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Boon Soulbeast is basically the new broken bunker druid


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I don't know why everyone is playing sic'em dps rangers in solo queues so not as much attention is brought up in regards to this monster. It's another one of those overtuned ~~bunkers~~ brusiers that is both difficult to kill and does high damage. In my opinion, it is a tier above all other bunkers (including meta spellbreakers & holos) because it has all these things listed below.


1. High sustain:

* regen spam + heal on apply protection/regen + troll unguent

* spiritual reprieve if needed

2. High survivability as in being hard to catch and kill:

* excellent mobility/kiting through evades/dashes from sword, lightning reflex/quickening zephyr

* perma protection that also reduce condi damage through second skin trait

* able to spam soft ccs (immob, cripple, slow, chill) while being immune to soft ccs itself through dolyak stance/resistance

* some invis or unflinching fortitude if needed

3. High damage:

* high sustained damage by just spamming **ranged** axe autos + axe #2 #3. Ranged is emphasized because it is just better than melee in most cases unless there's projectile denial, but it's not as if the damage is a lot worse for this build to spam sword autos in melee

* can do high burst with axe 5 or just use one wolf pack + spam any attacks, usually with quickness+cc

* good retaliation uptime

* of course, there's still the passive, high sustained damage and cc from pets


As if spamming boons isn't enough, it's also allowed to spam a bunch of condis for some reason, namely these OP ones with basically 24/7 uptime:

1. Weakness -- kills all power builds and reduce opponent's endurance, so less dodges

2. Chill -- good against everyone really

3. Poison -- significantly reduce opponent's sustain while doing damage.

I can't think of any other bunker builds has access to all 3 of these condis to turn the fight greatly in their favor, not with that high of an uptime anyways.


This build needs to be nerfed before everything else in my opinion. It doesn't have any losing 1v1s, has no trouble 1v2, and can survive 1v3 for a decent amount of time if you play well, similar to how bunker druids were before. I am not sure what counters it other than outnumbering it (i.e. 2v1/3v1) with a boon corrput necro or a good sw/d thief that can land their boon steals + burst it while not getting caught up in ccs himself. It's also not completely useless in teamfights when it can show up to one and burst people with axe5/one wolf pack or just spam its bouncing axe autos, share boons/stances, and stack condis.


And fix the extra duration bug on Lesser Muddy Terrain already. It's ~17s currently which means near perma uptime if you just trait your heal skills to be 20s cd. In fact, I dont even know why that trait has a 10s duration as its default considering how it covers most of the entire capture point and pulses bullshit slow and cripple for that long. It should really be nerfed down to <5s like all other on heal skills.


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I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.


The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.


Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so unthreatened by literally anything trying to attack them.

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Here's a funny thing: Boonbeast actually does have one losing matchup in 1v1 that it seriously struggles to hold points against. And that matchup is Paladin Kalla/Shiro Rev. There is very little SB can do once Kalla elite is sitting on the point, as the lifesteal ignores all of SBs defenses as well as heals the Rev for just enough to screw over Axe damage over time style.


Problem is, Kalla/Shiro gets rekt by EVERYTHING ELSE.



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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Here's a funny thing: Boonbeast actually does have one losing matchup in 1v1 that it seriously struggles to hold points against. And that matchup is Paladin Kalla/Shiro Rev. There is very little SB can do once Kalla elite is sitting on the point, as the lifesteal ignores all of SBs defenses as well as heals the Rev for just enough to screw over Axe damage over time style.


> Problem is, Kalla/Shiro gets rekt by EVERYTHING ELSE.




Seems like a fair trade lol

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.

This is overly simplified, while boon beast is easy to play, there are several of match ups where you can die if you face tank too much and kite too little, e.g core guard (although this shouldn’t happen, I have killed several soul beasts in platinum on core guard), condition mirage (depending on the amulet and rune that you run, condi mirage can actually one shot you with 1 good burst) and spell breaker can also 100 -> 0 you with rampage if you waste your stun breaks (and the same is true for holo) Yes, if you play correctly and use your evades and mobility, you will win. Playing correctly is fairly easy to pull off as well, but you still need to put a little effort into it.


