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My PVP balance thoughts


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These types of threads are a dime a dozen these days it seems, lots of words but no substance. If you'd like to actually have a discussion, my advice to you would be to actually be very specific on what you disagree with, what you would like to see changed, and why. Just paraphrasing the first two sentences it sounds like you've come to a general blanket conclusion of "mesmuh strong, mesmuh puts out high condi, nerf nerf, mesmuh move fast, zippity zip, portal stronggg too, nerf as well, me like."

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> @"Trigr.6481" said:

> These types of threads are a dime a dozen these days it seems, lots of words but no substance. If you'd like to actually have a discussion, my advice to you would be to actually be very specific on what you disagree with, what you would like to see changed, and why. Just paraphrasing the first two sentences it sounds like you've come to a general blanket conclusion of "mesmuh strong, mesmuh puts out high condi, nerf nerf, mesmuh move fast, zippity zip, portal stronggg too, nerf as well, me like."


I could do that on necromancer because it is my main class , but i dont know that much about the other ones to make an specific balance on it , as i said it i just general ideas

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> @"Posi.7156" said:

> > @"Trigr.6481" said:

> > These types of threads are a dime a dozen these days it seems, lots of words but no substance. If you'd like to actually have a discussion, my advice to you would be to actually be very specific on what you disagree with, what you would like to see changed, and why. Just paraphrasing the first two sentences it sounds like you've come to a general blanket conclusion of "mesmuh strong, mesmuh puts out high condi, nerf nerf, mesmuh move fast, zippity zip, portal stronggg too, nerf as well, me like."


> I could do that on necromancer because it is my main class , but i dont know that much about the other ones to make an specific balance on it , as i said it i just general ideas


So you're suggesting changes without knowing what's up, that's cute.

Not that everyone had realised it after the first post tho.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Posi.7156" said:

> > > @"Trigr.6481" said:

> > > These types of threads are a dime a dozen these days it seems, lots of words but no substance. If you'd like to actually have a discussion, my advice to you would be to actually be very specific on what you disagree with, what you would like to see changed, and why. Just paraphrasing the first two sentences it sounds like you've come to a general blanket conclusion of "mesmuh strong, mesmuh puts out high condi, nerf nerf, mesmuh move fast, zippity zip, portal stronggg too, nerf as well, me like."

> >

> > I could do that on necromancer because it is my main class , but i dont know that much about the other ones to make an specific balance on it , as i said it i just general ideas


> So you're suggesting changes without knowing what's up, that's cute.

> Not that everyone had realised it after the first post tho.


xd. Not gonna even answer to that.

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Personally I think the nerf idea to mesmers might be a terrible idea. You could end up killing condi mesmers in both pve and spvp and WVW. The way mirage and chronomancer is also different, and condi mirage already got nerfed.


Thieves have been getting nerfed a lot, and im not sure about that either since I am no master.I would need to hear from better thief players.


Engineers is a delicate one, because you might end up making them severely underpowered if you aren't careful.

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Im a necro player and me asking for necro buffs will not be heard becaude im a necro player and even while having glaring weaknesses, much greater than any class in the game i will always be called noob faceroll op class player. At this point its just not fair. But what can i do, im a necro player and "i have too much damage,corrupt,condi,hp,sustain,barrier,clease" while having none of them. Theres no point @"Posi.7156" , just play some other class if you want to have smooth gameplay and want to feel rewarded for your skills.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Im a necro player and me asking for necro buffs will not be heard becaude im a necro player and even while having glaring weaknesses, much greater than any class in the game i will always be called noob faceroll op class player. At this point its just not fair. But what can i do, im a necro player and "i have too much damage,corrupt,condi,hp,sustain,barrier,clease" while having none of them. Theres no point @"Posi.7156" , just play some other class if you want to have smooth gameplay and want to feel rewarded for your skills.


You are so right dude ^^

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For necro:

Swap parasitic contagion and feed from corruption. Rework parasitic contagion to work with team. Anet will have their hybrid support, which gives allies healing from doing damage. Feed from corruption is great trait for core and reaper too and parasitic contagion is a waste in curses.(This is my personal wish because i really believe feed from corruption shouldve been core trait. It fits the theme of necro perfectly.)


