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First off, that little !@#$ (aka Ho-Ho-Tron) is the most annoying mini in the game, bar none, full stop. To me, yeah. Some people apparently LIKE that incessant bell ringing, and I can only surmise they're already insane...a place I grow nearer to when one of them comes within earshot.


So, my question is this: Why is that infernal ringing only able to be silenced by zeroing the EFFECTS when we now have a Disable Player Item Chatter checkbox? Why is this not part of that, so I can just silence all mini noises at once (which should be a thing, and which isn't a big deal)? Global game effects *are* a big deal, though, and I feel having to turn that off and then later remember to turn it back on when the stupid HHT nightmare has moved on shouldn't be necessary.


Yes, people will say, "why don't you just move somewhere else?" Well, for one thing, why should I have to? I'm not the one invading someone else's space with something akin to a hyperactive brat, a yapping chee-wa-wa, or some other hellspawn, and in some cases, I can't move and still do what I was trying to do.


I feel that sound should be considered item chatter since functionally that's what it is; it's NOT an "effect", it's just noise.


Now, with Wintersday looming, it will be a time of ubiquitous mock tinnitus and water-torture-like nightmares as these monstrosities are released en masse. Yeah, I know you usually only hear one or two at a time, but there will be so many around it will be a constant din of rage-inducing cling-clang-cling-clang-cling-clang-cling-clang pretty much no matter where you go to do standard town/vendor/etc. stuff.


I am shaking with dread. I look over my shoulder for no apparent reason. I know it's staring at me, grinning with bloody metal fangs. I hear the clang-cling in my sleep. I dream of Ho-Ho-Tron being smashed under my boot, but its bell continues ringing...louder and louder...as I fall into the abyss. It follows me as I plummet...cling-clang-cling-clang. Aiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!


PS: This is not 100% tongue-in-cheek. :)

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> I'm guessing where you're from there's no such thing as the [salvation Army](https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ways-to-give/ "Salvation Army") ?


> I'd say my tolerance level for that sound went up substantially due to it.


Knowing there's a reason for him to have a bell doesn't change the fact that when lots of people are using the mini pet version it gets really annoying for some people hearing it everywhere. And because it's cheap and widely available during Wintersday a lot of people do use it.


I love that mini, but I wouldn't mind at all if the bell was silent. I don't think it would lose anything significant and I've heard a lot of similar complaints from various people. Maybe not as...forcefully...as the OP put it, but I know a lot of people would be happy if the mini's bell was silent.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> I'm guessing where you're from there's no such thing as the [salvation Army](https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ways-to-give/ "Salvation Army") ?


> I'd say my tolerance level for that sound went up substantially due to it.


Yes, the Salvation Army is present and accounted for where I am, however, their rental Santas have the decency to stay in one spot and sometimes stop clanging their bells from time to time.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Instead of altering the mini, just put mini sounds under its own or one of the exsisting player generated sound effect categories. Then everyone can be happy, and noone would lose anything. If its possible ofcourse.


This is pretty much what I'm hoping for. Just let me filter out all the mini sounds when they get on my nerves, without sacrificing all the other sounds that fall under the Effects heading. Many people have voiced irritation at the sounds of various minis, and from what I recall, a few have been "fixed" (the golem mini that nearly constantly changed shape and did so with lots of annoying noises, got heavily toned down, and I think one or two of the SAB minis got themselves muzzled a bit, and probably more), but only a dedicated sound slider--or piggybacking on the Player Item slider--would really do the trick for everyone on both sides of the fence.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I love that mini, but I wouldn't mind at all if the bell was silent. I don't think it would lose anything significant and I've heard a lot of similar complaints from various people. Maybe not as...forcefully...as the OP put it, but I know a lot of people would be happy if the mini's bell was silent.


I don't mind the mini itself, it's cute (if evil), but it could do with some re-tooling to, at the very least, have it stop ringing that bell CONSTANTLY. There's a world of difference between a few cling-clangs every so often--the way most minis make their noises--and doing it literally incessantly.