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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Here's a funny thing: Boonbeast actually does have one losing matchup in 1v1 that it seriously struggles to hold points against. And that matchup is Paladin Kalla/Shiro Rev. There is very little SB can do once Kalla elite is sitting on the point, as the lifesteal ignores all of SBs defenses as well as heals the Rev for just enough to screw over Axe damage over time style.


> Problem is, Kalla/Shiro gets rekt by EVERYTHING ELSE.




If by some miracle that build actually started seeing use as a boonbeast counter, they would just need to swap to running more CC's than just the axe pull so they can shut down the kala elite more regularly. But that is speculation.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Here's a funny thing: Boonbeast actually does have one losing matchup in 1v1 that it seriously struggles to hold points against. And that matchup is Paladin Kalla/Shiro Rev. There is very little SB can do once Kalla elite is sitting on the point, as the lifesteal ignores all of SBs defenses as well as heals the Rev for just enough to screw over Axe damage over time style.


> Problem is, Kalla/Shiro gets rekt by EVERYTHING ELSE.




There is one more class that can handle the boon beast. Condi corrupt vanilla necro.

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> Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects.




The last thing in the world that needed to happen to Boonbeast was give them access to DOUBLE protection and protection against condition damage to boot.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects.


> Anet...


> The last thing in the world that needed to happen to Boonbeast was give them access to DOUBLE protection and protection against condition damage to boot.


from notes:

Additionally, soulbeasts are currently overperforming in competitive game modes, so we're lowering the power of some of the skills used in their builds. We also took this opportunity to enhance a few of their weaker stances.


I think ranger is the only class where a nerf equates to a buff.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.


> The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.


> Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.


This guys is a mesmer main it is fun that he attacks ranger but condi mesmer is 10 times more broken.

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> @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.

> >

> > The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.

> >

> > Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.


> This guys is a mesmer main it is fun that he attacks ranger but condi mesmer is 10 times more broken.


This guys a ranger main clearly lmao

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> @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.

> > >

> > > The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.

> > >

> > > Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.

> >

> > This guys is a mesmer main it is fun that he attacks ranger but condi mesmer is 10 times more broken.


> This guys a ranger main clearly lmao


nope Warrior and guardian. I see hypocrisy and call it out. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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> @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.

> > > >

> > > > The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.

> > > >

> > > > Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.

> > >

> > > This guys is a mesmer main it is fun that he attacks ranger but condi mesmer is 10 times more broken.

> >

> > This guys a ranger main clearly lmao


> nope Warrior and guardian. I see hypocrisy and call it out.


Ranger is more broken than mirage and it will be even more broken after this patch

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> @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.

> > > > >

> > > > > The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.

> > > > >

> > > > > Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.

> > > >

> > > > This guys is a mesmer main it is fun that he attacks ranger but condi mesmer is 10 times more broken.

> > >

> > > This guys a ranger main clearly lmao

> >

> > nope Warrior and guardian. I see hypocrisy and call it out.


> Ranger is more broken than mirage and it will be even more broken after this patch


The paths is live and no condi mirage is stronger and it was always stronger. It is funny that you will not address, that even Helseth says it. Guess what no one can beat Helseth on his condi mirage for a reason. Brain dead build in the hands of a great player is unbeatable. Fact don't care about feelings.

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> @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > > > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > > > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

> > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > I would like to clarify one thing. Boonbeast is certainly the current strongest side node 1v1er, but it isn't a bunker. Druid is still by far a better 1v2 stall due to virtue of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Boonbeast gets caught 1v2 or easily 1v3 because it has no burst recovery in the way that a Druid does and limited disengage. Good Boonbeasts just feel bunkery because they are playing their role correctly and forcing players into 1v1s with them. Just avoid 1v1s with good Boonbeasts unless it's important to engage for a stall. Otherwise, treat them like old HoT Bunker Druids and avoid them. When you avoid them, they are forced to leave the node they are defending and rotate to a team fight, least they leave their team in a disadvantage 4v5 on the other two nodes. When they enter a team fight, that's when they're weak. They don't have the DPS pressure like a Reaper or Core Guard, they don't have the disengage like a Thief or Mesmer, they can't burst heal like a Holo could, and their heals are all selfish, which doesn't even aid a 2v2 or 3v3 in the same way that a Druid could. So when you force them to team fight, call target and nuke it before he can get back to his 1v1 position, or ignore him entirely until the team fight is finished and then snowball him over. <- This is usually safe to do because although the Boonbeast's damage feels high in a 1v1, it is actually relatively low compared to other classes. It only feels high in 1v1 because the player 1v1ing it is losing due to being out sustained.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The thing that separates Boonbeast from Spellbreaker, Holosmith, SD Weaver, Mirage is that Boonbeast doesn't actually need to avoid skills or even skillfully heal to be bunkery. Spellbreakers going into rampage at in opportune times, or failing to properly utilize their defensive capabilities will die. Hard. Same with SD Weaver. Same with Holosmith and Mirage though Holosmith and Mirage do have serious recovery potential with Elixir S and Distortion.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Boonbeast on the other hand doesn't have to play skillfully. They don't have to properly wield their defensive skills. They can literally fail all their dodges, have their resistance stripped from them repeatedly, and eat tons and tons of attacks and still be under zero threat of death. Heck, they don't even bother actively trying to heal for the sake of healing. They just spam Troll Unguent off cooldown for the muddy terrain and because they're so threatened by literally anything trying to attack them.

> > > > >

> > > > > This guys is a mesmer main it is fun that he attacks ranger but condi mesmer is 10 times more broken.

> > > >

> > > > This guys a ranger main clearly lmao

> > >

> > > nope Warrior and guardian. I see hypocrisy and call it out.

> >

> > Ranger is more broken than mirage and it will be even more broken after this patch


> The paths is live and no condi mirage is stronger and it was always stronger. It is funny that you will not address, that even Helseth says it. Guess what no one can beat Helseth on his condi mirage for a reason. Brain dead build in the hands of a great player is unbeatable.


He doesn't even play lmao

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_"soulbeasts are currently overperforming in competitive game modes, so we're lowering the power of some of the skills used in their builds"_


**which means (translating from A-Nettian):**


_"Dolyak Stance: This skill no longer applies retaliation. Instead, it now reduces incoming condition damage and physical damage by 33% for the duration of the stance in addition to its other effects."_


Seriously, I rofled so hard, I scared my girlfriend =)

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> @"Arekai.5698" said:

> Soulbeast, just like any class this patch, got nerfed hard.


Moa stance got a slight cooldown nerf. Fury, retal and weakness up time had some of their edges nibbled away at but are no means even close to eliminated.


Best in slot Dolyak Stance got one of the craziest buffs for an already best in slot skill I've ever seen.


Loot at the nerfs to Portal, Auto Elixir S and Full Counter's damage if you want to see what nerfing hard actually looks like.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > Here's a funny thing: Boonbeast actually does have one losing matchup in 1v1 that it seriously struggles to hold points against. And that matchup is Paladin Kalla/Shiro Rev. There is very little SB can do once Kalla elite is sitting on the point, as the lifesteal ignores all of SBs defenses as well as heals the Rev for just enough to screw over Axe damage over time style.

> >

> > Problem is, Kalla/Shiro gets rekt by EVERYTHING ELSE.

> >

> >


> There is one more class that can handle the boon beast. Condi corrupt vanilla necro.


D/D Tempest aswell... Or atleast mine... Rangers are one class I know I can handle easily along with thieves and Mirages, its how my tempest is set up.



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Still people referring warriors as OP..... Even before this patch, the Dagger Defense variant was not meta. And the strength Sword variant is not a bunker. It is bad against soulbeast and against condi mirage even in 1v1s, not to say holding 2 or more ppl. Check Trama's twitch. He does not bunk on nodes, most of the time he is running around.


So sick of players still state warrior is meta or OP, its f**** not. It is only good in lower tiers.

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> @"Crozame.4098" said:

> Still people referring warriors as OP..... Even before this patch, the Dagger Defense variant was not meta. And the strength Sword variant is not a bunker. It is bad against soulbeast and against condi mirage even in 1v1s, not to say holding 2 or more ppl. Check Trama's twitch. He does not bunk on nodes, most of the time he is running around.


> So sick of players still state warrior is meta or OP, its f**** not. It is only good in lower tiers.


I don't think anyone has actually brought up Spellbreaker aside from pointing out how Boonbeast outclasses it?

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