All fear and toughness traits for necro are garbage. Toughness/Fear traits need to be piled together and buffed, utility traits should be added in newly created empty slots. If any Anet dev is reading this i hope they understand. Necro needs atleast some traits comparable to other classes too. You are pushing this class in niche too much. The niche being boon corrupt which is apparently meta in wvw and pvp when paired with support but garbage solo. Im asking for changes to move away from this niche and make the class complete and independent.


Some of the weapon skills that need immediate qol according to me are:


Dagger4,5 : highest level of unreliability and cast times in the game. Dagger 4 is projectile and very slow and needs to successfully hit to transfer condi, blind is for name only. Dagger5 is unusable in any scenario in this game period.


Focus4 : unreliable regen and some packets of power damage. Is this skill worth it for no4 skill slot? Very anti magic like. Focus is very underwhelming on necro even as rp'er point of view. Badly implemented and very badly thought out. No creativity used to make focus when it couldve been the best weapon in the game fantasy wise.


Dagger2 : Buffed healing but actually nerfed the skill by adding facing the target limitation. Removed any chance of sustain by running away from enemy and healing, which it was used for originally.


Warhorn4: I have never successfully hit anyone with this when in need and never even seen any steamer hit daze in need. Unreliable and wonky. Needs to be aoe around caster not a cone infront. Needs something more than just daze.


Also the common theme in these skills are very very very bad animations. I cant stress this enough. Its a huuuuuge turn off.


And these are just the weapon skills lol. I wont go in utility and traits since its not a necromancer subforum. I hope i havent triggered any necromancer hater by talking about unusable skills.

For people who know less about this class, ive only talked about least frequently used skills. You can try them out yourself and decide how good/bad they are before arguing me.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> List does not include Firebrand? What is this ridiculousness?


> > @"Posi.7156" said:

> > -Necromancer reaper damage, it is insane it can oneshoot everything through reaper shroud


> Pretty sure you mean Reaper's Onslaught + Death Perception necro, because you can't "oneshoot" outside of that specific build. Be specific otherwise Anet will just be like " -reduced base damage of all shroud skills by 50%, Reaper's Onslaught now gives 600 Ferocity up from 300"


Anet stated initially that reaper would be strong against several targets maybe Anet can tweak that build down, but making it stronger against more than one target.


Reaper's Onslaught, could give + 100 ferocity for each target hitted (limited 3 stack) for 2 seconds.


Overal "reduce damage on 2%-5%" on reapers shrowd and make that % stealed damage from reaper shrowd, heal player or increase its healthpool into a certain limit, IMO a new health mechanic while on reaper shrowd could put reapers in place rather than make most players go for a damage output gimmick build.


About scourges, just change their aoe into cones :} and give them something else to ease the combat, maybe some reflect/absorb sand dome , they have way to much aoe spam access.



@Posi.7156 i think PoF rev is most useless on the game but that's due how other classes carry much better the players(where no class should carry its player due its design... actually ANet sweet child classes need to be shafted a bit), and in pvp it is harder to play when u get outranged and outspammed at superior range, reason game needs to loose some aoe circles into at least cones shape casting.


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Necro dont have any stunbreak/evade and OMG ONESHOTTED with

1. Gaze of darkness use = 10 vuln stacks

2. Burst of strengh = +15% of damage for 5 seconds

3. Legenary dragon (glint ultimate)

4. Sword 2

5. Sword 4

6. Impossible ods

7. Under quickness buff

OMG!!! nerf this

Now we are waiting clip where you go 100 to 0 after warrior bullchange stun/holo cc chain/mesmer torch burst/core guardian jump/ranger longbow combo/reaper spin

genious ^^

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> @"Dharma.9123" said:

> Necro dont have any stunbreak/evade and OMG ONESHOTTED with

> 1. Gaze of darkness use = 10 vuln stacks

> 2. Burst of strengh = +15% of damage for 5 seconds

> 3. Legenary dragon (glint ultimate)

> 4. Sword 2

> 5. Sword 4

> 6. Impossible ods

> 7. Under quickness buff

> OMG!!! nerf this

> Now we are waiting clip where you go 100 to 0 after warrior bullchange stun/holo cc chain/mesmer torch burst/core guardian jump/ranger longbow combo/reaper spin

> genious ^^


Nice combo. Still too much damage on rev right now.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:


> Nice combo. Still too much damage on rev right now.


