of roaming are we *really* talking about here then? Because the "class rankings" would vary wildly depending on the scenario.


The mirage is the perfect example there. Is it one of the best 1v1 classes for players that are good with it fighting players that cant fight it? Yes, definetly. But if you go 5v5 or higher, or a "small roaming squad"... mirage is tossed out in the cold in favor of the mini zerg meta of boon chronos supporting heavy melee spellbreakers, holos, firebrands and reapers sometimes having a few ranged revs, eles or scourges. As soon as you can hide a zerkers such as revs with their hammers or eles with their meteors in a group then yes I would also say they become very strong, but I draw that line at much higher numbers, more like 10+. Which I dont really call roaming anymore.

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