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What is best support class now (for zerging)?


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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Final salvo got removed. Support scrapper is pretty terrible now as it cant provide enough superspeed.


> Guardians will be the top support. Ventari herald seems pretty strong atm if you want purely support, basically pulsing 3k heal every 3 sec to 10 people and other funky stuff.


superspeed isn't what made scrapper good. it was a bonus.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Final salvo got removed. Support scrapper is pretty terrible now as it cant provide enough superspeed.

> >

> > Guardians will be the top support. Ventari herald seems pretty strong atm if you want purely support, basically pulsing 3k heal every 3 sec to 10 people and other funky stuff.


> superspeed isn't what made scrapper good. it was a bonus.


But they also nerfed Medi scrappers healing.


The healing output wad only good because of perma quickness.


Thats gone.


Without Quickness the medi kit healing is a joke.



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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> FB + scrapper for sure, I still don't see tempest being viable in WVW, mesmer is still useful for focus pulls and grav wells, but renegade is now the superior alacrity bot.


Renegade was always superior alacrity bot because chrono barely shared any (unless you were running mimic for it, which kinda makes mesmer pointless since you could run renegade and be more effective). Traited F4 has like 40-50% uptime already with no boon duration. Mesmer could barely reach that on full BD with a regular build.


I agree on tempest, these changes barely did anything. Heal herald was already doing huge heals and its buffed now.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > Final salvo got removed. Support scrapper is pretty terrible now as it cant provide enough superspeed.

> > >

> > > Guardians will be the top support. Ventari herald seems pretty strong atm if you want purely support, basically pulsing 3k heal every 3 sec to 10 people and other funky stuff.

> >

> > superspeed isn't what made scrapper good. it was a bonus.


> But they also nerfed Medi scrappers healing.


> The healing output wad only good because of perma quickness.


> Thats gone.


> Without Quickness the medi kit healing is a joke.


> Smh


its till 60% uptime which isn't bad. you just cant spam medkit1 all day and gotta use other skills lol. its still doable.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > Final salvo got removed. Support scrapper is pretty terrible now as it cant provide enough superspeed.

> > > >

> > > > Guardians will be the top support. Ventari herald seems pretty strong atm if you want purely support, basically pulsing 3k heal every 3 sec to 10 people and other funky stuff.

> > >

> > > superspeed isn't what made scrapper good. it was a bonus.

> >

> > But they also nerfed Medi scrappers healing.

> >

> > The healing output wad only good because of perma quickness.

> >

> > Thats gone.

> >

> > Without Quickness the medi kit healing is a joke.

> >

> > Smh


> its till 60% uptime which isn't bad. you just cant spam medkit1 all day and gotta use other skills lol. its still doable.


But „doable“ is not good enough.


I see support the same as raiders look at dps benchmarks.


I dont play ok, i play what has the „best numbers“.





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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Final salvo got removed. Support scrapper is pretty terrible now as it cant provide enough superspeed.

> >

> > Guardians will be the top support. Ventari herald seems pretty strong atm if you want purely support, basically pulsing 3k heal every 3 sec to 10 people and other funky stuff.


> superspeed isn't what made scrapper good. it was a bonus.


Actually wrong. Superspeed has a huge role atm in WvW atm. you basically want every party to have a superspeed class to use it on melee engage. So, the Final Salve nerf is huge. Esp, since you also loose an easy stability stack on gyro activation.

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> @"UsurPator.6521" said:

> Actually wrong. Superspeed has a huge role atm in WvW atm. you basically want every party to have a superspeed class to use it on melee engage. So, the Final Salve nerf is huge. Esp, since you also loose an easy stability stack on gyro activation.

shocking speed ftw. best thing would be to combo it on a rev stab road. it doesn't hit as much peeps, sure... gotta keep the dream alive lol.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"UsurPator.6521" said:

> > Actually wrong. Superspeed has a huge role atm in WvW atm. you basically want every party to have a superspeed class to use it on melee engage. So, the Final Salve nerf is huge. Esp, since you also loose an easy stability stack on gyro activation.

> shocking speed ftw. best thing would be to combo it on a rev stab road. it doesn't hit as much peeps, sure... gotta keep the dream alive lol.



Nobody on earth has time to blast on lighting fields nor on any skills in the first place.

You need an instant activator for quick movements and decisions made by your blob thats called out by the commander.


Sure you can allways pick your nose and scratch your ass in the beginning of the fight as youre making some blasting opener but what about midway the fight? Go blast skills? not gona happen nor does not work.


The thing that made engis valuable was strictly superspeed first and healing + condi conversion second. Now with superspeed nerf you have no more then a egnineer thats a twin brother to healer druid.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"UsurPator.6521" said:

> > > Actually wrong. Superspeed has a huge role atm in WvW atm. you basically want every party to have a superspeed class to use it on melee engage. So, the Final Salve nerf is huge. Esp, since you also loose an easy stability stack on gyro activation.