Because all revenant traits is only about damage in power shiro build. It is why it have very low sustain/no disengage/mostly no condi cleanse and will win 1v1 only if player have higher skill (even dueling sword ele). If this reaper have even one stunbreak/dodge - combo doesnt work.


If anet cut revenant damage it becomes useless

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I dunno I like lich form lol, I think the others are useless.


> about the rev clip, no its technically not a 1 shot, but for all intents and purposes it is based on the TTK.


> just delete portal from pvp and mes is fine lol. portal is the #.1 thing that has made mes broke since game release. its just too stronk in conquest.


First of all portal is not near as strong as you make it look like.

And second of all portal makes the game much more enjoyable to watch and play.

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> @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Posi.7156" said:

> > > -Revenant revenant damage which literally can oneshoot, ill leave you a clip here of a revenant oneshooting, stacking 25 might stacks easy

> > > https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousCloudySharkAMPTropPunch

> >

> > >

> > Rev has very high burst dmg, but the link you post shows a clip of Rev using 3 different skills, all of them telegraphed.

> > If the Necro managed to not dodge the "I AM WAAAAVIIIING A HUUUUUGEEE ANIMATION AT YOU" skill, then he had it coming.


> He actually uses 5 skills, but everything else I agree. Mesmer is 1000x worse with burst coming from stealth with no warning at all.


> @OP

> Regarding the post. The only thing I would like to see for necros, reaper specifically, would be for them to revert the kitten shroud decay. I can never get used to this, necros used to be tank in shroud but now if you use it to defend yourself you lose time in shroud which results in you losing dmg and being vunerable as soon as you drop out it. I would very much love to see the buff dmg cut by half at least if they were to revert the shroud decay.


Power mesmer is a dead build, sure you can get 1 shot out of nowhere if they choose to but that's once every 30s or so. The actual effect on the game is very low considering how easily they're killed or forced into a defensive/ineffectual state.


I would like to see life force generation added to more weapon skills but keep how life force decays as is and maybe take a pass at traits increasing LF generation to make sure no builds run completely away with generation 100% in 1 hit or anything equally as silly. Right now you only build LF up in 8-12% chunks on fairly low cool downs but overall if you really want to stop a necro using shroud you can almost completely deny it's generation if you focus on that. It would be nice if the generation was spread out a bit more even if it was at a reduction.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I dunno I like lich form lol, I think the others are useless.

> >

> > about the rev clip, no its technically not a 1 shot, but for all intents and purposes it is based on the TTK.

> >

> > just delete portal from pvp and mes is fine lol. portal is the #.1 thing that has made mes broke since game release. its just too stronk in conquest.


> First of all portal is not near as strong as you make it look like.

> And second of all portal makes the game much more enjoyable to watch and play.


it is


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> @"Posi.7156" said:

> ·Nerf

> -Mesmer damage, amount of condi stacks, less confusion stacks + torment stacks, mesmer is an extremly movile class, nerf the amount of immunities and movility that they have, the importance of portal which makes mesmer an absolutly must, teams that dont have mesmer they play with a handicap

> -Warrior rampage which can literally oneshot and extremly amount of CC and movility skills, they can stack 25 might stacks so easy

> -Revenant revenant damage which literally can oneshoot, ill leave you a clip here of a revenant oneshooting, stacking 25 might stacks easy

> https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousCloudySharkAMPTropPunch

> -Engineer rampage aswell, elixir S immunity to everything which is extremly overpowered vs everything, before you could counterplay that with conditions,now it is imposible to counterplay. trait that reduces elite when dodge, also they can run with double elixir S

> -Thief rifle damage is insane, oneshooting every class with 4 autos most likely, incredible amount of stealth , daggerstorm literally makes the thief immune to everything while he keeps damaging you.