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I'd say give us also a regular tron mini. Faren and Aurene have like 5 minis each, while Ho-ho-tron has had many names and only one mini. I demand a mini job-o/hobo/heal-o/bait-o-tron, and a Hero-tron mini with the ribbon pretty please


Also to any who say "but it will talk like all job-o-tron items" welp mini [Ellen Kiel](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Ellen_Kiel "Ellen Kiel") and [Evon Gnashblade](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Evon_Gnashblade "Evon Gnashblade") say a small phrase every 20-30 mins with no speech bubble, do the same for mini hobo-tron :tongue:

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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> One person's fixed is another person's ruined. The bell is fine. It's unobtrusive. I'm really tired of having items ruined because people cry on the forums about anything they don't like.


Having an OPTION in the settings to mute mini sound isnt ruining anything for other players, which is what the OP wants, and had it been a thing a long time ago some minis never would have changed.

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I remember it used not to be like that... it was like 1 ding every 1 minute or every XX seconds, and not a continually non-stop ding ding ding ding. So I always thought it was a bug.


I don't know if I'm the only one that remember this or maybe I'm wrong as I didn't see anyone talking about that.


Please remove the ding ding ding, it's anoying for the owner and for the people around it.

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> @"Kruhljak.2705" said:

> First off, that little !@#$ (aka Ho-Ho-Tron) is the most annoying mini in the game, bar none, full stop.


Op, ain't that the damn truth!


**Anet**, aside from the horrid nails on the chalkboard neighing from the Dreamer (which you gave us an option to silence.. thank you), two of the most annoying sounds in GW2, to me, both end with "-Tron" in their name: the Replica-Job-o-Tron backpack and this accursed mini the Ho-Ho-Tron. When you put in the option to "Mute Player Item Chatter" a couple of years ago, I had hoped that it would include minis too... but no, it didn't. :angry: So checking the "Mute Player Item Chatter" box does nothing to mute the Ho-Ho-Tron mini which is a player item....OK. And I believe the driving force behind the Mute Player Item Chatter box's implementation was the Replica-Job-o-Tron backpack. So maybe this year we can get around to having the option to silence the other "-Tron" abomination by adding a check box for "Mute Player _Mini_ Item Chatter" or something to that effect.


PS - I sincerely hope whoever came up with those "-Tron" items has been reassigned to something else.

Thank you!


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> > You can disable the sound in your settings. I don't want anything changed with this mini, i like it. Its a christmas mini, not a burial mini.


> No, you can disable *ALL* sound in your settings. You *cannot* disable /mini/ sounds.


Does it neutralize the mini sound yes. So my point stands. If every one complaining has to be catered for the most tiny changes where 10 years from now.

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> @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> > > You can disable the sound in your settings. I don't want anything changed with this mini, i like it. Its a christmas mini, not a burial mini.

> >

> > No, you can disable *ALL* sound in your settings. You *cannot* disable /mini/ sounds.


> Does it neutralize the mini sound yes. So my point stands. If every one complaining has to be catered for the most tiny changes where 10 years from now.


Your point does not stand. The OP is asking for a way to just mute mini sounds, muting the entire game is not *just* muting mini sounds, threads like these have shown up since they introduced the toxic krait mini, and theyve continued to show up since, on top of that threads that asked for the option to mute legendary weapons where asked about since launch and players used arguments so similar to yours that they are effectively the same. Arguing against more customization options isnt going to prevent them from happening especially if the argument against is "Well just turn the entire games sound off".


/last post to avoid derailing thread.

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I want my Princess Doll to have the run/scream that she used to have. It was there when I made her and then it's changed. It was part of her charm. Now she just sits in storage flouncing about and curtsying. You invest the time to craft an item it should be the way it was portrayed in the first place. If ppl need to be able to mute sounds on their end that's fine, but don't take things from those of us who worked/paid for them.

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