> > shocking speed ftw. best thing would be to combo it on a rev stab road. it doesn't hit as much peeps, sure... gotta keep the dream alive lol.

> >


> Nobody on earth has time to blast on lighting fields nor on any skills in the first place.

> You need an instant activator for quick movements and decisions made by your blob thats called out by the commander.


> Sure you can allways pick your nose and scratch your kitten in the beginning of the fight as youre making some blasting opener but what about midway the fight? Go blast skills? not gona happen nor does not work.


> The thing that made engis valuable was strictly superspeed first and healing + condi conversion second. Now with superspeed nerf you have no more then a egnineer thats a twin brother to healer druid.


uh before every engage? its not perfect. scrapper is better then druid by far lol, better condi removal and no downtime to healing.

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Point being, engis got gutted, same like mesmers.


A guildy of mine finished full minstrel recently on his mesmer and now hes pissed due to the gutting mesmers received. Some of my guildies who have been playing WvW since beginning are wondering trashy balance patch after another on why do they still play this game, some have left due to poor decisions by anet.

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While it is always hard to know exactly how a playerbase will react to changes, I'm siding with those who have said that little-to-nothing (positive-) will change with these changes.


All of the most common healing classes were shafted somehow by the changes but none of the changes affect them in a way that makes them or other classes play very differently from how things were. If anything, that is the criticism to bring forward in terms of class-to-class balance and appeal. Nothing really changes as to why you would want a certain class in a certain role. They've only played around with a bunch of figures to make several of the classes less appealing without adressing said appeal in a systematic way.


In terms of meta the change that may be looming is the one people have kept retorting with in every "nerf Firebrand"-thread we have seen. Namely that Commanders may start asking for double Firebrand parties now since Anet decided to fiddle with uptimes. If not double Firebrand so at least making double support more normative again and it is very questionable if that was needed or positive. We've been in a meta where one Firebrand has been enough to make some sort of approach to chokes and ships possible while adding eg., a Mesmer (or Scrapper) to the group was an optional addition for certain parties. We may enter a meta now where people are less keen on engaging (or will have to take longer pauses between when they can be agressive) or where we re-enter into a Vanilla/HoT FB+1 norm (whether that is FB+FB or FB+other stability support) with FB+2 being the supportive option.



As long as there is such an overabundance of hard CC in the game stability is so coveted that no amount of just additional healing (or other perks) is able to compete or lets you play in a way that is fun. That is the big downside to all the other support classes - without stability the core idea of the game does not work and even now the balance between mobility or self-control and crowd control is rather poor. A ranged meta says everything.


As long as people die in stuns or get pinballed Guardians are going to be the most coveted class between their base design and the value of stability and that is overlooking other things such as it being the commanding class of choice so it sets the pace for combat and makes it a very easy class to pick to follow with. If no stability or less stability did not result in unavoidable deaths or losing so much control over your character that the game becomes an anthema to fun then Guardians (or other classes with slightly less access to stability) wouldn't be so dominant. If Guardians guard anything now, it is the fun of all other players who are not 1200y cowards.


The ability to move your own character is the key to everything in this game and this mode - it is what makes the dodge system work, what makes melee classes able to melee (and melee compositions stand up to ranged compositions; or ranged classes avoid a control-heavy melee) and what makes it possible to punch above one's weight to actually take fights that may not be fair in numbers. It is literally EVERYTHING yet Anet has a penchant for fiddling with it in very destructive ways.


Why was early HoT poorly balanced? Because they f-ed up stability.

Why has most of PoF been poorly balanced? Because they f-ed up stability.

What is the problem with the WoD-Shade meta? It f's up stability!

What has made so many guilds and commanders quit with the releases? Well, you f'ing guessed it.


This whole balance patch feels more like (raiding-) PvE balance than anything else, as per usual.




Firebrand remain the best stability dispenser. If you intend to go within 1200y of an opposing group you need them.

Scrappers and Mesmers remain the second-best stability dispensers with additional utility appeal (stealths etc.).

Druids are still recouperating from the PoF release nerf smack but can have some appeal in ranged parties looking for offensive support.

Tempests and Centaurs has burst heals but little other appeal - things like auras are not unique or impactful enough even within the class itself.

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Best support?


Still firebrand. Longer CD will just require engagements to execute more precisely instead of slamming into everything at all times.

Commanders will probably just call out for FB cooldowns (just like they do/used to do for warrior bubble).


Multiple chronos prolly less usefull. Still need 1-2 for good veils and stuff though.


