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Please revert Warrior changes, they are bad and you ruined Wintersday


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The topic. Can ArenaNet please kindly revert the changes recently made to Warrior, in particular the changes to Full Counter (50% damage nerf)~~ and Axe Mastery (reduced from 300 ferocity to 120~~ [EDIT: on second inspection this is not as bad as I initially thought, it is actually 120 always, plus 120 + 120 for each axe, up to a possible maximum of 360, so I apologise]). These changes made no sense and I have a feeling they were made by accident, because that is the only explanation besides someone who has never played a warrior on the balance team is now making bizarro random changes.


I am assuming these changes were made by accident? It's ok, I can wait a few days until you guys sort it out. I am sure this is just one big mistake.


Disclaimer: this is a respectful and polite post, I respectfully and constructively laid my criticisms out, so please don't mod this post.

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All they needed to do was fix the fucking bug, fighting warriors that bug out and have perma full-counter up was nearly impossible. But honestly warriors were doing massive damage on short cooldowns, increasing the cooldowns would've made more sense, but people would've complained about that too.


On the topic of stupid nerfs, love how they added an internal cooldown to evasion runes, runes that literally only benefit roaming weavers actually allowing us to use air instead of arcane and still have condi clear. Fuck you ANET.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.


Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.


> Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.


It clearly says "120 per axe" and 120 regardless of weapon, so 360 with 2 axes.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Leaving aside FC which is mostly useful for PvP but....nerfing BERSERKER? Really? It was already at the bottom of everything if not for banners (and only in in PvE)....


So much this. Cmon Anet at least have the decency to STOP NERFING US! You've beaten this dead horse enough!

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.

> >

> > Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.


> It clearly says "120 per axe" and 120 regardless of weapon, so 360 with 2 axes.


That's not the way I interpret it.


"Axe Mastery: The amount of ferocity that increases while wielding an axe has been reduced from a maximum of 300 to a maximum of 120, and warriors can now gain up to 120 ferocity for each axe they are wielding. Warriors now gain up to 120 ferocity regardless of what weapon they are wielding."


So you can either end up with 240 by wielding two axes, or have 120 by wielding a single axe anything other than axes. It's not something that stacks. Note you have to actually be wielding the weapon (having swapped to it) so the highest you're going to get now is 240 ferocity assuming you're swapped to A/A. A Greatsword on Backup does not count as a wielded weapon until you swap to it, in which case you'll have 120 when you do.


Again, you do not get a full 360 just by have A/A in one slot and then another weapon in another slot. They do not stack like that.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.

> >

> > Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.


> It clearly says "120 per axe" and 120 regardless of weapon, so 360 with 2 axes.


Yea, someone confirmed in-game that it gives 360 with axe/axe

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.

> > >

> > > Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.

> >

> > It clearly says "120 per axe" and 120 regardless of weapon, so 360 with 2 axes.


> Yea, someone confirmed in-game that it gives 360 with axe/axe


I think I'm bugged, read through some more information elsewhere but this isn't what's happening for me. Made sure I'm on the right trait. Will contact support.


Edit to my edit: Turns out it was because I was running a mace with my axe without realizing it. I'm a retard.

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I really don't think they will revert this change because they probably think it was good change, same as nerfing power berserker, making it absolutely useless everywhere compared to core/spb. I don't know what is more disgusting, randomly nerfing things (that work instead of fixing what doesn't) or their communication about balancing...

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The increase of daze duration to 1.5 secs does open up some options, more so if No Escape and Slow Counter is used. I am still disappointed with the damage nerf though.


I really like the direction for Forceful Greatsword and Merciless Hammer changes. I'll probably try something with berserker with these changes....

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My entire interrupt confusion and condition build that required timing, playing around the opponents mobility, rationing skills, stripping resistance and condition clear... and was primarily a support cc build of sorts WAS REMOVED AND NOW I HAVE AN ENTIRE SET OF WEAPONS AND ARMOUR THAT ARE UTTERLY USELESS.

Balance - ok.

Removing entire playstyles when they aren't even meta without offering at least comparatively viable alternatives for that gear set - not ok!


It was literally the hardest build on warrior to get a kill with as well as the most easily countered by resistance, stab, clear, mobility but that doesn't mean it should be removed! I remember that they promised not to eliminate build diversity and playstyles so we could feel better about the locked stats on much of our gear..


Although I was using primarily power builds (when I logged on to play.. the bad balance lately has kinda had me playing warframe or other games when previously I was a super fan), I liked that I had the option to switch when I wanted.. now this sweeping, short sighted change has entirely removed the use of an entire -stat- for my class and don't tell me that berserker is viable because it literally isn't and that is the sad fact.


Don't remove skill based builds with tons of counters, make them more viable but don't buff them through the roof either... I just want my interrupt support build back.

I know its silly because I am far more effective on boring builds but it just seems like they are doing their best to kill off diversity lately and the build system is losing what made it great - something that I would brag about to people who play other games. User input and the ability to change how the class plays via a few traits.


This change is not in the previous spirit of arenanet - its in the spirit of giving up. Something that.. I find myself doing as each class I play gets more boring and streamlined.. like some overly user friendly operating system with firmware locks to prevent you from doing fun stuff.

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> @"Sahfur.5612" said:

> My entire interrupt confusion and condition build that required timing, playing around the opponents mobility, rationing skills, stripping resistance and condition clear... and was primarily a support cc build of sorts WAS REMOVED AND NOW I HAVE AN ENTIRE SET OF WEAPONS AND ARMOUR THAT ARE UTTERLY USELESS.

> Balance - ok.

> Removing entire playstyles when they aren't even meta without offering at least comparatively viable alternatives for that gear set - not ok!


> It was literally the hardest build on warrior to get a kill with as well as the most easily countered by resistance, stab, clear, mobility but that doesn't mean it should be removed! I remember that they promised not to eliminate build diversity and playstyles so we could feel better about the locked stats on much of our gear..


> Although I was using primarily power builds (when I logged on to play.. the bad balance lately has kinda had me playing warframe or other games when previously I was a super fan), I liked that I had the option to switch when I wanted.. now this sweeping, short sighted change has entirely removed the use of an entire -stat- for my class and don't tell me that berserker is viable because it literally isn't and that is the sad fact.


> Don't remove skill based builds with tons of counters, make them more viable but don't buff them through the roof either... I just want my interrupt support build back.

> I know its silly because I am far more effective on boring builds but it just seems like they are doing their best to kill off diversity lately and the build system is losing what made it great - something that I would brag about to people who play other games. User input and the ability to change how the class plays via a few traits.


> This change is not in the previous spirit of arenanet - its in the spirit of giving up. Something that.. I find myself doing as each class I play gets more boring and streamlined.. like some overly user friendly operating system with firmware locks to prevent you from doing fun stuff.


Tbh you just sound salty that you crafted useless stats... Your cc chaining build will still work, just with better stats, which actually fit your kitten weapon. Its not like they just removed the confusion... They compensated for it in a good way, 10 adrenalin on cc with any weapon? Hell yea dude, and damage buff on all sorts of cced targets.

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