> -Necromancer reaper damage, it is insane it can oneshoot everything through reaper shroud

> -Guardian damage on core, the trait that gives 50% chance of crit it is insane for core guardians and their damage, they can oneshoot

> -Soulbeat insane amount of damage with their ult, insane boon making on themselves


> ·Buff

> -Necromancer it is a class that lacks a lot of movility compared to other classes , so you literally have to give them something to counterpressure that classes, which can be more damage. Scourge's f2,f3,f4,f5 delay is literally stupid which makes the necromancer impossible to do properly combos, redesign scurses,soul reaping and spite traits. Death magic is unplayeable. Lich form is useless, and golem is braindead, which necromancer has 2 less elite specs compared to other classes.

> - Elementalist is literally out of the meta, i dont know much about the ele, weaver has no spot on pvp.

> - POF Revenant spec is absolutly bad for pvp, no spot, totally useless

> PVP Conquest mode is made for mesmers, mesmers are a must on teams, mesmer is a class that is extremly important on top tier games, monthly or AT, portal use, and his amazing movility makes that class a must and S tier compared to other classes, other classes are just behind of mesmers , mesmers have been dominating pvp since 2013. Proleague times were something like, top 1,2,3 teams had mesmer main on their teams.

> It makes other classes handicapped, other classes cant carry like mesmers and that is frustrating players that are not mesmer main, imagine this scenario, where you have same skill level players but one of them is mesmer and the other one is necromancer, necromancer just will carry teamfights right, the class is designed for that from my experiences, mesmer will win his side, then he will portal the other side and +1 it, which makes 2 poitns captured for the mesmer, and 1 point captured for the necromancer, which makes 500-250 to the mesmer.


> If someone of anet hears me and wants more details about traits and stuff (on necro only because i dont know other classes that much) i will post which traits and stuff i would change.

> All feedback is welcome. Thank you guys for reading it.


Buff my scourge-shi*z*zle, buff blackjacks fav class and nerf everything else that potentially can kill scourge+firebrand.

Also if scourge and firebrand is able to go into downstate once in a lifetime, it means theres too much dmg around.


PS: also buff PoF-Rev so it does not look like I'm completly biased.

-Sincerely your Posi and Blackjack.


Summed it up for you guys, you're welcome.


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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Posi.7156" said:

> > -Revenant revenant damage which literally can oneshoot, ill leave you a clip here of a revenant oneshooting, stacking 25 might stacks easy

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousCloudySharkAMPTropPunch


> >

> Rev has very high burst dmg, but the link you post shows a clip of Rev using 3 different skills, all of them telegraphed.

> If the Necro managed to not dodge the "I AM WAAAAVIIIING A HUUUUUGEEE ANIMATION AT YOU" skill, then he had it coming.


Technically there were 6 skills that contributed to that damage.


Burst of strength

Chaotic release

Gaze of Darkness ( no damage just 10 vuln stacks)

Precision strike

Impossible odds

Shackling wave


2.75 second total cast time before quickness, and litterally all of it landed except one hit of burst of strength.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Posi.7156" said:

> > > -Revenant revenant damage which literally can oneshoot, ill leave you a clip here of a revenant oneshooting, stacking 25 might stacks easy

> > > https://clips.twitch.tv/AssiduousCloudySharkAMPTropPunch

> >

> > >

> > Rev has very high burst dmg, but the link you post shows a clip of Rev using 3 different skills, all of them telegraphed.

> > If the Necro managed to not dodge the "I AM WAAAAVIIIING A HUUUUUGEEE ANIMATION AT YOU" skill, then he had it coming.


> Technically there were 6 skills that contributed to that damage.


> Burst of strength

> Chaotic release

> Gaze of Darkness ( no damage just 10 vuln stacks)

> Precision strike

> Impossible odds

> Shackling wave


> 2.75 second total cast time before quickness, and litterally all of it landed except one hit of burst of strength.


3,4,5,6, now we have one poster for all of them =D


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