Supportrevenant? nah i dont think so. their area of effect is probably too small and inconsistent to be brought into the "meta". Great heal but kinda weird.


Scrapper? still best "healer" , but it wont replace FB and probably wont get picked over a good utility Chrono.


Temepst? i dont see them replacing anything of the above.. except maybe contest that niché spot that a revenant might "try" to get into a squad.

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The gutting of chrono was intended to promote build diversity, but instead it just pigeon holed all support players to Firebrand. I thought I'd pick up scrapper as my main support, but the removal of Final Salvo reaaaaally screws up your personal stability, nevermind the impact of reduced healing.


Tablet renegade might be good. Tempest is in the same boat as Scrapper, decent but still not as good as FB. If wanna play support in WvW, you're pretty much only left with Firebrand. GJ ArenaNet for promoting that build diversity.

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FB/Chrono got the burning it deserved. I am noticing a 5-10% loss in effectiveness for Scrapper which is insignificant. Thus Scrapper wins the day once again for patches. This is like 3-4 balance patches running Scrapper wins. The fact that the community doesnt see this is quite interesting. But it's clear that more FB/chrono burning will take place in the future because ANET will believe that the community believes FB/Chrono are still the most important or double FB is essential. Which I indeed look forward to. until the community can see that the game demands diversity... next balance patch please. BURN FB again, thanks. heal tempest I read the notes, laughed, and picked up my scrapper again. But thats just my 2 cents.

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I have completed an analysis on healing engi vs minstrel's FB, the results may shock you.

Healing Engi


Minstrel's FB



For this analysis I used the same armor, trinkets, runes, sigils, and weapon stats.


Going off of the healing and effectiveness for the group, due to the cool downs of Firebrand book 2, and renewed focus cool downs, Engi appears to be the better sustained healer overtime. Engi can stay in med kit for an entire raid without having to tap out of it vs heal book which only has 8 cast at the most then goes on a minimum of a 42 second cooldown and renewed focus has a minimum 90 second cool down, the skills for engi healer have relatively low cool downs, greater condi cleanse and lower cool downs for group oriented condi cleanse for the utility skills as well. The healing over time and immediate for Engi is greater than the over time and immediate healing for FB.


Here are my notes on both when you get a chance, no rush:

This analysis is just going by the healing factors and condi removal of each build.

Before I go into the break down I would like to note that regeneration does not stack, instead only the strongest regeneration will take effect, therefore pulsing multiple iterations of regen in a short amount of time will only result in 1 version of it taking place. therefore pumping regen all the time in effect is useless until the strongest regeneration has worn off or is corrupted.



Book 2 minimum - 42 Second cool down, 8 cast of any variety of the following 5 skills before going on full cool down:

All skills in Book 2 will cause regen for 5 seconds causing a total of 1750 health regenerated if the regen is not corrupted or replaced

Skill 1 - 1800 immediate healing

Skill 2 - cures 3 conditions, healing 1237 per condition for a total of 3711 if 3 are healed

Skill 3 - regen for 10 seconds resulting in 3182 healed if it isn't corrupted or replaced

Skill 4 - 728 healing over 5 pulses resulting in 3,640 at the end if the skill is not interrupted

Skill 5 - 20% healing effectiveness for 8 seconds, 5 conditions converted to boons


Mantra of Solace 30 Second cool down if used all the way- grants aegis for for 3 seconds with each use with an ammo of 3 before the final use with a charge recovery time of 12 seconds

Mantra of Lore 25 second cool down if used all the way - regen for 8 1/2 seconds for a total of 2916 if the regen isn't replaced or corrupted and 2 conditions removed with an ammo of 3 before final use with a charge recovery time of 12 second



Med Kit- no cool down, no cast limit before a cool down:

Skill 1 - 508 healing x 3 pulses for a total of 2540 healing + 38 healing per boon on target during each pulse

Skill 2 - 5 bandages with 1933 healing each for a total of 9665 healing to the group, 5 second regen for 1777 healing total if not corrupted or replaced

Skill 3 - 4 conditions removed in 4 seconds - 1 per pulse- no target cap, radius of 300

Skill 4 - 3454 healing for 5 targets with a radius of 300

Skill 5 - Regen 17 seconds for a total of 5923 healing if not corrupted or replaced


Toss Elixer C 13 second cooldown: 2 condition conversion

Toss Elixer U 26 second cool down: breaks stun for 5 people

Med Pack Drop 52 second cool down: 1762 healing, 14 conditions removed , 6 impacts , 240 radius, 900 range, 5 targets


Purge Gyro 20 second cool down: 2 conditions removed for near by allies every 3 second for a 15 second time frame for a total of 10 conditions removed

Supply Crate 120 Second recharge, drops a healing turret

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